1999-061 Communications Site Lease with Nextel• SOLUTION NO. 61-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIItECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A COMMUNICATIONS SITE LEASE AGREEMENT (GROUND) WITH NEXTEL SOUTH CORP., A GEORGIA CORPORATION D/B/A NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEASING LAND AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY CENTER FOR INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF A TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the communications site lease agreement (ground) with Nextel South Corp., a Georgia corporation d/b/a Nextel Communications attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement is for the purpose of leasing land at the North Palm Beach Community Center for installation and operation of a telecommunications facility. Section 2_ The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and duetted to execute the communications site lease agreement (ground) with Nextel South Corp., a Georgia corporation d/b/a Nextel Communications set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. • • PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 14th DAY OF OCTOBER , 1999. (Village Seal) ATT ~%///~ VII,LAGE CLERK r~ LJ Almkcr: gomh l'Inridu GI. Nn< r1. E55)11 Silr Nanrc: D]ta liasl IRlh1MUNICAT1ONC SI'f Ac ~ A F Af 'NT (Sali0UND1 This Conununicationa Silc Lrnsc Ag¢cnxnl (Grouml) ("Agrccnxnt") is entered into this 251 day of Dg1:p~~, 1999, between Village of North Pnlm Deeeh, a Florida nnmicipal corporation with an offx<el 501 U.S. Ilighway I, North Pelm Desch, PL JJ406 ("Lessor"), and Nrxtcl South Colp. n Georgia eoggration, dA)/a Nextd Conununleetions with an address of 851 TnGlgar Coun, Suite JOOIi, Maitland, FL Por good and xnluable consideration the r<ceiDl and nlffidrn<y of which is hereby acknowledged, Ih<panica hcrclo agree as folbws: 1. 1'rrntises. Lessor is Ibe owner of a parcel of land (Ihe "IoM") sent an existing light pole ("Light Pol<'") located in Ihe Nonh Pabn Oeoch, County of Palm Dcech, Stara of Florida commonly known as Village of North Paim Dcech Community Center, 1200 Prosperity Fam6 Road. The Lerd is more particularly described in Exhibi[ A annexed hcrclo. Lessor hereby leans to Lessee and Lease< leases from Lessor, approximaldy lrircc I lundred Filly Cight (J58) square fttl of Ihd Lend erd ell access end utility caxrrxnU, ihny, (Ih<'Prcmiscs') as dcuribcd in Exhibit 6 anncxad hcrclo. 2. IiL<. 7 he Prclniscs may be used by Lessw for the installation, malnlenanec, epcrelian, replaccnxnl, RDair and rcmavai of Lessee Feeilitics, as JcEned below, including Ihe transmission and reception ofndio signals. 3. Tests •nJ Conslrudlon. Lcascc shall have the right al any lime fallowing the full cxeculion of Ihis Agrcasxnl to enter upon the Land for the purpose of making appropriate engineering and boundary surveys, inspections, toil Icsl borings, other reasonaby necessary Icals anJ consuucling Ihe Lcssec Feciiitiea (as deDned in Paragraph 4(a) below). 4. 7,ernt. 7rie term of Ihis Agreement shall be Ove (5) years commenting upon conslrudian of Ltasee Fecilitica or One Hundred Eighty (ISO) days from foal cxeculion of Ihis Agreemcnl, whichever Drsl otturs ("Comnxn<ement Date") end lerminaling on Ihe fi0h anniversary of the Commcnttmcnl Uate (Ihe "Term") unless otherwise Icrminated as provided in Paragraph 10. Lcssec shall have Ihe right to extend th<Teml for three (J) succcssivc five (5) year Deriods (Ihe 'Renewal Terms") on the same lernss and conditions as ael forth herein. This Agreemcnl shall oulomatically be <xleldcd for tech au<cessive Renewal Tenn unless Lesstt noliGea Lessor of its intention not to renew prior to comnxnttntent of the sucettding Renoval Term. s. litnl (a) Within IS days o! the Comnxncement Uale end on Ihe Ersl day of each nxnlh Iherteller, Lcascc shall pay to Lessor as rent Two 7riousand and 00/100 DOLhARS (E2000.00) per month ("Rene"). Rent for any fractional month a11he beginning or al Ihe <M of Ihe Term or Renewal Tcnn shall be prorpcd. Rent shall be payable to Lessor at SOI U.S. Ilighway I, North Palm Dttch, Florida JJ408; Attention: Village Manager. (b) Rcnl shall be inacased on each anniversary of the Comnxnc<ment Date by en antounl equal to Ihrcc percent (J•/a) of the Rent for the previous year. 6. 