10-01-2007 Actuarial Valuation Report General Employees Retirement Fund VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL RETIREMENT FUND ACTUARIAL VALUATION REPORT AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2007 ANNUAL EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION DETERMINED FOR PLAN YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2009 R Gabriel Roeder Smith & Company One East Bro~~vard Blvd. 954.527.1616 phone Consultants & Actuaries Suite 505 954.525.0083 fax Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33 3 0 1-1 8 72 www.gabrielroeder.com June 3, 2008 Board of Trustees of the Village of North Palm Beach General Retirement Fund North Palm Beach, Florida Dear Board Members: We are pleased to present our October 1, 2007 Actuarial Valuation Report for the Plan. The purpose of the Report is to set forth required contribution levels, to disclose plan assets and actuarial liabilities, to comment on funding progress and to provide supporting information regarding the operation of the Plan. This Report is also designed to comply with requirements of the State. The valuation was performed on the basis of employee, retiree and financial information supplied by the City. Although we did not audit this information, it was reviewed for reasonableness and comparability to prior years. The benefits valued are outlined at the end of the Report. Actuarial assumptions and the actuarial cost method are also described herein. Any changes in benefits, assumptions or methods are described in the first section. As indicated below, one of the undersigned is a Member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA) and meets the Qualification Standards of the Academy of Actuaries to render the actuarial opinion herein. We will be pleased to answer any questions pertaining to the valuation and to meet with you to review this Report. Respectfully submitted, GABRIEL, ROEDER, SMITH AND COMPANY B ~ Y J. S phen almquist, ASA, AAA, FCA Duane Howison, FSA Enrolled Actuary No. 08-01560 Enrolled Actuary No. 08-06169 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company Statement by Enrolled Actuary This actuarial valuation and/or cost determination was prepared and completed by me or under my direct supervision, and I acknowledge responsibility for the results. To the best of my knowledge, the results are complete and accurate. In my opinion, the techniques and assumptions used are reasonable, meet the requirements and intent of Part VII, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, and are based on generally accepted actuarial principles and practices. There is no benefit or expense to be provided by the plan and/or paid from the plan's assets for which liabilities or current costs have not been established or otherwise taken into account in the valuation. All known events or trends which may require a material increase in plan costs or required contribution rates have been taken into account in the valuation. Si ature 6-3-~P Date 08-01560 Enrollment Number TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page A Discussion of Valuation Results 1 B Valuation Results 1. Participant Data 3 2. Annual Required Contribution (ARC) 4 3. Actuarial Value of Benefits & Assets 5 4. Calculation of Employer Normal Cost 6 5. Liquidation of Unfunded Liability 7 6. Actuarial Gains and Losses 9 7. Recent History of Valuation Results 14 8. Recent History of Required and Actual Contributions 17 9. Actuarial Assumptions and Cost Method 19 10. Glossary of Terms 21 C Pension Fund Information 1. Summary of Assets 22 2. Summary of Fund's Income and Disbursements 23 3. Actuarial Value of Assets 24 4. Investment Rate of Return 25 D Financial Accounting Information 1. FASB No. 35 26 2. GASB No. 25 27 3. GASB No. 27 29 E Miscellaneous Information 1. Reconciliation of Membership Data 31 2. Age/Service/Salary Distributions 32 F Summary of Plan Provisions 35 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company SECTION A DISCUSSION OF VALUATION RESULTS 1 DISCUSSION OF VALUATION RESULTS Comparison of Required Employer Contributions A comparison of the required employer contribution developed in this year's and last year's actuarial valuations is as follows: For FYE 9/30/09 For FYE 9/30108 Based on Based on 10/1 /2007 10/1 /2006 Increase Valuation Valuation (Decrease) Required Employer Contribution $ 761,943 $ 875,126 $ (113,183) As % of Covered Payroll 22.62 % 22.86 % (0.24) The contribution has been adjusted for interest on the basis that employer contributions are made in equal payments on a bi-weekly basis. The actual employer contribution during the year ending September 30, 2007 was $873,854 compared to the minimum required contribution of $866,069. Revisions in Benefits There have been no changes in benefits since the last valuation. Revisions in Actuarial Assumptions or Methods There have been no changes in actuarial assumptions or methods since the last valuation. Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 2 Actuarial Experience There was an actuarial gain of $375,088 for the year which means that actual experience was more favorable than expected. There was a small gain due to recognized asset return of 9.0% versus the expected 8.0%. The estimated return on market value was 12.6%. There were also experience gains resulting from fewer retirements than expected coupled with more turnover than expected. A considerable amount of the turnover was due to one-time events. The gain for the year translates into a decrease in annual employer contributions of 1.39% of covered payroll. Analysis of Change in Employer Contributions The components of change in the required contribution are as follows: Contribution rate last year 22.86 Change in Actuarial Assumption 0.00 Payment on unfunded liability 1.28 Experience gain/loss (1.39) Change in administrative expense 0.13 Contribution rate this year 22.62 The remainder of this Report includes detailed actuarial valuation results, financial information, miscellaneous information and statistics, and a summary of plan provisions. Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company SECTION B VALUATION RESULTS Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 3 PARTICIPANT DATA October 1, 2007 October 1, 2006 ACTIVE MEMBERS Number 72 90 Covered Annual Payroll $ 3,238,894 $ 3,680,960 Average Annual Payroll $ 44,985 $ 40,900 Average Age 47.5 46.1 Average Past Service 11.6 10.0 Average Age at Hire 35.9 36.1 RETIREES & BENEFICIARIES & DROP Number 10 10 Annual Benefits $ 43,928 $ 43,332 Average Annual Benefit $ 4,393 $ 4,333 Average Age 74.7 73.7 DISABILITY RETIREES Number 0 0 Annual Benefits $ 0 $ 0 Average Annual Benefit $ 0 $ 0 Average Age 0.0 0.0 TERMINATED VESTED MEMBERS Number 49 46 Annual Benefits $ 285,492 $ 216,297 Average Annual Benefit $ 5,826 $ 4,702 Average Age 50.5 50.3 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 4 ANNUAL REQUIRED CONTRIBUTION (ARC) A. Valuation Date October 1, 2007 October 1, 2006 B. ARC to Be Paid During Fiscal Year Ending 9/30/2009 9/30/2008 C. Assumed Date of Employer Contrib. Bi-Weekly Bi-Weekly D. Annual Payment to Amortize Unfunded Actuarial Liability $ 198,890 $ 180,700 E. Employer Normal Cost 505,658 628,515 F. ARC if Paid on the Valuation Date: D+E 704,548 809,215 G. ARC Adjusted for Frequency of Payments 732,729 841,583 H. ARC as % of Covered Payroll 22.62 % 22.86 I. Assumed Rate of Increase in Covered Payroll to Contribution Year 4.00 % 4.00 J. Covered Payroll for Contribution Year 3,368,450 3,828,198 K. REC for Contribution Year: H x J 761,943 875,126 L. REC as % of Covered Payroll in Contribution Year: M _ J 22.62 % 22.86 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 5 ACTUARIAL VALUE OF BENEFITS AND ASSETS A. Valuation Date October 1, 2007 October 1, 2006 B. Actuarial Present Value of All Projected Benefits for 1. Active Members a. Service Retirement Benefits $ 12,081,901 $ 12,549,044 b. Vesting Benefits 1,029,203 1,136,248 c. Disability Benefits - - d. Preretirement Death Benefits 345,351 382,920 e. Return of Member Contributions 6,918 11,687 f. Total 13,463,373 14,079,899 2. Inactive Members a. Service Retirees & Beneficiaries 223,024 238,898 b. Disability Retirees - - c. Terminated Vested Members 1,388,226 930,178 d. Total 1,611,250 1,169,076 3. Total for All Members 15,074,623 15,248,975 C. Actuarial Accrued (Past Service) Liability per GASB No. 25 10,997,783 10,490,332 D. Actuarial Value of Accumulated Plan Benefits per FASB No. 35 7,946,254 7,334,152 E. Plan Assets 1. Market Value 6,677,782 5,273,701 2. Actuarial Value 6,481,382 5,283,023 F. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Covered Payroll 27,991,675 32,529,167 G. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Member Contributions 1,402,075 1,623,904 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 6 CALCULATION OF EMPLOYER NORMAL COST A. Valuation Date October 1, 2007 October 1, 2006 B. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefits $ 15,074,623 $ 15,248,975 C. Actuarial Value of Assets 6,481,382 5,283,023 D. Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability 2,944,876 2,970,967 E. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Member Contributions 1,402,075 1,623,904 F. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Employer Normal Costs: B-C-D-E 4,246,290 5,371,081 G. Actuarial Present Value of Projected Covered Payroll 27,991,675 32,529,167 H. Employer Normal Cost Rate: F/G 15.17 % 16.51 I. Covered Annual Payroll 3,238,894 3,680,960 J. Employer Normal Cost: H x I 491,340 607,726 K. Assumed Amount of Administrative Expenses 14,318 20,789 L. Total Employer Normal Cost: J+K 505,658 628,515 M. Employer Normal Cost as % of Covered Payroll 15.61 % 17.07 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 7 LIQUIDATION OF THE UNFUNDED FROZEN ACTUARIAL ACCRUED LIABILITY A. Derivation of the Current UAAL 1. Last Year's UAAL $ 2,970,967 2. Last Year's Employer Normal Cost 596,120 3. Last Year's Contributions 873,854 4. Interest at the Assumed Rate on: a. 1 and 2 for one year 285,367 b. 3 from dates paid 33,724 c. a - b 251,643 5. This Year's UAAL Prior to Revision: 1 + 2 - 3 + 4c 2,944,876 6. Change in UAAL Due to Plan Amendments and/or Changes in Actuarial Assumptions 0 7. This Year's Revised UAAL: 5 + 6 2,944,876 B. UAAL Amortization Period and Payments Ori final UAAL Current UAAL Amortization Date Period Years Established (Years) Amount Remaining Amount Payment 10/1/99 30 $ 535,528 22 $ 482,552 $ 34,125 10/1/00 30 1,426,008 23 1,495,456 103,114 10/1/03 30 700,742 26 731,406 47,203 10/1/03 30 (77,576) 26 (80,970) (5,226) 10/1/05 30 313,729 28 316,432 19,674 2, 944, 876 198, 890 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 8 C. Amortization Schedule The UFAAL is being amortized as a level percent of payroll over the number of years remaining in the amortization period. The expected amortization schedule is as follows: Amortization Schedule Year Expected UAAL 2007 $ 2,944,876 2008 2,965,650 2009 2,981,377 2010 2,991,429 2011 2, 995,135 2012 2, 991, 762 2017 2,838,217 2022 2,353,089 2027 1,337,519 2032 212, 580 2035 - Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 9 ACTUARIAL GAINS AND LOSSES The assumptions used to anticipate mortality, employment turnover, investment income, expenses, salary increases, and other factors have been based on long range trends and expectations. Actual experience can vary from these expectations. The variance is measured by the gain and loss for the period involved. If significant long term experience reveals consistent deviation from what has been expected and that deviation is expected to continue, the assumptions should be modified. The net actuarial gain (loss) for the past year has been computed as follows: A. Employer Normal Cost as a Percentage of Covered Payroll 1. Last Valuation 16.51 2. Current Valuation 15.17 3. Difference: 1 - 2 1.34 B. Actuarial Present Value of $ 27,991,675 Projected Covered Payroll C. Net Actuarial Gain (Loss): A3 x B 375,088 D. Gain (Loss) Due to Investments 54,233 E. Gain (Loss) from Other Sources 320,856 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 10 Net actuarial gains in previous years have been as follows: Change in Employer Year Ended Normal Cost Rate Gain (Loss) 9/30/89 1.27 % $ 247,650 9/30/90 (0.99) (208,184) 9/30/91 1.89 449, 984 9/30/92 0.46 116,603 9/30/93 0.85 220,810 9/30/94 (0.25) (72,092) 9/30/95 0.75 218,857 9/30!96 0.62 119,415 9/30/97 1.09 238,623 9/30/98 0.63 143,651 9/30/99 1.14 266,397 9/30/00 0.42 98,421 9/30/01 0.99 266,154 9/30/02 (2.05) (526,865) 9/30/03 (2.01) (566,552) 9/30/04 (4.74) (1,665,087) 9/30/05 0.06 17,103 9/30/06 1.24 403,362 9/30/07 1.34 375,088 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 11 The fund earnings and salary increase assumptions have considerable impact on the cost of the Plan so it is important that they are in line with the actual experience. The table shows the actual fund earnings and salary increase rates compared to the assumed rates for the last few years: Year Investment Return Salary Increases Ending Actual Assumed Actual Assumed 9/30/1985 13.8 % 7.0 % 5.3 % 6.0 9/30/1986 27.2 7.0 12.8 6.0 9/30/1987 16.4 7.0 8.6 6.0 9/30/1988 (6.3) 7.0 6.8 6.0 9/30/1989 19.4 7.0 5.2 6.0 9/30/1990 (0.6) 7.0 10.4 6.0 9/30/1991 19.7 7.0 5.0 6.0 9/30/1992 11.8 7.0 7.7 6.0 9/30/1993 9.7 7.0 0.8 6.0 9/30/1994 6.0 7.0 5.9 6.0 9/30/1995 8.7 7.0 4.6 6.0 9/30/1996 9.3 8.0 4.4 6.0 9/30/1997 11.5 8.0 4.3 6.0 9/30/1998 10.9 8.0 4.3 6.0 9/30/1999 13.2 8.0 2.8 6.0 9/30/2000 12.7 8.5 10.3 5.5 9/30/2001 7.9 8.5 3.4 5.5 9/30/2002 2.5 8.5 6.8 5.5 9/30/2003 1.6 8.5 7.2 5.5 9/30/2004 8.6 8.5 23.9 5.5 9/30/2005 8.7 8.5 (2.9) 5.5 9/30/2006 8.1 8.0 8.5 5.5 9/30/2007 9.0 8.0 8.0 5.5 Averages 9.8 % --- 6.6 % --- The actual investment return rates shown above are based on the actuarial value of assets. The actual salary increase rates shown above are the increases received by those active members who were included in the actuarial valuations both at the beginning and the end of each year. Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 12 History of Investment Return Based on Actuarial Value of Assets 30% 30% 25% 25% 20% 20% 15% 15% 10% 10% 5% 5% 0% 0% -5% -5% -10% -10% ~~h goo X01 goo goo \oti X03 ~o~ ~~h goo ~o~ ~o~ goo goo ~o~ Doti \oo ~o~ soh goo X01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o~ o a o~ o~ o 0 0 0 o a Plan Year End Actual +Assumed History of Salary Increases 24% 24% 20% 20% 16% 16% 12% 12% 8% 8% 4% 4% 0% 0% -4% -4% -8% -8% ~~h ~`b'~ ~`b~b ~`b~ ~p'O ~~R ~p'h ~~ro ~p''1 ~p~~b ~p-'~ ~~O \0~ ~~3 ~~h ~~1 ~ ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Plan Year End Compared to Previous Year Actual +Assumed Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 13 Actual (A) Compared to Expected (E) Decrements Among Active Employees Number Added Service & Active During DROP Disability Terminations Members Year Year Retirement Retirement Death Vested Other Totals End of Ended A E A E A E A E A A A E Year 9/30/2003 7 3 0 7 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 3 92 9/30/2004 10 8 5 8 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 94 9/30/2005 12 22 10 7 0 0 0 0 9 3 12 3 84 9/30/2006 15 9 0 2 0 0 1 0 4 4 8 2 90 9/30/2007 3 21 2 4 0 0 0 0 8 11 19 4 72 9/30/2008 3 0 0 2 5 Yr Totals * 47 63 17 28 0 0 1 0 24 21 45 15 * Totals are through current Plan Year only Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 14 RECENT HISTORY OF VALUATION RESULTS Number of Covered Actuarial Employer Normal Cost Valuation Members Annual Value % of Date Active Inactive Pa roll of Assets UFAAL Amount Pa roll 10/1/88 71 37 $ 1,473,422 $ 1,743,234 $ 0 $ 176,109 12.0 10/1/89 83 37 1,715,049 2,105,292 0 184,804 10.8 10/1/90 79 37 1,848,726 2,134,052 0 232,938 12.6 10/1/91 86 34 2,022,569 2,531,076 0 219,669 10.9 10/1/92 87 35 2,153,587 2,645,252 0 216,069 10.0 10/1/93 91 35 2,241,595 3,018,716 0 205,294 9.2 10/1/94 96 35 2,471,296 3,209,342 0 258,406 10.5 10/1/95 93 35 2,451,309 3,471,658 0 245,007 10.0 10/1/96 80 39 2,251,610 3,805,073 0 229,496 10.2 10/1/97 79 40 2,380,024 4,301,968 0 214,402 9.0 1011/98 79 42 2,435,518 4,574,342 0 204,401 8.4 10/1/99 83 46 2,532,741 5,179,781 535,528 247,653 9.8 10/1/00 84 45 2,761,773 5,732,329 1,891,134 285,337 10.3 10/1/01 93 45 3,127,313 6,312,447 1,899,439 297,452 9.5 10/1/02 88 49 3,076,493 6,193,676 1,900,967 359,426 1'1.7 10/1/03 92 48 3,443,843 6,759,012 2,555,216 451,615 13.1 10/1/04 94 48 4,275,981 6,578,832 2,618,609 760,337 17.8 10/1/05 84 55 3,220,258 3,817,605 2,956,402 596,120 18.5 10/1/06 90 56 3,680,960 5,283,023 2,970,967 628,515 17.1 10/1/07 72 59 3,238,894 6,481,382 2,944,876 505,658 15.6 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 15 Recent History of Number of Members 160 ~..,~,__.....,~.,,~,.,.~..~.____.,..w...,..~.,._....~._~_...,~.,_......_._._.,..._,~__._._~..__._.._...._..._...