FY 2010 Comprehensive Pay & Classification Plan Provides for monthly employer and emp1~yG` Beach insurance contributions. Villa e of North Palm Honorable Mayor and Council Recommended Personnel Chan eS• Village employment ro osed changes in ensation); Timmy Knight, Village Manager The pay plan reflects p p no change in comp ROM: Title Changes (involving plan Ad'ustments (salan' 2009 positions as follow: ~ d Other Pa ~ATE~ September 24, position Additions /Deletions; and Classification Plan ranges, etc.>. ~UgTECT: Comprehensive Pay osition to FY 2009/2010 - Title Chan es Onl 1 Assistant Director of Finance t p ~ U~~date one rade 32); pay Plan") Finance Manager (pay g atcher I f/t positions to reflects ~ency Disp and Classification Plan U~~date five (5) Emerb lan ,and rehensive Pay osition classifications and their • ~enc Dispatcher (step p This Comp e employment p Emer„ Y ositions to PolicE all authorized Villag to ees for the Fiscal Year ~ two (Z) police Lieutenant f/t p ran es for all Village Pla also reflects emploYn1ent related salary g 2009. This Pay negotiated in Captain. starting October 1 ~ to ees unless separately benefits provided to emp Y rade 10) collective bargaining agreements. Adder: /t osition (pay g and makes +l Recreation Assistant p p rade 19); Plan annually . Add one ( ) ment reviews this PaY ran es for all positions ~ Add one (+l) Public Safety Aide f/t position (p~~ osition (p Village manage etitive ~ Add one (+1) Special Events Coordinator p p recommendations on the 5tassifigations and pay d P rade 21); and /t osition (pay gr2 affin resources in relation to et/o erating - to maintain appropriate e bu g g Guard p p orated into Add one (+1) School Crossing market conditions and the needsari oT pos 1 has been incorp The attached Pay Pl p fiscal year beginning 22). structure. ro osed budget for the coming the Manager' s p P October 1, 2009. Additions /Deletions: ervisor f/t positions (pay g~ Add two (+2) Recreation Sup er f/t position in Pool i 21) J Dew one (-I) pool Manag ervisor f/t posy 1 Tennis Sup grade 20) and dew one (- ) pa Plan Recommendations rade 19); Ste P in Tennis (pay b Dis atcher f/t position ( P Plan includes: . Add one (+1) Emergency p atcher H f/t position ~ This year's Pay l Emergency Disp ensation Dew one (- ) A total average 475% pay increase in comp ustment and plan); I . Includes a LO% Octob3 75% performan ae-based merit increases 2. Provides for average (0% -t0- S%~. be decreased by 2.0% to an employer level or iv.L~ osition (pay grade er flt p below: Add one (+1) Parks Facilities Manage~isor plt position (pay to ees: 2 . For Mana ement General and FPE-eli ible emp 4 l Dew ~-1) Recreation Sup 23 72% ~ osition Employer contribution (.0% grade 22); ram Coordinator f/t p +1 Recreation Prog Employee contribution Add one ( ~ l Delete one (-1) Assistant Director of Parks spay grade 2~) rade 29); and and Recreation flt position (pay g Ste Plan) l -~-1 Firefighter/EMT flt positions ( p to ees: Add one ( ) ositions (Step ~ For Police and Fire emp Y 16.26% Dew one (_1) Firefighter(Paramedic flt P Employer contribution 2.0% Employee contribution Plan). Deli: ositions (pay grade 13); 3 Custodian f/t p $ealth /Dental Insurance: Dew three (- ) one (-1) vacant Grounds Maintenance Worker p t e Village has secured a 12-monk rAs Pa ~ Dew • • rade 15); rade position (pay g Working with our brokers t u ervisor f/t position in Pool (pay b istin medical insurance for the er soughtab d rom sever°a . Dew one (-1) Pool S p of the ex g the Villag ff lin on renewal of the same benecf~~~ng y at a 9. 19); and icer flt position (Step Plan). of the insurance renewals, ear, it is th 1 vacant Police O companies, sett g h rates rose for the up Dew one (- ) premium increase. Althoug erien~ m e Village Administration that thi~reasing claimsd expageo ervisor fJt positions fro belief of th e s m as a who Other Chan: renewal possible based on the Villag 2 Recreation Sup reater autism a to g f/t ratin and increasing costs in th~a~ ~ri p care in u5 ~ ri o . Reclassif tWO ~ ~ a rade 21; osition roviding g pay grade 22 P y eciahst P g y to ees have e ~ y 1 Human Resources Sp especially in fight of recent e Additionall emp y for medi C Reclassif one grade endent care benefits. a e with United Healthcare pay grade 27 to pay grade 22; erations from p y b other dep ht stability 1 Director of Golf Op continuous coverag This continuity has broug Reclassif one O osition 27 to pay grade 29; and insurance since July 2005. f Parks and Recreation f/t p to ees and to Village operations that is immeasurable. 1 Director o emp y to reviou Reclassif one O the Village is returning p from pay grade 34 to 33. Far its dental insurance coverage, b United Healthcare r Guardian Life at a rate decrease over F~ 200810 wl held carne 9.61°l0 superior level of benefits to the HMOe option will see a tion Pew year. EmploYeeS choosing to ees choosing the PPO op ~e contributions for ear, while emp y to ee (and decrease over last y ear's rates with UHC Actuarial projections currently ~ rdeased.thThe General Emp o to an nsion plans should bed ed this year by 1.1 /o see a 1.7% decrease over last y both pe FPE~ pension Plan should be mcreas of 23.72%, and the Police and Fire Pension Plan shou employer level With single coverage, for both the health and dental insurance plans, the Employee Only Coverage $14.71 per month lower cost plan is paid entirely by the Village. For employee plus one Employee + Family Coverage $50.69 per month (health insurance only) and the family coverage options (for health and dental insurance), the lower cost plan is paid 80% by the Village and the balance The above monthly employee rates are based upon a total monthly plan by the employee. Employees choosing higher cost plan options will pay cost to the Village as follow: 100% of the cost difference from the lower cost alternative. Currently Village employees pay for their portion of these premiums through Health Insurance: deductions taken in each biweekly pay cycle. United Healthcare POS Plan For FY 2009/10, the Village Administration is moving toward taking Employee Only Coverage $ 428.20 per month employee deductions twice monthly (or 24 times per year) instead of on Employee + One $1110.88 per month a bi-weekly basis (or 26 times per year). This move will assist in Employee + Family Coverage $1525.79 per month administering the account variances and paying invoices and will eliminate/reduce the instances of notations on the Village's annual audit United Healthcare HMO Plan report regarding this issue. Employee Only Coverage $ 449.55 per month Employee + One $1082.69 per month Monthly employee costs are as follow: Employee + Family Coverage - $1501.67 per month Health Insurance: Dental Insurance: United Healthcare POS Plan United Healthcare HMO Plan Employee Only Coverage $ 0.00 per month Employee Only Coverage $12.82 per month Employee + One Coverage $159.09 per month Employee + Family Coverage $33.88 per month Employee + Family Coverage $238.82 per month United Healthcare PPO Plan United Healthcare HMO Plan Employee Only Coverage $27.53 per month Employee Only Coverage $ 21.35 per month Employee + Family Coverage $80.36 per month Employee + One Coverage $130.90 per month Employee + Family Coverage $214.70 per month RECOMMENDATION: Dental Insurance: The