07-25-1988 VC B WS-M~J 1 ... h MINUTES OF BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD MONDAY, JULY 25, 1988 Present: Craig Mundt, Mayor Judy M. Piernan, Vice Mayor Tom Valente, President Pro Tem Jerry G. Gardner, Councilman V. A. Marks, M.D., Councilman Raymond J. Howland, Village Manager Shaukat Khan, Finance Director Mayor Mundt called the General Fund Budget Workshop to order at ROLL CALL 7:00 p.m. All members of the Council were present. The Village Manager and the Director of Finance were also present. The cuts that Council addressed closely followed the attached ADDITIONAL memorandum. Council did not cut any of the items listed as CUPS "possible further consideration". A group representing Village Players attended the session to DIMMER BOARD- request a dimmer board for the stage at the Community Center. VILLAGE PLAYERS This item was moved to the current budget with a transfer proposed fran the Council Contingency in the amount of $6,676.00. 4he Village Players will pay to the Village of North Palm Beach $3,338.00 which represents 508 of the appropriated amount within ten days after the award of the contract. COUNCIL Council Contingency was set for next year at $125,000.00. CONTINGENCY Council agreed to send a tentative millage to the Property TENTATIVE Appraiser of 4.35 mills. MILIAGE Council agreed to a desired surplus of $1,137,824.00 and anticipated that the Village's millage would come in at about 9.25. 'Ihe Village Manager's and the Village Clerk's salaries were set at 68 raises. The Village Manager was given a leeway of from 68 to 88 for raises for the balance of the staff. There was some discussion regarding the marina ramp and the VCR and cassette collection at the Library; however, these items were left as cuts. Members of the public were in attendance at this meeting. MEMBERS OF PUBLIC The meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. ;~~e 1 ~,.,,., A recording was made of the foregoing and is on file with the Village Clerk. .... . VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH M E M O RAN D U M TO: MAYOR & VILLAGE COUNCIL FROM: RAY HOWLAND, VILLAGE MANAGER RE: POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL CUTS DATE: JULY 25, 1988 COUNCIL: 011 Dinner Office Conference MANAGER• 012 Assistant Subscription FINANCE: 013 Overtime Repair & Maintenance Office Supplies Book Shelf & Data Cart CLERK: 014 Flowers Computer Software Calculator ATTORNEY• 015 Labor Services PLANNING: 016 Engineering Historian ADD $9,000. $1,500.00 75.00 260.00 40,796.00 80.00 1,000.00 450.00 500.00 400.00 200.00 2,895.00 495.00 100.00 500.00 275.00 Mayor & Village Council July 25, 1988 Page 2 GENERAL SERVICES: .. 019 Electricity 1,755.00 Irrigation 500.00 Custodial supplies 200.00 Printing Supplies 500.00 34660 PA System 1,500.00 PUBLIC SAFETY: 021 34220 Rental (pagers) 800.00 34710 Printing & Binding 783.00 35296 Ammunition 776.00 34110 Telephone 1,092.00 66000 Flashlights 400.00 66315 Software 500.00 Cartridges 300.00 FIRE 022 Telephone 200.00 Subscriptions 350.00 Fire Truck (Will Lease) 60,000.00 Radio Monitor 500.00 Programmable Radio 950.00 EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES: 023 Travel 1,038.00 PARKS: 036 Marina Ramp 5,000.00 LIBRARY: 091 Books 950.00 34710 History 3,000.00 66000 VCR 3,026.00 Cassette Collection 5,000.00 RECREATION• 092 35219 Fountain 35219 Dugout Roofs 66000 Players Benches Scoreboard 750.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 _ ... . Mayor & Village Council July 25, 1988 Page 3 «., , SPECIAL EVENTS: 043 Rentals 570.00 Music & Talent 1,000.00 TOTAL: $138,971.00 ITEMS TO RETURN TO FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION: EMS Stationwagon 514,500.00 Typewriter Processor 377.00 STREETS Mobile Radio 650.00 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Generator 1,000.00 STREETS Truck 13,000.00 TOTAL FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION: $29,527.00 RH:sh cc: Shaukat Khan, Finance Director