06-26-1980 VC WS-MMINUTES OF WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1980 Present: V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Al Moore, Vice Mayor Tom Valente, President Pro Tem William H. Brown, Councilman Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk Mayor Marks called the Workshop Session to order at 9:15 p.m. ROLL CALL A1.1 members of the Council and Staff were present. A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution limiting LIMITING TERM OF t}ie teen of advisory board members to two terms, requiring ADVISORY BOARD advertisement in The Village Newsletter of vacancies on MEMBERS advisory boards and creating a moratorium on service on different advisory boards for a two-year hiatus. Vice Mayor Moore requested that this item be placed on the agenda. It failed 2/3 with Mayor Marks, President Pro Tem Valente and Councilman Brown opposed. It will come back to Council on 3/26/81. Councilman Brown placed this item on the After a brief discussion it th agenda for discussion. AREAWIDE WASTE , was e consensus of Council to put this item on the next Regular agenda of 7/10/80 TREATMENT MANAGEMENT . PLAN (208 PLAN) A discussion was held concerning pledging financial support FIRE TRAINING to provide South Technical Education Center with a combination FACILITY burn building and drill tower in the training of our fire- fighters. Council agreed to donate $500. The Village Manager will obtain information concerning lobbying efforts on the part of Palm Beach County, Palm Beach Gardens interest in this matter, if any, and whether the Village will be refunded the amount of $500 if the Center fails to meet its goal: This item will be on the Regular agenda of 7/10/80. T}iere being no further business to come before the Council, ADJOURNMENT the meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Minutes recorded by; Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk ~/ which will comer the Carribean and Fla, so that you can watch the storm tracks. We will have Roiders Invester's Services available to subscribers. They will sell it directly to subscribers and lease the line from us. Their service will range anywhere from $35 to $350 a month and for the top $350 a month service, you'll be able to have what amounts fo a quotron machine in your house or office to give you the NYSE, ASE, OTC tickers, as they occur not 15 minutes delay; you'll have a market-minder, market limiting portfolio evaluation service. We think that there are enough people in NPB that are affluent enough to be able to afford that. I would like to make a correction to the le+bter I sent you. The commercial rates or condo rates arc shown at $4.50 in the letter to go to $5.35; they are at $3.50 now and t}ie subscriber rate sheet which I handed out to you earlier this evening shows that change. MR. BROWN: I have been onthe cable ever since you've been here. Although, your programming and the number of stations have been improved, in my opinion, the amount of outages and no audio or video that doesn't appear on fhe screen advising subscribers that there are technical difrficulties at the station, has gotten worse. Your calls are probably reduced because you never can get the line. Is there any way you can have a printout on the screen advising subscribers that you are aware of the problem--do not call. MR. PERRY: The audio is not a problem at the station. There is no way that we know, with state of the existing/technology, where and exactly what trouble occurs on the caLle until a subscriber calls. Part of those outages are caused by normal power supplies which we have not been able to put in which is one of the reasons we are coming to you for a rate increase tonight. We are adding a call director device to the disptaching department which when you call up, should the lines be busy, a message can be left saying that we have an outage in NPB and we are working on it. L~ L- The benefit of this is that if FP&L goes out in Palm Beach Gardens, where our signal originates, our cable TV plant is powered by electricity and stand-by power supplies will iuake us independent of FP&L outages, of which there are many during the summertime. So a subscriber in North Palm Beach will not he affected by an FP&L outage in Palm Beach GardaHS. In addition to that, we need to spend, we feel and this is ~amtx*k our own judgment and not the judgment of most cable companies because our position is that we want to serve the Village, we're a small operation and we feel we've got to stay ahead of ttie competition, we are going to rebuild the system by replacing all the elecgronic components which have been in for the past 15 years. This will cost us $25,000 and it will increase the ability of the system to deliver additional channels. We will go from 12 to 30 channels and it will solve some of the operating problems that we've had which have been caused by summer heat affecting the quality of the signal cable-cast over the plant. We had a fire in our office in May, that was of suspicious origin, and as a result of that and the growth of our company, we are building a building which is the estimated to cost half a million dollars. We iaeed to put in for a/franchise areas in this part of the county, $146,000 wothh of new 8rucks and electronic test equipment. We are doubling the number of our technicians to serve the areas of Palm Beach Shores, North Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Juno,add Tequesta for an annual operating cost of $110,000. We are going from six to 12 technicians which will cut down the response time and I think it is something tTie citizens of our franchise areas would like to see. There is an automatic call directory for our dispatching lines to speed flog calls into the disptaching number to permit the disptaching people to detevnine the number of calls to let us know if we are ~l3sl¢aggk3ggxegx staffing our disptaching team properly. The total bottom line allocated funds that we will put back into t}~e area just for NPB next year, capital costs and annual operating expenses, even comes to $113,000. With approx. 