Administration recommends Council consideration and adoption of the Village's Comprehensive Pay and Classification United Healthcare HMO Plan Plan as follows and with the above incorporated changes. Employee Only Coverage $ 0.00 per month Employee + Family Coverage $ 4.21 per month United Healthcare PPO Plan FY 2010 Adopted Budget Page 184 of 215 , 2001. vv~lh SEC October 1, lemented 0 /o cost of living 200912010 BEACH ]an will be imp of eac g PALM The new pay p eneral) employees shall receive a 1 ~ ~ rade) OF NORT aining unit (g 2009. The pay range ~g VILLAGE pAy AND barg Teflected in the attached COMPREHENSIVE increase effective October 1, increased as PLAN to ee shall be to ees shall receive basea Hang CLASS~ICATION General Emp Y aining unit emp y barg classification plan. Barg ~,,,ith their collective increases only in accordance I. ESTABLISH~NT agreement. ,CT= e of North NG PAS' RATES and Classification Pla all pos tionsg, including SECTION 5• HIRI aid upon CompTehens~h~ Ppay plan'), pertaining otiated collective for a job class shall be p elsewhere in neg is hereby rate established Hired" rate in amounts above the ilm Beach ( be specified The minimum „Ne~,_ uate pose that may to ment contracts, a related to went, except that the Village emp Y and replace the p Y emp y authorized if the department head submits a eq argaining agreements or individual ersede action is approved by the This document Fill sup lations. minimum may be such tional qualifications of stablished. e's personnel Rules andRegu written justification and royal will be b~ose employe adequate personnel at the arovisions of the Villag RANGES 1VlanageT~ App OF PAA' ointee or inability 2. DEVELOPMENT the app SECTION rades) for each classification. minimum rate. a ranges ~g fined with due The Pay Plan establishes p~eS of pay have been determdifficulty and SEC,rION 6, MERIT INCASE rovidf ranb relative t as p Such established salary for other classes, rates of pay for e of North Pain' Beach, excep regard to ranges of pay revailing their employ e and other All employees of the Vii ible for a merit increase °n defined as t onsibility of positions in the cl osition of the Villag ranges shall be elig date shall be resp and the financial p sets forth the pay b elsewhere, The anniversary after the one y~ similar positions, Appendix A Base pay is, Y date. resent position. levels. osition anniversary date into his~eT p aible for a m~ economic considerations. and maximum range for each p emp]oyee's entry osition, employees shall be elite (grades) with minimum within pay rate for the resent p shall be eligible at their ann the pay level period in their p herein, and definition, a may not exceed the maximum pa) employees as defined 'fication. Base p y eral (non-bargaining increase, ear from that time forward. classi For Gen and to specific pay anniversary date every y zero to position classification. ran e, without reg Qes for FPE, from rangy ranted such merit increase the Pay Plan provides for a pay g to ees may be b t range AdJustments shown to salary Emp y based upon documented and demons r ect to bargaining. the emp]oyee's Super level within tha percent (0 - 5%) of salary, PBA and IAFF positions will be subj lace p workp erformance as recommended y ment for re tor. All merit increases shah be submitted t 3, APPI'ICABII~ITY rovided and Department Direc Resources) Dep SECTION except asp e Manager (or Human h pa]m Beach, and the Villag d written approve prior to discussion or delivery ]o ees of the Village of NOrt consideration an All emp y e compensated in accordance aependi g]auP°n ~°b emp]oyee. elsewhere, shall b ositions, PXPmtit (salaried) and