05-12-1988 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1988 Present; Craig Mundt, Mayor ' Judy Pierman, Vice Mayor Tom Valente, President Pro Tem V.A. Marks, M.D., Councilman Jerry Gardner, Councilman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Mundt called the Workshop Session t0 order at 9:00 p.m. ROLL CALL All members of the Council and the staff were present. A discussion was held concerning rezoning from R-1 to C-1 the REZONING area north of Caroline (Carolinda) Avenue, west of U.S. N1 and east of Ellison Wilson Road. This item will be the topic at a Public Hearing to be held at 7:15 p.m. on June 9, 1988. A discussion was held concerning award of bid to Al Packer Ford BID AWARD- for one Ford F-800 Cab and Chassis and one Peabody Galian Packer PACKER TRUCK Body, Model C200D, in the total amount of $44,675, with trade- in, to be expended from Account No. 10-534-033-66410 (Automotive). This item will be placed on the regular session agenda of May 26, 1988. ' A discussion was held concerning award of bid to Interstate Pipe and Maintenance Co., in an amount not to exceed $12,000 for storm sewer inspection, cleaning and repair in Plat 4 to be expended from Account No. 10-541-034-34690 (R&M Drain Line Plat 4). This item will be placed on the regular session agenda of May 26, 1988. Item 6d (Draft Policy on Annexation) was moved from workshop to ITEM 6d regular. MOVED TO REGU- LAR AGENDA A lengthy discussion was held concerning review of preliminary GOLF COURSE golf course design by McCumber Golf. Council directed the ar- DESIGN chitects to proceed with the plans for renovation. There being no further business to come before the Council, the ADJOURNMENT meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, CMC, Village Clerk ' Minutes typed by: Mary S. Baldwin, Deputy Village Clerk