3,800 subscribers, you can see that/the return on that will not permit us to have a positive cash flow. It will give us a P&L return of 7.2~ which is much less than FP&L or So. Bell is guaranteed under the Public Service Commission which has no jurisdiction over us. We plan to add additional signals in February; we're going to bring bac); Channel 6 out of Miami; we will put on Nickel-odian which is a Warner Communications children's programming offering which runs from 10 in the morning 'til 8 at night; Ted Turner's Cable News Network; the U.S.A, Network; a weather service w}iich will be a combination, very similar to what you see on Channel 12's color radar, alternating every 1Q minutes with a Noah colorized satellite loop which will show the cold fronts coming over the country going into Fla in tfie wintertime; and then in the summertime, you'll have a southerly aspect Palm Beacli Gardens, we're on next week. Juno Beach ,we have asked for an approval of $B.SO; holding it at $8.00 for the first year. The Town of Lake Park has approved an $B.OD rate and we're going back to ask for an approval of $8.50. MRS. NOLhN: ' So in other words you are saying that Riviera is the only one that has not given you the $8.50. MR. PERRY: We haven't asked for it yet. As I say, we got into this cycle much earlier on in the year with Riviera Beach. Our franchise only includes Lone Pine Estates in Riviera Beach. Teleprompter has the rest of Riviera Beach. MR. MOORS: Looking at all your figures and what you've done here, you've gone for years at $6.50 and~rall of a sudden you want ever a 30% increase which seems very unjustifiable ~n one chunk. You've had problems in the past and you should ]lave come back and said that you had~• a problem. You don't give me one year of m£ actual costs ending 12/31/79 and you say th at you've never made a profit but I don't have any information in front of me that shows where you have or not. I think a 30'~ jump is tremendous--too much. MR. PERRY: Some members of various councils ®aid that they were glad that Ksx he waited a reasonable length of time to come back and we would much rather spend the time and pass on one rate increase. Others agreed with you and said that they would .like him to come back for smaller increments every year...at the $8.00 rate, if we get it for the first year, the Village will have given us an increase in rates which will have been less than 5'~%, which is certainly a bargain these days when inflation has been running at about 15% the last year. No other entertainment service that I can think of which is used so much in the home'has increased ~t that small a rate over the course of the year. As of July of last year, the average cable TV rate for basic cable service in the state, was $7.83. If you put the CPI on that over the past 12 months, you have an $8.88 rate. We are only asking for the next 12 months for an $8.00 rate. I weinted to stress the point that since we came before you last, all of the cash flow that has come into the company, which, of course, is different from P&L, we have put back into the operation, to improve it; to increase the dumber of technicians. We have annual operating costs which escalate. We compete for our people with FP&L and So Bell's rate increases so we have to give our people good rate increases if good service is expected to be delivered MR. PERRY: ~'- I'll answer all those questions in order. The first is that we use the Consumer Price Index because generally represents what consumers pay for services; that is whey I made the equation between those ~hd the rates we charge. Secondly, I don't believe that we've ever made a profit within the Village of North Palm Beach and I lanow that as of 1970....if you will look ~n the page ' which is entitled "Statement of Operations, Village of North Palm Beach," for our fiscal year 1979, we had a pretax loss of $10,000 and a return on our assets of negative 2.6%. In the adjacent column, entitled "Fiscal Year-End, 12/31/80," this contemplates placing into the revenues stream, rates at $8.00 for the entire year, which of course, is not going to happen but it was used for comparative purposes in my discussions with your previous Village Manager, he suggested that the presentation be made this way. MR. VALENTE: In essence, you're asking for $8.50; let's get on with it because this is already September for all practical purposes...so your, kidding us by talking about ~4~flt $8.31; you're really asking for $8.50. MR. PERRY: The $8.00 we would hold for twelve months after receiving the rate increase ' and have the option to go to $8.50 after that. MRS. NOLAN: You have the option without coming back ytere? MR. PERRY: Yes, without coming back to the Council. MR. MOORS: Ifave you done the same thing with the other communities? We, can't tell, from your letter. All it says is $8.00. MR. PERRY: We're doing the same thing with the other communities. There is another sheet of paper ("Recent Rate Increases")...I will explain that to you. MR. MOORS: ' When you go to that page, how many have .approved.... MR. PERRY: Riviera Beach has approved to $8.00; not to $8.50; Palm Beach Shores has approved to $8.50; we and keeping the rate ~b $8.00 for 12 mos. Palm Beach County 'is approved to $8.50, if we want to raise it to $8.50. Lost Tree Village is approved to $8.00, if we want to raise it to $8.50. Pending approvalac.'