2005-081 Comprehensive Pay & Classification PlanRESOLUTION 81-2005 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PAY AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006, AND AS AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, AND HEREBY ESTABLISHING A PAY AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR FISCAL YEAR 2005-2006 COMMENCING ON OCTOBER 1, 2005; PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW CLASSIFICATION PLAN; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; AND, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach recognizes the need to update its Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan, based on the recommendation of the Village Manager, and desires to implement the revised plan effective October 1, 2005. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That this Resolution does establish and adopt the Village of North Palm Beach Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan, as amended from time to time, attached hereto and incorporated herein as specifically as if set forth at length here at, commencing on October 1, 2005. Section 2: That all Resolutions, or parts of Resolutions, Ordinances or parts of Ordinances, in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 3: That this Resolution shall take effect October 1, 2005. PASSED and ADOPTED by the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida this 21st day of SEPTEMBER, 2005. ~~ MAYO ATTEST: ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~i~~~- VILLAGE CLERK 2005/2006 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PAY AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN SECTION 1. ESTABLISHMENT A Comprehensive Pay and Classification Plan for the Village of North Palm Beach (the "Pay Plan"), pertaining to all positions, including those that may be specified elsewhere in negotiated collective bargaining agreements or individual employment contracts, is hereby established. This document will supersede and replace the pay related provisions of the Village's Personnel Rules and Regulations. SECTION 2. DEVELOPMENT OF PAY RANGES The Pay Plan establishes pay ranges (grades) for each classification. Such established salary ranges of pay have been determined with due regard to ranges of pay for other classes, relative difficulty and responsibility of positions in the class, prevailing rates of pay for similar positions, the financial position of the Village and other economic considerations. "Appendix A" sets forth the grades (ranges) with minimum and maximum levels. Base pay is, by definition, the pay level within pay grade for each position classification. Base pay may not exceed the maximum pay rate for the position classification. For General (non-bargaining unit) employees the Pay Plan provides for a pay range, without regard to specific pay level within that range. Adjustments shown to salary ranges for PBA and IAFF positions will be subject to bargaining. Salary ranges for FPE positions are also subject to approval by their bargaining unit. SECTION 3. APPLICABILITY All employees of the Village of North Palm Beach, except as provided elsewhere, shall be compensated in accordance with this plan and the exempt (salaried) and non-exempt positions, depending upon job classification. SECTION 4. IMPLEMENTATION The new pay plan will be implemented October 1, 2005. General employees shall receive a 3.7% cost of living increase effective October 1, 2005. The pay grade of each General Employee shall be increased as reflected in the attached classification plan. Bargaining unit employees shall receive base wage increases only in accordance with their collective bargaining agreement. SECTION 5. HIRING PAY RATES The minimum rate established for a job class shall be paid upon employment, except that the "New-Hired" rate in amounts above the minimum may be authorized if the department head submits adequate written justification and such action is approved by the Village Manager. Approval will be based on the exceptional qualifications of the appointee or inability to employ adequate personnel at the minimum rate. SECTION 6. MERIT INCREASE All employees of the Village of North Palm Beach, except as provided elsewhere, shall be eligible for a merit increase on their employee anniversary date. The anniversary date shall be defined as the employee's entry date into his/her present position. After the one year period in their present position, employees shall be eligible for a merit increase, as defined herein, and shall be eligible at their annual anniversary date every year from that time forward. Employees may be granted such merit increase from zero to four percent (0 - 4%) of salary, based upon documented and demonstrated workplace performance as recommended by the employee's Supervisor and Department Director. All merit increases shall be submitted to the Village Manager (Human Resources) Department for review, consideration and written approval prior to discussion or delivery to the employee. PP - 