1999-046 Quit Claim 60 ft. Parcel to WCI0 • SOLUTION NO. 46 -99 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER THE QUIT -CLAIM DEED ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" TO WCI COMMUNITIES INC., WHICH DEED QUIT -CLAIMS A SIXTY (60) FOOT WIDE PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED BETWEEN THE EAST RIGHT - OF -WAY LINE OF PROSPERITY FARMS ROAD AND THE NORTH PALM BEACH WATERWAY WITHIN THE VILLAGE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. FLORIDA: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Quit -Claim Deed attached as Exhibit "A ", to WCI Communities, Inc., which deed quit- claims a sixty (60) foot wide parcel of land located between the east right -of -way line of Prosperity Farms Road and the North Palm Beach Waterway within the Village. Section 2 The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Quit -Claim Deed to WCI Communities, Inc. for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th DAY OF AUGUST , 1999. (Village Seal) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK I 1'his Imam the PreOhred up This Quit-Claim Deed Made wnduecutedthY 12th d yof AUGUST 1999 by VILLAGE OF NORTH PALAI BEACH, a local unit ofspei fa Igo wrnment ad public cwporwian OfIFW State of Flwidq IWO IS ltf I a( 301 U. S. IfigIllwy One. North Paint Neadt Florla 33408, is -elWer called the granlw, l0 1 CI place of busines INC., Delauwe cwporwioq smceJSw by merger of IVCI Conln mniies Llwi(ed Por(Iwrsdlp bass Florida DeJlgn C•onnnnunbies, Inc.. a Delalvare corporaliwt lmving a place of builims at 3300 University Drive, Coral Spring; Florida 33063, lwrei,4 called llle grantee. OlSeuwr msJmreln tie urmr •yumw•and •penlre' hlrlvdr d/lM porlbs m lhU bulrununl ordlAe heirs. fetal repsunmrlm arxl eultm erJllJivwuoU, aid she surttuas aid mntm glearpavnoml Whie3'Ae111l Timt the glanla fw alnl %II cwttldera(lwl Of fine Joni Of $10.00 and Odutr Yallnlble cwYh/eraliwtl, rerelsm ubereof it hereby aabmlv/edged by dwe presents dm lwreby remise, release ord gdl<falnn mesa due grantee, all Ilse right tide, blferes. claim and demmnd which file granlw hies In and to all flung certain land legally described wt E[bibll "A'• (iv mufsling oj3 puges) ofloclwd Inerelo and hu'mporafed lierelu by thin reference, situate In dw Village ofNorlll Faint Read; Paint Beach County Florh4i TO Have and to Hold, the tame togeflwr with all and slijulor use appurtenances dieretrnlo belwngbtg or In nuywlse apperlalnbng, and all Ow estate, rlglnt title, bllerest !lest equity aid claim lvlalsoetCr of fire grantor, eblwr I's law w eguiq; to the only proper use, benwfa and behoofof file granfeeforever. Signed sealed ord delivered in the presence of- Name Name: STATEOFFLORIDA ) )sr: COUNNOFPALM NEACH ) In Witless WhereOjllw grantor Ines roused lime presents to be ueculed in Its Imnte, and Its corporate real to be Iwreunito tnAueg by Its proper oJ)kers llsereuluo duly aullarlse4 dw day and yeorfirfl above witless. VILLAGE OFNORTIf PALM N£.ACII I NEMY CERTIFY that on this da , be /we me, an o�ces duly oudmr &ed In the State and County afaresold to take acknowledgments, personally appeared ��J[!�_I.rC/.✓ M. E/ i fEV and /y,4 xlt E/✓ r ���(/ May -and Village Clerk respectively, ofllw Village ojNorlh Palm Beach h ojwbom G personally hater tome. IYITNIESS my lard ord ofclal seal in the County and Slate late ofwesald ti isZ&+1ay o/� 1999. Aly Convuiulon Evpires: ✓k� /.