05-17-2023 VC SP-MPresent: Absent: ROLL CALL MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA MAY 17, 2023 David B. Norris, Mayor Susan Bickel, Vice Mayor Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., President Pro Tem Deborah Searcy, Councilmember Chuck Huff, Village Manager Len Rubin, Village Attorney Jessica Green, Village Clerk Mark Mullinix, Councilmember Mayor Norris called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present except for Councilmember Mullinix who was out of town. All members of staff were present. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Norris gave the invocation and Vice Mayor Bickel led the public in the Pledge. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Regular Session held April 13, 2023 and the Minutes of the Regular Session held April 27, 2023 were approved as written. STATEMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC John Samadi, 512 Marlin Road, expressed his concerns with the proposed code amendment regarding off street parking spaces and accessory storage structures. CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED President Pro Tem Aubrey moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Vice Mayor Bickel seconded the motion, which passed with all present voting aye. The following items were approved: Resolution approving an Easement Deed in favor of Seacoast Utility Authority over a portion of Anchorage Park for sewer improvements; and authorizing execution of the Easement. Resolution amending Resolution No. 2023-32 to approve a proposal from Advanced Recreational Concepts, LLC for the purchase of a playground border for the artificial turf at the Anchorage Park playground merry-go-round at a total cost of $1,167.50; authorizing execution of the Contract; and approving a Budget Amendment to fund the purchase. Minutes of the Village Council Special Session held May 17, 2023 Page 2 of 5 CONSENT AGENDA APPROVED continued Resolution approving an Amendment to the Cash Management Master Agreement for day- to-day banking services with TD Bank, N.A.; authorizing the Village Manager to execute the Amendment; and waiving the Village's Purchasing Policies and Procedures for day-to- day banking services. Resolution approving Amendment No. 2 to the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Palm Beach County for participation in the Urban County Program; and authorizing execution of the Amendment. Receive for file Minutes of the Infrastructure Surtax Oversight Committee meeting held 8/15/22. Receive for file Minutes of the Business Advisory Board meeting held 2/21/23. Receive for file Minutes of the Environmental Committee meeting held 4/3/23. Receive for file Minutes of the Waterways Advisory Board meeting held 4/5/23. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND QUASI-JUDICIAL MATTERS ORDINANCE 2023-08 CODE AMENDMENT — GOLF ADVISORY BOARD A motion was made by Vice Mayor Bickel and seconded by President Pro Tem Aubrey to adopt on first reading Ordinance 2023-08 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ARTICLE II, "GOLF ADVISORY BOARD," OF CHAPTER 9, "COUNTRY CLUB," OF THE VILLAGE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY AMENDING SECTION 9-17 TO REVISE THE COMPOSITION AND TERMS OF THE GOLF ADVISORY BOARD; PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mr. Rubin explained that although there was a first reading of the ordinance at the last Council meeting, the Village Clerk discovered while transcribing the minutes of the meeting that a motion was not made. Therefore, it was necessary to bring the ordinance back for a first reading. Thereafter, the motion to adopt on first reading Ordinance 2023-08 passed with all present voting aye. MOTION — A motion was made by President Pro Tem Aubrey and seconded by Councilmember Searcy to approve a Meter Application with Seacoast Utility Authority to irrigate the Community Center's athletic field and grounds with potable water. Mr. Huff gave a brief background and explained that based on feedback from the last Council meeting, staff was bringing forward a recommendation to approve a meter application with Seacoast Utility Authority to irrigate the Community Center's athletic field and grounds with potable water. Councilmember Searcy asked what the timeline was for Recreation's Master Plan and what the plan was for the baseball field at the Community Center. Stephen Poh, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, stated that the Recreation Master Plan would be going back out for bid. Mr. Poh explained that due to the recent tornado damage, they would be re -fencing, reinstalling lighting, and keeping the front baseball field. Minutes of the Village Council Special Session held May 17, 2023 Page 3 of 5 MOTION — Meter Application with Seacoast Utility Authorityto o irrigate the Community Center's athletic field and grounds with potable water continued Discussion ensued between Councilmember Searcy and Mr. Poh regarding the reasons for keeping the front baseball field closest to the parking lot. Councilmember Searcy asked Mr. Poh to give an update on the tornado damage at the Community Center. Mr. Poh stated that staff was working on getting quotes to repair the damages. Mr. Poh explained that the damaged fence was removed and Precision Landscape was working on clearing landscape debris and uprooted trees. The lighting would be removed and replaced with LED lights. The basketball court was currently closed and poles at the volleyball courts would need to be replaced. The damaged playground shade was removed and the playground and fitness areas were re -mulched. Vice Mayor Bickel asked where the funds to pay for the irrigation connection was coming from. Finance Director Sarnia Janjua stated that the funds would come from the General Fund's Recreational Budget and if at the end of the year the