non-exempt p such merit m~~.,w loyees a~ or enJ°y"` ore employ be pld`'"`" ° o atic. a merit ee shall having their cur used t not autom ante evalo~ be el g b e for decrease T deb rade ~,hile eats being ,es are erform eligible f range ~g osition g adjustor of a satisfactory p will n nay be rove for the lower p with future payrbed. >ay for their classification er shall app . level - ntil fully abso same pas pay plan classification, b anag tual provisions their curre~ t ay .level a with the resent Village M to a position their p The Contrac this highe p ante bonus than 4.5%~ is transfet~e same. n perform employee e ual to or greater Brit increaseS~ In th ay will remain ropriate, mad ee m d eases q it employ e co pensatiion is e event an if app m rate of p e an ropriate ht to evaluat apP _n bargaining un loyees whos their position grade, their when Bonus: Emp range for rogram~ the rig yes (reclassi~icati ana efficient deliver' nce annual pay bonus p based e village retains chance um perforu?ue maximun1 incentive Th e n1ost cost effective All classificai ds th ance sum n1ent nel classi~icahOn Village. olicies would be p roviding th the with or ex~e for the annual perform aid l theDepart person rb bonuses mrion from esignee as suppQ1-t °f p ices to the resid~~ordance Village p ehg review documen er or d erv performance illage Manag municipals made ~n dation andof the V s l Zp0 will be ASE written recommen royal changes RIT ~C~ v,,ritten app rating - procedures. y & ~ subJect to review I erformance pART_TIIVIE pA wage as outlined erformance evel p ~ 900 as: evel II p xceptional L SECTIpN aid the hourly . unless otl xceptional ~vel I through E shall be p e grade) nmimum s~,ndards ~ 0 loyees rang and apprOVedbY the ,uccessfulL hBelow alai base part,-time emp at the pay rating ' aired ~ s reg plan, ent Director, review throng ed pay e artm e m ee attach b the D p ~evelopn1entne iew rating - ed in an e ploy ears wally f cent y ended y ance be mclud and in subsea recomm perform shall not AND rnustbe scheduled ~incre meet carried forty S T~NSFERS Manager. to ees ~whO a merit e ofnay ana shall not be Time em eligible for loyees ~ ~e p DENT~TI~N permanent Part- weeks) shall be part_time emp coy g ,Wore rehired, are not ~- pgpMOT14N TI(?NS ees ~]ian 46 or evaluanon~ TIDN ASSIFYCA ~ employ more a satisfactory uently increa~ rade)~ a ay ei t of loyrnent and area a ~ e i~ble for a merit E~ REAL a range ~g base p rec p a hrghe a~ range (grade) Qa level they Village emp serviGe a otion to base p y sinuous ehire date. event of a pro new position s p ° ° of the ay range have con their r u ~ 12-month p In the laced in the more than 101 to exceed the ~eparfinent based up°n to ees (schedi'led dun ~ e past seasc will be p does not exceed range not of the ee em Diked during a merit it that ent pay dation employ art-time level aer, an who have w be eligible for loynl, curt men recom e Manama ~ annual review seasona 46 Weeks), occupy rn their the Written Villag emp um. Up°n royal by the ~ anniversaem of the ~ less thh~ upcoming 5 ~ sming s asOn' wh Thoser e'~'ployee maxim and written app of their existing entation for of the up and may late r,;,-ector months _ no prior to the impi vees shah ,eptive r,P~inning _~o,.attonal direc~io~ season not eligible for a leave tn~~~ ~ 12. BE r ~ ~ employees and NIISCELLANEQUS for 5ECTION ension contributions ercent ge, are considered new village be almost twenty-four p upon their rehire date. y TIME Contributions ees will policelFire IME~C~MPEN5ATGR Pension union employ contributions for T ension 16.26%) °f pYER ent Heads. Villag p outlined O~ anager or Departm 1~/z terries G 3 ,~Zo/~po earnings ill