�y.i�� Naott; jjJs yJJ,f iQ• %r,FCt� Notary Public Conmltsrlwn No r'e LJf�9j fr YELSSA A TEAL YY CSOASStlN 0 CC 05N58 WIRES: JAY N. MCI ( Noary Seall Omew lhm 0eua nnEe tlrlrhehv. ElMWAY.Thn, Esq. Yewd hod Yeterh l0: Yuhert N. UeFOrd Addrta: WCI CommuWOa, lm. 3500 UeiversilS Urlre Coal SPrlep, Floddh 35065 elvmas Cnetrel Nummr 60 43 15 00 00 000 1050 This Quit-Claim Deed Made wnduecutedthY 12th d yof AUGUST 1999 by VILLAGE OF NORTH PALAI BEACH, a local unit ofspei fa Igo wrnment ad public cwporwian OfIFW State of Flwidq IWO IS ltf I a( 301 U. S. IfigIllwy One. North Paint Neadt Florla 33408, is -elWer called the granlw, l0 1 CI place of busines INC., Delauwe cwporwioq smceJSw by merger of IVCI Conln mniies Llwi(ed Por(Iwrsdlp bass Florida DeJlgn C•onnnnunbies, Inc.. a Delalvare corporaliwt lmving a place of builims at 3300 University Drive, Coral Spring; Florida 33063, lwrei,4 called llle grantee. OlSeuwr msJmreln tie urmr •yumw•and •penlre' hlrlvdr d/lM porlbs m lhU bulrununl ordlAe heirs. fetal repsunmrlm arxl eultm erJllJivwuoU, aid she surttuas aid mntm glearpavnoml Whie3'Ae111l Timt the glanla fw alnl %II cwttldera(lwl Of fine Joni Of $10.00 and Odutr Yallnlble cwYh/eraliwtl, rerelsm ubereof it hereby aabmlv/edged by dwe presents dm lwreby remise, release ord gdl<falnn mesa due grantee, all Ilse right tide, blferes. claim and demmnd which file granlw hies In and to all flung certain land legally described wt E[bibll "A'• (iv mufsling oj3 puges) ofloclwd Inerelo and hu'mporafed lierelu by thin reference, situate In dw Village ofNorlll Faint Read; Paint Beach County Florh4i TO Have and to Hold, the tame togeflwr with all and slijulor use appurtenances dieretrnlo belwngbtg or In nuywlse apperlalnbng, and all Ow estate, rlglnt title, bllerest !lest equity aid claim lvlalsoetCr of fire grantor, eblwr I's law w eguiq; to the only proper use, benwfa and behoofof file granfeeforever. Signed sealed ord delivered in the presence of- Name Name: STATEOFFLORIDA ) )sr: COUNNOFPALM NEACH ) In Witless WhereOjllw grantor Ines roused lime presents to be ueculed in Its Imnte, and Its corporate real to be Iwreunito tnAueg by Its proper oJ)kers llsereuluo duly aullarlse4 dw day and yeorfirfl above witless. VILLAGE OFNORTIf PALM N£.ACII I NEMY CERTIFY that on this da , be /we me, an o�ces duly oudmr &ed In the State and County afaresold to take acknowledgments, personally appeared ��J[!�_I.rC/.✓ M. E/ i fEV and /y,4 xlt E/✓ r ���(/ May -and Village Clerk respectively, ofllw Village ojNorlh Palm Beach h ojwbom G personally hater tome. IYITNIESS my lard ord ofclal seal in the County and Slate late ofwesald ti isZ&+1ay o/� 1999. Aly Convuiulon Evpires: ✓k� /.�y.i�� Naott; jjJs yJJ,f iQ• %r,FCt� Notary Public Conmltsrlwn No r'e LJf�9j fr YELSSA A TEAL YY CSOASStlN 0 CC 05N58 WIRES: JAY N. MCI ( Noary Seall Omew lhm 0eua nnEe tlrlrhehv. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A strip of land 60.00 feet in width situate In Section 8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, Polm Beach County, Florlda, being viewed right -of -woy Cammissioriers'Minutes Book Portion 3 p get522 S�plembeP 6,11916 and Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. the centerline of sold strip being more Particularly described as follows; Commencing at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 8; ther:ce ulong the South line of said northeast quarter of Section 8 South 88. 16'21" East for 105.00 feet to o point on the East right -ol -woy line of Prosperity Forms Road as shown on Road Pic' 8 0 0 k 2, pogec 136 and 137, Public Records of Palrn Beach County, Florida, sold point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue olonq sold South Line South 88' 16'21" Eosl for 0 B51 leel to a point on the West ri9lrt-ol-woy line of the North Pulm Oaoch Waterway os shown on the .Plat of Coll Course AdJi lion No. 2 Village of Norllr potm Beoclr as recordeJ in Plal Douk 20, pay9s Book ub2i22Repcaogre 340, Pulblic BRe cords oil PalmrlBeacI'dCounntyBFbr 1Jo� saidfrpainI alsod being ills POINT OF TERMINUS. z �Y is It 71. f S 7 0: LL� POINT OF BEGINNING xg 1/ 105.00' S0R• 'I- G'21 "E -. _ _ f _ —I POINT OF Tii TrSieOdOR . 