1'A[IIIIICS: DHDticf: ACCCSS. {~ (e) Lcasor aball transfer tide to Ihe Light Polc to Lessee and Lttatt shall r<nlovc and dispose of the Light Pole, et its axle cost end expense. Lcssec shall erect s replacement Tower, nuinlain end openle on lh< Premises Idecommuninliana hcilili<a, Including without limimtion, an antenna pole ("Tower") sod foundation, utility lines, Iransmlaaion lines, air wnditioned equipment shelter(s), el<dronic <quipmenL radio Irenslni0ing sect receiving antennas, supporting equipment and alruduret thereto (collttlively'Lesstt Facilities"). Upon <ompldion of the ]bwcr, L<sstt shall, el its sole cost eld exlxnu, install Lessor's existing Odd lights ("Lessor's Equipmenl'~ to be located on Ih<Tawu al Ihcir existing Itcight Icvcl as shown on Exhibit D. L<asor ahail be fully responsible and liable for Ihe oD<relion of Lessor's Equiplttent which will be perfonnM by a thirJ parry selected and managed by Lessor. Lessee sball have na liability of any nature to Lessor or any Third party for failure to repair or maintain Lessor's Equipment unless cause) by Ihe actions of Leastt or its agents. Leswr shall give Lessee prior telephone notice (954- 275-1450) of the eommcncanent of repair and ntainlcnance work end Lessor aM its agents shall lake all reasonable sxps necessary Io rvoiJ interference with Lessee's Idecouvuunicetions operations. Leawr shall be wlely responsible for all de<Iricily soars associated wish Lessor's fquipntcnl. Lessor represents and warmnls That it owns sect controls (end has Ihe right to have reloceled) Ihe Lessor's Equipment. Nohvithstanding Paragraph 14 of Ihis Agr<emnn, lsssor may not assign, wbid or olhcrwis<transfer ila right to locate (or use) ony equipnxnl on the t'aut'er. In conn<cliun therewith, Lessee has Ihe right to da all work nttessary la prepare, maintain sect filer the Premises for LessMa business <Ixratimts and to install transmission lints connMing Ihe antennas to Ihe Iransmillcra and rettivers. All of Leascea conslruclion and installation work shall be p<rfornxd al Lessee's sole cost and expense sect in a good and workmanlike manner. Title to Ihe Lessee Facilities shall b< held by Lessee. All of lessee F'acilitica shall remain Lessees personal properly and are not 6xlures. Lessee has Ihe right to end shall remove all Lcssec Facililics, except for Ihe Tower, al its sole expense on or before the expiretion or earlier Icrmination of Ihe Agreement; DrovMCd, Lessee repairs any damage to Ihe Premises caused by such removal. Should Lesue fall to remove Lesstt Facilities from Ihe Land within Ihirry p0) days of tcnninalion or earlier expiration of Ihe Agreement, Lessor nsay remove and store Lessee Facilities ai Lessee's sole east end expense. If Lessee does not claim Lessee I'acililies, and provided Thal Lessor has given Lbsstt sod any Third party financing entity sixty (00) days prior written a<tice, Ihe Lcascc Facililics shall be decntcd abandoned. Upon Icrmination of Ihis Agreemcnl, Lcssec shall not be required to renxve any foundation more Than one (I) foot below grade Icvd. Upon expiration or earlier Icrmination of Ihe Agr<cnxnl, wch tcnninalion resulting through no fauh of Lessor, Lessee shall transfer marketable Iiile for the Tower to Lessor wilhaut charge. (b) Lesstt shall pay for Ihe dedricity it consumes in its operationt at the rex charged by the wrvicing utility company. Lcssec shall have dlc right to draw declricity and other ulililics on the Lend by obtaining separate utility urvice from any ulilily company Thal will provide service m the Lent (including a standby power genemlor for Lesucs exclusive uu). Lcasor agrees Io sign such documents or easenxnls es may be IaplireJ by said ulilily conq)anics to provide aocb xervic< to Ihe Premisca, including the grmtl to Lesstt or to the servicing ulilily company at no cost m Ihe basset, of on cascnxnt in, over across ar through Ihe Lard es requirM by such acrvicing ulilily tympany to prouiJe ulilily services as provide) herein Any casemnd necessary for such power or other uliliti<s will be a1 a location atteplable to Lessor acct Ihe acrvicing ulilily nmyranY. (c) Lessee, LessMs anployeca, agents, subconlraclora, lenders end invitees shall have access la Ihe Pr<misea without notice to Lessor eccnty-four (24) hours a Jay, seven (7) days o week, et no charge. Lessor grants Io Lcascc, end its agents, employees, conlractora, guests and invitces, o nun-exclusive right anJ cascnxnt for pnlesllion and vehicular ingress ud egress across that portion of Ihe land described in Czhibil 1. (J) Lessor shall maintain ail access roaJways Oam Ihe nearest public roadway to Ihe 1'rnnius in a manner suRcienl to allow pedestrian and vehicular acttss al all linens under normal weather conditions. Lessor shall be responsible for maintaining and repairing such roadway, al its sole csDcnsq except fur ony danage eauscd by Lcssec i use of such roadways. (c) Prior to colnmencing conslruclion ar mWificelions of Ihe Leastt Facilities, other than routine meinlenance or Ihe replaccnxnl of like • ryuiplucnl, Lcascc shall obtain all rcquircd Govcmmenlal Approvals. II is LC6scC'6 60Ic ttapOnslbllily 10 Ob18b. al Lcaaft 6 6(11< CO51 enA expense, any end ell permits, licenses, and approvals from local, part or federal govermnenlal eulhorilics es required by law for the e<nslmelion and oprralion of the Lcssec Facililics (collectively, Ihe "Governnxnlai Approvals ). Lessor agrees to reasonably cooperate wish Lcascc, p no additional cost to Ihe Lcssec, and to ezecule such documents reasonably required to obtain Ihe Governnxntal Approvals. Lcssec shall install and mainain, at its tyre expense, ell landuaping es approved by Ihe Villag<of Nonh Palm Dca<IJs Planning Commission. This Agrttmcnt dots not cmislilulc an abrogation of Lessor? govcrnmcnlal rcgulalory land dcvdopmenl powers. CIWINIOM'$ a,.:.e e7m Atukcl: Sow619uriJa tiro N<.: 1'I. ]55111 Sire Nan>c: Oaks Len 7. f Ile "Ifl'fllcr. (a) Lesscc shall operate the L<ssec Facilities in a manner that will not cause inlcrfcrcncc to Lcasor and other lessees or liccnsccs of the Land, provided That. Ihcir inslallalions predate Ihai of Ih< Lcsstt Pacililics. All operations by L<suc shall be in compliance wish all Federal Cmnmm~ications Commission ("FCC") rcquirwncnls. • (b) Subscqucnl to the installation of the Leaser Facilities. Lessor shall not permit iladf, its Ic¢se<¢ or li«nsees to install new equipment on the Lend or prolxrty comiguous Ihrrdo awned or conirollfd by Lessor, ifsuch equipnxnl is likely to eauu inlcrfcr<nce wish Lessees opcrslions. Such interference shall be deemed a material breach by Lessor. In the event inlcrfcrcncc occurs, Lessor agrees to lake all reasonabi< steps necessary to diminalt ouch interferentt, in a reasonable lime period. e. "uc . If personal properly taxes arc esscsscJ, Lcasce shall pay any portico of such taxes dircclly ailribulable la the Lesscc Pacililics. Lessor shall pay all real properly loxes, esscssnxnis and dcPortM taxes on the Lend. Lcsue shall reimburse Lcaur for any increau in real estate taxes dircclly aliribmablc to Lessee Pacililics within sixty (60) days of receipt from Lessor of su(fcirnl docunxnlation from the lazing authority indicating Ih< increase is due to Lesscc a improvements. 9. \1'eh~fr of Lrssarl .ten. (a) Lessor waives any lien rights it may have eo~~aning the Lcasce Facilitica wbtch arc deemed Lcssce's personal properly and not fixtures, and Lesscc has the right to rcntove the 6anx at any IinaC without Lessor's consent. (b) Lessor eeknowledges That Lessee has entered into a financing arrangement including promisury notes eM financial and ueurity agrccmenla for the financing of the Lesscc Facilitica (Ih< "Collateral") with s third party financing entity (and nay in the future enter into additional financing vrangements with other financing entities). In connection Iherewilh, Lessor (i) conunla to the installation of Ih<Collatersi; (ii) disclaims any interest in Ih< Collateral, as fixtures or otherwise; and (iii) agrees Thai the Collateral shall be exempt from <xttulion, foreclosure, sale, Icvy, allachment, or distress for any Renl due or to become due end Ihai such Collateral may be removed al any lime without rceourse to legal procttdings. 10. Trnnlnalioy. 