10-01-2009 Supplemental Actuarial Report - Impact Statement June 2010 Elimination of Lump Sum Payout R Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company One East Broward Blvd. 954.527.1616 phone Consultants & Actuaries Suite 505 954.525.0083 fax Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301-1827 www.gabrielroeder.com June 7, 2010 Board of Trustees Village of North Palm Beach General Employees Retirement Fund c/o Jane Lerner Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Re: Actuarial Impact Statement as of October 1, 2009 Elimination of Lump Sums as Optional Forms of Payment Elimination of One Year Eligibility for Membership Dear Trustees: As requested, we have prepared the enclosed Actuarial Impact Statement for the proposed restatement of the existing Ordinance which, among other things, eliminates lump sums as an optional form of payment, and eliminates the one year wait for participation in the plan. Please have a Board Member sign the Statement. Then send the Statement along with a copy of the proposed amendment to Tallahassee. This report is intended to describe the fmancial effect of the proposed plan changes. No statement in this report is intended to be interpreted as a recommendation in favor of the changes, or in opposition to them. The calculations are based upon assumptions regarding future events, which may or may not materialize. They are also based upon present and proposed plan provisions that are outlined in the report. If you have reason to believe that the assumptions that were used are unreasonable, that the plan provisions are incorrectly described, that important plan provisions relevant to this proposal are not described, or that conditions have changed since the calculations were made, you should contact the author of this report prior to relying on information in the report. If you have reason to believe that the information provided in this report is inaccurate, or is in any way incomplete, or if you need further information in order to make an informed decision on the subject matter of this report, please contact the author of the report prior to making such decision. We welcome your questions and comments. Sincerely yours, ~(1 (~J/~ 8 3 R/°~N°~ • ~ v J. Stephen Palmquist, ASA Duane Howison, FSA Senior Consultant and Actuary Consultant and Actuary JSP/te Enclosures VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL EMPLOYEES RETlI2EMENT FUND Impact Statement -June 7, 2010 Description of Amendment/Restatement Items of Impact ? Eliminate lump sums as an optional form of payment. ? Eliminate the one year eligibility period for plan entry Description of Amendment/Restatement Items of No Impact ? Change Board compostion ? Establish Board member terms ? Allow employees the choice of participation in the defined contribution plan ? Compliance with IRS regulations ? Compliance with USERRA ? Compliance with HEART ? Clarification of Actuarial Equivalence, Final Average Earnings and commencement of Early Retirement. ? Compliance with Florida Statutes with respect to investments ? Compliance regarding income deduction orders ? Allowing rollovers into plan for purchase of service. ? Miscellaneous housekeeping items. Funding Implications of Amendment An actuarial cost estimate is attached. Certification of Administrator I believe the amendment to be in compliance with Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes and Section 14, Article X of the Constitution of the State of Florida. For the Board of Trustees as Plan Administrator Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company SUPPLEMENTAL ACTUARIAL VALUATION REPORT Plan Village of North Palm Beach General Employees Retirement Fund Valuation Date October 1, 2009 Date of Report June 7, 2010 Report Requested by Board of Trustees Prepared by J. Stephen Palmquist Group Valued All active and inactive members Plan Provisions Seing Considered for Change Present Plan Provision Before Change Members may elect a lump sum distribution as a form of payment. Members may enter the plan one year after hire. . Proposed Plan Change Eliminate lump sum distributions as a form of payment. Members may enter the plan immediately upon hire. Participants Affected Elimination of lump sums: all active and terminated vested members. Immediate Participation: all new active members. Actuarial Assumptions and Methods Same as the Annual Actuarial Valuation as of October 1, 2009, except that the post-retirement assumed rate of return has been changed from 5.25% to 8.00%. This change has been made because of the elimination of lump sum distributions. Some of the key assumptions/methods are: Investment return: 8.00% per year, net after investment expenses Salary increase: 5.50% per year Cost Method: Frozen Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method Mortality: 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Tables for males and females Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company