1$irtMf12A3T'E'vur�Ii'Iir•'S� TERMINUS nq i Io J q ADORE VIA] IONS: P.O.O. • POINT OF BEGINNING P.O-C. • POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 100 50 0 100 O.R.B. • OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK R.P.B. • ROAD PLAT BOOK SURVEYOR'S NOTES, cRAP11IC SCALE IN FEET - 1. THIS DRAWING IS NOT A SURVEY. 2. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 3 714E DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND THE DESCRIPTION TEXT COMPRISE THE COMPLEIE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. THE LECAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID UNLESS 00111 ACCOMPANY EACH OTHER. 4. THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SICNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEA. OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER EMPLOYED BY LIDBERG LAND SURVEYING• INC. 5. DATF OF LEGAL Vf- SCRIPTION: MMCIi 3, 1998 LIIID1 :140 LAND SURVF:'i ING, INC. _ DESCRIPTION 6 SKETCH FOR: _�yyr`._' :•. (�; : -- WCI COMMUNITIES. INC. RICHARD J. WILKIE (ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR A14D MAPPER OF A 60.00 FOOT POSTED b VIEWED FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO.5327 RIGIIT•- OF -IYAY, C.M.D. 3, PAGE 522) . _;k LIDBERG LAND F1 0. ,JOB F8. —PG_ 96•s94lJ03n1 SURVEYING INC. OFF. DATE plyC, 5 LB4431 Rill. 03103198 A%-5941 SUITE JUp7 tero.1 FIiK• Ou 33458 GAO• FEC. 561- 746 -&15, REF. SIfEEi Of nLl.. 96594303NFes1 Exhibit "AF' This Instrument Prepared By: Eleanor W. Taft, Esq. Record and Return to: / Robert N. DeFord / Address: WC1 Communities, Inc. 3300 University Drive Coral Springs, Florida 33065 Properly Control Number 68 43 42 08 00 000 1020 Sep -24 -1999 12:14pm 99- 386260 ORD 11 ,3t✓.Z* pg 1-a 5& Con 10.00 Doc 0.79 I IIII 11111 1111111101111111111 II III 11 III 11111 II 11111111 This Quit-Claim Deed made andexecutedthis 12th day of AUGUST 1999 by VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a local unit of special govertmaent and public corporation of the State of Florida having its principal place of business at 501 U. S Highway One, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408, hereinafter called lire grantor, 10 WCI COADIVNITIES, INC., a Delaware corporation, successor by merger of FVC1 Communities Limited Partnership into Florida Design Communities, Inc., a Delaware corporation, having a place of business at 3300 University Drive, Coral Springs, Florida 33065, hereinafter called the grantee. (Wherever used herein: the terms "grantor" and "grantee " include all rite parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations) Wit /teSSeth: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does hereby remise, release and quit -claim unto the grantee, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which the grantor has in and to all that certain land legally described on Exhibit "A" (consisting of 2 pages) allached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, situate in the Village of North Palm Beach, Palm Beach County Florida. . To Have and to Hold, the same together walz all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywtse appertaining, and all die estate, rig(zt, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of the grantor, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit anq behoof of the grantee forever. ,t In Witness Where0fthe grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name, and its cot porate seal to be hereunto i ffcred, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and yearfirst above written. Signed, sealed and dr `"livered in the presence of- Nam Name: STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OFPALMBE,4CH) VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH 6- I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an ogicer duly authorized In the ,State and County aforesaid to take acluzowledgments, personally appeared SSE?