1999-045 Quit Claim 20 ft. Garden Lane Extension• SOLUTION NO. 45-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE AND DELIVER THE QUIT-CLAIM DEED ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" TO WCI COMMUNITIES INC., WHICH DEED QUIT-CLAIMS A TWENTY (20) FOOT WIDE EXTENSION OF GARDEN LANE LOCATED BETWEEN THE EASTERLY LIMITS OF SANCTUARY COVE PUD AND THE NORTH PALM BEACH WATERWAY WITHIN THE VILLAGE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Quit-Claim Deed attached as Exhibit "A", to WCI Communities, Inc., which deed quit-claims a twenty (20) foot wide extension of Garden Lane located between the easterly limits of Sanctuary Cove PUD and the North Palm Beach Waterway within the Village. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Quit-Claim Deed to WCI Communities, Inc. for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th DAY OF AUGUST , 1999. • (Village Seal) ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK 1 Hlr Imlrumenl preprreJ Uy FJnvor 1Y.71 U, Cry, RenrJ rnJ Rerun re: 11o4rrl N. UeporJ Addreu: \VCI t.'OnIn1Ylllntr, InL rJ00 Unlrenlly Urire C'vnl Sprlnp, flurldn ]J063 rnperrycolnrolNnnlutr 6]uaaaoaooolom Th{S Quit-ClCt{Iri DQQd Madewderecnledlhb 12th dnyuJAU(iU$T . 19996yV/LLACEOFNO/f1'/~ /'A/•A! UFdCl1, a lucnl urrll ujapecfa! guvenmreul and public cwpwwiwr oJllre S%nre of FIwIJq bnvin la nl 70l U. S llighxny One, Nwlh Pulm Qench Flwirkr 73108, Arrebwj/rr culled dre gruuluq fu 11'C/ C p/AlUA77%!iS', /NCI, r Orlnunre cwpwuliwt suc[errw by merger rf IYCI Cwnmunlries Llwired Yarnrertbip bno /rlwkkr OLrign C'wnrnwririer, hw., r Defuxnr'e cwpwaliw4 having a place ajbusirreu u/ 3700 Uulverrlry/Hlve, Cwnl S%xing; Flwida 77067, Irereirarfier mlleJrbe grantee (11'lurrver uhd hrrdn rhr hrna -groma' arvl `]tamer `HxluJe ell lAe pot/hr to Ode Hurrvnanr anJr/rr Mai. Heal rgvauuori,n amt arrlg~a o/Hdlrldrwb, arJrhr rucaenwr wd vulenr aJrwyorariwuJ {{lllleSSCllI: 77w1 Ilre grunlw, fw oral !n cwuderutiuu of llre nnn ujS/0.00 urd oUrcr wrluoblr cwuiderulimu. rnriln rv/rererf i.r lrrreAy ackrruu4edgerl by //rese IxesrnU Juer hereby rrrnbq relrme wul yuil•dabn unlu th grwueq all l/re rigd( tide, irllrrrtl, clabn wd drmaml Iv1JCh dre gronlw luar In oral to all I/wI rerlnbr /oral legn/ly Jrrcribed wr Er/dbil "A'• (cwuuring of /lager) anuclhd /rerero anJ Irrewpwaled lrereln by UJr refenrree, rlNareW Ox Village ofNwdi Palm Orach, Yulnt Uruch C'wurty F/widu. To Have oar! !u Jlulrl, l/re rwne logedrer with all mu! ringulnr !lre nlgmr@nnru er /lrereunlu brlunging w iu unpu•uc npperlaining, oral all Ore errale, rlghA line, buerert llert rqulry and Balm Jvfwlruever of dre grantor, Ndrer /n Imv w eyuiry, lu llre way proper we, berrefil anJ beboofofllre grunreejwever. Y/LLAGE OFNURTL! PALM UEAC/! • Signer/, rented and deliverrJ ur Orelrrererrce tf Name; Nnrne: ST.I7EOFFLOR/DA J Ju: COUNTYOF PALAfUEACII J 4r {Y(Uless {V/lereufnre grmaw tau cmueJ Uresepresenrr l0 be executed in lu rwme, and itr ewpwnle re~~lu belrereunlo nQrru( by l/r proper uJ/icerr 1lrereuMO dulp uulhwisrJ, llre Jny wxl yewfinl above rwitren UY~ _/r/ ~H~ nyw AI r~ ' ~111~ Village Clerk ! I/ERCUY CEIiT/FY Uw/ on Ihls rkry, 6efwe nrAr.an o~Icer duly amhwlsed br rlre rule ord Cuunry rfweraid to Inke nc4roufe</gnrerar, perrwwlly appeared Fl1li~/r1?i~/Y/, L. / f fFC/ _mal -<4 jQY~~.E~~ Alayor wd Village C(ak, rerpecrfvely, of dre Vi0age ufNwrAl'alm UU-~uch of rvhwn u perrww0y bwrm to nee. ~ --- IV/TNFSS my /wnd and a~icfal real in Ore Cuuuty wd Slulr Iarl r~wuald Ihtr(]rf~(duy of, 1999. A/y Cwnwirrforr Erpirer: f ~ /3 .ZOO/ Nanre: ~/E~..CI>F ~• TE".d Nwary PuDlk Conuntrrlwl No•lrfG.ffy~39 :.