06-12-1980 VC WS-MMINLitES OF WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PAtTi BEACH, FIARIDA HELD THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1980 Present: Absent: Mayor Marks called the members of the Cotmcil and Herb Gildan. V. A. Marks, M.D., Mayor Tom Valente, President Pm Ten William H. Brown, Counci]mar- Harriet Nolan, Councilwoman Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Tom Yeager, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk Al Moore, Vice Mayor (on vacation) Herbert L. Gildan (out-of-town) Workshop Session to order at 8:30 p.m. All and Staff were present except Vice Mayor Moore Archie Mathews, 648 Atlantic Road, spoke on a matter concerning a neighbor who had been cited for violating the shrubbery ordinance. It was his feeling that there were several corporations flagrantly violating said ordinance but had not been cited. The Public Services Director, Charles O'Meilia, explained that citations are being systematically issued throughout the Vi1L~ge for the third go-rouond. Any shrubs more than three feet high is a violation of the ordinance and it applies in the middle of the block and driveway; within 10 feet of the driveway or sidewalk. The Village Manager will follow-up with a response to Mr. Mathews. A discussion was held concerning renewing the franchise with Florida Power & I3ght Co. Mr. Yeager stated that it is satisfactory as written and this item was placed on the Regular agenda of 6-26-80. A discussion was held concerning a proposed resolution setting forth purchasing regulations for the Village; and repealing Resolution No. 409-69. Councilman Brown asked if this agreed with, in total, the recovirendations of our auditors. The Village Manager stated that it did. It did not really change the system that we have; that the auditors did not cattnent so much on policy as procedures that were being employed. A copy will be sent to Paul Brener, Ernst & Whinney, for his conments. This item will be on Regular agenda of 6-26-80. A discussion was held concerning Fire Department equipment needs. President Pro Tern Valente stated that he asked for this report to find out what the needs of the Villaagge were; thus, he requested the report that was submitted by Captain of Volunteer Firemen, Ernie Teame, 518 Ebbtide Drive. He indicated that a quick response vehicle, provided by the Village, visibly-marked indicating that it is an arsrgency vehicle, was needed. since the volunteers use their private vehicles to respond to all energencies. This would free any Public Safety Officers so that they could leave the scene of a fixe and go back on patrol. Anything that Council could propose would be to the benefit of the Village. It was requested that Mr. Tattne explain in more detail the street markers for fire plug locations. The intent is to have a marker, 1 he said, possibly blue in color, in the middle of the street, in line with the hydrant. The headlights would hit this reflector or marker, day or night, it could be seen 700' in advance, Then a decision could be made whether to use this particular hydrant or go on down the street to the next marker. Chief Atwater indicated that there were 192 hydrants in the Village; the Volunteer firemen have curly been 'able to locate 168. ROLL CALL STATL'~'IENTS FROM THE PUBLIC BII1. N0. 354 PURCHASING REGULATIONS FIRE E(KJIP.~NT STREET MARKERS F02 I HYDRANTS Regarding the air tanks, tdr. Temrne stated that an air tank ie designed AIR TAt3CS to last up to 30 minutes of usage. In heavy usage, you can go through air in 15 minutes, if someone is in afire longer than he absolutely has to. men if the fire is extinguished, the smoke is worse than the fire itself because of toxic funes. Apparently there are six tanks available so Mr. Teame changed his fi.o~es to four on the last report. This would give than one air tank exchange or at least another 20 minutes in afire. Councilwoman NoL4n asked where the tanks were refilled. Mr. Tecmie indicated that there are some large tanks that would be filled by 3 ri. As an example, during the Crazy Horse fire -2- recently, they sent a car to the Gardens and after hoping and praying and ann-twisting, saneone gave them air; Gardens are buying it and they (N.P.B.) get it for nothing. They were forced to go to another department and beg, borrow and steal, if you will. In a larger fire, the Gardens or sane other fire department would help but the small fire is what they really have a problem with. Mr. Temme spoke to Chief Atwater and Lt. Joyce regarding putting straps and face shields on the helmets at a cost of $13 per helmet. Counciln~n Brown stated that the safety of the Village carves ahead of everything else. He feels that if Chief Atwater agrees that these things are necessary, the Concil should try to find the money to do them and that Council should amsider seriously, priority ~~2 and ;p3 in the Budget sessions on the same basis; that the disagrBe- ment on costs could be worked out and the Village Manager should investigate what he can do about the priority ~~1 items and bring it back to the next Regular session on 6-26-80. Mayor Marks indicated that there is enough money in Coucil Contingency to take it out of that and put this on the agenda to purchase the priority ~~1 items that we need. President Pro Tem Valente asked who uses ~p55 Village vehicle that t-e sees never moving outside the door. The Village Manager stated that Ray Howland uses the car every day and that it is left at the Village Hall at night; that the car could be made available if Council would consider same option for Mr. Howland; perhaps an allowance for use of his private car since he has as much usage as anyone. AIR TANKS (continued) HEIMEIS PRIORITY ITEMS VILIAGE VEHICLE The Village Manager stated that he would add one of the priority ~k2 BACK-UP AIR SUPPLY items, namely, back-up air supply; that a larger tank could be obtained and transfer air to the sm311er tanks. It was