~ _ 140 120 100 ,a ; s~ E ~ , ~- so 40 20 '- 0 O ~ c b4 ^O ~~0 ~ O ~p ~ O ^ O ~ p ~ ~ ^ O \ ~ ~ . O \ ~ ~ S ^ O ~ p ~ b ^ O ~ p ~h ^O ~p ~ r o ^ O 1 ^ O ~ p ~ 4 > ^ O \ p ~ ~ ^O ~ D O ^ O \ ~ ~ ~ O ~ , ~O ^ ~ ^O \ ~ D ~ ~ O \ Q h ^ O \ ~ 6 ^ O ~ ~ Actuarial Valuation Date Active Members Inactive Members Recent History of Covered Annual Payroll $4.5 ~m $4.0 $3.5 $3.0 o $2.5 t $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 s $0.0 ,~o do ,~o do ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o ,~o Actuarial Valuation Date Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 16 Recent History of Employer Normal Cost $800 24% $700 20% $600 y $500 16% _ ~ o L $400 12% a o "- ~ o F- $300 8% $200 $100 4% $0 0% ~O\~~~0~~9~0~9~ ~~~9~~~~9~~~`9~~~`9~~~~96~~~91 ~~~9~~~~~9 ~~`~0~~~~~ ~~~~~~~`~~~~~~~~~~~y^~~~6~~~~~ Actuarial Valuation Date Employer NC Amount -~-- NC as % of Payroll Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 17 RECENT HISTORY OF REQUIRED AND ACTUAL CONTRIBUTIONS End of Year To Required Contribution Valuation Which Actual Contribution Valuation % of Applies Amount Payroll 10/1/88 9/30/89 $ 183,611 12.46 % $ 184,000 10/1/89 9/30/90 192,677 11.23 195,000 1011/90 9/30/91 242,868 13.14 245,000 10/1/91 9/30/92 229,034 11.42 230,000 10/1/92 9/30/93 225,280 10.46 226,000 10/1/93 9/30/94 214,046 9.55 223,000 10/1/94 9/30/95 269,422 10.90 270,000 10/1/95 9/30/96 259,751 10.65 260,000 10/1 /96 9/30/97 240,637 10.69 245,169 10/1/97 9/30/98 224,810 9.45 250,721 10/1 /98 9/30/99 214, 323 8.80 227,112 10/1/99 9/30/00 292,866 11.56 372,744 10/1 /00 9/30/01 415,152 15.03 447,128 10/1/01 9/30/02 430,411 13.76 467,750 10/1/02 9/30/03 502,855 16.35 503,220 10/1 /02 9/30/04 523,127 16.35 524, 000 10/1/03 9/30/05 662,237 18.49 662,237 10/1/04 9/30/06 1,007,695 22.66 1,007,695 10/1/05 9/30/07 866,069 25.86 873,854 10/1 /06 9/30/08 875,126 22.86 na 10/1/07 9/30/09 761,943 22.62 na Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 18 Recent History of Required and Actual Contributions $1,200 ._..~..._.._M_._____.,~...._...,,_..,.....,~._.___m_~d___~w.._~,...~..~,..........,~.__....,..._...,. $1,000 us $800 c 4 $600 r ~ ~ E'- $400 rx A s t d § r s $200 ~ ~ i 1, ; F t ; 5 ~ I" f P { P ~ ~ ~ $0 k ~~~ry 0~~~ ~~~6 ~~~o 9~~~ ~~~6 Fiscal Year End Required Contribution Actual Contribution Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 19 ACTUARIAL ASSUMPTIONS AND COST METHOD A. Cost Method 1. Funding Frozen Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method. 2. Accumulated Benefit Obligation Accrued Benefit Method B. Investment Earnings 8.0% per year, compounded annually; net rate after (Including Inflation) investment related expenses. It is being assumed that each retiree will elect a lump sum distribution and the interest rate used to calculate the lump sum will be 5.25%. C. Salary Increases 5.5% per year up to the assumed retirement age. (Including Inflation) D. Inflation 4% per year. E. Retirement Age See Table below. F. Turnover Rates See Table below. G. Mortality Rates 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Tables for males and females. H. Disability 1. Rates NA 2. Percent Service Connected NA I. Asset Value Difference between actual and expected return recognized over five years. J. Administrative Expenses Expenses paid out of the fund other than investment related expenses are assumed to be equal to the average of actual expenses over the previous two years. K. Increase in Covered Payroll 4% per year, but limited to average increase over last 10 years (4.00% this year). L. Post Retirement Benefit Increase 3% for those who retired before 2/1/82. Employees hired before 10/1/00 may choose to contribute an extra 2% starting 10/1/00 in order to receive a 3% COLA upon retirement. This clause is mandatory for employees hired after 9/30/00. M. Changes Since Last Valuation None. Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 20 Annual Rate of Age Turnover Disability 25 18.8% NA 30 11.2 NA 35 6.3 NA 40 4.8 NA 45 3.4 NA 50 2.4 NA 55 0.5 NA 60 0.0 NA Annual Rate of Retirement For each year eligible for early retirement 5% For year when normal retirement date is attained 60 For each of four years after normal retirement date 40 For fifth year after normal retirement date 100 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 21 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Actuarial Present Value is the value of an amount or series of amounts payable at various times, determined as of the valuation date by the application of the set of actuarial assumptions. Actuarial Assumptions are assumptions as to the occurrence of future events affecting pension costs. The previous page outlines the Actuarial Assumptions utilized in this valuation. Actuarial Cost Method is a procedure for determining the Actuarial Present Value of pension plan benefits and for developing an actuarially equivalent allocation of such value to time periods, usually in the form of a Normal Cost and Actuarial Accrued Liability. Frozen