02-09-2023 VC WS-MMINUTES OF THE WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 9, 2023 Present: Deborah Searcy, Mayor David B. Norris, Vice Mayor Susan Bickel, President Pro Tem Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Councilmember Chuck Huff, Interim Village Manager Len Rubin, Village Attorney Jessica Green, Village Clerk Absent: Mark Mullinix, Councilmember ROLL CALL Mayor Searcy called the meeting to order at 7:56 p.m. All members of Council were present except Councilmember Mullinix who was out of town. All members of staff were present. All Department Directors were present. Mayor Searcy explained that she had called the meeting at the request of the Ad Hoc Residential Code Committee, which had asked Council to make a high-level decision on whether to allow Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) in the RI Single Family Zoning District. ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS Alex Ahrenholz, Acting Director of Community Development, presented an overview of the issue, beginning with a definition of ADUs. Mayor Searcy asked for clarification on the examples shown, and discussion ensued as to the potential impacts of the current code disallowing a second kitchen in a residence. Mr. Ahrenholz outlined the existing regulations, as follows: Sec_ 45 -27_F - R1 Single Family District: Accessory Structures "One detached automobile garage and one open-air pavilion may be constructed on any lot tivithin the R-1 single-family dtivelling district. Village Council Workshop Session held February 9, 2023 Page 2 of 3 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS continued Mr. Ahrenholz explained any garage, storage space, or living space attached to the principal structure and meeting the required setbacks was currently permitted. Mr. Ahrenholz discussed current permitted uses. Mr. Ahrenholz stated that the existing Land Use density in the R1 Single Family District was currently 5.80 dwelling units per acre with one (1) single family home per lot. Mr. Ahrenholz stated that only cul-de-sac lots and golf course lots would be eligible under the current Comprehensive Plan for an ADU, though they were currently restricted to a single-family home. Mr. Ahrenholz reviewed issues associated with allowing for ADUs and considerations that could be made in determining whether they should be permitted, including proliferation of short-term rentals, housing affordability and an increase in the maximum residential density set forth in the Village's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Ahrenholz stated that parking and impervious surfaces would need to be amended to allow for ADUs. Mr. Ahrenholz briefly discussed regulations in Palm Beach County, West Palm Beach, and Delray Beach. President Pro Tem Bickel asked whether the neighboring communities allowed ADUs. Mr. Ahrenholz responded that there were specific allowances in specific Planned Unit Developments (PUDs), but in general, ADUs were not allowed. Mayor Searcy opened the meeting to public comment. Chris Ryder, 118 Dory Road South, stated that he did not have an issue with allowing ADUs, and suggested the Village try to mimic the County ordinance. Mr. Ryder shared concerns regarding setbacks and stated they should set a hardline on square footage. Mr. Ryder noted flood zone maps were about be updated and a portion of the Village would be in a hazard area, which would impact construction, and asserted that the Village needed to review its population growth estimates. Mr. Ryder stated that allowing ADUs would further exacerbate the issue. Deborah Cross, 2560 Pepperwood Circle South, stated that she was concerned about landscape, and how additional units would take away from what the Village had worked to keep in place. Mrs. Cross stated that she was also concerned with water, drainage, stress on Village services, and maintaining setbacks. Mrs. Cross asserted that the impact of additional people should also be considered. Mayor Searcy closed the public hearing. Mayor Searcy stated that as she was connecting with people during her campaign, she heard that people wanted sheds, mother-in-law suites, and pool houses. Mayor Searcy shared feedback she had gathered which was that as long as they maintain the setbacks and landscaping requirements and do not impact the neighbors, people were supportive. Mayor Searcy noted that it was an expensive undertaking which would only be utilized by a small number of people but would be an expansive of property rights. Mayor Searcy asserted her understanding was that the Ad Hoc Residential Residential Code Committee was broadly in support of allowing ADUs, with strong rules surrounding the change, but thought that it was a policy decision which should be made by Council. Councilmember Aubrey stated that he would hate to see North Palm Beach look like other municipalities, and asserted they needed to protect the permeable space as primary. Councilmember Aubrey argued that it would be difficult to control whether units were rented, and stated he did not feel comfortable with allowing ADUs. Village Council Workshop Session held February 9, 2023 Page 3 of 3 ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS continued President Pro Tem Bickel agreed stating that she was not in support, but thought the issue of not allowing two (2) kitchens needed to be addressed. Discussion ensued regarding concern over rental of ADUs and restrictions due to lot size. Vice Mayor Norris stated that he was opposed to the proposal. Vice Mayor Norris noted that the district was for single family homes, and those who want additional units should buy in multi- family home districts. Vice Mayor Norris asserted that there was no reason to make the change to benefit a few people. President Pro Tem Bickel discussed an attached mother-in-law suite she had toured when the home was for sale, and stated that it would be very functional for an elderly parent without having a detached structure. President Pro Tem Bickel reiterated her opposition to the proposal. Mayor Searcy stated that she also did not want to add to the impervious surface but thought allowing ADUs was the right thing to do in light of the housing crisis. Discussion continued. Committee member Lisa Jensen spoke regarding the conversation of the Ad Hoc Residential Code Committee. Ms. Jensen stated that the committee believed it was important to investigate the issue and had been supportive of the general philosophy but had not gotten deep into the details. Mayor Searcy expressed concern that because sheds were able to be allowed, people would use those as ADUs. Vice Mayor Norris stated that the topic of small town feel and maintaining the Village character comes up often, and this was an example of ways to do so. Discussion ensued briefly regarding the issues of allowing separate sheds and two (2) kitchens. Consensus was not to move forward with allowing ADUs in the Village. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Jes a Green, MMC, Village Clerk