1998-045 Lyons Towing Bid Award RESOLUTION NO. 45-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF LYONS TOWING, INC. FOR TOWING OF VEHICLES FROM THE STREETS AND OTHER PUBLIC PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL LIMITS OF THE VILLAGE, A COPY OF WHICH BID IS ATTACHED TO THIS RESOLUTION AND MADE PART HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, • FLORIDA: Section 1 • The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby accept the bid of Lyons Towing, Inc. for towing of vehicles from the streets and other public property located within the municipal limits of the Village, a copy of which bid is attached to this resolution and made a part hereof. Section 2• This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 8th DAY OF October ~ggg • r u (Village Seal) ATTEST: ~~ VILLAGE CLERK • THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Chris Bull who on oath says that she is Classified Advertising Manaeer of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising, being a Bid_ in the matter of Vehicle Towing Services Contract in the ---- Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of dune 12. 1998. Affiant further says that the said The Post is a newspaper published at West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, daily and Sunday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Pahn Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement For publication in the said newspaper. ~~~~~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~ day of dune A.D. 1998 ~-~~ ~~~~ Personally known ~ or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced jNill'lAlllrlaiAUili/Ai.'ililll77llJNlAllll `~ one` °a,~ Karen McLinton n ~<:'~ r Notary rcblic, Statt of Floridg )2 ~%14~ ` Cenwlssion No_CG 591 ii7 t. { , „ 4 ~e,~; t~n° \7~Cor.Brisiun i?xp.llil5tY000, . ll<LeiW42;OT T,p.\ Fa.Na:p~SenicekBo:dv~.g CO. ~ Vogt yi3 /~i~J INSTRUCTIONS: Bidder to complete the following by filling in his proposal rates and such rates to remain firm for any resulting contract period approved. Village will not guarantee any specific number of tows, etc., during the contract period. I. Clacc "A" Tow VPhi I a. Per Call b. Over > miles c. Extra Time at scene (lst hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 2. Class "B" Tow V hi 1 a. Per Call b. Over 5 miles c. Extra Time at scene (1st hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 3. Clasc "(`° Tow Vet+~~~~ a. Per Call b. Over 5 miles c. Extra Time at scene (Ist hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 12 $~ per call $ „!. oO per mile $ ,~ oD per hour $ 7.~ DD per call $ c~ DD per mile $ DD per hour $ /Oo , aD per call $ , 00 per mile $ ~. ~~ per hour ~~ `ys~~~ -t, i_owbov Servir~ . a. Per Call $ ,BOO per call b. Over 5 miles $ ~QUper mile c. Extra Time at scene $ . ~~ per hour (Ist hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) ~. D911tes $ S. oD per job 6. iindenva_ te~OVe~, q. alvage Diverc a. For the first hour or any $ ~ . od per hour fraction thereof. b. For each additional 15 $ /~.e°per 15 minute minutes or any fraction thereof over the first hour. 7. Removal from Wat r a. Initial Fee $ ~~y 40 b. Over 50 feet $ - vO7 S. Tnside Storage Rate a. Per Day $ /O. Do per day b. Motorcycles & Scooters $ _S Do per day c. Any vehicle/trailer $ o~ per day 9. Outcid Storag Rat c a. Per day $ /~. DO per day b. Motorcycles & Scooters $ ~~_ per day c. Any vehicle/trailer over $ /~. DD per day 20 feet • 13 10. Boat and Trail r Ctnrag~ lnit) (OwnP~cl • a. Unit under 21 feet in length b. Unit 21 to 35 feet in length c. Unit over 35 feet in length 3 /D. OD per day $ l~~perday $ ~p , 00 per day $ , 00 per call To include but not limited to: a. Assisted start b. Change tire c. Unlocking door d. Gas C~ The charges for towing from the contractor's compound to another point at the request of the vehicle owner will be at the same rates listed herein. No other rates other than those listed herein, will be levied against the vehicle owner, whenever the vehicle towing recovery or storage is authorized by the Nonh Palm Beach Department of Public Safety or its agents. A declaration as to the contract rates between the contractor and the Village as outlined on this proposal herein will either be made a part of or permanently attached to the invoice that is presented to the vehicle owner or his representative. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: • PRINT 11AME AND TELEPHONE NUMBER: TITLE: 14 JNSTRUCTIONS: Bidder to complete the following by filling in his proposal rates and such rates to remain firm for any resulting contract period approved. Village will not guarantee any specific number of tows, etc., during the contract period. I. Class "A" Tow V hide a..Per Call b. Over 5 miles c. Extra Time at scene (Ist hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 2. Clacc "B" Taw VP6i~lo a. Per Call C~ b. Over 5 miles c. Extra Time at scene (1st hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 3. Clacc "C" Tow Veti~~t~ a. Per Call b. Over 5 miles c. Extra Time at scene (Ist hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) $ . ao per call $__ [ , Do per mile $ . 40 per hour $ ~.~ oG per call $ ~ per mile $ ~ per hour $ . OG per call $ ~ o O per mile $ Od per hour 12 r 4. Lowboy rvi~a . a. Per Call $ __ gs; DDDO per call b. Over 5 miles $ , OD per mile c. Extra Time at scene (lst hour to be included $ -~~' ~-~ Per hour in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 5. Dollies $ OD per job 6. [Jndenvat_ e~~p~ gaha¢e Dive c a. For the first hour or any $ . ~D per hour fraction thereof. b. For each additional 15 $ S~L~Per 15 minute minutes or any fraction thereof over the first hour. 7. Removal from Wat r a. Initial Fee $ _ ~ L b. Over 50 feet $ ~L S. Inside Stora$e_Rat~ a. Per Day $ OD per day b. Motorcycles & Scooters $ fs DD per day c. Any vehicle/trailer $ , OD per day 9. outside Ctorag Rat c a. Per day $ ~ DD per day b. Motorcycles & Scooters $ _ /,~Od per day c. Any vehicle/trailer over $ / DlJ per day 20 feet 13 l0. Boat and Trail r Storages Ini) (O~cYI a. Unit under 21 feet in length S ~, DDper day b. Unit 21 to 35 feet in length c. Unit over 35 feet in length $ ~~/-, OOper day $ DO per day $ DD per call To include but not limited to: a. Assisted start b. Change tire c. Unlocking door d. Gas • The charges for towing from the contractor's compound to another point at the request of the vehicle owner will be at the same rates listed herein. No other rates other than those listed herein, will be levied against the vehicle owner, whenever the vehicle towing recovery or storage is authorized by the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety or its agents. A declaration as to the contract rates between the contractor and the Village as outlined on this proposal herein will either be made a part of or permanently attached to the invoice that is presented to the vehicle owner or his representative. N.4iME OF CONTRACTOR: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME AND TITLE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: 14 NSTRUCTIONS: Bidder to complete the following by filling in his proposal rates and such rates to remain firm for any resulting contract period approved. Village will not guarantee any specific number of tows, etc., during the contract period. RATF S('HFDT TT t; nu none e r ~~~ TTWTT PRTCF BID 1. C'lacc "A" Tots V hi IP a. Per Call $ , oo per call b. Over S miles $_ ~ ~~'" per mile c. Extra Time at scene (Ist hour to be included $ • ~~ per hour in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 2. Clacc "B" Tow VPh• t a. Per Call $ ~Gb per call • b. Over 5 miles $ ~ `p per mile c. Extra Time at scene $ , oo per hour (1st hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 3. Clacc ^(" Tow VPt,i,.te a. Per Call $ Oo per call b. Over 5 miles $ ~~ per mile c. Extra Time at scene $ ,~~0 per hour (1st hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 12 \ ~~ 4. ILowbo_~~ • a. Per Call $ . DO per call b. Over 5 miles $ ~Gb il _ per m e c. Extra Time at scene (Ist hour to be included $ 7,S Do Per hour in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 5. Dom $ ~~r oa perjob 6. i Indenvater Rernvn4~ q. alvage Dig rc a. For the first hour or any fraction thereof. $ /pQ, a~ per hour b. For each additional 15 $ ~.S.O~er 15 minute minutes or any fraction thereof over the first hour. 7. Removal from Wat r • a. Initial Fee $ ~/~ b. Over 50 feet $ ~ S. Incide ttorao Rate a. Per Day $ o?Q, DO' per day b. Motorcycles & Scooters $ OD per day c. Any vehicle/trailer $ , OD per day 9. Ontcide 4tora¢P,_ RfltPC a. Per day $ DD per day b. Motorcycles & Scooters $ DO per day c. Any vehicle/trailer over $ o.1p, Dd per day 20 feet • 13 10. Boat and Trail r Storages lnit) L7WnP cl a. Unit under 21 feet in length b. Uni[ 21 to 35 feet in length c. Unit over 35 feet in length $ DO per call To include but not limited to: a. Assisted start b. Change fire c. Unlocking door d. Gas $ ~ per day $ ~• ~~per day $ D. GD per day The charges for towing from the contractor's compound to another point at the request of the vehicle owner will be at the same rates listed herein. No other rates other than those listed herein, will be levied against the vehicle owner, whenever the vehicle towing recovery or storage is authorized by the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety or its agents. A declaration as to the contract rates between the contractor and the Village as outhned on this proposal herein will either be made a part of or permanently attached to the invoice that is presented to the vehicle owner or his representative. N!~ME OF CONTRACTOR: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: PRINT NAME AND TITLE: TELEPHONE NUMBER: 14 PR(7Pn4AT Tn THE VT* LACiF nF I~'ORTF,' PAi T\~ BFA h Fi ORTT~A - Gentlemen: - The undersigned as bidder does declare that no other persons other than bidder herein - named has any interest in this proposal or in the contract to betaken, and is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposals for the same article, - and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. - The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifications and is - thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type, and grade of materials called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within - the specified time in the proposal for the following price; to wit; DATE July 13; 1998: VEHICi.F. TOWING CFRVT rO1~TTD ACT• REivIARICS/EXCEPTIONS: Village-owned vehicles will be charged proposed rates LESS 208 DISCOUNT. Other items not covered herein, will be charged contractor's prevailing rate, - NOT TO EXCEED COUNTY ORDINANCE governing non-consent towing. FIRM: SIGNE] - TITLE: Allan Gold, General Mana er - ADDRESS: ___1107 Old Dixie Highway - Lake Park, FL 33403 - 842-3450.:: P {' f~ II ~.,. ..:.,~. Sd '..,~~ iE.. - r' r ~~;: y y ~: , o- ~~~ x~''zf ..yti, I~STRLCTIONS: Bidder to complete the following by filling in his proposal rates and • such rates to remain firm for any resulting contract period approved. Village will not guarantee any specific number of tows, etc., during the contract period. R_4TF CCHFDITi F PROP(~SAi SER~F_ jT~7IT PRICE BID 1. Class "A" Tow ~' hi I a. Per Call b. Over 5 miles c. Extra Time at scene (1st hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) S 30.00* per call S 2.25* per mile S 40.00* per hour 2. Class "B" Tow V hir~A a. Per Call • b. Over 5 miles S 45. 00* per call S 2. 50* per mile c. Extra Time at scene (1st hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) 3. Clacc "("' Tow Veti~~l~ a. Per Call b. Over 5 miles c. Extra Time at scene (lst hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) • S 60.00* per hour S 60.00* per call S 3.25* per mile 75.00* S per hour *NOTE: Village-owned vehicles will receive 20B DISCOUNT. 12 • a. Per Call 5 60. 00* per call b. Over 5 miles S 4.00* per mile c. E:ctra Time at scene S 75.00* per hour (Ist hour to be included in the hour per call price, per hour thereafter) " ~~ S 25.00* per job 6. ['ndenvater Recovery Saly°Ae Dive a. For the first hour or any S 1 00.00* per hour fraction thereof. b. For each additional 15 S 25 . ~~ 15 minute minutes or any fraction thereof over the first hour. 7. Removal from Wat r • a. Initial Fee S N/C b. Over 50 feet S N/C S. Inside tora~oe, Ratg a. Per Day S 20.00** per day b. iVlotorcycles & Scooters S 10.00** per day c. Any vehicle/trailer S 25.00** per day 9. n~tcide 4torag Rat c a. Per day S 'I 2.00** per day b. Motorcycles & Scooters S 8.00** per day c. Any vehicle/trailer over S 20.00** per day • 20 feet *NOTE: Village-owned vehicles will receive 20B DISCOUNT. **SPECIAL NOTE:Village-owned vehicles receive 100$ DISCOUNT. NO CHARGE_ 13 l0 Boat and Trail r Stnra2 ftfnitl (t7s a. Unit under 2I feet in length S ~n nn per day S 25.00 per day b. Unit 2l to 35 feet in length c. limit over 3i Feet in length S 30.00 per call To include but not lirnited to: a. Assisted start b. Change tire c. unlocking door d. Gas • The charges for towing from the contractor's compound to another point at the request of the vehicle owner will be at the same rates listed herein. \o other rates other than those listed herein, will be levied against [he vehicle owner, whenever the vehicle towing recovery or storage is authorized by the North Palm Beach Department of Public Safety or its agents. A declaration as to the contract rates between the contractor and the Village as outlined on this proposal herein will either be made a part of or permanently attached to the invoice that is presented to the vehicle owner or his representative. i\.~~1E OF CO\TR4CTOR: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURI PRL,iT NAME AND Allan Gold, General Manager S 30.00 per day TITLE: TELEPHO~"E NiJtMBER: 561-842- 34 50 14