Entry Age Actuarial Cost Method is a method under which the excess of the Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefits of the group included in the valuation, over the sum of the Actuarial Value of Assets, the Unfunded Frozen Actuarial Accrued Liability and the Actuarial Present Value of Future Member Contributions (if any) is allocated as a level percentage of earnings of the group between the valuation date and the assumed retirement age. This allocation is performed for the group as a whole, not as a sum of individual allocations. The portion of this Actuarial Present Value allocated to a specific year is called the Employer Normal Cost. Under this method, actuarial gains (losses) reduce (increase) future Normal Costs. Frozen Actuarial Accrued Liability is the portion of the Actuarial Present Value of Projected Benefits which is separated as of a valuation date and frozen under the Actuarial Cost Method being used. This separated portion is the sum of an initial Unfunded Actuarial Accrued Liability and any increments or decrements in the Actuarial Accrued Liability established subsequently as a result of changes in pension plan benefits, Actuarial Assumptions or methods. Unfunded Frozen Actuarial Accrued Liability is the portion of the Frozen Actuarial Accrued Liability remaining after the addition of interest and the deduction of amortization payments. Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company SECTION C PENSION FUND INFORMATION Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 22 SUMMARY OF ASSETS 9/30/2007 9/30/2006 Cash and Securities -Market Value Cash and Savings Accounts $ - $ - Money Market Funds 119,831 122,092 Treasury and Agency Bonds & Notes - - Corporate Bonds - - Common & Preferred Stocks - - Pooled Equity Funds 4,302,214 3,103,712 Pooled Bond Funds 2,310,117 1,881,450 Other Securities - - Total 6,732,162 5,107,254 Receivables and Accruals State Contribution - - Member Contribution - - Employer Contribution - 113,586 Interest and Dividends 379 1,038 Other 58,522 51,823 Total 58,901 166,447 Payables Benefits 113,281 - Refunds - - Expenses - - Other - - Total 113,281 0 Net Assets -Market Value 6 677 782 5 273 701 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 23 PENSION FUND INCOME AND DISBURSEMENTS Year Ending Year Ending 9/30/2007 9/30/2006 Market Value at Be innin of Period $ 5,273,701 $ 3,857,737 Income Member Contributions 171,126 185,394 State Contributions N/A N/A Employer Contributions 873,854 1,007,695 Other Contributions 0 0 Interest and Dividends 19,584 14,406 Recognized/Unrecognized Gains (Losses) 733,250 326,856 Total Investment Earnings 752,834 341,262 Total Income 1, 797, 814 1, 534, 351 Disbursements Monthly Benefit Payments 43,927 47,452 Lump Sum Distributions 296,446 0 Refund of Contributions 0 14,636 Investment Related Expenses 42,488 38,536 Other Administrative Expenses 10,872 17,763 Insurance Premiums 0 0 Other Expenses 0 0 Total Disbursements 393,733 118,387 Net Increase During Period 1,404,081 1,415,964 Market Value at End of Period 6,677,782 5,273,701 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 24 ACTUARIAL VALUE OF ASSETS Year Endin Se tember 30 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 A. Beginning of Year Assets 1. Market Value $ 6,605,254 $ 3,857,737 $ 5,273,701 $ 6,677,782 $ 0 2. Actuarial Value 6,578,832 3,817,605 5,283,023 6,481,382 0 B. Net of Contributions Less Disbursements* (3,196,270) 1,113,238 693,735 0 0 C. Actual Net Investment Earnings* 448,753 302,726 710,346 0 0 D. Expected Investment Earnings* 423,359 349,938 450,391 0 0 E. Excess of Actual Over Expected Investment Earnings: C - D 25,394 (47,212) 259,955 0 0 F. Recognition of Excess Earnings Over 5 Years 1. From This Year 5,079 (9,442) 51,991 0 0 2. From One Year Ago 6,605 5,079 (9,442) 51,991 0 3. From Two Years Ago 0 6,605 5,079 (9,442) 51,991 4. From Three Years Ago 0 0 6,605 5,079 (9,442) 5. From Four Years Ago 0 0 0 6,605 5,079 6. Total 11,684 2,242 54,233 54,233 47,627 G. End of Year Assets 1. Market Value 3,857,737 5,273,701 6,677,782 0 0 2. Actuarial Value: A2 + g + D + F6 3,817,605 5,283,023 6,481,382 0 0 3. Final Actuarial Value Within 80% to 120% 3,817,605 5,283,023 6,481,382 0 0 Of Market Value Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 25 INVESTMENT RATE OF RETURN The investment rate of return has been calculated as follows: Basis 1 Interest, dividends, realized gains (losses) and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) divided by the weighted average of the market value of the fund during the year. This figure is normally called the Total Rate of Return. Basis 2 Investment earnings recognized in the Actuarial Value of Assets divided by the weighted average of the Actuarial Value of Assets during the year. Investment Rate of Return Year Ended Basis 1 Basis 2 9/30/85 13.8 % 13.8 9/30/86 27.2 27.2 9/30/87 16.4 16.4 9/30/88 (6.3) (6.3) 9/30/89 19.4 19.4 9/30/90 (0.6) (0.6) 9/30/91 19.7 19.7 9/30/92 11.8 11.8 9/30/93 10.0 9.7 9/30/94 (1.5) 6.0 9/30/95 18.6 8.7 9/30/96 12.6 9.3 9/30/97 23.1 11.5 9/30/98 5.6 10.9 9/30/99 13.9 13.2 9/30/00 13.0 12.7 9/30/01 (4.6) 7.9 9/30/02 (6.6) 2.5 9/30/03 10.9 1.6 9/30/04 9.0 8.6 * 9130/05 9.0 8.7 9/30/06 6.9 * 8.1 9/30/07 12.6 * 9.0 Average Compounded Rate of Return for Number of Years Shown 9.8 % 9.8 Average Compounded Rate of Return for Last 5 Years 9.7 % 7.2 Note: Figures prior to 1988 were taken from the previous actuary's report for 1987. * Net rate after investment expenses. Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company SECTION D FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING INFORMATION Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 26 FASB NO. 35 INFORMATION A. Valuation Date October 1, 2007 October 1, 2006 B. Actuarial Present Value of Accumulated Plan Benefits 1. Vested Benefits a. Members Currently Receiving Payments $ 223,024 $ 238,898 b. Terminated Vested Members 1,388,226 930,178 c. Other Members 5,709,634 5,409,637 d. Total 7,320,884 6,578,713 2. Non-Vested Benefits 625,370 755,439 3. Total Actuarial Present Value of Accumulated Plan Benefits: 1d + 2 7,946,254 7,334,152 4. Accumulated Contributions of Active Members 696,763 634,923 C. Changes in the Actuarial Present Value of Accumulated Plan Benefits 1. Total Value at Beginning of Year 7,334,152 6,062,751 2. Increase (Decrease) During the Period Attributable to: a. Plan Amendment 0 0 b. Change in Actuarial Assumptions 0 0 c. Latest Member Data, Benefits Accumulated and Decrease in the Discount Period 952,475 1,333,489 d. Benefits Paid 340,373 62,088) e. Net Increase 612,102 1,271,401 3. Total Value at End of Period 7,946,254 7,334,152 D. Market Value of Assets 6,677,782 5,273,701 E. Actuarial Assumptions -See page entitled Actuarial Assumptions and Methods Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 27 SCHEDULE OF FUNDING PROGRESS (GASB Statement No. 25) Actuarial UAAL As Actuarial Actuarial Accrued % of Valuation Value of Liability (AAL) Unfunded Funded Covered Covered Date Assets Entry Age AAL (UAAL) Ratio Payroll Payroll (a) (b) (b) - (a) (a) / (b) (c) (b - a) / c 10/1/91 $ 2,531,076 $ 2,716,601 $ 185,525 93.2 % $ 2,022,569 9.2 10/1/92 2,645,252 3,055,166 409,914 86,6 2,153,587 19.0 10/1/93 3,018,716 3,258,012 239,296 92.7 2,241,595 10.7 10/1/94 3,209,342 3,659,663 450,321 87.7 2,471,296 18.2 10/1/95 3,471,658 4,132,092 660,434 84.0 2,451,309 26.9 10/1/96 3,805,073 4,295,018 489,945 88.6 2,251,610 21.8 10/1/97 4,301,968 4,585,587 283,619 93.8 2,380,024 11.9 10/1/98 4,574,342 4,733,864 159,522 96.6 2,435,518 6.5 10/1/99 5,179,781 5,943,849 764,068 87.1 2,543,984 30.0 10/1/00 5,732,329 7,508,961 1,776,632 76.3 2,761,773 64.3 10/1/01 6,312,447 8,150,125 1,837,678 77.5 3,127,313 58.8 10/1/02 6,193,676 8,594,442 2,400,766 72.1 3,076,493 78.0 10/1/03 6,759,012 10,404,349 3,645,337 65.0 3,443,843 105.9 10/1/04 6,578,832 12,084,785 5,505,953 54.4 4,275,981 128.8 10/1/05 3,817,605 9,116,599 5,298,994 41.9 3,220,258 164.6 10/1/06 5,283,023 10,490,332 5,207,309 50.4 3,680,960 141.5 10/1/07 6,481,382 10,997,783 4,516,401 58.9 3,238,894 139.4 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 28 SCHEDULE OF EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS (GASB Statement No. 25) Year Annual Ended Required Actual Percentage 9/30 Contribution Contribution Contributed 1991 $ 242,868 $ 245,000 100.9 1992 229,034 230,000 100.4 1993 225,280 226,000 100.3 1994 214,046 223,000 104.2 1995 269,422 270,000 100.2 1996 259,751 260,000 100.1 1997 240,637 245,169 101.9 1998 224,810 250,721 111.5 1999 214,323 227,112 106.0 2000 292,866 372,744 127.3 2001 415,152 447,128 107.7 2002 430,411 467,750 108.7 2003 502,855 503,220 100.1 2004 523,127 524,000 100.2 2005 662,237 662,237 100.0 2006 1,007,695 