5 Merit increases are not automatic. Such merit increase is contingent upon receipt of a satisfactory performance evaluation. Employees reaching the maximum pay for their classification will not be eligible for a merit increase in their present Pay Plan classification, but may be eligible for a lump sum performance bonus. The Village Manager shall approve merit increases above a level of 3.5%. Contractual provisions will govern bargaining unit employee merit increases. A one-time phase-in program for the anniversary date merit evaluation will be implemented in Fiscal Year 2005/06. Employees with 1-year of service as of September 30, 2005 will be eligible for the phase-in program. If the employee's evaluation qualifies for a merit increase, the employee will receive apro-rated lump sum payment based on their merit performance % for the period of time from October 1, 2005 up to their anniversary date. This lump sum adjustment is a retroactive payment and shall not be added to their merit adjustment base pay. Lump Sum Performance Bonus: An annual performance incentive bonus program is hereby established for employees whose compensation exceeds the maximum approved pay range. Annual performance review bonuses would be paid lump-sum based upon Department Director written recommendation and documentation; and is subject to written approval of the Village Manager as follows: Outstanding/Exemplaryoyerall review performance - $1,200 SuccessfuUAbove Average overall review performance - $ 900 SECTION 7. PROMOTIONS In the event of a promotion, employees will be placed in the new position's pay range at a base pay level that does not exceed more than 10% of the base pay level they occupy in their current pay range not to exceed the pay range maximum. Upon the written recommendation of the Department Director and written approval by the Village Manager, an employee that is within two months of their existing anniversary / annual review date may receive a merit increase prior to the implementation of their recommended promotion. SECTION 8. DEMOTIONS In the event of an involuntary demotion an employee will be placed in the same relative position for the lower position grade as he/she enjoyed in the previous classification, aslong as the pay does not decrease more than 10%. For a voluntary demotion, the employee shall be placed in the same relative position for the lower position grade while having their current pay "frozen" at their current level -with future pay adjustments being used to "offset" this higher pay level until fully absorbed. SECTION 9. TRANSFERS In the event an employee is transferred to a position with the same pay grade, their rate of pay will remain the same. SECTIONIO. PART-TIME PAY & MERIT INCREASE Part-time employees shall be paid the hourly wage as outlined in the attached Pay Plan, at the pay grade minimum unless otherwise recommended by the Department Director, and approved by the Village Manager. Permanent Part-Time employees (defined as employees scheduled annually for work in more than 46 of 52 weeks) shall be eligible for a merit increase upon receipt of a satisfactory evaluation. Part-time employees who leave Village employment and are subsequently rehired, are not considered to have continuous service, and are eligible for a merit increase armually based upon their rehire date. Seasonal part-time employees (defined as employees scheduled during a 12- month period that work for less than 46 of 52 weeks), who have worked during the past season and return for the upcoming season, may be eligible for a merit increase at the beginning of the upcoming season, when prior employment ended due to Village operational direction. Those employees who leave employment prior to the end of the season and may later be rehired by the Village, are considered new employees and not eligible for a merit increase upon their rehire date. SECTION 11. OVERTIME/COMPENSATORY TIME Overtime is authorized by the Village Manager or Department Heads. PP - 6 Overtime is paid to hourly employees at one and one-half (1'/z) times the hourly rate for all hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours per week. Upon prior approval of the Department Head or the Village Manager hourly employees may receive compensatory time off for any work performed in excess of the regularly scheduled hours in a normal work week at one and one-half (1'/z) hours for every hour for overtime hours worked. Annual leave and holidays shall count as hours worked for the purpose of computing overtime. Sick leave shall not count as time worked when computing overtime. Compensatory time for hourly employees shall accrue to no more than sixty (60) hours. Unused accrued compensatory time shall be paid upon termination of employment. SECTION 12. CALL BACK EMERGENCY PAY An hourly employee called back to work outside his/her regularly scheduled hours due to an emergency or other urgent situation shall be paid for actual time worked at the regular pay rate (or overtime rate if eligible) or a