Amortization Period for Any Increase in Actuarial Accrued Liability 30 years Summary of Data Used in Report Saine as October 1, 2009 Valuation, except that one additional member was added as being newly eligible under the new participation provisions; see attached page. Actuarial Impact of Proposals} There is a decrease in cost due to the change in plan provisions. Special Risks Involved With the Proposal That the Plan Has Not Been Exposed to Previously None Other Cost Considerations None Possible Conflicts With IRS Qualification Rules None As indicated below, the undersigned is a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA) and meets the Qualification Standards of the American Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion herein. J tephen Palmquist, A ,MAAA, FCA Duane Howison, FSA Enrolled Actuary No. 08-01560 Enrolled Actuary No. 08-06169 Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company ANNUAL REQUIItED CONTRIBUTION (ARC) A. Valuation Date October 1, 2009 October 1, 2009 Proposed Ord. Valuation Change B. ARC to Be Paid During Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/2011 9/30/2011 C. Assumed Date of Employer Contrib. Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly D. Annual Payment to Amortize Unfunded Actuarial Liability $ 86,388 $ 237,089 $ (150,701) E. Employer Normal Cost 375,751 459,996 (84,245) F. ARC if Paid on the Valuation Date: D+E 462,139 697,085 (234,946) G. ARC Adjusted for Frequency of Payments 480,624 724,967 (244,343) H. ARC as % of Covered Payroll 15.78 % 24.41 % (8.63) I. Assumed Rate of Increase in Covered Payroll to Contribution Year 4.00 % 4.00 °fo J. Covered Payroll for Contribution Year 3,168,278 3,088,411 79,867 K. REC for Contribution Year: H x J 499,954 753,881 (253,927) L. REC as % of Covered Payroll in Contribution Year: K - J 15.78 % 24.41 % (8.63) Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company ACTUARIAL VALUE OF BENEFITS AND ASSETS A. Valuation Date October 1, 2009 October 1, 2009 Proposed Ord. Valuation Change B, Q_c`.tiiarial Present V ~ All Pro~el:ted aiue vi u Benefits for 1. Active Members a. Service Retirement Benefits $ 9,054,857 $ 11,374,885 ($2,320,028) b. Vesting Benefits 540,840 908,665 (367,825) c. Disability Benefits - - - d. Preretirement Death Benefits 233,818 329,780 (95,962) e. Return of Member Contributions 5,782 4,532 1,250 £ Total 9,835,297 12,617,862 (2,782,565) 2. Inactive Members a. Service Retirees & Beneficiaries 121,011 121,011 - b. Disability Retirees - - - c. Terminated Vested Members 1,452,713 1,452,713 - d. Total 1,573,724 1,573,724 - 3. Total for All Members 11,409,021 14,191,586 (2,782,565) C. Actuarial Accrued (Past Service) Liability per GASB No. 25 8,328,331 10,456,011 (2,127,680) D. Plan Assets 1. Market Value 5,208,323 5,208,323 - 2. Actuarial Value 6,048,808 6,048,808 - E. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Covered Payroll 26,948,832 26,025,665 923,167 F. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Member Contributions 1,390,957 1,335,567 55,390 G. Funded Ratio: D2 / C 72.6% 57.9% 14.7% Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company CALCULATION OF EMPLOYER NORMAL COST A. Valuation Date October 1, 2009 October 1, 2009 Proposed Ord. Valuation Change B. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefits $ 11,409,021 $ 14,191,586 $ (2,782,565) C. Actuarial Value of Assets 6,048,808 6,048,808 0 D. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability 811,721 2,939,401 (2,127,680) E. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Member Contributions 1,390,957 1,335,567 55,390 F. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Employer Normal Costs: B-C-D-E 3,157,535 3,867,810 (710,275) G. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Covered Payroll 26,948,832 26,025,665 923,167 H. Employer Normal Cost Rate: F/G 11.72 % 14.86 % (3.14) I. Covered Annual Payroll 3,046,421 2,969,626 76,795 J. Employer Normal Cost: H x I 357,041 441,286 (84,245) K. Assumed Amount of Administrative Expenses 18,710 18,710 0 L. Total Employer Normal Cost: J+K 375,751 459,996 (84,245) M. Employer Normal Cost as % of Covered Payroll 12.33 % 15.49 % (3.16) Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company PARTICIPANT DATA as of October 1, 2009 Proposed Ord Valuation ACTIVE MEMBERS Number 63 62 Covered Annual Payroll $ 3,046,421 $ 2,969,626 Average Annual Payroll $ 48,356 $ 47,897 Average Age 47.5 47.6 Average Past Service 11.6 11.8 Average Age at Hire 35.9 35.8 RETIREES & BENEFICIARIES & DROP Number 7 7 Annual Benefits $ 29,649 $ 29,649 Average Annual Benefit $ 4,236 $ 4,236 Average Age 73.0 73.0 DISABILITY RETIREES Number 0 0 Annual Benefits $ 0 $ 0 Average Annual Benefit $ 0 $ 0 Average Age 0.0 0.0 TERMINATED VESTED MEMBERS Number 50 50 Annual Benefits $ 300,474 $ 300,474 Average Annual Benefit $ 6,009 $ 6,009 Average Age 52.1 52.1 Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company