be just over sixteen ps shall be as the Village M and one-half ~ ~ employees of earning ees at one 40~ hours per ension limi~tions ne is authorizh~bT y employ of forty ~ Village p The definition and plan. n1e is paid to excess or the earnings ~ Village Pension e will matcl worked ine artn1ent Head ective _ The Villag >urly rate for all hours the D p time off for any in each resp lan based rior approval of Contribution ensation p Upon p a receive compensatory normal ees m Y eferred Compensation Comp to ee contributio employ re ularly scheduled hours in a 457 D employee's 457 Deferred dollar of emp y Eger hourly of the g hour for overtime a General every b0 mo. (~'I20 yY). ;performed in excess 1 hours for eev ployees shall accrue rate of 5p-cents for it of ~ ne and one-half ~ for hourly ensatory time contribution ae contribution lim ~ week at o time accru comp unit monthly Villa, term disabil' Con1pensatory ed aining _ up to a tee' s long- 60) hours. Unused ent $arg The Villag tse negotiate rs worked. sixty ~ employm io more than on termination of time in accordance Disability Insurance to ees, unless otherw aid up compensatory unless otherwise bong Term e emp y 11 be p rme and ~ a Teement, ram for all full-t hall receive overt ar ainin~, g shall continue for all full-tim insurance grog maximum 1 ~ployees s e life ective collective g The Villag uivalent to the empl' th their resp Life Insurance - to be a level eq imputing added ;gotiated. NT5 - gIGHEIt PAY G~DE before for employeesbshal~~nt n gulations e of ~o). 000 after the ag lp, wORK ASSIGNME system or X25, a allowed y Q00, _ full-time 'ECTI~N mends creating a p y compensation Regular recom grade classi~i~° alter or prOgrem loyees who do not u` The Village ad ees who work in a ~gher pay b the Villag Incentive Award elig~ Sick Leave union p eriod are e directed by classification, the and FPE month p user General employ rade rate for General 6 six- for not ee is authorized and~gher pay g probationary) continuous time as incentive General employ orarily work in a o~ above their base pay sick leave within any nee to temp ercent (5 ~0 rade g hours annual leave desig aid five p classification. ei ht ee shall be p in the ~gher pay g earn g rogr; employ. o f time worked leave incentive p the period _ The certificate ob related certlfic~ ELIGIBILITY Incentive for j e s Certifica provide certification pIa-Iyead and approved by the 11, BENEFIT to work 40 or SECTION scheduled the Villag ' as follows osi~ons ( continue b the Department kill be issued ~ e budgeted p articipation in disability mended y and in full-rim ~ eligible for p long-term recom incentive pay examination En1ployees insurance to the Manager. Certification requiring an hours per week) are dental rams according more health and Certifications education laps, aid life insurance grog • - X1,000 continuing pension p and employer p education Tequiring ram ns .~c„ra.nce, ~tans(p g s. o _ ro ._~,- ~,.~Pek r _ rPrtifica ro nnn prog~a.~ 3 free cou~~a~ requiring an examination certifi ~t~°~ 1 for ~h ~11age). ible for the by ~ication X540 elig mcentiv ation certifications Certif'icatiowill be proxated um number of ayment lus other e three per individual. Ta a P ose base PaY P gill b in the base paY rate~oyees wh e rnaximun' g'`'ill be hided cycle. EmP a rang For d ay reached the P Y ran onmhe employee is he standar P the pay ay compensation has above educate certification for certification P 1 or continuing have the e~val nd tO incentive paY ion requiring rene riate ren a fication oted to the cerh to meet the aPPrOP e recein nE~rIT certific ~ be removed. order to contmu a 1 in ee recervl g loy ~ Certification p