01-08-1981 VC WS-M MINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLARIi1AA 'HELD THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1981 Present: V. A, Marks, M.D., Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Tan Valente, President Pro Tem William H. Brwm, Councilman Harriet Nolan, Councilw~xnan Raymond J. Haaland, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. 4lalker, Village Clerk Mayor Marks called the Workshop Session to order at 9:15 p.m. All manbers of the Council and Staff were present. A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution accepting the bid of Metcalf & Co., for 150 tons of clay at a unit price of $14 per ton not to exceed $2,100, to be ended fran Accmmt No. 36-572-52.24 (Clay, shell, topsoil This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 1-22-81. ROld. CALL BID AWARD - CLAY FOR BASEBAIZ DIANIDNDS A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution accepting the BID AWARD - bid of J & B Slurry Seal Co., for approximately 29,150 square yards STARRY SEAL of slurry seal at a unit price of 0.5489 cents not to exceed $16,000, to be expended fran Account No. 34-541-46.81 (Slurry Seal). This item will be placed on the P.egular agerxla of 1-22-81. A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution accepting the bid of Cushman-Jeep for one three-wheel gas dumpster vehicle, Model 43781, with trade-in and discount, for a total amotmt of $4,302.79, t~,be e~end~ fran Accour~ N~ 3~-534-64 10 ~it~o~~ve Equipment). is it wl appear on a eg ar agenda o A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution accepting the bid of Coastal Ford Truck Sales for one Ford C-800 truck cab and chassis, including trade-in and packer dismount/renaua~t, gasoline powered in the anotmt of $24,031.05, to be expended fran Accrnmt No, 33-534-64.10 (Automotive Equipment). Council requested that Mr. O'Meilia send then additional information for clarification as to why they should accept the higher bid of Coastal Ford, This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 1-22-81, A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution accepting the bid of Hector T1~rf & Garden for one Toro outfront rotary mower, Model 30780, in the amount of $7,595, to be expended fran Accrnmt No. 61.1-581-64.15 (item on bond issue). This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 1-22-81. A proposed resolution creating a 25th Anniversary Ad Hoc Committee was moved to the Regular agenda of 1-8-81, A proposed resolution creating a Palm Beach Winter Club Ad Hoc Committee was removed from the Workshop Agenda, A brief discussion was held concerning the transfer of $3,385.84 from Accotmt No. 33-534-43.40 (Solid Waste Disposal) to Accowlt No. 33-534-64.10 (Autorotive Equipment). This item will be placed on the Regular agenda of 1-22-81. A brief discussion was held concerning the transfer of $1,345.00 from Accotmt No. 21-521-44.20 (Rentals & Leases of Equip~t) to Account No. 21-521-64.40 (Camemications and Systems Equipment). This item will be placed an the Regular agenda of 1-22-81. A discussion was held concerning placing the Village Newsletter on the agenda for Council approval the 4th Thursday of every month and possibly printing it on a quarterly basis. It was the consensus of Council that the schedule remain the same (tronthly publication) and tinder the direction of the Village Manager. A discussion was held concerning Village police protection for Air Force Beach. The Village still has a responsibility to patrol the road including issuing tickets for cars parked in the "no parking" areas. Mr. Atwater stated that the Public Safety Dept, has concurrent investigative jurisdiction with. the State Park Rangers, BID AWARD - THREE-WHEEL GAS Di8~4PSTER BID AWARD - TRUCK CAB & CHASSIS BID AWARD - OUTFRONT ROTARY MOWER 25TH ANNIVERSARY AD HOC COMMITTEE PALM BEACH WINTER CLUB AD HOC CQ~R~iITIEE INTER-OBJECT TRANSFER INTER-OBJECT TRANSFER 1 VIIIAGE NEWSLETTER POLICE PATROL - AIR FORCE BEACH ~' A brief discussion was held concerning the split-shift parks and PUBLIC SERVICES -- maintenance people who are working a trial 10 hour, 4 day work 10 HOUR, 4 DAY week in the Department of Public Services. The Village Manager TRIAL WORK SCFiE•DULE stated that it was his impression that part of his charge as Village Manager, the Council would like him to cane up with the most economic, most efficient, most quality-type system for the Village, the ta~ayers and for the Council; that is the aim and this is a trial balloon and he would like to see how it works. Vice Mayor Moore said that Council sets policy on certain things, where people are scheduled by the hours per day and the hours per week. Councilman Brawn noted that the garbage or trash pick-up is not being changed. Mr. O'Meilia said that this is being tried because of the absentee problem which occurs partly on Mondays and Fridays; that he has been researching this for over two years. The services are not being cut back and it is hoped that it will save on gasoline; between 12-15%. Mayor Marks' only objection was that Council was not advised prior to the time this trial work schedule was put into effect; he felt that it should be tried. Councilman Brown, said that as he sees it, what they are balancing off, is whether a guy will work at manual labor, for 10 full hours and you get 10 full hours, as they did for 8 hours against what you save in absenteeism. President Pro Tem stated that Council should not chastise the Village Manageror Mr. O'Meilia for trying sanething that may help the Village; that Council should give them the opportunity to try it and bring back a report at the end of six weeks and let Council decide, with then, whether it's working; that the Village Manager should be given a free hand in running the administration or get a different Village Manager. The Tiayor agreed. Vice Mayor Moore objected to this type action being taken prior to knowledge of the Council that they were going to try it; that Council had asked for stuff like this before budget 2 years ago to see if there was any cost savings and this type thing never came up. If it's been in his mind for 2 years, he implenented it before he told us about it. President Pro Ten Valente stated that maybe the former Village Manager wouldn't let him. Mayor Marks cannalded them for trying this; that Council has been trying to get a uniform nunber of hours to be worked in the Village--even at 35 hour weeks. A discussion was held regarding a letter and resolution fran the RESOLUTION OF THE Town of Palm Beach regarding supporting the Palm Beach County TOWN OF PAIM BFACH Association of Chiefs of Police, Inc., and requesting a review and SUPPORTING P.B.C. revision of the Florida Justice System. Since the Village ASSOC. OF CHIEFS OF presently has sane court cases pending, it was suggested that this POLICE, INC. be placed on the agenda at sane time ixi the future. There being no further business to come before the Council, the ADJOURN meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Minutes transcribed by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk