03-12-1981 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HEIR THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1981 Present: V, A. Marks, M,Dā€ž Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Tan Valente, President Pro Tem William H. Brown, Councilman Harriet Nolan, Cotmcilwanan ā€¢ Raym-md J. Howland, Village Manager ' Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Mayor Marks called the Workshop Session to order at 9:35 p,m, All ROLL CALL members of the Council and Staff were present. A discussion was held concerning amending Ordinance No. 10-74, ORDINANCE NO. 10-74 setting forth attendance requirements for members of advisory boards, by changing the numiber of unexcused absences of members of boards from three consecutive absences to four unexcused absences per year. After discussion, it was the concensus of the Council to withdraw this item. A discussion was held concerning request for financial aid, and INTER-CITY FIRST Village participation on an advisory committee, or as a Voting AID SQUAD board member, for Inter-City First Aid Squad. Included in the discussion were Howard Lebrecht, Director of Inter-City and Bill Sikes, Chairnian of the Board of Directors for Inter-City. Raymond Howland will look into this in further detail, A discussion was held concerning the North Palm Beach Cotmtry NPBCC DRIVING Club driving range lease agreement between the Village and RANGE LEASE Peter Finlayson. This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 3-26-81. A discussion was held concerning awarding the bid to Palm Beach BID AWARD - TUrf Equipment for one 1981, diesel-powered, rubber-tired golf DIESEIrPOWERID course tractor with three-point hydraulic, in the amount of TRACTOR $6,987.54, to be expended from Accowtt Number 622-572-64,10 (Golf Course Assessmient - Tractor), This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 3-26-81, A discussion was held concerning awarding the bid to Hector Turf BID AWARD - & Garden, Inc. for a 5-Gang FaiYway Rough Mower in the amount of FAIRWP,Y ROUGH $5,400 ā€ž to be expended from Accrnmt Number 622-572-64.10 (Golf MOWER Course Assessment - Gang Mower), This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 3-26-81, A discussion was held concerning awarding the bid to World of BID AWARD - Carpets for carpeting the Pro Shop and Men's Locker Roan at the CARPETING, PRO SHOP North Palm Beach Country Club, in the amount of $3,046,18., to be & MEN'S IACI~t ROGM, expended from Accmmt Number 622-572-62,10 (Assessment - Locker Roan Renovation), This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 3-26-81, A discussion was held concerning the changing or lowering of the NPBCC GOLF COURSE 1st tee, and angling of the trees at the North Palm Beach Cotmtry Club Golf Course, This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 3-26-81, A discussion was held concerning lease agreanent between the Village FOOD & BEVERAGE and Danner Associates, Inc, to lease food and beverage operations OPERATIONS - NPBCC at the North Palm Beach Country Club. This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 3-26-81, There being no further business to cane before the Council, the ADJOURNMENT ~NT meeting was adjourned at 11:00 P,M, Minutes transcribed by; Sally Hart, Deputy yil.lage Clerk i~ A discussion was held concernic~g nayment of the additional retirement money to Stu Taber. It was the consensus of the Council to make the payment. A brief discussion was held concerning going out for bids on an accounting firm for the Village for the next fiscal year. The Council was in agreement that this should be done, A brief. discussion was held concerning absenteeism of Advisory Board members. This item will be researched b the Vill e Clerk's office, per request of. the Council, y ~ RETIItE~li' PA~Ni' - I STU TABER BID - ACCOUf7TIT]G FIFNi ABSENTEEISM - BQARD MEMBERS There being no further business to cane before the Council, the AA70URAMENi' meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Minutes transcribed by: Sally Hart, Deputy Village Clerk -2-