1998-038 Public Safety Organization Analysis Bid AwardRESOLUTION 38-98 u A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCL'P"I7NG THE BID OF CENTER FOR PUBLIC SAFETY OPTIONS, INDIAN CREEK, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000 FOR PUBLIC SAFETY ORGANIZATION ANALYSIS; FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED FROM A5711-33190 (PROFESSIONAL. SIiRVICES). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Center for Public Safety Options, Indian Creek, Florida, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach, I'lorida, in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from A5711-33190 (Professional Services). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF SEPTEMBER 1998. ATTEST: ~~ Village Clerk • TXECBNTER FOR PUBL(CSAFETYOPTIONS • 1132 Se Norrbleke Dtive 22536 No. Bcl}wood Rive Hollyurood, Florida 33019 SoudS~etd, MicAig~n 1@034 954-9294730 24&353.2218 • September 10, 1998 Mr. Dennis Kelly, Villaga Manager Village of North Palm Beach 501 U.S. Highway 1 North Palm t3each, Florida 33408 VIA FAX ~ 581-848.3344 Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter is a follow-up to our talephone conversation of yesterday. As we discussed, we are prepared to conduct a study of the Public Satety Department, restricting it to the specifics ident~ed in the Village's initial Request for Bids. t3iven that the scope of services is less than our initial proposal, we are prepared to reduce the cost for such a study to $1 D,000. All other terms and condition will remain the same. We do hope that this meets with your approval and I thank you again for considering y~for this importam project. A. MATARESE • zasz s4s see •aa ~la+d ~~~~laaa~ ueiput 3o a6e(l~n a41 LDtJ~ 2Hs2 598 $p£ 'ON 3Np1-Id 1j•~aa~) uEtpul !o a6P11~/1 avl WCV~~ 9-17-' 998 8:38nM FROM DE,\NIS w. KELLY 561 868 3364 P. 2 • • • 1. HlatOjy ~O~ the ~'' 12'W . .. .. .. ... . THE CEtvTER FOR PUBLICSAF~TYOPT701VS was formed ln`1985 by Dr, Kelinetli R. ~Chelaf and Leoneri! fA" Matarese."epectficalty 1'Or tile. purpose;'off.' .' : ' , ' . conducting originar research; tralnlnq,:and. COt1StJltaUonC In tha field' of polioetBro ." :merflers: Pr1oc to"their pe~rtnerahlp, Mr. Mataresearul Dr..Chelat tied heart " woAcktq independerrtly in"the fiaid shits the late 1970'x: ~ ln'the eariy;1980's,,as •: " ," part of a Natloriel lhstitute of Ju6tloe ertd a tJatlonal ScieFOe Foundation •' " retsearcts.grant, Dr. Chelat devebped a Computei model which aocuritety . predieted•ttte finenClal,artd operatlontll'vnpactg of.a apecitid.polioeltlre merg:@r; . plan. M,r, Matareae was iiebcted as the pract-tloner reviewer for the tii1J/NSF ~ •" Protect. " , ", '. .. ' . .. ~ .. . SJnce forming.the CEN'PER th4y have conducted numerous pablic safety, studlie'. for cJtles throughout the country•end have~beoome~natlorially recognized as file leading eicperte In the field. Mi. Matacese and Dr. Chetet'have'cortdulited rt7artY ~ . tratnlstg sessions an police / tra margers.and have presented t0 such gioupa cis, • , the National League ofCitiea, The Intefnatlonat Association of.Police Chbfs, The ~ . International City Management Association and thb4ntematbnal Association of Fire Chiefs. '. ~ _ ~. The partners hays authored many publications and wars t-alected by the , International Clty ManagementAatigglatlon (ICMA) to proplero a.report'on ~•. ~ . consolklenbns.for the prestlgloue fNanapement /rifonnation se/v/oes.