Recreation fund cannot cover the expense it will come back before Council for consideration. President Pro Tem Aubrey asked what the monthly cost of the irrigation would be. Mr. Poh stated that the approximate cost would be $1,850 per month and that staff had budgeted a yearly cost of $24,000. Thereafter the motion passed with all present voting aye. MAYOR AND COUNCIL MATTERS/REPORTS Councilmember Searcy thanked the Recreation Department for all of their hard work over the months of April and May for working various events and dealing with the tornado damage at the Community Center. Mayor Norris stated that the Village's golf course was fabulous and he has received rave reviews. Vice Mayor Bickel stated that the North Palm Beach Symphony has 117 children from 30 schools coming to North Palm Beach to play their instruments. Vice Mayor Bickel stated that the symphony was invited to play at the Shakespeare Festival in July, and that if anyone needed them to play for events, they were available. VILLAGE MANAGER MATTERS/REPORTS DISCUSSION — Council Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Mr. Huff began a presentation on Village Council's FY 2024 Goals and Objectives. Mr. Huff began by going over the agenda of items for discussion. Mr. Huff reviewed and discussed the Village Investment Policy, Potential Budgetary Challenges, FY 2024 Tax Revenue Projections, and possible funding opportunities. Minutes of the Village Council Special Session held May 17, 2023 Page 4 of 5 DISCUSSION — Council Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget continued Mr. Huff stated that legislative restrictions placed on municipal governments was one of the budget challenges for Fiscal Year 2024. Mr. Huff stated that Senate Bills 102 and 250 have restrictions that could impact the Village. Mr. Huff provided copies of the bills for Council's review. Mayor Searcy asked for an update on plans to address the Senate Bills. Mr. Rubin stated that an ordinance to address the CMU District had been drafted and would be considered by the Planning Commission on June 6th, and then brought to Council for first reading on June 81h and second reading on June 22nd. Mr. Rubin stated that because of restrictions in Senate Bill 250, setbacks would be addressed and parking would not be addressed. Discussion ensued between Mr. Rubin and Councilmembers regarding the restrictions in Senate Bill 250. Mr. Huff discussed and explained that the Village would continue to invest in Village Infrastructure to ensure "Long Range" financial health through Property Value Appreciation and continue to evaluate organizational structure for efficiencies and effectiveness. Mr. Huff reviewed and discussed FY 2024 Strategic Planning, which included the Vision, Mission Statement, Core Values and S.W.O.T. Analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) of the Village. Councilmembers requested the following revisions to the Village Council's FY 2024 Goals and Objectives: • Add a comma after the word "character" in the Vision Statement. • Add commas after the words "respectful", "safety", and "social" in the Mission Statement. • Remove the word "mutual" and add a comma after the word "ethical" in the statement for Integrity under Core Values. • In the S.W.O.T. Analysis: o Remove "Improve Service Efficiency" from the Opportunities category and add "Service Efficiency" to the Strengths category. o Remove "Financial Sustainability" from the Weaknesses category and add to the Threats category. o Add the word "Aging" before the words "Infrastructure and Facilities" under the Weaknesses category. o Remove "Infrastructure" from the Threats category. o Change "Environmental: Natural & Man -Made" under the Threats category to "Environmental Disasters." o Change "Limited Hiring Market" under the Weaknesses category to "Difficulty hiring for positions." o Remove "Labor Market / Employment" and "Support for Commercial Markets" from the Threats category. o Change "Legislative" to "Legislative / Erosion of Home Rule" under the Threats category. o Remove "Economic Instability" and add "Financial Uncertainty" under the Threats category. Minutes of the Village Council Special Session held May 17, 2023 Page 5 of 5 DISCUSSION — Council Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget continued Mr. Huff reviewed and discussed the Current Year Themes and Objectives and discussion ensued among Councilmembers. Councilmembers requested the following revisions to the Current Year Themes and Objectives: • Remove "and the broader community" from the objective #1 listed under Community Engagement. • Add the objective of "Expand active involvement of residents in community events and efforts" under the Community Engagement category. • Add the objective of "Manage growth and re -development effectively to reflect and maintain our values and small Village character" under the Community Culture and Character category. • Add commas after the words "infrastructure" and "safety" in the statement under Quality of Life. • Add a comma after the word "well-maintained" in objective #1 listed under Quality of Life. Mr. Huff reviewed and discussed the FY 2023-24 High Priority Projects, Medium Priority Projects and Low Priority Projects. Councilmembers requested the following revision: • Add "Assessment of Village Facilities" to the High Priority Projects list. Mr. Huff explained that staff was prioritizing the Medium Priority Projects and would return with realistic dates for accomplishing those projects. Discussion ensued regarding the proposed Anchorage Park Dry Storage project. Mr. Huff reviewed the proposed Budget Workshop Schedule. Mr. Huff asked Council to confirm the proposed dates. Council confirmed that they were available for the proposed Budget Workshop dates. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m. C' Jes# Green, MMC, Village Clerk