Ordinance Index 2021Page 1 of 1 \\webster2\villageinformant \clerk\NPB Ordinances\2021 Ordinance Index.docx 2021 ORDINANCES ORD # BRIEF DESCRIPTION 1st READING 2nd READING & ADOPTION CODIFIED ? INC/OMIT SUPP # 2021-01 Code Amendment -Boats and Recreational Vehicles 12/10/2021 1/14/2021 included 76 2021-02 Code Amendment – Buildings and Building Regulation 1/14/2021 1/28/2021 included 76 2021-03 Creating a Planned Unit Development - 2nd reading postponed on 12/10/2020 to January 28, 2021. 2nd reading tabled on January 28th 2021. 2nd Reading on 8/12/21 failed – not adopted. 11/12/2020 Failed – not adopted 8/12/2021 n/a n/a 2021-04 Code Amendment – The Shoppes at City Centre Commercial Planned Unit Development 2/25/2021 3/11/2021 Included 77 2021-05 Code Amendment - Candidate Qualifying Period 3/11/2021 3/25/2021 Included 77 2021-06 Code Amendment - Golf Carts 04/8/2021 4/22/2021 Included 77 2021-07 Code Amendment - Balloons and Sky Lanterns 5/27/2021 6/10/2021 Included 78 2021-08 General Fund Budget Amendment for FY 2021 Capital Leases 6/24/2021 7/08/2021 Omitted 2021-09 Code Amendment - Stormwater Management Utility 6/24/2021 7/08/2021 Included 78 2021-10 Zoning in Progress Tabled on 7/8/2021 and 10/11/2021 10/28/21 Omitted 2021-11 Old Port Cove South Marina PUD Amendment Tabled on 8/12/2021, 8/26/2021 and again on 9/08/2021 2021-12 Prosperity Village PUD Tabled on 8/12/2021, 8/26/2021 and again on 10/28/2021 11/18/2021 Omitted 2021-13 Code Amendment -Election Qualifying Period 8/26/2021 9/08/2021 Included 78 2021-14 Code Amendment -Vacation Rental and Registration 8/26/2021 9/08/2021 Included 78 2021-15 Code Amendment - Electrical Service to Formerly Developed Vacant Lots 8/26/2021 9/08/2021 Included 78 2021-16 Ad Valorem Tax Millage Rate FY 2021-2022 9/8/2021 9/23/2021 Omitted 2021-17 Budget FY 2021-2022 9/8/2021 9/23/2021 Omitted 2021-18 Code Amendment - Garbage Collection and Disposal 9/8/2021 9/23/2021 Included 78 2021-19 Code Amendment - Civil Citations 10/28/2021 11/18/2021 Included 79 2021-20 Code Amendment - Fires and Grills in Parks 10/28/2021 11/18/2021 Included 79