1999-029 Multi-Jurisdictional Issues Coord. Forum• RESOLUTION N0. 29-99 A RESOLUTION OF THB VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE THE MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT ESTABLISHES THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AS A MEMBER OF THE MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL ISSUES COORDINATION FORUM ESTABLISHED UNDER AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT DATED OCTOBER 1, 1993; DESIGNATING A REPRESENTATIVE AND AN ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE TO THE FORUM; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, various municipalities, other local governments and agencies entered into a Multi-Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum Interlocal Agreement dated October 1, 1993, for the purpose of facilitating the identification and possible resolution of multi-Jurisdictional issues; and WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach is desirous of executing the membership agreement attached as Exhibit "A" in order to become a member of the Multi-Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Multi-Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum Interlocal Agreement dated October 1, 1993, and the • Membership Agreement attached as Exhibit "A". • Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Membership Agreement set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. The Mayor and Village Clerk shall execute two originals oP the Membership Agreement, and the Village Clerk is hereby directed to file one of such Membership Agreements with the Clerk of the Courts of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 4. The Village Council does hereby designate the following Representative and alternate Representative to the Forum: Representative Alternative Representative Charles O'Meilia David Norris Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 27th DAY OF MAY 1999. .~~ MAYO (Village Seal) AT'PEST: Village Clerk `J • • MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL ISSUES COORDINATION FORUM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT MAY 1995, entered into by and among the Village of North Palm Beach a -local oovernment (local government or service provider) THIS AGREEMENT dated this 27th day of hereinafter "New Member", and the various parties executing the Multi- Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum Interlocal Agreement dated October 1, 1993, hereinafter "Forum Agreement"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, aMulti-Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum to facilitate the identification and possible resolution of multi jurisdictional issues through research of issues and the debate of same has been established as evidenced by that certain Forum Agreement dated October 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, the Vi 11age of North Palm Beach desires to become a Member under said agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1 of the Forum Agreement, Forum membership is authorized upon the execution of this unilateral Membership Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is agreed and understood by and among the undersigned New Member and the members in the Forum Agreement as follows: Upon execution of this Agreement and upon payment of the annual participation fee prescribed in Article IV, Section 3 of the Forum Agreement, New Member will become a Forum member pursuant to the Forum Agreement recorded in the Official Records at Book No. ,Page EXHIBIT "A" 2. The New Member shall enjoy all the privileges of, and shall be bound by all the terms and conditions of, the Forum Agreement. The Forum members in the Forum Agreement agree to the • inclusion of New Member in accordance with Article IV, Section 1 of the Forum Agreement as it is acknowledged that the inclusion of an additional Forum member furthers the intent and spirit of the Forum Agreement and the ultimate goal of providing coordination in the identification and possible resolution of issues of multi jurisdictional significance among all local governments and service providers. 4. A copy of this Membership Agreement shall be ffied with the Clerk of the Court in and for Palm Beach County and with the Clearinghouse. 