/ andf/t/ Mayor and Village Cl-k, respectively, oflhe Village of North Palm Beach &ch of whom is personally lazown to ire. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and Stale last aforesaid this ZAday of -_,& f�� 1999. My Commission Expires: ✓6{ l / /3y �ZO�� Naie Notary Public Connmusion No. ccr 1e✓ry93,9 MELISSA A. TEAL MY COMMISSION N CC 654939 EXPIRES: July 13, 2001 [Notat y Seal) -Aoo, Bowel Thm Nmuv Public undenwbis t a OR' 11364 rg 11.5 -' DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PR COUNTY, FL LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A strip of land 60.00 feet in width, situate in Section 8, Township 42 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, being a portion of the 60.1)0 foot viewed right -of -way, Commissioners' Minutes Book 3, page 522. September 6 11916 and Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, the centerline of said strip being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of said Section 81 thence along the South line of said northeast quarter of Section 8 South 88° 16'21" East for 105.00 feet to a point on the East right- of -woy line of Prosperity Farms Road as shown on Road Plat Book 2, pages 136 and 137, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said point also being the POINT OF BEGINNING. thence continue along said South Line South 88° 16'21" East for 1404.51 feet to. a point on the West right -of -way line of the North Palm Beach Waterway as shown on the Plat of Golf Course Addition No. 2 Village of North Palm Beach as recorded in Plat Book 28, page 67, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and as described in Officiol Record Book he , page 348, Public Records of Palrn Beach County, Florida, said point also being the POINT OF TERMINUS. z w S= 7 p O Y 1_ cwct -ag� C W W 2 W h U p O W 3r z I 0 Nm� W�[ I z I 2� I IL 105.00' 58g° 16'21" E i a i o - I Cr ' �� 3 I I al ° (L m 1 V) a W 1 O� EL I a ABBREVIATIONS: POINT OF BEGINNING I/ n —1 — — _. POINT OF 1 -_ -- S88_ ° 16'21 "E 14.04.51' TERMINUS SOVIH l,It1E C�� -1HE HnR frfE AS7 OUMTE'R nF 851 -' n° QO V T v T 2mF 3 (V �2'pp as �4•"� ° �04,Ta'r'�jaT °S �3=J�ygor °�•: N P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.C. - POINT OF COMMENCEMENT 100 50 0 100 O.R.B. - OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK R.F.B. - ROAD PLAN BOOK SURVEYOR'S NOTES: GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 1. THIS DRAWING IS NOT A SURVEY. IfJ 2. NO SEARCH OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 3 THE DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND THE DESCRIPTIO14 TEXT COMPRISE THE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID UNLESS BOTH ACCOMPANY EACH OTHER. 4. THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER EMPLOYED BY LIDBERG LAND SURVEYING, INC. 5. DATE OF LEGAL PFCRIPTION: MARCH 3. 1998 LID3ERG I -AND SURVi. Y ING, INC. DESCRIPTION & SKETCH FOR: WCl COMMUNITIES, INC. (ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION RICHARD J. WILKIE OF A 60.00 FOOT POSTED & V[EWED PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AND MAPPER RIGHT -OF -WAY, C.M.B. 3, PAGE 522) FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO.5327 , k LIDBERG LAND FL O. ,4P, SURVEYING INC. OFF. LB4431 R.IK 675 West Indiontoltin Road. SUITE 200. Jupiter. Flcri(jo 33458 CKO. TEL. 561-746-8454 D.C1. Isxllil)it "A" JOB FB. PG. 96- 594(3030) DATE Dil'6.` 03103/98 A96 -594L REF. SHEET OF 96594303A(ms) I / /