'Ihis Agreement ntay br Icnninalcd without fudhcr liability on Ihirly (JO) days prior written nolicc as follows: (i) by either parry upon s default ofany covenant or Icrm hcrcof by the other parry, whleb dcfaull is not cured within sixty (00) days of receipt of wriu<n nmicc of ddauh, provided that the grace period for any rrwnelary dcfaull is ten (10) days from rttcipt of rmtice; or (ii) by Lsue for any reason or for no reason, provided Lcsue ddivera wrillcn nolicc of<arly lcrminalion to Lessor no later than Ihiny (JO) days prior to the Commcnccmcnt Uae<; or (iii) by Lcauc if it does not obtain or maintain any license, permit or other approval nttrasary for lh< conslru<lion end operation of Lesscc Facilities; or (iv) by Lesscc if Leaser is unable to occupy end ulilim the Premises due to an action of the FCC, including without limilatiou, a take back of channels or change in frryucncies; or (v) by Lcsue if Issue ddermincs Thal the Premius ere not appropriate for its operaeinns fur economic or Icchnulogicel reasons, including, without limhation, signal inlcrfcrcncc. I I. Ueslrudlon or Cm demnallon. if Ibc Premises or Lesscc Facilitica arc damaged, destroyed, mndcmned or IransfcrrcJ in lieu of condenmation, i,casee may elect to Icrminate This Agrecnxnt as of the date of the damage, dcatrudion, <ondemnalion or Innsfer in lieu of condemnation by giving notice to Lessor no ntorc Than foray-five (45) days following the d6tFof such damage, deslruclion, condemnation or IransRr in lieu of condcmnalian. If Lesscc chooses not la t<rminalc Ihis Agrcclnent, Rcnl shall be reduced or abased in proportion to the actual ¢dudion or abatenxnl of use of the Prcmiscs. I1. Incur°nef. Issue, al Lessor's sole cost end expense, shall procur<and nwintein on the Premiss and on the Lesscc Pacililics, bodily injury end properly damage insurance whit a combined single limit of al least One Million sect 00/100 Dollars (g 1,000,000.00) per occurrence. Such insurance shall insure, on an a<urrtnce basis, against ell liability of Lraue, ila employees and agents arising out of or in connection wish LcssMs use of the Prcmiscs, all as provided for herein. Lessor shell be named as an additional insurtd on Ltaues policy. L<ssef shall provide to Lessor a «rlifliete of insuranec evidencing the coverage required by this paragraph within Ihirly (30) days of Ihr Commencclrsnl Dale. IJ. 1Valver of col roeallon. Lessor sod Lessce release each other and (heir respeclive principals, employees, rcprescntalives and egenls, from any claims for damage to any person or to the Yremisra or to the Lessee Facilities Iherean caused by, or that result lrom, risks insured against under any insurance policies carried by the panics and in force at the lime ofany such damage. L<asor and Lesscc shall cause each insuranec policy obtained by Them to provide Thal the insurance <omfwny waives dl right of recovery by way of subrogation against the other in conntttion wish any damage covered by any policy. Neither Lessor nor Leauc shall be liable to the other for any damage caused by fire or any of the risks insured egainsl under any insurance policy required by Paragraph 12. 14. ~gnmml anJ cubldline. Lessc<may not aublcL or otherwtu Iransfcr ail or any part of its inlcresl in This Agreement ar in the Prfmisc; provided, however, Ihai Lesscc may outgo its inlcresl to its parent company, any subsidiary or affiliate of it or its parent company or to any sucecssor-iminlercat or entity acquiring ^Ry-one percent (51•h) or mor<of its croak or assds, eubjttt to any financing entity i inlcresl, if any, in This Agreement as act forth in Paragraph 9 above. Lessor may assign,(his Agrccnxnl upon wrillcn nolicc to Lcasce, subject to the assignce assuming all of the Lessor's obligations herein, including but not limited lo, (hose ad forth in Paragraph 9 ("Weivfr of Lessor's Licn"") above. 7 his Agre<mene shall run wish the property nrM shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the panics, their respective succfasora, personal rcprescnlalives, heirs arM assigns. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary mnteincd in This Agreement, Lesscc may assign, ntorlgage, pledge, hylwthewle or olhenvise Transfer without nolicc or consent its inlereal in This Agreement to any financing entity, or agent on behalf of any financing entity to whom Lessee (i) has obligations for borrowed nwney or in respttt of guaranties thereof, (ii) has obligations evid<necd by bonds, debentures, notes or similar inslrunxnis, or (iii) has obligations uMer or wish reslxd to Idlers of credit, bankers ecceptantts and similar Pacililics or in resixd of gunrmnics Ihcrcof. 