5. This Membership Agreement shall be effective upon execution and filing pursuant to Paragraph 4 and shall continue in full force and effect unless the New Member withdraws pursuant to Article XI, Section 7 of the Forum Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the Village of North Palm Beach as of the date and year indicated below. By: ,Q. Its: Mayor Date: May 27, 1999 • • MULTZ-JURISDICTIONAL ISSUEB COORDINATION FORUM INTERLOCAI, AGREEMENT This Interlocal Agreement, dated the 1st day of October, 1993, entered •into by and among the various parties executing this Agreement, each one constituting a public agency as defined in Part I of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, and each one a participant in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement; W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, the creation of the Multi-Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum (hereinafter "Forum") will facilitate the identification and possible resolution of multi-jurisdictional issues by providing a vehicle for consensus building through the research of issues and the debate of same; and WHEREAS, the Forum can provide direction on the resolution of amulti-jurisdictional issue and the implementation of a program of multi-jurisdictional significance; and WHEREAS, the Forum may also determine a countywide position relative to multi-jurisdictional issues and growth management needs at the County, Regional, and State level; and WHEREAS, the Forum would also serve as a vehicle for clarification of and technical assistance in understanding Regional and State initiatives; and WHEREAS, the Forum would also be an outlet to provide • constructive critiquing of county legislative proposals having countywide implications; and WHEREAS, the Forum over time may provide the initiative for programs and policies to address items of multi-jurisdictional • significance. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is mutually agreed and understood, by and among the undersigned parties aS follows: ARTICLE I. TITLE This Agreement shall be known and may be cited as the "Multi- Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum Interlocal Agreement." ARTICLE II. PIIRPOSE The primary purpose of this Agreement is to establish a Forum that will provide a vehicle for communication and education between and among the various local governments and service providers through the receipt and review of reports from ad-hoc committees; through presentations on items of multi-jurisdictional impact or concern; and through the review of actions taken by the Executive Committee, as established herein. ARTICLE IZZ. The following definitions shall apply to this Agreement: "Associate Forum Member" means a non-voting member of the Forum as established in Article IV, Section 2. "Clearinghouse" means the Clearinghouse established in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement. "Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement" means that Agreement dated October 1, 1993, which • created the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review 2 • Process. "Executive Committee" means the Executive Committee established in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Interlocal Agreement. "Forum Member" means a local government or service provider who has joined the Forum through this Agreement. "Local Ggvernment" means the incorporated cities, villages and towns within Palm Beach County and the County of Palm Beach. "service Providers" means the Palm Beach County School Board, the South Florida Water Management District, and all independent special districts located in whole or in part in Palm Beach County which provide services required to be addressed in comprehensive plans by Chapter 163, Part II, Florida Statutes. ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Forum Members Each and every local government and service provider who has executed this Agreement by October 1, 1993, or who has subsequently entered into this Agreement by execution of a unilateral Membership Agreement in such form as the Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A", shall be a member of the Forum. In order to become a member, a local government or service provider must first be a participant in the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Process through the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Coordinated Review Process Interlocal Agreement. Each Forum member shall designate a representative to exercise its responsibilities in the Forum. Each • Forum member may also designate an alternate representative who 3 shall act when the regular representative is not in attendance. • 6ection 2. Associate Forum Members Any person or entity approved by the Executive Committee may become an Associate Forum Member. Associate Forum Members shall be treated in the same manner as Forum Members except that they do not have the power to vote. Section 3. Membershiv Fees A. There shall be no membership fee for Forum Members for the first year. The Executive Committee may establish such a fee effective after October 1, 1994. B. There shall be a $200.00 annual membership fee for Associate Forum Members. The Executive Committee may change the amount o{ this fee. Section 4. Membershit> Obliantions All Forum Members and Associate Forum Members agree to provide technical assistance requested by the Executive Committee and any ad-hoc committee established pursuant to this Agreement. ARTICLE O. FORUM POWERS AND DIITIES section 1. Powers The Forum may exercise the following powers: A. Refer an item of potential multi-jurisdictional significance to the Executive Committee for discussion. B. Veto an action of the Executive Committee taken pursuant to Article VIII of this Agreement; C. Adopt the minority opinion on an issue when the • 4 • Executive Committee has issued both a majority opinion and a minority opinion; and D. Ratify or modify an action taken by the Executive Committee pursuant to Article VI, Section 2 C. E. Establish its own rules of procedure that are not inconsistent with this Agreement. Section 2. Meetings A. The Forum shall meet at least quarterly on dates set by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may schedule additional meetings provided that there is at least two weeks notice distributed to each Forum Member and~Associate Forum Member. B. In order to take an action a quorum must be present. A quorum consists of 50~ + 1 of the total number of Forum members. ARTICLE VI. E%ECIITIVE COMMITTEE Section 1. Purvose The Executive Committee shall process issues of multi- jurisdictional significance pursuant to Article VIII and shall coordinate activities of the Forum in accordance with and pursuant to the duties and responsibilities set forth herein. section 2. Duties and Responsibilities The Executive Committee shall have the following duties and responsibilities relative to the Forum: A. Process proposed issues of multi-jurisdictional significance pursuant to the procedures set forth in • Article VIII; 5 B. Schedule meetings of the Forum and prepare the • agenda for same; C. Set annual membership fees for Forum Members and Associate Forum Members which shall be placed on the agenda for: the next Forum meeting for ratification or modification; D. Establish criteria for Associate Forum Membership; E. Create ad-hoc committees pursuant to Article VII; F. Administer this Agreement, including but not limited to, preparing an annual budget, overseeing the collection and expenditure of funds, and overseeing the operations of the Clearinghouse and ad-hoc committees. G. Propose amendments to this Agreement pursuant to Article X, Section 4. No enumeration of duties and responsibilities herein shall be deemed exclusive or restrictive, but shall be deemed to incorporate all implied powers necessary or incident to carrying out the purposes of this Agreement. ARTICLE VII. AD-HOC COMMITTEES Ad-hoc committees can •be created only by the Executive Committee. Each committee shall be created for a specific purpose and for a period not to exceed one year unless extended by the Executive Committee. ARTICLE VIII. PROCEDURE The following procedure is to be used for the identification,- • 6 • definition, and disposition of an item which may be of multi- jurisdictional significance. A. An issue of multi-jurisdictional significance can be initiated by one of the following: _ 1. The Intergovernmental Plan Amendment Review Committee if ttie issue is.identified in the "fact- finding" or "conflict resolution" process. 