Y wi lion, if an emP employees' the For all full-time d gp% of nedic position, the EM Benefit - le coverage as d family Bsurance er-cost sing insurance all costs hfDental ee Pl slop for health ees shall paY. ~e will P ~ emPlO~'t Employ any increased ,over-cos dental msuranCe~ ~e including may choose to health and Bove covera~ employee remiums ,rage for a rnent of a tai plans the insurance P ve the Village P ost healthlden dental basis. of ~gheees will have heoln a twice monthly ,ense Employ ending ect. ayroll process Flex Sp h the p rble tax- ~en thr°ug ut _ The Villavoluntarily set aside as Accou to ense5 such ending ees the ability ersonal exp 'lexible Sp employ auth°rized P account Providensation for comp ition refund deferred enses e shall follow a ~ erTleSter for medical exp The Villag X404 Per raduate program - benefit of ester for g gefuud ,maximum ~45p per sem of the class Tuition that provides a clas~oun depends on the cost for a course program undergraduate a uest approval then must technical or bursement re ent) ,aac~es. The reim;~red. EmPloy~s+t eusune ° enrollrade report wtta~e Village of North Palm Beach PAY RANGES - FY 2009/10 Includes 1.0% COLA Adjustment effective 10/1/2009* *All union rates of pay /positions are shown for categorization purposes and subject to ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements (P/T positions shown with F/T annual rate for categorization purposes only) New position for FY 09-10 Revised Salary Range for FY 09-10 Position eliminated in FY 09-10 ~ Step Plan Position reclassified in FY 09-10 Title change in FY 09-10 Hourly rate Annual rate (FIT) # PT # FT Title Union Grade FLSA Minimum Midpoint Maximum Minimum Midpoint Maximum 7 0 Outside Service Attendant (PT) NUPT 6 $7.2151 $9.0080 $10.9315 $15,007 $18,737 $22,738 9 0 Driving Range /Ranger (PT) NUPT 8 $8.3251 $10.3938 $12.6133 $17,316 $21,619 $26,236 10 0 Camp Counselor (PT) (Seasonal) NUPT 10 $9.5375 $11.9075 $14.4504 $19,838 $24,768 $30,057 4 0 Library Page (PT) NUPT 10 $9.5375 $11.9075 $14.4504 $19,838 $24,768 $30,057 20 0 Pool Lifeguard (PT) (Seasonal) NUPT 10 $9.5375 $11.9075 $14.4504 $19,838 $24,768 $30,057 10 0 Recreation Assistant (PT) NUPT 10 $9.5375 $11.9075 $14.4504 $19,838 $24,768 $30,057 1 0 Finance Intern NUPT 11 $10.0002 $12.4855 $15.1447 $20,800 $25,970 $31,501 5 0 Golf Shop Attendant (PT) NUPT 11 $10.0002 $12.4855 $15.1447 $20,800 $25,970 $31,501 0 1 Outside Service Coordinator FPE 11 $10.0002 $12.4855 $15.1447 $20,800 $25,970 $31,501 1 0 Youth Art Instructor (PT) NUPT 11 $10.0002 $12.4855 $15.1447 $20,800 $25,970 $31,501 0 1 Clerical Specialist NU 14 $11.6183 $14.5080 $17.5718 $24,166 $30,177 $36,549 6 0 Library Clerk (PT) NUPT 14 $11.6183 $14.5080 $17.5718 $24,166 $30,177 $36,549 0 1 Grounds Maintenance Worker FPE 15 $12.1386 $15.2018 $18.3808 $25,248 $31,620 $38,232 9 9 r_r.,~ nn~~.,+o.,~ o \n/.,rUor /DT\ ~ pII~DT 4~ ~ $~a~9~~ $4$-3~9~ $2~24~ $~9 $~8~~ 0 2 Street Maintenance Worker FPE 15 $12.1386 $15.2018 $18.3808 $25,248 $31,620 $38,232 0 1 Irrigation Technician I FPE 16 $12.7742 $15.9537 $19.3061 $26,570 $33,184 $40,157 0 1 Library Assistant FPE 16 $12.7742 $15.9537 $19.3061 $26,570 $33,184 $40,157 0 12 Sanitation Collector FPE 16 $12.7742 $15.9537 $19.3061 $26,570 $33,184 $40,157 0 2 Records Clerk PBA Step plan $13.1838 $16.0246 $19.9167 $27,422 $33,331 $41,427 0 1 Assistant Golf Professional NU 18 $14.1035 $17.6299 $21.3292 $29,335 $36,670 $44,365 0 3 Permit & Licensing Technician FPE 18 $14.1035 $17.6299 $21.3292 $29,335 $36,670 $44,365 0 2 Equipment Operator II FPE 19 $14.7973 $18.4966 $22.5428 $30,778 $38,473 $46,889 FPE =Federation of Public Employees IAFF =International