1999-028 CDBG & HOME Interlocal w/PBC RESOLUTION NO. 28-99 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT IS FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPLEMENTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) AND HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM (HOME) ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1 • The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between Palm Beach County and the Village of North Palm Beach attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement is for the purpose of implementing Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) activities within the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 2• The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Interlocal Agreement with the Board of Commissioners of Palm Beach . County, Florida, set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. • ~i .per, This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 27th DAY OF MAY , 1999. (Village Seal) ?! ~~ MAY R ATTEST: - ~~ VILLAGE CLERK • • INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND ' VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH R99 15 49D THIS WTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT made and entered into this _ day ofAUG E ~ ~~ , 1999, by and between PALM BEACH COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY", and VII.LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a municipality duly organized by the laws of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "MUNICB'ALITY". WHEREAS, the parties hereto have the common power to perform Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) activities within the COUNTY, said common powers being pursuant to Section 125.01, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 163, Part III, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, it is mandated by Title I of the Housing end Community Development Act of 1992, that a county must enter into Interlocal Cooperation Agreements with municipalities in its jurisdiction for the purposes of implementing CDBG activities within said municipalities; and WHEREAS, these Interlocal Cooperation Agreements are also required to implement HOME under Title II of the National Affordable Housing Act of 1990; end WHEREAS, the COUNTY desires tojoin with municipalities in order to tarty out the planning and professional services necessary to implement the CDBG and HOME Programs during Federal Fiscal Years 2000, 2001, 2002; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY agree to cooperate to undertake or assist in undertaking community development and housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and publicly assisted housing; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY wish to cooperate in the implementation of the goals end objectives of the COUNTY'S Consolidated Plan, as approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and WHEREAS, the MUNICIPALITY desires to cooperate with the COUNTY for the purpose of implementing the Community Development Block Grant and HOME Programs. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows: • 1. The COUNTY ertd the MUNICIPALITY will cooperate so that the COUNTY may expend CDBG and HOME Cunds for eligible activities within the MUNiC~ALITY during Federal Fiscal Years 2000, 2001, 2002 (including program income generated from expenditure of such funds) under Title I of the Housing snd Community Development Act of 1992 and Title II of National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, and receive funds under these Acts. 2. The COUNTY and the MUMCIPALITY will cooperate to undertake, or assist in undertaking, community renewal and lower income housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal end publicly assisted housing. 3. With the MUNICIPALITY'S assistance, the COUNTY will prepare a Consolidated Plan as required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The COUNTY will undertake or assist in undertaking all professional and administrative services necessary to prepare said application and other necessary documents, and the COUNTY will agree to take full responsibility and assume all obligations of an applicant under the Housing Vll.LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH r~ ~.J and Community Development Act of 1992. The COUNTY and the MUNIC~ALITY agree that the COUNTY is hereby allowed to undertake or assist in undertaking essential wmmunity development and housing assistance activities within the MUNICIPALITY; however, the COUNTY has final responsibility for selecting activities and annually submitting the Consolidated Plan to HUD. 4. The MUNICIPALITY and the COUNTY will take all actions necessary to assure compliance with the urban county's certification required by Section 104(b) of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, including Title VI of the Civil Rights Aa of 1964, Title VIII oCthe Civil flights Act of 1968, The Fair Housing Act, Section 109 of Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other applicable laws. 5. The MUNICIPALITY, by executing this Agreement, understands that it may not apply Cor grants under the Small Cities or State CDBG Programs from appropriations for Fiscal Years 2000, 2001, 2002; and may not participate in a HOME consortium except through the COUNTY. 6. The MUMCB'ALITY has adopted end is enforcing a policy prohibiting the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and a policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to, or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non-violent civil rights demonstrations within jurisdictions. The COUNTY shall not use CDBG or HOME funds for activities in or in support of any MUNICIPALITY that does not affirmatively further fair housing within its own jurisdiction or that impedes the COUNTY'S actions to comply with its fair housing certification. 7. The COUNTY, through its Department of Housing and Community Development, shall assist the MUNICIPALITY in undertaking all professional and administrative services necessary for the purposes ofimplementing CDBG or HOME activities, including preparation of all applications and other necessary documents, planning end other administrative activities, as required. 8. Pursuant to 24 CFR 570.601(b), the MUNICIPALITY is subject to the same requirements applicable to subrecipients, including the requirements for a written agreement described in 24 CFR 570.503. 9. The MUMCIPALITY shall be responsible for notifying the COUNTY of any modification and/or change in the use of any real property (from that planned at the time of acquisition or improvement, including disposition) acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG or HOME funds that is within control of the MUMCIPALITY. Notification of the COUNTY shall take place within ten (10) days of said modification or change. In the event that said real property as described above is sold, conveyed or transferred after the time of acquisition and/or improvement, and said real property is sold, conveyed or transferred for usage which does not qualify as eligible under CDBG or HOME regulations, the COUNTY shall be reimbursed in en amount equal to the current fair market value (less any portion thereof attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG or non-HOME funds) of the VQ.LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH • property by the MUNICIPALITY. In the event of a close-out or change of status of the MUNICIPALITY, termination of this Agreement, or disposition and/or transfer of any property improved or acquired with CDBG or HOME funds, the COUNTY shall be reimbursed by the MLJNICtPALITY any program income generated prior to or subsequent to said close-out, termination or change of status. 10. The COUNTY and the MUNICBPALITY will comply with the Consolidated Plan and the implementing program es outlined in the annual Consolidated Pian submission which governs the expenditure of CDBG and HOME funds. 11. This Agreement shall give the COUNTY authority to carry out activities which will be funded from annual appropriations of CDBG and HOME entitlement funds and program income through Federal Fiscal Years 2000, 2001, 2002. The Agreement shall remain in effect until all CDBG funds, HOME funds and any program income received are expended, and the funded activities are completed, and that the COUNTY and MUNICIPALITY may not terminate or withdraw from the Agreement while it remains in effect. 12. This Agreement is contingent upon the COUNTY'S qualification as an "urban county" and award of funds under the Housing end Community Development Act of 1974. 13. Any prior agreements or contracts regarding the duties and obligations of the parties enumerated herein are hereby declared to be null and void. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to bt executed by their duly authorized otFcials. ATTEST: H. WILKEN, Clerk CH COUNTY, FLORH)A, a Political of the State of Florida COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Deputy FORM AND LEGAL Attorney r ~J lu TTEST: .(SEAL) 9 9 15 4 9 D Nx, E, ,yam VII.LAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, a municip duly organized by the laws of the State of FI . ~ its /l n^ Manager (If Applicable) W.LAGE OF NOR'['H PALM BEACH i As Legal Counsel for Palm Beach County, I hereby state that the terms and provisions of this Agreement are fully authorized under State and local law, and that the Agreement provides full legal authority for the County to undertake or sssist in undertaking essential community development and ho i~ ce activities, ap ~i~Ily urban renewal and publicly assisted housing. retas, Assistant County Attorney County, Florida Ref: S:\199199`OENBRAL\UCAORAIRO •