2. A member agency through a formal action of the governing body. 3. The Forum through an action initiated by a member. B. An issue of multi-jurisdictional significance is submitted to the Executive Committee by the initiator on a form prescribed by the Executive Committee. The form should require, at a minimum, the following information: 1. The nature~of the item and a statement identifying its multi-jurisdictional significance. 2. How or why the issue is not being adequately addressed at present. 3. A statement as to why the Forum is the appropriate place to address the issue. C. The issue shall be considered at the next meeting of the Executive Committee. D. The Executive Committee shall take one of the following actions: 1. Make a determination that the issue is of multi- jurisdictional significance and recommend a course 7 of action. • 2. Refer the issue to an ad-hoc committee. 3. Refer the issue back to the initiator with direction. 4. Make a determination. that the Forum is not the appropriate vehicle to address the issue. 5. Make a determination that the issue is not one of multi-jurisdictional significance and that no further review or action by the Forum is necessary. E. The Executive Committee shall present its written report on the action taken on a submitted issue of multi-jurisdictional significance to the Forum at the next meeting of the Forum. A minority opinion approved by at least three members of the Executive Committee shall accompany the report. F. The Forum, by a two-thirds vote of the Forum members present and voting, may either veto the action of the Executive Committee or adopt the minority opinion issued by the Executive Committee and direct its implementation. Otherwise,..the action of the Executive Committee shall remain in effect. ~. If the issue is referred to an ad-hoc committee, the ad- hoc committee shall review it and submit a report to the Executive Committee. The Chair of the assigned ad-hoc committee may call upon the resources of Forum Members and Associate Forum Members. The ad-hoc committee shall issue a report including the following: 1. Clear identification of the issue. • 2. Implications of the currbnt situation or course of 8 action. • 3. Alternative courses of action and probable implications. 4. Need for further information, research, and direction. 5. Recommended disposition or next step. H. The Executive Committee shall review the ad-hoc committee's report and take formal action on the recommendations contained in the report. The Executive Committee shall present the ad-hoc committee's report and its action on the recommendation contained in the report, along with any minority opinion adopted by at least three members of the Executive Committee, at the next meeting of the Forum. The Forum by a two-thirds vote of the Forum Members present and voting may either veto the action of the Executive Committee or adopt the minority opinion issued by the. Executive Committee and direct its implementation. Otherwise, the action of the Executive Committee shall remain in effect. ARTICLE I%. LOGISTICS AND SIIPPORT ' Clerical and logistical support for the Forum and the Executive Committee shall be provided by the Clearinghouse. Professional services and advice shall be provided through the zesources of the Forum Members and Associate Forum Members. ARTICLE B. MISCELLANEOIIS 6_e_cti,on 1. Delegation of Duty Nothing contained herein shall be deemed to authorize the • delegation of the constitutional or statutory duties of the state, 9 county, or city officers. • section 2 Pi~i~~ A copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County. section 3. Limited Liabili}v No member shall in any manner be obligated to pay any debts, obligations or liabilities arising as a result of any actions of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee members have no authority or power to obligate the members in any manner. section 4 Amendments This Agreement may be amended in writing at any time by the concurrence of a two-thirds vote of the entire membership of the Executive Committee and subsequent ratification by all of the Forum Members in this Agreement. section 5. Controlling Law This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Section 6. Effective Date/Term This Agreement shall be effective on October 1, 1993, and shall continue in full force and effect unless all the members withdraw in accordance with Section 7. Section 7. Withdrawn Any member may withdraw as a party to this Agreement after October 