Association of Firefighters NUPT =Non-Union Part-Time NU =Non-Union PBA =Police Benevolent Association FY 2010 Adopted Budget Page 189 of 215 Village of North Palm Beach PAY RANGES - FY 2009/10 Includes 1.0% COLA Adjustment effective 10/1/2009* *All union rates of pay /positions are shown for categorization purposes and subject to ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements (P/T positions shown with F/T annual rate for categorization purposes only) New position for FY 09-10 Revised Salary Range for FY 09-10 Position eliminated in FY 09-10 Step Plan Position reclassified in FY 09-10 Title change in FY 09-10 Hourly rate Annual rate (FIT) # PT # FT Title Union Grade FLSA Minimum Midpoint Maximum Minimum Midpoint Maximum 0 1 Irrigation Technician II FPE 19 $14.7973 $18.4966 $22.5428 $30,778 $38,473 $46,889 9 9 geed-S~.+pew+ssr ~ F~€ 4~ $~-4-~~ $-1-8-4~~ '~^'o $39,~~~ $~47~ $4~~ 0 2 Public Safety Aide NU 19 $14.7973 $18.4966 $22.5428 $30,778 $38,473 $46,889 0 6 Sanitation Driver /Operator FPE 19 $14.7973 $18.4966 $22.5428 $30,778 $38,473 $46,889 A A Tonnic Cii ~ ~ Q~v ~"'r~ Q7~v 0 4 Accounting Clerk NU 20 $15.5492 $19.4219 $23.6987 $32,342 $40,398 $49,293 0 3 Administrative Assistant NU 20 $15.5492 $19.4219 $23.6987 $32,342 $40,398 $49,293 0 3 Mechanic FPE 20 $15.5492 $19.4219 $23.6987 $32,342 $40,398 $49,293 9 9 ~ss~-Ma+~ager Add ~9 ~ $a~-5492 ~~°-4~~° $~3-~~ $32;34 $49-,~~ $4~~ 0 6 Emergency Dispatcher ~ PBA Step plan $15.9566 $19.7662 $24.3305 $33,190 $41,114 $50,607 1 0 Special Events Coordinator PT ~ NUPT 21 $16.3006 $20.4039 $24.8551 $33,905 $42,440 $51,699 0 4 Supervisor, Recreation FPE 21 $16.3006 $20.4039 $24.8551 $33,905 $42,440 $51,699 0 3 Trades Mechanic II FPE 21 $16.3006 $20.4039 $24.8551 $33,905 $42,440 $51,699 0 1 Administrative Coordinator NU 22 $17.1672 $21.4445 $26.1268 $35,708 $44,605 $54,344 0 1 Code Compliance Officer FPE 22 $17.1672 $21.4445 $26.1268 $35,708 $44,605 $54,344 1 0 Code Compliance Officer (PT) NUPT 22 $17.1672 $21.4445 $26.1268 $35,708 $44,605 $54,344 0 1 Human Resources Specialist NU 22 $17.1672 $21.4445 $26.1268 $35,708 $44,605 $54,344 0 2 Library Assistant III FPE 22 $17.1672 $21.4445 $26.1268 $35,708 $44,605 $54,344 12 0 School Crossing Guard (PT) NUPT 22 $17.1672 $21.4445 $26.1268 $35,708 $44,605 $54,344 a Ciinoniicnr Do oo+inn /DT\ ~ ~II~DT ~ CAL C7~P C7~o ~ ~ 4 1 0 Technical Support Specialist (PT) NUPT 22 $17.1672 $21.4445 $26.1268 $35,708 $44,605 $54,344 9 9 ~n,~r,.on,.,, ni~r,.~+,.hor ii ~ ~A Step-play $4966 x~~ x~r $~6-,~~ $4`349 $`a5-,-~~` 0 1 Fire Inspector NU 23 $17.9763 $22.4851 $27.3980 $37,391 $46,769 $56,988 0 1 Trades Mechanic III FPE 23 $17.9763 $22.4851 $27.3980 $37,391 $46,769 $56,988 1 0 Building Construction Inspector I (PT) NUPT 24 $18.9011 $23.5829 $28.7855 $39,314 $49,052 $59,874 0 1 Deputy Village Clerk NU 24 $18.9011 $23.5829 $28.7855 $39,314 $49,052 $59,874 FPE =Federation of Public Employees IAFF =International Association of Firefighters NUPT =Non-Union Part-Time NU =Non-Union PBA =Police Benevolent Association FY 2010 Adopted Budget Page 190 of 215 Village of North Palm Beach PAY RANGES - FY 2009/10 Includes 1.0% COLA Adjustment effective 10/1/2009* *All union rates of pay /positions are shown for categorization purposes and subject to ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements (P/T positions shown with F/T annual rate for categorization purposes only) New position for FY 09-10 Revised Salary Range for FY 09-10 Position eliminated in FY 09-10 Step Plan Position reclassified in FY 09-10 Title change in FY 09-10 Hourly rate Annual rate (FIT) # PT # FT Title Union Grade FLSA Minimum Midpoint Maximum Minimum