the consensus of Council that back-up air supply be moved to the priority Cpl list. Mr. Temne indicated that there are lights, radios and that type of equipment available that would not have to be purchased for an emergency (quick-response) vehicle. Mayor Marls queried as to who lets the residents through when the road is blocked during afire. Mr. Temne will check into this. Mr. Tenure stated that for years, he has been told "there 3ust isn't enough mmey;" that items were put in the budget and were cut; that had President Pro Tem Valente not requested this information, it mould not have been brought up now. President Pro Tem Valente stated that all boards should be encouraged to bring their needs to Council. Mayor Marks stated that Council should be told what they need; what the cost is; why the cost has gone up and why they need it. Councilmnan Brown stated that Council did not know what arrangements Captain Temne would have to make about the car; that perhaps it could be taken out of Council Contingency to canpensate. A discussion was held concerning authorizing the hfayor to execute that certain agreement between the Village and First Presbyterian Church regarding drainage easement and point parking areas. The Village Manager stated that the church asked that we draft something; that no one had talked to the church about this agreement yet; that the Master Plan should be ccxnpleted--the alternatives are ominous; not good at all. Further, that the cost of lighting the field, turning the field and taking care of this, plus afire track, brings the total cost up to about $450,000. Councilman Brown suggested that the first step to take is for the Staf£ to see if this agree- ment ~,nuld be acceptable to the church, if we should decide to do this during budget sessions. Coincil authorized the Village Manager, on a conditional basis, to negotiate with the church. It was the consensus of Council that the Mayor and Village Manager should make arrangements to meet with Ney Landrun to discuss Air Force Beach. AGREEMF.Nf WITH FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH AIR FORCE BEACH -3- A discussion was held concerning exercising the option to purchase OPTION AGREQ~N7i' - the ten acre parcel on Prosperity Fanny Road. It was agreed that VILLAGE AND ROYAL Council must exercise its option to the property first, then get a AMERICAN REALTY, I written agreenelt with George Delacorte, and finally, an agreement with an architect. This item will be on Regular of 6-26-80. A discussion was held concerning permdtting Gulfstream Goodwill GULFSTREAM GOODWILL Industries.to place one attended center in the Village. The Village INDUSTRIES Attorney stated.that a contract could be drafted allowing the use of public land, for a limited purpose, specific time, insurance coverage, etc. Councilwoman P7olan stated that the discussion held previously concerning personnel regulations covered only this year. The Village Manager stated that he had talked to Ted Cox of the Department of Co~mnmity Affairs and they are drafting anew policy. Further, that Resolution No. 25-80, which was adopted by Council, can be made so that it can be read on an annualized basis and if anyone on the Staff understood it. There is still a problem with transition. Councilwoman Nolan stated that she would like this item to come back before the end of August. Mayor Marks stated that we will check throi{gh the State level and find out why they did not endorse our request; that we will make application for marine sanctuary designation again. Mayor Marks said that it appears that Palm Beach Gardens is going ahead with plans to purchase Seacoast. Mayor Marks noted that it would be nice to plant some flowering shrubs on the median strip along U. S. Highway Cpl and Northlake Boulevard. This matter will be discussed with members of the Garden Club. Councilwoman Nolan wondered when we would go through the process of selecting a CPA firm. The Village Manager stated that he received a letter from Paul Bremer, Ernst & Whinney, stating that they will lock-in the price that they quoted to us if we will prepare the documents requested in their previous letter. Councilwoman Nolan thanked Councilman Brawn for taking on the Unifonn Election Committee work. Councilmen Broom stated that he has been a representative for the Village and this area, of the County on what is called the 208 Board. This Board was formed for the 208 District which includes this County, part of Martin County and part of Bravard Comity, to implement the Federally-mandated Clean Water and Clean Air Act. This has been going on for some five years and he has been a member for four years. He will write a memo to Council, including the preliminary items, that the Implementation Board is suggesting go into an ordinance, and asking Council for their input. This item will be on Workshop of 6-26-80. PERSOta~[. MARINE SANC.'TUARY DESIGNATION SEACOAST P[JRCFiASE PLANTING SHRUBS ON MEDIAN STRIP SELECTION OF CPA FIRM 208 BOARD Mayor Marks requested that the Village Manager obtain information SPECIAL WORKSfiOP regarding how other country clubs are run in the area and get this to Council prior to the Special Workshop to beheld June 25, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. The Mayor stated that we will have as much information as we can with reference to using the present Board as a mare authoritative board. A brief discussion was held concernigg Ordinance 69-61. The only ORD. 69-61 problem, the Village Manager stated, is the R.O.F. and to go back and try to amend that Ordinance would require the approval of all the bond holders. We have written the banks to try to find out where all the bands are located and we know that it will be paid off by 1988 and we can get out £rom underneath it. There being no further business to come before Council, the meeting ADJOURII~ adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Cheryl S. Collins, Deputy Village Clerk