1, 1994, upon sixty (60) days written notice to the Chair of the Executive Committee. Any membership fees, if required, will not be returned and the member shall not exercise any of the powers • 10 outlined in this Agreement. Suspension of membership in this • Agreement will occur upon the nonpayment of the membership fee, if any, established pursuant hereto or for the nonperformance of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by any member. The suspension will be effective thirty (30) days after date of notice from the Clearinghouse that noncompliance has occurred. Any member receiving such notice shall have an opportunity to cure its noncompliance in a reasonable time. Upon compliance, the member shall be notified by the Clearinghou&e of its reinstatement as a participant. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by the members as of the date and year indicated above. ~i~l~ „ ATTEST:' ~. . By : ~,,,,i .. Caty Mier c ~~: ~.~ ATTEST: B ity AT' By r~ LJ CITY OF P.TL~3NTIZS 1C yde F. Farmer, Mayor *BELLE GLADE B 1 $a ley, Mayor *Nothing in this agreement will a orize the delegation of any municipal leg' lative authority. 11 ATTEST: CZ By' ~, BY City Clerk ATTEST: .~ B~: Town CTe /,~,,,. ~ ATTEST: By. _ Town Cle ATTEST: TY OF BOYNTON EACH • ~~ ~ ~~ E. F. Harmening, ayor TOWN OF BRINY BREEZES Hugh David, May r TO OF CLOUD LAKE By: Robe t R..R ynolds,•.III,- Council Chairman ' CITY OF DELRAY BEACH Qi',~ City Clerk T omas E. nch, Mayor ATTEST: Village Clerk ATTEST: VILLAGE OF GOLF gy;~,n.~e.~N . ~~ Donald H. Gustafson, Mayor CITY OF GREENACRES By: t-r~;~. ;• a: I~ "~ C•. ,. .~~ . By: S ue rrerl, Mayor • 12 ATTEST: • BY ~ /~~ d~.~ Town Clerk ATTEST: BY " ,c,g~ Town C erk ATTEST: ~ / /~ Town Clerk V. .i: ~,.~ `ATTEST :, • ;'- '" .By •Town Clerk / .ATTEST:• ' ~..( •~` - '•Toym ~ Clerk .. ~ 1.~:~^: v ATTEST: ••;,.±~~' ;:;'•' By. • .. .. Town Clerk TOWN OF GULF STREAM BY: A// ~'~'~ Wi lla 'Koch, Jr., ayor TOWN OF HIGHLAND BEACH Arlin Voress, Mayor TOWN OF HYPOI,UXO,y~~~\ Al Merlon, Mayor TOWN OF JUNO BEACH BY ~ ._'T ~ ~i~itr~ Frank W. Harris, Mayor TOWN OF JUPITER BY ~ O~a~c` Karen Go fR , ayor TOWN OF JUPITER INLET COLONY By: CHOSE NOT Ta PARTICIPATE RT THIS TIME Nicholas F. Porto, Mayor 13 By: • sw~tauv,. 1lCrd?,C •. rti sf:- .a.. ..y d~ ra1+LV1flCllu, /!~ ~/~~ TOWN OF MANALAPAN Charles H. Helm, G. Kent Shortz, M. D., Mayor Town Clerk ATTEST: ~ ~ .:~~'•' •. TOWN OF LAKE CLARKE SHORES T~wn,a`Glerk~~s•~• v,-~.: Gre or W, ase Ma or ~• E, V.... ~...~. . ATTEST: CITY OF LAKE WORTH . _ ~ (SEAL) r ara Forst' he,~J- C' y Clerk U DATE: 7 ~ a:29~ 9s ATTEST: TOWN OF BYC. ~ .Y' ylf"s is f: ~~~,'B~i•+t Town Clerk ~~: ~• •s Ga. 7~own •Cle•~k: ;; Dar ~• :ri:c;:i:~'•~ 14 e M. Engle May OCEAN RIDGE/ // , • • ATTEST: • By: ~ - ~ City Cler ATTEST: By •. l~ i'owr~lerk CITY OF PAHOKEE Ramon Horta, Jr:, Mayor TOWN OF PALM B EAC H ~ BY ; "'s' ~ ~ l Z~ ~~~GC/st/~~ M~--William Weinbul.'g, Town Council Pre ldent DATE: ATTEST: PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DOROTHY H. WILKEN, Clerk B Clerk By. M~~~McC rt~~~ x1Y ~ Y•. ...... ?pF C O u'~ •' rj,~ ~'r nn , APPROVED AS TO FORM ~ 7 3 $ ~ Z ~ ~ ~•' ~'~ ~~ ~'~~ r AND LEGAL SUFF NCY : •r% ~ '' ~ ~ ~V . County 2 torney - •4 i1;,'~ c~''.-° ATTEST:. ~ ' •~ ~; \•.•';. • ~ ~ CITY OF PALM• • £A ~ G ~ ENS B' ~'~. ~• .~' By; '~q~ZY; ~ ~r `' .;"• epth R. Russo, Mayor Ly ...,. ~.'.. .. y.. .;.:::::• ~, $?=; ~ ~a 0= P~ORIi)R, COI;t\TY OF. PAL1~1 EExCfi I D~ri?Y''!'Y H. i"/~~!~Kcfti, G:aofficic Cie:k c. !h~ h'~`~.•;Q,jJ~~_Ty~~~if~' C,/: nrr:lss!v(:C!> C8:11 j !his :'7'bP, c • ~ ~k~i('ci~. ~CV,~::PCw^~j Ci 1i:2 C(f¢i(1~9~ j!.:1 :i':Ti1' ~~}f~:9 imp ,1,;(..`•.:G~fl-~t~y~(y~: ~'~itci!•t::.C': ATTEST: TOWN OF PALM BEACH SHORES • Town Clerk Thomas Chilcote, Mayor EXECUTED on ~,,~,~7, ,J? / %.%3 bye authority of the Village Council as,;providecf i~h Resolution R93-19. ,. s1,\` AT~'E~~`•a'••i VILLAGE-. COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF ` ~'.+•"':' ~'~:~~::. ; PALM SPRI ~:~ ' ~ ,'Irene';7,. Burrp'ughs, Richard H. Jette,/,i, or <''Village C1exlE .~ . (SEAL) ATTEST: ~. ~~ ~iJ / By: {:.G"~/~ c-fit'-C.( /.'~'i~~./~ J C~ y Clerk T' ., CITY OF SOUTH BAY CITY OF. RIVIERA BEAC Cara K. Wil lams Mayor, City of Riviera Beach VILLAGE OF ROYAL PALM BEACH B ~ \ Y~- // ony M lottl, M yor /~ C1 enc E. A t hyor Sa~' 1 1An "r n, ' ce Mayor V . 