(MlS),~sriea •. , .: tahiclt was published )n T991;apd remalrts tite'landmark•wvrtc •in the llefd::' :... Additionally,lCMA'published.a.ClearinghpuseReportQnthelr.easest4dlasoften' cofnmun'rt18a Iwotved In. PubYc Safety oon8olldationo. TtISCENTF.f~FORP.UBL1CSkFd7YOPTIONS- : Oo " ~~c '' ~ ', c~,e.t Ql.) ~ 2052 598 S0£ 'ON 3~10H.d -~j:yoaiJ ue~f^'1 Jo a6Fttln Nl WDtij 2 d wtf02:0i EbbT'ci'd35 9- 17- i 998 8: 38AM F' ~ CEW i S W. KELLY 56I 9.1$ 3341 P. 3 • 2.'i'ko,Frinciptes ; The C,lfIV7`ER'S prirtcfp{as provide a uniq ue oombinatbri of eiitenaive research ~ ' , capablfitb's aRd:pMeticel;e~er}estoe•ih the:fleld ofPubfic Safety. ' • . . Kenneth tt. Cfielat, PhD , .. taorpard A. MnteFas6,.Ik.P.A . 1s a Profea6or of Operatiano fte46arch • is ~~specieliet irYriw.trilc{pli) at Wayne 3tl~te:UniveraftY.In;Detrot;; ,-, ;JrfeFlagement and emergency seMces~ • . ~•• Mlchipan who Spedaflzes'kithe':; .:.. delivery.ahd isent~ring his 29°i;yeir•ac application of operations rs§ed~ch to•, a law entoicerrient professional. • emergency servieee dedvery>systems. • ' . . ' . • . .ire has s~+ed as~a city Rtai1$Qpr Rnd ` . . He•hae condubiid orS9k~a1 afCh OrT ;. , , dircitbr of pubGO catety Irt severah ~ ' •. • the Pubilc..Safs~r Concept?or the "oorriirwnkbswtte~ro.he euooesstu(y . Nationa(1rt8tRule of Ju1iltlce,e~IQ the.. . . meiged police priit Are dQD~rtrner>!x~'' ~ :':. •. " National Solpnce Foundetlor- slid he3 • ..end has h(msetf wonoed en a poli4e ::. ' ..'.•.~.. . publiahed;nuinecous-atticbe gii the. :; " ofttcar, deputy aheriA~nd publacsafety'. '" eubJe~ct, :He.Ia ¢..riatbt!a11~! recogn!zed : , otfioe~: . • ex~ertort'emsrgency ervides:` . deployment and isctmerttfya.; tdi.lvtataresew2~s,a'menmber:ofttta .''•. ~~~' corlsuMartt to the City of Detroit F'olipe .: prGUntlbreekirtp National InWtute'of~'... .' . • Departrrlent. ~ Dr. Chlaet also:works trr " • Juatical IGp~A advisory. Corrtmlttee ort . .the pNvate sector and tee cdneuMietto Comte Polbing..tle served oa~ttie ; . numerous Fottuno. 500 companies: Natbriai Tack' Fdree of the 50" ".: . _ .Rrui!vetsarX F-ddf6~n:of the iCAAA's' . Dr. Chalst 11ae served ~ a 1Yrelting . . ` Local Pdlce•lNane~emerr! anC•has~: ~• Profeaaot at3t)e School of Q[flanfzatlon served as the coordibaior the ..,: ~ , ~,: ; ' ; ...: ; : end Ivlenagement; Yale tfnivettdty eiad . lnierriationa}-Pdice Chipts'A&6oalatlori , has supervised reeea(ch projactk,for . • .ptogram,ntYpoik:e/firs merges.. '•. " ~. the'New York; Cily item! Corporetlon:' ` ' . . • ~Dr.•.Chelst twtd8 a #~oClurafe 4r: ~ Mr.:Maxacese'teactsee pubGO : • ' . :•Adminrsftetion atthe''ut-lverBity~teyal • Oppretbrta Research from"':; < ' and h'otdS and M•astersdegreg..ln , ; . .:= ,: • .: .. Moaactctiy~tfs.l nstMutboJTeEtmok+9Y. -:PublioRdmiitieR~ionfAgmFla{lcltt'.R' . e Master of Science depree.ki ' ~ Attarttlc'UnNerxttjr. end a Bachelors • Operetbns Research from•New;l'ork • .daQ[Oa In PaIRiY:al Balance ,from ='. '•;: University and a Bachetot of Arts: ': . ftutgeia•tJnivetgr'ty. Ne is'wdeatty .:. ' . degree in'Math and.Phycks'from` '' ' . . _ 'obmpleting course.'work4owerdthe .: • . ' ' YeshNa UnlYeroity.: ~ .#'h.D'. iri PutiNc Admlriistratior-; . . ,CcpiesofttieprinCjples'ex{iand6cl'r~uhtes.aroa+reilnbfeon;teCuest.:.Al.ieting, ^~ .:~ '. of relevant pubtigrtfonb arid. prpaeniations follows. . 7XZC¢YTLRFpRPUB1JCSr1r'EFYO.~TIONS•• ~ ~ ~ • , ~~ ~ ~ • .. ER?< S 2G;~ 55& 50~ 'ON 3r~iHd "ld'iaa~~ L•e~wt eo a6ell~n a'yi 416d3 C d LiCT2:kl.T 86GT 'LT 'd35 . 9-17-1998 8:39AM FROM OENJIS W. KELLY 561 8G8 s3GG P.G ' .. . . Z.• Scope'of Word .. .. . TBECFNTERFORPUBI.ICSA!'671"OP7701K5)spreparedtoCOndud2fie.. . organizational gneysls es ou3lined in the request for propoaela•. Inctuding •.... devwlopmenYOt ratios cf clas~MFcatiors; HbWever; our ext6hslve sxperfenoe )n this Held cdnvlnoes'~is thafsuc4i.ratios,ProiiJds kills l»formatiori;of vq~tue.at~out-fhe: `•~ `.:.... . . effeetivenesa of orgsntzatiorfal:destgts, 'Fhia:isirve fortradlnonal police . aQencJes. YVhen consklerin~mergedpolip9/fire/EM$'operstlons.sncA' •_ ''' ,' ' .' '• ` .:. •. Corhparlson of ratloa of supeivlsory personnel (or for that:mstaer Une personnoq .. •: ' . - otfenr:even'•kss !ns ti4 hitGrttie ~ - . . Ip epproprlete.orgailizatlonattiestpn:' . ., •', Ot particular concern is , . .. ,, . devebpmentofarirrianayenientYiifp~rvieoryatructurev~ttlch.reflectadesir-cui~ ` lines. ofauthor~tyrandresponalDilityandyvhigttencour8ge$~.t>epmapproachta: .delivery of:public safaty'servioes.' Webre prepared m addre¢a t)tese issaee •. part of the 9fudY~ :. .~ ' . ' . `.: (~ Our typical conhutting aselpnmettt Mvolves, after extensive data col-ecdon,~a ~~"ff \ ~ product irohicfi pravkfe0 inartagement•91x1 BlectJva offtcieta n detaA'ed report . ~' . ldenttfying fhe rarige of option's awailabfe iri a comtitned system arrd comparfny .. .. those~rariges fo the exlsNrtQ servica it~lWery system. • Whtit~tbttows is ~ . , • ~ .. ',,': • .' . description of our.standard'rbaeorch design. .' ...... .. • . `. Flavinp conducted sq many studies of riterpsd agencies we~haJe'.dev'eloped n• ., - . - ~. structured app~oach,io-sucli.studles to lruure thatlhe client dbgs~ riot- klair COat;' '.` "~: for unneeded services. However, our extensive exporienCe.psrrnite us tobrkig additional tevets of re¢earoh ~to the muntdpauty; as needed.-~ For example; to• ` ~ assist the munlcip>~l client fn arbitration'or htlgadon; relatlnp to use in grganjzationsldgi9n. :... `.~~~• :. ~ .•~,: rrrac~vralt Fot ruau~ su'en orrror~s. ..• ..., t '. ~ :~1' . Z05Z 59b 50£ '~Jf! 3rrJMd 1j•~aaaj ue~F'JI !o a6eil~fl avl 410dj 702:01 8661 Yt'd3S L�.> '. . . :3..= !n::dn PHU C= 1'1. _05 B55 21502 9-17-1'ySo Es.d04r-1 FRCA4 pE%N:S A. KELLY Sgl SAS 33.:1 p S 8. Cost Our pollcY over the years he's been to cfiai for.our serviown fee atruatoei thm'ie less,:' than the annual averaaa salary and.t»nepts for:one,poWoh wlthln the apenryatudied: 'Gtven 0-re Ilmhed aoope c services call for In tha RFQ w6 ary prepared to oonduotthia •• aludy for far lees then that cost Our axc4rkm oe has been that the irtiormntiori d�velooed from thle work , aerterat9 enrypJ.oa�%ic--•tn the c;ia-'aamma�y for:; .:. 4 oaedna tM one time cost at the:atudv' . . Thua 1.•TSECE1vTPRFOR'PUBUcSAPfTF0Mf proposes'tobdnduct•apubli�' safety atudyasjollows forth*sum of 12,6 0 iricluelvo of travel and-out of poaket:tixpenses with tlda tof Vk'4 payment schedule:. 20%0. at the time of spreefn6mt.. 30% ' at the-bompletfon bf detq'coHectfon 5056 at the autsmlaston'ot Atie Phase I Report -Put,Ac,,c— (nA1L< C r�ks ��tArbLC � . 60 ,ca29 A. MAT�4�S� MA(1.- -ra FtL)2:o+ a np¢6ss I t 3 z N oAT"LAyct: HOu-"w000. RIA THE CLVTERFOR PUBLIC$AFETY OP77ONS