•:~ IdcussA A. rata ' ur talwmlox r x wan y ewlncs:.ln n. Y461 M W e flw wI uY hMe IIMInNIwr (NwwySealJ ' LEGAL OESCRIPI~ION: A parcel of land situate in Section 8, Township q2 South Range 43 Eost, Polm Deocll County, Florida, being o PPortion of o parcelof land described in OlficiolRecord Oook 7239, page 1336, Public Records of Polm Beach County, Florida more par titularly • described os follows Deyiia~ nook 75, pogese 150 cond e151o,fPublicPRecofrds ofTPo mY EJeoch CounlycoFtorado: thence along the Eusl line of said Plol of SANCTUARY COVE Nor lh 02. 1756" Easl for 20.00 feel to o point on the South line of the North half of the nor lheosl quor ter of said Saclion 8 and o point on Ule North line of said parcel of land deacribed in Official fiecord Dook 7239, pogo 1336: thence along the South line of said North ITOII of the nor lheosl quarter of Section B and the Nor lh line of said parcel of land South 88.25'28" Eosl for 044.26 feel to the northeast corner of said parcel of land: thence along the Eosl line of said parcel South 01.34'32" Wesl for 20.00 feel to the southeast corner of said par tel: thence along the South line o! said parcel of land North 88.25'28" Wesl for 844.511ee1 to Ule POINT OF RFr:INNwr Containing in 01116,000 square feel more or less d% _J '"`° J 00 ~., r„ g'~' SOUTH LINE OF 1HE NORTH HALF ud OF THE NORTIIEAST OVARTER OF SEC iION 8, TOWHj/IIP J2 ~~ SUUIH, FANGE ~J E45T a N02° 17'SG"E 20.00' ..._----•----•-- S88° 25'28"E 849.2G' N88° 25'28"W ~- „'894.51' Y~ POIIJT Of- BEGINIJII~IG SOUTHEAST CORNER ' of s,wcluARr cevE SO1° 39'32"W 20.00' ABBRE V IA110Nj' P ~.0. • POINT Of BECINIJINC 60 JO 0 f0 P.O.I. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT O.R.O. OFf ICIAL RECORD 8001< GFAPrIIC SCALE IN FEEF SURVEYOR'S NOTES i. THIS DRAWING IS NOT A SURVEY. 2. IJO SEMCH OF Tt1E PUDLIC RECORDS HAS BEEN MADE BY THIS OFFICE. 3 THE DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND THE DESCRIPTION TEXT COMPRISE THE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID UNLESS BOTH ACCOMPANY EACN OTHER, 4. THIS LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORICINPL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER EIJPLOYF.O Dl' LIOBERG LAND SURVEYWC, WC. 5. DATE OF LEGFL f1ESCRIPT10N~ MMCIi 2, 1990 LIUDERO LANp Sl:R\'fT'INC, INC. _.. RICIIrRD J. Wl;.haE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR AlJD MAPPER FLORIDA CERTIFiCAiE NO. 5327 LIDBERG LAND • ;~ SURVEYING INC. LB443J E.75 IVest Indian tou~n RcOd. SUI iE 200. Jupi fer. Flcxido 33458 TEL. 561-746-8.154 DESCRIPTION b SKETCII FOR 1YCI COAT AIUNITIES. INC. IADANDON AfEN1' OF A POR1'IUN OF GARDEN LANEI FL D. JOB FB. PG. _ 96-594lJ030J _ _ OFF. DATE DWG. R.II'. OJ/02/98 Ao6-594K CKD. IREF. ISNEET OF O,CL. 96594JOJA/ms1 ~ ~ ExIliDit "A"