16 ' .' j yC ' . •ii :; ~~,.; ' :ATTEST: =:~~~,--;:;~To lerk ,. '_[ 'c :: -v:` Tom:' :~~' • ..% By : (~ j` ..;:' ;.',• .. ... _ .a TOWN OFJSOUTH PALM B VILLAGE~OF TEQUESTA Ron Mackail, Mayor CITY OF T PALM BEACH By. N ncy Graham, Mayor (INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) • 17 ATTEST: ~` ". ATTEST: BOCA BATON AIRPORT AUTHORITY BY ~~c ~-r~ /`%'U~uK'~C By ~.L~-ni..l _ ~C~~e W. Blank, Chairman ATTEST: By' ~isl~~s. W111 am G. ~nters, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY Lake rney for age District ATTEST: " Ga E M. English, General Manager LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT By; ~ John I. Whitworth, III, President LOXAHATCHEE RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL DIST CT By: George G. Gentile, Chairman SOUTH INDIAN WATER CONTROL DISTRICT By: Thomas H. Powel President c. Or: avid J. Be a ice-President • u 18 Executive Director • ATTEST: NORTHERN PALM BEACH CO WATE NTROL DISTRIC By-: ~~+ ~ sy: Pete Pimentel, District Secretary William Kerslake, Presi ent APPROVED AS TO FORM AND L GALS FICIENCY ' sy: Ken Edwards, Legal Counsel ATTEST: Byre ~ox~.y ~,~ Monica Uhlhom, Superintendent . -~ . ,' SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY By: Bjork, C ratan (INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) • - 19 ATTEST: LOXAHATCHEE GROVES WATER • CONTROL DISTRICT / ~~, ~C'\ BY' ~C~~~ BY~ --cV William H. Thrasher, District Director Meredith w:, Chairman of the Eoard of Supervisors (INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) • 20 MEMBERSHIP AGREEMENT • THZS AGREEMENT dated this day of , 1993, entered into by and among , a (local governmenC or service provider) hereinafter "New Member", and.the various parties executing the Multi-Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum Interlocal Agreement dated October 1, 1993, hereinafter "Forum Agreement"; W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, a Multi-Jurisdictional Issues Coordination Forum to facilitate the identification and possible resolution of multi- jurisdictional issues through the research of issues and the debate of same has been established as evidenced by that certain Forum Agreement dated October 1, 1993; and WHEREAS, desires to become a Member under said agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article IV, Section 1 of the Forum Agreement, Forum membership is authorized upon the execution of this unilateral Membership Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, it is agreed and understood by and among the undersigned New Member and the members in the Forum Agreement as follows: 1. Upon execution oP this Agreement and upon payment of the annual participation fee prescribed in Article IV, Section 3 of the Forum Agreement, New Member will become a Forum member pursuant to • the Forum Agreement recorded in the Official Records at Book No. , Page EXHIBIT 2. The New Member shall enjoy all the privileges of, and shall be bound by all the terms and conditions of, the Forum Agreement. 3. The Forum members in the Forum Agreement agree to the inclusion of New Member in accordance with Article IV, Section 1 of the Forum Agreement as it is acknowledged'ttiat the inclusion of an additional Forum member furthers the intent and spirit of the Forum Agreement and the ultimate goal of providing coordination in the identification and possible resolution of issues of multi- jurisdictional significance among all local governments and service providers. 4. A copy of this Membership Agreement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court in and for Palm Beach County an:i with the Clearinghouse. 5. This Membership Agreement shall be effective upon execution and filing pursuant to Paragraph 4 and shall continue in full force and effect unless the New Member withdraws pursuant to Article XI, Section 7 of the Forum Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed by _.. , as of the date and year indicated below. By: Its: Date: GO~1N~~'P~:::.,r~t:r~.)i+.. CUUPJ~ ( GF ?P.L~9 cn^>• _=CY,. (~tw~i~riY ~!. l,.li.LEN. ,;•el.ic~c• :?,e <c° ~:,, G: \gengovt\dmd\membersp, a t 'O. Fi ~;~• .L+'V •Cll~ L'L ~11T:iv i.: i!aiS ~~ ~~~ +~c ! u tit C. i'1". s ~; col: f~~-L:~ ~ (,. , ~ ~1/~' ~ ~ --/; ~G, ^• viir~L7 ,si ~J:'EE!l'ai?~GP.?_.~. F! 0~3.L1.1 ~'IC3 ~,>` ~ :7r'F'SCvOTh!.VH. ~:l.K~ iJ, Clsrk , '` ~ ~ ~ C~ •