15. \y_arrxn ~ of "Isle ~n~yuktl~ fdo~Ltvnl. Lessor warrants Thal: (i) Lessor owns the I,nnd in fee simple onJ has rights of access Ih<rdo nIIJ Ihr LnnJ is free m+d dear of all liens, cnanubranccs anJ resvidions; (ii) Lessor has foil right to nwkc end perform Ihis Agccnunl; and (iii) Lessor covenants end agrccs with Lcasce Ihai upon Lessee paying the Real and observing and performing ell the Iernts, covenants sort conditions on Lcsscc's earl to be observed end pcrfonncd, Lesscc may pca<efully end quicdy enjoy the Prcmiscs. Lcsue egrces to indemnify and hold harmless Lesscc from ony and all claims on Lcsstt i leasehold Inicresl arlaing from any breach of any rcpres<Nalion or waranty eonlained in Ihis Paragraph I5. lo. tc .nJl;. Lcasce shall be required to make ony repairs to the Premius during the Icasc Icrm Thal were net nttcssilalcJ by the negligence or willful misconduct of Lessor or its egenls. Lessor shall not be responsible far Ihr repair ofdamage reused by Lcasce to the Land. Gxcepl as ad forth in Paragraph 0(e) above, upon expiration or Termination hcrcof, Leutt Chair restore the Prcmisca to the eoridilion in which it fxisled upon ucemion hcrcof, reasonable wear and Isar and loss by eesuahy or other ceases beyond Lessees control exceged. 17. I lazardous Subslnnces. Lcsstt agrccs Ihai it will n<I use, generate, Clore or dispou of any I larerdous Material on, under, about or within • the Lend in violation ofany law or regulation. Lessor represents, warrants and agrccs (q Thal neither Lessor nor, to Lessors knowledge. any IhirJ party has used, gcneretcd, stored or disposed of, or pcrmitled the use, generation, storage or disposal of, any Hazardous Material (defined blow) on, under, about or within the Lend in violation of any sew or regulation, and (2) Ihai Lcasor will not, end will not permit any Third parry louse, generate, store or dispose of any Hazardous Material on, under, about or whhin she Lend in violation ofany law or regulation. lsssor and Lcssec each agree to deferd, indclnnify end hold harmless lbe other end the other's parmera, affiliates, ag<nrs acct fmployws egainsl any arW all losses, liabililics, claims end/or costs (including reasonable eltorney'a fees and costs) arising from any breach ofany represenlalion, warranty or agreement contained in this paragraph. As used in this paragraph, "Hoardous Material" shall oxen petroleum or any petroleum produce, asbestos, any mbslance known by the stale in which the Land is located to ceust tangier and/or reproductive toxicity, end/or any aubslantt, l ~+rINI%INS~II:FIPJ lAirfINAI NSCJrc anlss.I N1N< Slat kal.: SnulL RoriJa Sim No.'. PL ISC7p Sim Nano: Oaks Past chemical or waste that is idemi6ed es hazardous, toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal, stale or local law or regulation. This Paragraph shall mrvivc the Icnniwlion ofihis Agrecmenl. IR. LlaUlllly enU Indan div. Lessee shall indcnmify end hold Lessor harmless 0mn ell claims (including allonsyi fees, tads and cslxnses of defending againn such claims al bosh the Trial and Appellate level) arising from Lessu's use of the Premises. Lessor shall • indenmify and holJ i,casc< hannicas from all claims (including allome)Y fus. costs old expenses of defending against ouch deims at bosh the 'trial end Appellate Icvel) arising from the negligence or willNl miacaMud of Lessnr or lessor a agents, employees, or <oniredors in or ebool the Land the duties dcscribal in Paragraph 18 survive Icnninalion of Ihis Agreement. 19. Allsceilancous. (e) This Agrecmenl eonstilules the entire agreement and urdcrtlanding bdwcen the parties, and supersedes all offers, negotiations and ether agrcatunls concerning Ih<aubjed molter contained herein. Any amendments to Ihis Agrecmenl mull be in writing and executed by both parties. (b) If any provision of Ihis Agrumcnt is invalid or uncnforuabic with reaped to any party, the remainder of Ihis Ageement or the applicotion of such provision to persons other Than (hose es la whom it is held invalid or unenfureeabl<, shall not be affected and each provision of Ihis Agrc<nxm shall be valid end cnfarccebl<IO the fullest extant pemtiilsd by law. (c) this Agrecmenl shall be binding on anJ inure to the benefit oflhe successors and pcnnitlcd assignees oflhc reapcdivc parries. (d) Any