minimum or two hours, whichever is greater. SECTION 13. WORK ASSIGNMENTS -HIGHER PAY GRADE If a General employee is authorized and directed by the Village Manager or designee to temporarily work in a higher pay grade classification, the employee shall be paid five percent (5%) above their base pay rate for the period of time worked in the higher pay grade classification. SECTION 14. BENEFIT ELIGIBILITY Employees in full-time, budgeted positions (scheduled to work 40 or more hours per week) are eligible for participation in the Village's pension plans, health and dental insurance, long-term disability insurance, employer paid life insurance programs, and sick leave incentive programs according to the requirements of these plans/programs. Part-time employees (scheduled to work less than 30 hours per week or less than 1,560 hours per year) are not eligible to participate in the Village's pension plans, health and dental insurance, long-term disability insurance, employer paid life insurance programs, and sick leave incentive programs. SECTIONIS. MISCELLANEOUS BENEFITS/INCENTIVES Pension Contributions -Village pension contributions for General / FPE union employees will be twenty-three percent (23%) of earnings. Village pension contributions for Police /Fire pension employees will be twenty percent (20%) of earnings. The definition and limitations of earnings shall be as outlined in each respective Village Pension Plan. 457 Deferred Compensation Contributions -The Village will match a General employee's 457 Deferred Compensation plan based on a contribution rate of 50-cents for every dollar of employee contribution - up to a monthly Village contribution limit of $60 mo. ($72o yr.). Short Term Disability Insurance -The Village's Short Term Disability Program is suspended. Long Term Disability Insurance -The Village's current Long Term Disability Program shall be continued with no modifications. Life Insurance -The Village Life insurance program shall be adjusted from 2-times Base Salary (to a $200,000 maximum) to a level equivalent to the maximum level allowed by IRS regulations before imputing added employee compensation (a level of $50,000, presently). Sick Leave Incentive Award - The Village establishes a Sick Leave Incentive Award Program. This program provides employees with an incentive to earn eight (8) hours annual leave time for not using sick leave within any continuous (6) six-month period. (This program replaces the sick and vacation leave reimbursement programs in the Personnel Rules and Regulations). Certification Incentive - The Village certification incentive program will provide certification pay for job related certifications as recommended by the Department head and approved by the Village Manager. Certification incentive pay will be issued as follows: • Certifications requiring an examination and continuing education - $1,000 PP - 7 • Certifications requiring continuing education and no examination - $1,000 • Certification requiring an examination with no continuing education - $500 The maximum number of certifications eligible for the certification incentive will be three per individual. The certification incentive will not be included in the base pay rate, and payment will be prorated based on the standard pay cycle. Employees whose base pay plus other types of pay compensation has reached the pay range maximum will be ineligible for certification pay above the pay range maximum. For certification requiring renewal or continuing education, the employee is required to meet the appropriate renewal and to have the certification renewed in order to continue receiving the certification incentive pay. In addition, if an employee receiving EMT certification is promoted to a Paramedic position, the EMT certification pay will be removed. Health/Dental Insurance Benefit - For General employees, the Village will pay full cost of the lower-cost single coverage and 80% of the lower-cost family coverage. Employees shall pay all costs above the Village payment of above coverage including any increased expense ofhigher-cost health/dental plans the employee may choose to select. Flexible Spending Account - The Village's Flexible Spending Account provides employees the ability to voluntarily set aside tax- deferred compensation for authorized personal expenses such as medical expenses. Tuition Refund Program -The Village shall follow a tuition refund program that provides a maximum benefit of $400 per semester for undergraduate classes and $450 per semester for graduate classes. The reimbursement amount depends on the cost of the class and the grade received. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - The Village offers an Employee Assistance Program through the Center for Family Services. The program offers various counseling and referral services and provides for two counseling sessions per year paid by the Village. Part-time Employee Longevity Award - The Administration recommends eliminating the Village's past part-time employee longevity program (2% salary increases after five and ten years of service) in favor of performance merit increases provided by Section 10 of this Comprehensive Pay Plan. PP - 8 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2005 - 2006 Includes 3.79k Ran a Ad ustment effective October 1, 2005 Federation of Public Employees* New position for f=Y 05.06 Budget Revised Salary Range for FY 05.06 Bu t Position not currently budgeted PISA - Lieutenarrts***' Salary Range Added for FY 05-06 Position eliminated in FY 05 - O6 Bud TIUe Library Page (Perm. PT) Recreation Assistant (Perm. PT) Parks Summer Staff (PT) { Pool Lifeguard (PT) Camp Counselor (PT) ,~ Goff Attendant (Golf Shop) (Perm. PT) Pro Shop Attendant (Perm. PT) Youth Art Instructor (PT) GoIF Attendant Clerical Specialist (Perm. PT) Grounds Maintenance Worker (Perm. PT) Grounds Maintenance Worker' Accountlng Technician I (Perm. PT) Library Assistant (Perm. PT) Greens Maintenance Technkian' Irrigation Technician I' Library Assistant Sanitation Worker Grade Minimum 6 13,520 8 15,600 10 17,872 11 18,739 (Note: FPE Ranges subject to 9/05 raitifcation) (includes 2.1 % fo 10/1/04 and 3.7% for 10/1/05l ------- FPE Union ---------- Minimum Midpoint Maximum 23,396 28,379 18,739 23,396 28,379 13 20,687 25,887 31,303 20,687 14 21,771 27,186 32,927 15 22,746 28,486 34,443 16,880 1s,an 22,313 Maximum 20,484 23,636 27,078 E -Denotes FLSA Extmpt Positon 22,746 28,486 34,443 76 23,937 29,895 36,177 23,937 29,895 36,177 PP-9 > ) VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2005.2006 Includes 3.796 Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2005 Federation of Public Employees` New position for fY 05-06 Budget Revised Salary Range for FY 05-06 Bu t Position not currently budgeted PBA - Lieutenants"" Salary Range Atlded for FY 05-06 Position eliminated in FY Q5 - O6 Bud Administrative Assistant :. Automotive/Equipment Mechank I` Code Enforcement Officer I• Crew Foreman' Trades Mechanic II' Code Enforcement Officer 11(Perm. PT) School Crossing Guard Human Resources Specialist Administrative Coordinator Accounting Technician III' Automotive/Equipment McChanlc II' Supervisor, Recreation' E -Denotes FLSA Exempt Positon Gra a Minimum 17 E 25,237 31,519 18 28,428 33,038 19 27,728 34,660 (Note: FPE Ranges subject to 9/05 raitifcation) (includes 2.1 % fo 10/1/04 and 3.7% for 10/1/051 ------- FPE Union •-------- Mazimum Minimum Midpoint Maximum 38,126 39,968 28,428 33,038 39,968 42,242 27,728 34,660 42,242 20 29,137 36,394 44,408 E „ „ 21 30,545 38,234 46,575 22 32,189 40,184 48,958 29,137 36,394 44,406 30,545 38,234 46,575 PP - 10 ^ 1 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2005 - 2006 Includes 3.7% Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2005 Federation of Public Employees' New position for FY 05-06 Budget Revised Salary Range for FY 05.06 Budget Position not currently budgeted PBA -Lieutenants"" Salary Range Added for FY OS-06 ~Qsition eliminated n~Y~5==06 BUdOet (Note: FPE Ranges subJect to 9/05 raitifcationl Title Building ConsWction Inspector I (Perm. PT) Deputy Village Gerk Supervisor, Golf Course Librarian II' Building ConsWctian Inspector I' Accountant Coordinator, Reueation Programs Supervisor, Grounds Maintenance Supervisor, Parks Maintenance Supervisor, Street Maintenance Supervisor, Sanitation Supervisor, Facility Services Supervisor, Vehicle Maintenance Heac Goi(Professicna~ Building Construction Inspector II' (Includes 2.1% fo 10/1/04 and 3.7% for 10/1/05) - - FPE Union Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum Minimum Midpoint Maximum 23 33,685 42,134 51,340 33,685 42,134 51,340 24 35,418 44,191 53,940 35,418 44,191 53,940 25 37,152 46,467 56,648 26 27 E E 38,992 48,741 59,464 40,942 51,124 63,472 ~@ E 43,000 53,832 66,721 29 45,167 56,430 69,971 E -Denotes FLSA Exempt Positon PP - 1 l 1 VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH PAY RANGES - FY 2005.2006 Includes 3.796 Range Adjustment effective October 1, 2005 Federation of Public Employees' New position for FY 05-06 Budget Revised Salary Range for FY 05-06 Bu t Position not currently budgeted PBA -Lieutenants" Salary Range Added for FY 05-06 position elimnatedtin FY 05_=06.8 Title Coordinator, IT Systems Director of Accountlng Deputy Building Official Manager, Inforrnatlon Systems Superintendent. GoH Course Director, Library Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Assistant Director, Public Safety Grade Minimum Midpoint Maximum 30 E 47,441 59,355 73,545 E 31 E 32 E E E 33 E E E E 34 E 35 E E 36 E 49,824 62,280 77,227 52,316 65,421 81,127 54,914 68,670 85,135 57,623 72,029 90,765 60,547 75,602 95,316 63,580 79,502 100,190 2~ 66,7-i ~,40~ ~8~i86 Director, Public Services 38 E 70,078 87,625 112,105 Director, Finance 39 E 73,653 91,958 117,738 Director, Public Safety 42 E 85,135 106,364 136,258 (Note: FPE Ranges subject to 9105 raitifcation) (includes 2.1 % fo 1011/04 and 3.7% for 10/1/05) ---- FPE Union --------- Minimum Midpoint Maximum E -Denotes FLSA Exempt Positon PP - 12