{ /Village of TeQuesta, we have asked for an $8.50 rate; we have said that we will hold it at $8.00 for 12 months. Jupiter Inlet Colony, we haven't met with yet. MR. PERRY: Perry Cable has served the Village for over 13 years. They have made invested over a quarter of a million dollars. They have inproved the quality of reception on Channels 2, 4, 7 and 10 from Miami; added Madison Square Gardens ' sports; added Channel 17 out of Atlanta; Seaspan which is the live coverage of the U. S. House of Representatives; t}ie first cable system~t in the area to bring the Dolphins games into you; now carry Channel 34 full-time. We have improved our time and weather channel; added an on-line computer system to improve the efficiency of connecting subscribers, answering billing questions and dispatching technicians on service calls. We have increased our number of phone lines by 100•,6 to improve the amount of phone traffic in our office and we have instituted an automatic calling device similar to what the airlines use in order to effectively route calls in so that we can keep the number of busy signals down to a minimum. We have reduced the trunk run from our head-end by about 25$6 and we have reduced trouble in the system calls/by over 4096 since we were here last. He gave Council some supplemental information which I hope will more clearly Page. demonstrate the position that we are in. The first/in the three-page document, labeled"A~" shows in blue where our rates up to the $6.50 and what our proposed initial rate of $8.00 is; I'd like to clarify that rate of $8.00 a little bit later, would be with respect to the Consumer Price Index over the past 11 years. You can see that vertually in every six-month period since we started operation, the only two times that we have matched the Consumer Price Index, and that was for a very short period of time, was in 1969 and in 1974 when we received our rate increases. We started serving the Village in 1967. MR. MOORS: Based on the plats you gave us on the Index versus dollars, what was your profft at the time, irregardless of what the Consumer Price Index, because I don't believe that it applies to the rate for the Village. There is too much in it that doesn't concern us at all. Each time you received an increase, were you making more profcit? Right now you say you want a return of 1096, I believe or ifi it higher than that? -2- Concerning the alleged marina at 641 Lighthouse Drive, BOATS DOCKED AT it was determined that the only code violation which would 641 LIGHTHOUSE D apply was operating a business in the Village; that an attempt to obtain a signed deposition failed; that continual on-site inspection and questioning may be considered harassment; that any effort to regulate the number of boats docked at one residence would be difficult; that due to the time factor and the possibility that circumstances have changed, it was suggested that when boats begin gathering again, that this matter be taken up again and pursued and perhaps recommend that the Planning Commission amend the code to regulate the number of boats permitted at ' one residence. Councilman Brown had not received the letter from Chuck UNIFORM ELECTION Potter nor the minutes of the Municipal League meeting but DAY this }iad failed for the same reasons that it failed five or six years ago; that some municipalities would not go along with it. It was suggested that the Village change its election date to the second Tuesday in March and this may require a charter change. The Village Attorney was asked to check this out and draft whatever is needed. Mayor Marks stated that he was told by a certain local judge RECOUPING LOSSES that we have an open route that we can take the people back FRQ~1 VANDALISM to court in reference to the one that we lost because we could i~ot serve the subpoena on that juvenile, Everard; that we can take the parents to small claim's court and recoup our losses. The Mayor said that we should investigate and let it be known that we are going after people like this; Council concurred. Regarding the most recent case of vandalism, Council requested that the Village Manager keep them apprised of the proceedings. ' Mayor Marks stated that the former recreation director has filed for unemployment against the Village as well as for unfair age FORMER RECREATION DIRECTOR'S CASES discrimination. The Village Manager's response was that the FILED AGAINST THE former director filed for unemployment and the Village submitted VILL4GE a protest and that there is a hearing coming up on that issue next Wednesday; that the Village Manager has been asked to appear at said hearing. Further, it is his opinion that we have a more serious case involving age discrimination and that we should put all our efforts into beating this when the }gearing comes up. The Village Manager recommended that we drop our protest of his (the former recreation director) receiving unemployment compensation even though it hurts the Village's rate. The Village Attorney concurred. There being no further business to come before the Council, ADJOURNMENT the meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk l