1999-026 Abandons Driveway Easement RESOLUTION NO. 26-9a A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ABANDONING A PORTION OF A TWENTY-FIVE (25) FOOT DRIVEWAY EASEMENT ACROSS LOTS B AND C IN PLAT N0.2, PALM BEACH LAKE WORTH ESTATES, PLAT BOOK 35, PAGE 142, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, atwenty-five (25) foot driveway easement was expressly dedicated to the Village of North Palm Beach across lots B and C in Plat No. 2, Palm Beach Lake Worth Estates, Plat Book 35, Page 142, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach does not have a need either presently or in the future to the rear portion of the aforesaid driveway easement and finds that its abandonment will not deprive any person of a reasonable means of ingress and egress to his or her premises. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1 • The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby vacate, abandon, discontinue, close, renounce and disclaim any right or . interest of the Village and the public in and to that portion of a driveway easement more • particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached and made part of this resolution. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 13th DAY OF MAY 1999. (Village Seal) ~ , ' MAYO ATTEST: ~jy/~ VILLAGE CL RK • 2 EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION SKETCH FOR: VACATED 25 FOOT DRIVEWAY EASEMENT FOR THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH DESCRIPTION: A portion of Lots B and C as shown on PLAT N0.2, PALM BEACH LAKE WORTH ESTATES, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 35, Pages 143 and 144, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being that portion of the Driveway Easement on the common line between said Lots B and C that lies East of a line parallel with and 220 feet West of the East line of said Lots B and C. NOTES: 1. No title policy or commitment affecting title or boundary to the subject property has been provided. It is possible there are deeds and easements, recorded or unrecorded, which could affect the subject property. No search of the Public Records has been made by this office. - ~~ •. 2. This plat is not valid unless sealed with an embossed surveyors seal. 3. This sketch cannot be transferred or assigned without the specific written permission of Wallace Surveying Corporation. 4. This is not a survey) CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY ATTEST that the description sketch shown hereon meets the minimum technical standards set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors and Mappers pursuant to sections 472.027, Florida Statutes, and adopted in Chapter 61G17-8, Florida Administrative Code, effective September 1, 1981. /~ n Profes nal Land Surveyor ss-1400a Florida ertificate No. 3357 ~~ WRLLRCE 5URVEY111G WI NORt1i~OMPARKWAT, lU(IE 1IT,WEBT PAtM aEACFl0.0gW SJIDT•lMiMD~61 DATE: C~/719q DWG NO 96'I400'/ OFfIC SHEET ~ qF 2 CKO.. ~ REF g6-l4o0 _-----"~ ~_ ~- ~~__J BAST RL ~ S_y,~~e~ ~J1 ~1 ~, L'o 0 0 .P ro~~ I~~ tO9'OO~ E 25.01' (n 0 w oN f SCALE: t" =60' ,x'20, ., ~ ~$T LINE ~~ --0t~~ EAST LINE ~i' O S,EPCORNER 43 is ~~W 090 6 LOT C ~,~d ~~~ DAlE: 5/7/99 N0. 0 0 ~© ~~ f~c of M.B. 2 OF 2 oo^roewr~ow 901 NORTIPONT PMKWAY, SINTE 117, NEST PALM BEAp1,fLOPoDA SSNI] . (5S1) 6{0-{551 C K D: ~ 96. ~ 4OO