10-22-1981 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE FARKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILiAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSIk1Y, OCTOBER 22, 1981 Present: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Tam Vlanete, Vice Mayor William H. Brown, President Pro Tem Al Moore, Co~nci]man Harriet Nolan, Cotttcilwixnan ' Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Raymrnd J. Howland, Vil e Manager Betty C. Green, Deputy Vi Loge Clerk Absent: Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Marks called the Workshop Session to order at 8:35 p.m. ROLL CAI I. All members of the Council and Staff were present except the Village Clerk who was on vacation. A discussion was held concerning the tentative plans for construction specs for the Delacarte building. Both Steve Yeckes and Phil Lochner were present to explain the rou h plans and answer questions. After several minutes of discussion it was decided that the Village Manager should arrange for a meeting between The Village Players and Yeckes-Lochner for input from the theatre group concerning the stage area; rework other areas discussed and submit new ideas at next regular Council or special meeting. A discussion was held concerning problems and/or solutions with John Perry III with regard to the Perry Cable TV system. Mr. Perry was present and listened to ccxr~laints and ' criticisms from Council and public; i.e, one Mike Parenti. Mr. Perry answered questions that were put to him and pranised to look into the various problem areas that were brought to his attention. DELAOORTE PERRY CABLE TV A discussion was held concerning Council's declaring the DIiCLARATION OF 1956 Ford Fire truck surplus property. After hearing SURPLUS PROPERTY comrents by Police Chief John Atwater, and raising several REJF.(.TEO questions about the condition of the truck and its equipment, Council decided to reject this request. A discussion was held concerning a bid award to reroof Public Services Building to Carpenters Roofing and Sheet Metal, Inc. This itan will be placed on the regular session agenda for November 12, 1981. A discussion was held concerning the Town of Palm Beach Resolution 29-81. It was decided that the Village of North Palm Beach will write a letter supporting the- Town of Palm Beach's Resolution. A discussion was held concerning the Hennessey wedding at I~BCC. Decision was made not to take any official Council action regarding this matter at this time. ' A discussion was held ccatcerning the closing of the Golf Course by Peter Finlayson at the insistence of Re Grant. A letter from the Council will be sent to Mr. Fingaysan stating that he will not close the course without the Village Managers prior approval. BID AWARD FOR PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING ~~ OF PAiM BEACH RESOLUTION 29-81 HENNESSEY WIDDING CEASING OF COLF COURSE WITI~UT PRIOR APPROVAL. Workshop Session Minutes October 22, 1981 Page 2 A discussion was held concerning the salaries of the Public Safety employees who receive additional canpensation for their added skills, i.e., EMT, Fire, etc. the increases were not shown in the budget due to an error from the Public Safety ' Department. Council elected not to approve this money until they are shown satisfactory documentation. A discussion was held concerning the salary of the Village Manager's Secretary. Decision was made to leave the salary as it stands, with no increase after the probationary period. Minutes recorded by: Betty C. Green, ' Deputy Village Clerk 1 PUBLIC SAFETY SALARY PROBLEMS VIL11~E MANAGER'S SECRSfARY.