FY 2010 General Fund Capital HighlightsThe Village of North Palm Beach Adopted Budget Fiscal Year 2009-2010 General Fund Capital Highlights Department Information Technology Amount Email server software $ 5,800 Public Works Street Overlay 300,000 Sidewalk Repair 20,000 Storm Drainage 83,000 Pallette racks for storage 5,000 408,000 Public Safety Library (2) Patrol Cars Emergency Generator Radio Room A/C Refurbish public restrooms (2) A/C air handlers 54,000 25,000 10,000 89,000 10,642 19,270 29,912 Recreation Resurface Gym Floor 40,000 Total Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Capital Plan $ 572,712 FY 2010 Adopted Budget Page 56 of 215