10-12-1989 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF TH8 VILLAGE COUNCIL OF HORTH PALH BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1989 Present: Judy H. Pierman, Hayor ' Jerry G. Gardner, Vice Hayor V. A. Harks, H.D., President Pro Tem Al Hoore, Councilman Tom Valente, Councilman Dennis W. Belly, Village Manager Nat Nason, Village Attorney Dolores R. Nalker, Village Clerk ROT.T. CAT.T. Hayor Pierman called the Workshop Session to order at 8:58 p.m. All members of the Council were present except Councilman Moore who was on vacation. All members of the staff were present. RESOLUTION - WARRANTY DEEDS - PALM BEACH COUNTY A discussion was held concerning q proposed resolution authoriaing and directing the Hayor, Village Clerk and other appropriate Village Officials to sign two right-of-way warranty deeds to Palm Beach County, Florida. This item will be placed on the October 26, 1989 regular session agenda. RESOLUTION - 8HS COUNTY GRANT A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution certifying that monies from the EMS Grant will improve and expand pre-hospital services in the Village of North Palm Beach and that the grant monies will not be used to supplant existing provider's SHS budget allocation. This item will be placed on the October 26, 1989 regular session agenda. RESOLUTION - ANNUAL CONTRACTS - PALM BEACH COUNTY & STATB OF FLORIDA A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution accepting the annual vendor contracts for labor and materials as awarded by Palm Beach County and by the State of Florida. This item will be placed on the regular session agenda of October 26, 1989. RESOLUTION - EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT - COMP PLAN A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution adopting an evaluation and appraisal report of its ( The Village's) Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the "Local Government Comprehensive Plenninq and Land Development Regulation Act." Thie Item will be placed on the regular session agendn of October 26, 1989. GRANT TO FORMULATE LAND DEVELOPMENT RSGVLATIONS A discussion was held concerning a grant application to the Department of Community Affairs ae set forth in the Request for Council Action (RCA) dated October 6, 1989. This item will be placed on the regular session agenda of ' October 26, 1989. UPDATE OF AGREEMENT 88TWESN VILLAGE AND MSDICAL,DIRECTOR A discussion was held concerning updating of Agreement betweett the Village and Dr. Elliott McCurdy as set forth in the Request for Council Action (RCA) dated October 6, 1989. This item will be placed on the regular session agenda of October 26, 1969. GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS - RSCONMSNDED CHAlI0E8 A discussion was held concerning Council acceptattce of the Golf Professional's recommended changes ae set forth in the Request for Council Action (RCA) dated Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, October 12, 1989 Page 2 1 1 October 6, 1989. The Village Manager is to aheok the figures on this per Council's instructions. The item will be plaoed on the regular session agenda of October 26, 1989. HOLIDAY SCHEDULES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 A discussion was held concerning the 1987 holiday sohedule approved by Council being reinstated for the 1989-90 holiday sohedule. This item will be placed on the regular session agenda of October 26, 1989. CHANGE ORDER N0. 6 - GOLF COURSE RENOVATION PROJECT A discussion was held oonoerninq Change Order No. 6 for the Oolf Course Renovation Project, as eet forth in the Request for Counoil Aotion (RCA) dated October 6, 1989. This item, along with Change Order Nos. 7 and 8, will be plaoed on the regular session agenda of Ootober 26, 1989. PRECINCT CHANGE A discussion was held concerning removing Preoinot No. 34 from Palm Seaoh Community College and combining it with Preoinot No. 53 st the North Palm Seach Community Center. The Village Clerk is to oheok with Jaokie Winohester's office to ascertain that this change will inolude all elections, not only eleotions for the Village. This item will be plaoed on tha regular session agenda of Ootober 26, 1989. There being no further business to Dome before the Council, the meeting was adjourned as 10:00 p.m. Dolores R. Walker, CHC, Village Clerk