notice or demand required to be given herein shell be made by eerli0ad or registered mail, velum racier rryuesled, or reliable ovanighl courier to the address of the respective panics set forth blow: Lessor: Village of North PALM Beach Lessee: Nextd South Corp. 501 U.S. f lighway One 851 Trafalgar Court, North Pelm Desch FL 33d0R Suite 3008 Attn: Village Manag<r• Maitland, FL 32751 Attn.: Properly Menagcr With a copy lo: Gcorgc W. Baldwin, Eaq. With a copy lo: Ncxld Communi<alions, Inc. Lew OfRcea of Brant end Baldwin 2001 Bdmund Ilelley Drive 330 Fcdcrel Highway Reston, VA 20191 J4J0 Lakt Park, FL J3405 Alln.: Lcgel Dcpl., Coniracis Manager Lessor or Lessee may frmn lino to lime designate any other address for this purpose by wrilren notice to the othu party. All notices hereunder sball be deemed rcuivcd upon actual receipt. (c) This Agrecmenl shall be governed by the laws oflh<Slalc of Florida. (Q Lessor acknowlalgcs that a Memorandum of Agrumcnl in the fomt annacd hercfv~as Exhibit C will be recorded by Lessee in Iht official records of the County where the Land is located. In the event the Land is encumber<dby • mortgage or deed of trust, Lessor agrees Io obtain and famish to Leases anon-dislurban<e and attommenl Instrument for each such nurlgage or decd of Imsl and Ihal Lessee, at its mle cost end egxnse, shall record a release ofsuch Manonndum of Agreement upon expiration or earlier Icmtinalion hero!. (g) Lessu may obtain title insurance on its interest in the Lend. Lessor shall <ooperale by executing documenlalion rryuired by the title insurance conspany. (h) In any case where the approval or consent of arts pony hereto is rryuired, ruqucslcd or otherwise to be given under Ihis Agrecmenl, ouch early shall noI unreasonably delay or withhold its approval or conunt. (i) All Riders and Cxhibits annexed hereto form material earls ofihis Agrecnenl. Q) This Agrecmenl may be executed in dupli<ele eounlerparls, each ofwhi<h shall be decnud an original. IN 3YITNESS 3VIIEILEOF, the panics have executed Ihis Agreement as of the date firs) above written. LESSOR: Signal, scaled end delivered in the presence oC Village of t Paim Deaeh, a Flar' nicipal q rylyjy li~ ~ _ ///~ WIInCSa y/p~ y-- Print Name 9"" C. ~ Pri Namc: Edward Eisuv Title: Print Namc. /J /~ .. C Village Clerk r Federal Tax IDW: 59-W 17984 S'I'Al'C OP FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM OEACII 'I he foregoing inslrunxnl was eeknowlcdgtd before me Ihi;Qy~Jf~_day of_y(~4e±~ 1999, by 1shverd Gisscy, as Mayor of Village of orth Palm Ocach, a Florida municipal eorporelion, who is personally known to nu or who has produced _______. A/~i} _as idcnlificalion and who ~8 (did noQ lake an oath. Nll'NIiSS my hand and official seal. MELISSA A TEAL ~~QOs~a. Q /~-iJ _ ..~ kfrcwlassanaccasiaaa ~y~ _ EIVWEB: AIy1J.2001 No///El%SfiO /~• ~E.~~ gaaenm gaw was unar«Iln Prins Nanu T Aty commission expires fw~3 ~OO~ (SIGNA'1'URVS CONTINUED ON FOLLOW INC PAGE) [~wlNnnWan ixl%LF.ASERNAIHSC d< 3 xni,e.I bvW mnikcL: s~mhn„rida tiim Nu: 19.83111 Sim Nmrc. Asks Gsl LESSEE: Signed, scaled end Qclivcrcd in the presence oL Nexlcl South Corp., ^ Georgia <oryoralion • dMa Ne ~ I Communicatio s Wilms Dy: Prins {~mr. ~ /6 iKr~ PrInIN John (lfero 0 Tiile: Vice President Prins Namc:_. (%NI HlsCLi/C S. 1YR'RCk-A'/ STATE OI COUNTS' OF /4~~dJ4~' The foregoing inslrumenl was acknowledged before me This W~y of [>L_, 1999, by John Cafvo, as Vice Presidem of Nexlel South Corp., a Georgia corporation, d/b/a Next<I Communications who Is personally known to nx or wha has produced _ _ es idcntifcetion arld who did (did nop lake an oath. WI7NFSS my hand end ofGeiel seal. My commission h ` . ~~ 6 Ja `~. • C\M'INMWS\IEMry,EAEEFINALNSC b[ 11„I,eJNAG Almka: RuuIL I'IariJa sne Nn.: fl. ]aSJO tihc Nand. Oaks liasl UESCRIP'1'ION OF LAND • to the Agreement dared OCLOEBT 25 1999, by and bclwccn Village of North Pelm Deaeh, a Florida munlc;pal rorporalion os Lcssoq end Nexlcl South Cory+., a Georgia <ogsorelian, dANa Nexlel Communinliona as Leasc<. 