1999-044 Abandons Portion of Garden Lane Right of WayRESOLUTION NO. 44-99 • A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ABANDONING THAT CERTAIN PORTION OP THE 20.00 FOOT WIDE ROAD RIGHT OF WAY KNOWN AS GARDEN LANE SITUATED IN SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 42 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO FORWARD A CERTIFIED COPY OF TI-IIS RESOLUTION TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS; AND, PROVIDING FOR RECORDATION; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach has determined that the Village's interests in that certain portion of the Garden Lazie road Right of Way more particularly described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein, are of no present value to the Village and will be of no value to the Village in the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Secliou 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida hereby vacates and abandons its interest in that certain portion of the Gazden Lane road Right of Way more particularly described in Exhibit "A". Section 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to forwazd a certified copy of this Resolution to the Boazd of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 3. This Resolution, together with Exhibit "A", shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. • Page I of 2 Section 4. Effective Date. • 1'I~is Resolution shall become effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED the~2th day of AUGUST , 1999. A'1"fEST: V LLAGE CLERK ~ • (%/yam Page 2 of 2 r LEGAL UESCRIPITON~ • DeucbcCounly, Florida being o hporl o'o of rosiporcel of lond described rooOff clot Record Dook 7239, page 1336, Public fiecords of Polrn Death County, Florido more por titularly described os folluws~ Degrnningg of the soulheosl corner of the Plal of SANCTUMY COVE os recorded in Plal Dook 75, poges 15D mld 151, Public Records of Polm Beach County Florido: thence ulony lho Easl line of said Plol of SMICTUMY COVE Nor lh 02.17'56" Eoal for 20.OU feel to u point on the South line of the Nor Ur hall of the nor lheasl quarter of soid Section D and o point on the Nor lh line of soid porcel of lond described in Ofliciul nurll~ea Do touarte3 ofpSecl'1on30 lond~llle INo911rlrl ne olllsaidoparcel odf and lrSoulhoBD'r25'20" Eosl Lor 044.26 feel to lira nor lheosl corner of soid porcel of lands lhenco olony lha Eosl line of said parcel South Ol•3A'32" Wesl for 20.00 feel to the soullreasl corner of soid parcel; thence along Ilse Soullr line of soid porcel of land Nor lh BD•25'20" Wesl for DA 7.51 feel to lire POINT OF OECINNINC. Containing in all 1G,UD0 syuore feel more or less. V_1 7 W ,a •' ~O V ~> Y,n ~"' SOUTH LIN IE p1 C'-~ OF 111E N(RTOtI AST NOR1H 11 P- ua Or SEC LION B, T01Vr1$~IIN JzR ~~ SOVIII,RNJGE ~J EAST a N02° 17'56"C: '" 20.00' .°--.-•-----••_ SOB° 25'26"L 844.26' ~ N88° 25'28"W . " ,"t344.51' POIIJT OF OEGIIJIJIIIG SOV7HE A$T CORNER ' of sANC1uMY cevE SO1° 34'32"W 20.00' ADDr,EwnnE nl; P.0.0. • POINT OF DE GINIJIIJG 60 JU O f0 PA ~. POSJI OF COMMENCE61EN1 O.R.D. OFFICIAL RECORD DPOK ~ ~~-~ GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET , SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1. TrIIS DRAWING IS NOT A SURVEY. 2. NO SEMCH OF THE PUDLIC RECORDS IIAS DEEN MADE DY THIS OFFICE. 3 Tr1E DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND THE DESCRIPTIOIJ TEXT COMPRISE TrIE COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION. TIIE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID UNLESS BOTrI ACCOMPANY EACH OThIER. 4. T111S LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SICNAT URE NJD THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICEIJSED SURVEYOR AND AIMPER EMPLOYED Ul' UODERC LAND SURVEYING, INC. 5. DATE OF LEON, l1ESCRIPT10N~ MNiCII 2, 1990 UUOERG LNJD S!Nt\'El'ING, INC. RICWRD J. Wl:.haE PROFESSIONAL SURVEYOR NJO LIMPER FLORIDA CER TIFiCAiE N0. 5327 LIDBERG LAND FLO, SURVEYING INC. oFF. DE5CIiIP'I'ION 4 SIt E'1'CII R'OR~ WCI COAT AtUNI'FIES. INC. IADANDON 1fEN7' OF A POft'I'ION OF GARDEN LANEI - r.uJaJ) R.II'. Gi5 (Vest Indiontomn Rcod. SUITE 700, Jupiter. Floritlu 73758 CF.'0. TEL. 561-776-8.157 O,CL. FD. PG. DATE DWG OJ/02/98 A96-59JK REF. SHEET OF 96594JOJAlnu1 ~ V L;zhlbll "A"