1998-054 Opposition to HB3075 relating to P&F Pension• 5A-98 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, IN STRONG OPPOSITION TO HOUSE BILL 3075 RELATING TO MUNICIPAL FIREFIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS PENSION TRUST FUNDS WHICH WAS ENACTED BY THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE AND VETOED BY THE GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA; URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE NOT TO OVERRIDE THE GOVERNOR'S VETO AND RE-ENACT THE BILL; AND; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature has enacted House Bill 3075 relating to municipal firefighters and police officers pension trust funds, which bill was vetoed by the Governor of the State of Florida; and • ~l'HEREAS, House Bi113075 constituted an unfunded mandate to municipalities that would have a negative fiscal impact on municipalities and loss of premium tax growth; and WHEREAS, the mandated changes in House Bill 3075 combined with the shift in conn~ol over the use of State monies would result in increased pension costs over the long teem; and WHEREAS, House Bi113075 artificially inflates the pension plan for firefighters and police officers to the exclusion of other classes of municipal employees; and WHEREAS, the Village Council strongly opposes the Florida Legislature overriding the Governor's veto and re-enacting Bi113075. • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby express its sh~ong opposition to House Bill 3075 enacted by the Florida Legislature and vetoed by the Governor of the State of Florida. Section 2. The Village Council of North Palm Beach, Florida, urges the Florida Legislature not to override the Governor's veto and re-enact Bi113075. Section 3. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to furnish certified copies of this Resolution to all members of the local legislative delegation, the Governor of the State of Florida and such other legal entities and bodies as the Mayor may direct. i 4 This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF December , 199 $ • (Village Seal) rviH r vrc ATTEST: ~. o,D~l,'nO~~-v,O.~ VILLAGE CL- ERK ' •