Midpoint Maximum 0 1 Executive Secretary NU 24 $18.9011 $23.5829 $28.7855 $39,314 $49,052 $59,874 0 1 Librarian II FPE 24 $18.9011 $23.5829 $28.7855 $39,314 $49,052 $59,874 0 1 Parks Facilities Manager ~ NU 24 $18.9011 $23.5829 $28.7855 $39,314 $49,052 $59,874 0 1 Recreation Program Coordinator NU 24 $18.9011 $23.5829 $28.7855 $39,314 $49,052 $59,874 0 1 Accountant NU 25 $19.8265 $24.7975 $30.2307 $41,239 $51,579 $62,880 0 2 Firefighter /EMT IAFF Step plan $20.3689 $25.2328 $31.0623 $42,367 $52,484 $64,610 0 22 Police Officer PBA Step plan $20.3689 $25.7134 $31.0635 $42,367 $53,484 $64,612 0 1 Supervisor, Sanitation NU 26 $20.8084 $26.0110 $31.7334 $43,281 $54,103 $66,006 0 1 Supervisor, Street Maintenance NU 26 $20.8084 $26.0110 $31.7334 $43,281 $54,103 $66,006 0 2 Building Construction Inspector II FPE 27 $21.8490 $27.2827 $33.8723 $45,446 $56,748 $70,454 0 1 Planner NU 27 E $21.8490 $27.2827 $33.8723 $45,446 $56,748 $70,454 0 16 Firefighter /Paramedic IAFF Step plan $22.4630 $27.8260 $34.8475 $46,723 $57,878 $72,483 0 1 Network Support Specialist NU 28 E $22.9473 $28.7279 $35.6062 $47,730 $59,754 $74,061 9 9 n~~~~+~.,+ n~ra,.+„r o~r~~ Ana oe,. o~+~,,., Al-U ~9 € x~T x'~~ $37-.3496 $~0~36 0 1 Director of Golf Operations NU 29 E $24.1037 $30.1143 $37.3406 $50,136 $62,638 $77,668 0 1 Superintendent of Public Works NU 29 E $24.1037 $30.1143 $37.3406 $50,136 $62,638 $77,668 0 1 Finance Manager ~ NU 32 E $27.9188 $34.9124 $43.2941 $58,071 $72,618 $90,052 0 4 Fire Rescue Lieutenant IAFF Step plan $27.9833 $32.3939 $38.4117 $58,205 $67,379 $79,896 0 6 Sergeant PBA Step plan $28.1621 $32.9115 $38.4191 $58,577 $68,456 $79,912 0 1 Director of Human Resources NU 33 E $29.3053 $36.6463 $45.4330 $60,955 $76,224 $94,501 FPE =Federation of Public Employees IAFF =International Association of Firefighters NUPT =Non-Union Part-Time NU =Non-Union PBA =Police Benevolent Association FY 2010 Adopted Budget Page 191 of 215 Village of North Palm Beach PAY RANGES - FY 2009/10 Includes 1.0% COLA Adjustment effective 10/1/2009* *All union rates of pay /positions are shown for categorization purposes and subject to ratification of Collective Bargaining Agreements (P/T positions shown with F/T annual rate for categorization purposes only) New position for FY 09-10 Revised Salary Range for FY 09-10 Position eliminated in FY 09-10 Step Plan Position reclassified in FY 09-10 Title change in FY 09-10 Hourly rate Annual rate (FIT) # PT # FT Title Union Grade FLSA Minimum Midpoint Maximum Minimum Midpoint Maximum 0 1 Director of Information Technology NU 33 E $29.3053 $36.6463 $45.4330 $60,955 $76,224 $94,501 0 1 Director of Library NU 33 E $29.3053 $36.6463 $45.4330 $60,955 $76,224 $94,501 0 1 Director of Parks and Recreation NU 33 E $29.3053 $36.6463 $45.4330 $60,955 $76,224 $94,501 0 1 Village Clerk NU 33 E $29.3053 $36.6463 $45.4330 $60,955 $76,224 $94,501 0 1 Building Official NU 34 E $30.7510 $38.4388 $48.4375 $63,962 $79,953 $100,750 0 1 Director of Community Development NU 35 E $32.3114 $40.3456 $50.8661 $67,208 $83,919 $105,802 0 1 Director of Public Works NU 35 E $32.3114 $40.3456 $50.8661 $67,208 $83,919 $105,802 0 1 Fire Chief NU 35 E $32.3114 $40.3456 $50.8661 $67,208 $83,919 $105,802 0 2 Police Captain ~ NU E $36.0459 $39.7410 $44.4738 $74,975 $82,661 $92,506 0 1 Director of Finance NU 39 E $39.3055 $49.0741 $62.8307 $81,755 $102,074 $130,688 0 1 Director of Public Safety NU 42 E $45.4330 $56.7620 $72.7152 $94,501 $118,065 $151,248 FPE =Federation of Public Employees IAFF =International Association of Firefighters NUPT =Non-Union Part-Time NU =Non-Union PBA =Police Benevolent Association FY 2010 Adopted Budget Page 192 of 215