7be Lend is describe) end/or depicted as follows (melee and bounds d<seriplion): A portion of the I>,rccl idenlificd os'fax AaacaaOf f Folio M 43-~2-OS-00-000- I I IO simalnl in the Slole of Florida, Courtly of 1Vesl Pohn Beach, Village of Norlh Pelm Deaeh and described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND IN TFIE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 42 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT TFIE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE SOUTFI 89'46'53' EAST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHEAST QUARTER, (THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID QUARTER IS ASSUMED TO BEAR SOUTH 89'46'S3a EAST AND ALL OTHER BEARINGS ARE RELATIVE THERETO), A DISTANCE OF 105.00 FEET TO A POINT ON 1HE EAST RICFIT OF WAY LINE OF PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD; 711ENCE NORTH 00'35'37' EAST ALONG SAID EAST RIGITT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 729.74 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PARCEL; ' THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 00'35'37' EAST ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE, A DISTANCE OF584.55 FEET TO A POINTON A LINE 20.00 FEET SOUTH OF, WHEN MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF 1HE NORTHEAST OUARIER OF SAID SECTION 8; 1HENCE SOUT}1 89'58'27' EAST ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, A -01STANCE OF 876.61 FEET TO A POINT; TFIENCE SOUTH 25'12'15' WEST PARALLEL TO THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF 1HE NORTH PALM BEACH WATERWAY AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF GOLF COURSE ADDITION N0. 2, NLLIAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK28, PAGE 67, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, A DISTANCE OF 652.51 FEET TO A POINT ON T11E EASTERLY PROLONGATION OG THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF BURNS ROAD, AS DESCRIBED IN OFFlCIAL RECORD BOOK 1241, PAGES 259, AND 260, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE NORTH 8924'23' WEST ALONG SAID PROLONGATION, A DISTANCE OF 604.83 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID EAST RICFIT OF WAY LINE OF PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD AND 1HE POINT OF BEGINNING; SUBJECT TO AN EASEMENT FOR BIKE RIDING PURPOSES OVER AND ACROSS THE WEST 10.00 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING IN ALL 10.0 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. • uannnsne new wsrsvwosmm,.xnw xx a,.ixJ VIM AIVkN.: Smnb ]gariJa Sim Nn.: fl. )55)11 Sim Nanw: Oaks liar EXI IIRIT U lPaet I of S1 C DESCRIPTION OF PREMISES to the Agrecmcnt dared 1999, by elld belwcco Village of North Pelm Ucach, a Florida municipal mrporalion es Lessor, end Ncxlel Saulh Corp., a Georgia corporation, d/bh Nexld Communiulians es Lessee.' The Prenises are described and/or depicted as follows: _________________i _-_-____c_____ I I~ I I ~ I I I I I _. -- I ! r .w'c`ia°O~«:i w~narn aft, W rvu euno amsw swa.~.},.°ea."Da,rne o a:w w ~seuso'ra~x+wr ae. rwi:.wLPi'a`acwa.:'w ~r`v rpp1Oalen woW :ro, a":e°'r'`uiol"wr:xaan so c.xa wn,n f ' rbano arcrwca. Ks m. nENLARGED SITE PLAN MOIITN `a,.,.e a..w a.a.ew.. n.w~ wiis. wry c."'v1p" vn aw..oa w.er r...~ ». «~,o4r~.. ~.a~.. ..e,.aw,.M ~M,~",. nnun ow..rs ~ M M1an~p OIL Resin tM0 rMa M?L'wl\a. NUICS: q 'Ibis fxhibil nuy be rcpbceJ by m IanJ nuvey of the Prtmises once II b recdveJ by Leuce. Z) Sclback orllK Pranisa fmmlhe land's bounJuia mhdl be the distance reyulreJ by the applinblc 6ovenmcnlal audsorisies. )) WiJlh ofacanaad chart be the wiJlh rcquirtJ by lM1e applicable 6nvemnsenbl authgilie6 induJin`policc and fire rkpmrsnxms. Q 'I Le type, nunYscr mlul nsounling pwilims nW localionsohnlennas anJ lnnsrnission lines arc llluslnlive only. Aeiwllypes, nunlbcn, mounlin6 posiliom may Vary from cabal is Shown about. 114hau'Snf MNIfASCSVYpSV flN.endiwl do b anianl n9w hlmkcl.: South PluriJa tiim Nu.: fh ISSJII lilt W nc: Oaks lion UI'SCRI1'7'ION OF i'ItEg11S4S • to the Agrcen]enl dale) , 1799. by Lnd between Village of Nonh Palm Ucech, a floriJn municipal corporation as Lessor, end Ncxlcl South Corp., a Georgia corporation, dMa NexlFl Communicationt as Lessee.' The Premises ere described and/or depicted es follows: sew a'-e• LOY LGH1NIrYa Roo sew oes)+RIerIDH eseAeoN sum iopnlwµ cARRewNeeRs WALL ee nRSneD +o Loc,sre wro mM rsa+oPae. NEw rrexreL earwlcATloB DlRecnoNAL AMEIN0. DECI[fEL DB-Mer190E-xr r}OiAL ff NIIB lfU fKJINIED CN DODM ASSEMBLY AND ANCHORED TO PROPOSED MONOPOLE. PAeEt TO MATCH !