09-23-1976 VC WS-MMINU!'ES OF F10RKSHOP SESSION OF THE VILLAGE COUDICII. OF NORTH PALM BFACH, FLORIDA HELD THURSDAY, SEPTE[~ER 23, 1976 Present: M. C. Love, Mayor V. A. Marks, Vice Mayor Donald Kazimir, Councilman Mervin H. McIntyre, Councilman Paul J. Nicoletti, Village Manager Herbert L. Gildan, Village Attorney Dolores R. Walker, Village Clerk Absent: Al C. Moore, President Pro Tem Mayor Lwe called the Workshop Session to order at 8:25 p.m. ROLL CALL All members of the Council were present except President Pro Tem Moore. Council discussed Bill No. 255, as amended, a proposed ordinance DISCUSSION OF changing the method of adopting a budget and levying the tax B]I.L 255 millage fran ordinance to resolution form. This iten will be placed on the regular session agenda of October 14, 1976. Council discussed the ismiediate repair of a stone drain line on Northlake Drive at its connection point with the bulkhead in North Lske. On Septar~ber 13th, as a result of the very heavy rain, an 8 foot section of 24" corrugated stone sewer pipe washed out at its crnmection point with the bulkhead into North Lake. The Council infonried the Village Manager they conctared that this had to be taken care of, and directed him to get three quotes, have the work performed, and place this item on a future workshop session agenda for approval of payment. Council discussed the request of the Palm Beach County School Board for sponsorship in the High School Internship Program for 1976-77 for both semesters. Council unanimously concurred that the Village Manager should proceed with the necessary steps needed to sponsor an intern, and this item will be placed on the regular session agenda of October 14, 1976 for official approval of the Council. Council discussed providing furnishings for the new expansion of the North Palm Beach Library. Architect Rudy Arsenicos was present at the meeting to answer any questions the Council may have on this iten. The Council authorized the Village Manager to go to bid for these furnishings, and this will be brought back to the Council at a future workshop for their approval . Council discussed the expenditure of not more than $880 from Accrnnt No. 31-245 (Professional Services) for NCR programming changes necessary to implement the 1976-77 Country Club member- ship fees. The Council told the Village Manager it was okay to proceed, and this item will be placed on the regular session agenda of October 14, 1976. Council discussed the approval of an expenditure of $515 Erse the 1975-76 library fund for a subscription to Moody's In- vestors Service. This itm~ will be placed on the regular session agenda of October 14, 1976. REPAIR OF STORM DRAIN LII~ - NORTHLAKE DRIVE HIGH SCHOOL INi'IItN- SHIP PROGRAM FOR 1976-77 FURNISHINGS FOR NEW EXPANSION OF THE LIBRARY EXPENDITURE FOR NCR PROGRAMKING CHAN(~'ES IN CC MF2~ERSHIP FEES APPROVAL OF EXPEND- ITURE FROM LIBRARY FUND FOR MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE Minutes of Workshop Session Held Thursday, Septanber 23, 1976 Page 2 Council discussed the request of Mr. Orrin Lucas for a rebate REQUEST OF 0. on membership dues at the North Palm Beach Country Club for LUCAS FOR REBATE the year 1971. This item will be placed on the regular session ON NIEN>BERSIiIP agenda of October 14, 1976. DUES The request of Mr. Ronald Palmer concerning menbershi in the ' North Palm Beach Country Club with withdrawn fran the agenda P ~ REFMhS~EEt- at the request of Mr. Palmer. Therefore, this item was not SHIP IN NPBCC discussed by the Council. W1T~Rp,~ Mr. Richard Marquette of Texgas requested that Council consider TEXGA.S PROPOSAL a proposal fran his firm whereby they (Texgas) would only sell DENIID BY COUNCIL bulk wholesale gas to the Village who, in turn, would maintain the system and bill customers obtaining any profits on this resale. His firm is making this request primarily because they are over-extended. Their base of operation is in Lake Worth and they have cut back on their service staff due to the economy. Council discussed this request and directed the Village Manager to write a letter to Mr. Marquette info him that the Council is not interested in this proposal. Council discussed the approval of a locker rental rate change SHARING FEE FOR from $16 per year to $20 per year. During the discussion LOC[O;R RENTAL Mayor Love suggested that in lieu of increasing the rental AT NPBCC rate that there be a $10 sharing fee for lockers. In other words, have members share their lockers with other members fora $10 fee. This item will be sent to the Country Club Advisory Board for their consideration and then will be bro~t back to the Council at their meeting of October 23, 1976. Council discussed the purchase of membership cards and re- lated equi t for the North Palm Beach Country Club in the amount of 2,052.80. This item will be placed on the regular session agenda of October 14, 1976. Council discussed various cha~~ges in proposed membership con- ditions at the North. Palm Beach Country Club, primarily pro- ration of membership fees. This item will be placed on the regular session agenda of October 14, 1982. Council discussed the resignation and termination of contract between the Village and L. A. Baarcke. It was determined that we would present him with a plaque upon termination and that Mr. Sarni and Mrs. Walker would coordinate this. There being no further business to cane before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Minutes recorded by: Dolores R. Walker, CHIC, Village Clerk PiJRCHASE OF' N>EhIBER- SHIP CARDS AND REIATID EQUIPI~IINT FOR NPBCC DISCUSSION OF PRO- POSED NIISfBER.SIIIP COfIDTTIONS AT NPBCC BEII~G CHANGID RESICNATI~1 OF L. A. BAARCKE AATOUftT`N)INT