%ISTRG POLEe. NEW CNthO LIpE1Ry yXrLIY fGIYpDA ExISiFG RELOCATED LbM FIxNRE3 TO [fE REFIOINiLD AT eAeE NEk:M. [IONI N PER MAN.PACIURER REOUIRFI-L:Me. aEW~gbO'-O' IMII ryGYRCLt W IH aEW RPLD:A lD LX161Ni L+Y/R 6nLRF~t~ M0.1rilD Ai aC0'-O' AOL. PANT IO MA+CN LMILaG P0.[[. N(u[ wree~oRINxA'[rnroRF Frw~iJWDlacrlw Alb r0 NEW aRMEL LOMIMCATION3 OPS ANlEM10. rYJTO1FCl.4 RLNA-A)!IA FTOrAL OF 1LLV r])1 agNTCD QI OPPO)ITE CIDIC CP H011CPOL[ WTH 11N 10' VCRT1Cµ SEPARATION REFER TO DETAIL S, tH13 BEET [%lailG 1RE[ LLYGb t0 R1LN CXbTCG V'-O' M311 G4N-L[K fCNCC CCYOp ~'-O' rKll CH-aN~LM' FDCC. NEW Pdp I1gN1ED FOilrt¢Nr / ~ ~ ~ ~' C1DMEt - ///gyp- ~- ~ NEkIEL VAERa'RW0 CAekIAL--/ i ~ µL AYRV4 afA.aA1µ YnlM11 LADLE RG1raG. ~ ~ aCb1K[ r0 p[ NOII[KD GY alka[L L l r MrµLFD GY ANr[NU LCNIRAGILR nTOWER ELEVATION (LOOKING NORTH) 1 • Nslss: S) ibis fsbibit may be rcplaaJ bya hml mrvcyofllN i'rcmi)n oncehisrtteiveJ by lsvtt. O gdhack of+he Prelises from the lAndt boundadeuhell be llR dinence required by the eppikebk govemmenlA ealLWilicr. 1) WiJlh of ecceH road dwll tithe wiJlh rcquircd by the eppliable govemmenlel[ulhodlie6 including politt erM fire degrlnxnb. g) the type, nunBcnnd nwunling posilionnnJ locelions ofmmnnu eml lnmmiulon lintt ere lllusinlin only. Atlmllypce, nunLCrs,narlnling positions nuY vary from what b ehoxvbove. IIn4r~.lSllf DL W.FASf5VfW5V)1TleuefNal Art y [ai,eJ ViNp hlalAct: South l'losida tiila Nn< fh 27)711 [ila Nanx: Oeka fast PRFPARf;U 61': Paula Ilickman, Csq. • Ncxtcl South L'ory. 4201 Lucien Wry, Suite 100 Maitland, PL )2751 ItE7'URN TO: Alan Gabriel, Esq. 2457 Eesl Sunrise Blvd., gPll-E PL Lauderdale, Fl. JJJ04 7 his Memorandum of Agrcemenl is ~mscred into on Ihia day of , 1999, by and bclwttn Village of Nonh Palm Beach, a Florida municipal corporetion, with an address el 501 U.S, Highway 1, North Palm Beech, Florida 3)408 (hereinaller referted to ns "Lessor') end Nexml South Corp., a Georgia corporasion, drb/a N<xlei Communications wish en of0tt al 8)1 Trafalgar Coun, Suilc )OOC, Maitland, FL )2751 (hcreina0cr rcfcrted to es "Lessee"). Lessor and Lessee entered into a Communications Site Lease Agreement (`Agreenxnt") on the _ day of 1999, for the purpose of installing, operating artd maintaining • radio <omnaunicalions facility and other improvenxnis. All of the foregoing ere sal forth in the Agrccmcnl. '1 he Icrm of the Agrccmcnl is for Eve O) years Commencing on _ ("Comnxnttmenl Date"),end acrminaling on the flih anniversary of the Commcnccnxnt Dalc with Ihrtt (J) [uacssive five (J) year options to renew. 'I'hc Lend which is ahc subjttl of the Agreenxnl is in Palm Beach County, Florida, dcsuibed in Exhibit A annexed hereto. The portion of the Land being leased to Lessee (Ihc'Prcmises") is described in Exhibit B annexed hereto. I N W ITNCSS WI ICRCOF, the panics have cxeculsd this Memoandum of Agrttm<nl es of the day and year foal above written. LESSOR: ~~ Signed, scaled and delivered in the presence of Village of North Palm B<aeh, e Florida municipal wryoralion By;l':4' FX_,i'~1(T~.L1_~_U(1_h!()1_I KFClf1T: Wllncas Print Name: Print Name: Fdward Bissev Atlui: Village Clerk STATE OF COUNTY OP The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 1999, by Edward L•iss<y, as Mayor of Village of Norrh Pelm Beach, a Florida municipal mrporasion, who is personally known so me or who has produced _______ as identification and who did (did not) sake en oath. WITNESS my hand end official seal. Notary Public Print Nanx My commission (SIGNATURES CONTINUED ON FOLLO\VING PACE) (' IwINI%Iwa\IE.MNEASEi1NAI.NSCh< a<.i.s eons aterkcL: Suulh florWa Sim No.: 1'L ISAII Sim Nalnc: Oaka 14s1 J Signed, scolcd ald ddivcrcd in the presence oC Print Namc' Witness I'rinl Nan¢: STATE OP COUNTY OP LESSEN: Nexlel South Corp., a Georgia coryoralion d/INa Nexld Communications 9y: ~_i)±;~~~;tlli~31J~~~.hY_•(~{li~r~~_~~„'~;,_il~-(: Print Name: John Gfaro Tills: Vice President The foregoing inslrumcnf was acknowledged b<forc me this _day of , 1999, by John Gfaro, es Viec Prcaid<nl of Nexlcl South Corp., a Ceorgia corporation, ddde Nexld Communieelions who is personally known to nJC or who Ms produced as identification end who did (did not) lake en oath. WITNESS my hand end official seal. Notary Public My commission • r 1NINMWa\iEMP1EAanfIHALN5C 1u, Re~ivJNM