1,007,695 100.0 2007 866,069 873,854 100.9 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 29 ANNUAL PENSION COST AND NET PENSION OBLIGATION (GASB STATEMENT N0.27) Employer FYE September 30 2008 2007 2006 Annual Required Contribution (ARC) $875,126 $866,069 $1,007,695 Interest on Net Pension Obligation (NPO) (13,692) (13,473) (14,006) Adjustment to ARC (18,869) (18,527) (20,673) Annual Pension Cost (APC) 880,303 871,123 1,014,362 Contributions made 873,854 1,007,695 Increase (decrease) in NPO (2,731) 6,667 NPO at beginning of year (171,144) (168,413) (175,080) NPO at end of year (171,144) (168,413) To be determined THREE YEAR TREND INFORMATION Fiscal Annual Pension Actual Percentage of Net Pension Year Ending Cost (APC) Contribution APC Contributed Obligation 9/30!2005 $ 669,011 $ 662,237 99.0 % $ (175,080) 9/30/2006 1,014,362 1,007,695 99.3 (168,413) 9/30/2007 871,123 873, 854 100.3 (171,144) Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 30 REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION GASB Statement No. 25 and No. 27 The information presented in the required supplementary schedules was determined as part of the actuarial valuations at the dates indicated. Additional information as of the latest actuarial valuation: Valuation date October 1, 2007 Contribution Rates: Employer 22.13% Plan Members 6.00%* Actuarial Cost Method Frozen Entry Age Amortization Method Level percent, closed Remaining amortization period 30 Asset valuation method Difference between actual return and expected return recognized over 5 years. Actuarial assumptions: Investment rate of return 8.0% up to retirement, 5.25% thereafter Projected salary increases 5.5% Includes inflation and other general increases at 4.0% Cost-of-living adjustments 3.0% for those retired before 2/1/82 or who contribute an extra 2%. Except for certain members who have elected not to contribute and for other members who have elected to contribute only 2% or 4%. Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company SECTION E MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 31 RECONCILIATION OF MEMBERSHIP DATA From 1011/06 From 10/1/05 to 10/1 /07 to 10/1 /06 A. Active Members 1. Number Included in Last Valuation 90 84 2. New Members Included in Current Valuation 3 15 3. Non-Vested Employment Terminations (5) (4) 4. Vested Employment Terminations (8) (4) 5. Service Retirements (2) 0 6. Disability Retirements 0 0 7. Deaths 0 (1) 8. Other (6) 0 9. Number Included in This Valuation 72 90 B. Terminated Vested Members 1. Number Included in Last Valuation 46 42 2. Additions from Active Members 8 4 3. Lump Sum Payments/Refund of Contributions (5) 0 4. Payments Commenced 0 0 5. Deaths 0 0 6. Other--Return to Actives 0 0 7. Number Included in This Valuation 49 46 C. Service Retirees, Disability Retirees and Beneficiaries 1. Number Included in Last Valuation 10 13 2. Additions from Active Members 2 0 3. Additions from Terminated Vested Members 0 0 4. Deaths Resulting in No Further Payments 0 (3) 5. Deaths Resulting in New Survivor Benefits 0 0 6. End of Certain Period - No Further Payments 0 0 7. Other -- Lump Sum Distributions (2) 0 8. Number Included in This Valuation 10 10 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 32 NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL EMPLOYEES -ACTIVE MEMBERS ON OCTOBER 1, 2007 Age Years of Service Group 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30 & Up Totals 20-24 No. Total Pay Avg Pay 25-29 No. 2 2 Total Pay 64,527 64,527 Avg Pay 32,264 32,264 30-34 No. 5 3 8 Total Pay 204,455 119,122 323,577 Avg Pay 40,891 39,707 40,447 35-39 No. 3 3 1 7 Total Pay 109,515 143,112 47,661 300,288 Avg Pay 36,505 47,704 47,661 42,898 40-44 No. 2 2 2 2 2 10 Total Pay 72,431 104,265 72,426 77,883 93,058 420,063 Avg Pay 36,216 52,133 36,213 38,942 46,529 42,006 45-49 No. 1 3 2 5 1 1 13 Total Pay 32,411 109,193 71,984 252,123 58,377 59,482 583,570 Avg Pay 32,411 36,398 35,992 50,425 58,377 59,482 44,890 50-54 No. 3 3 3 3 1 13 Total Pay 137,860 100,757 115,308 182,060 89,842 625,827 Avg Pay 45,953 33,586 38,436 60,687 89,842 48,141 55-59 No. 1 5 2 1 1 10 Total Pay 39,334 178,846 130,076 61,017 45,650 454,923 Avg Pay 39,334 35,769 65,038 61,017 45,650 45,492 60-64 No. 2 4 2 1 9 Total Pay 69,563 164,494 89,914 59,769 383,740 Avg Pay 34,782 41,124 44,957 59,769 42,638 65-99 No. Total Pay Avg Pay Total No. 16 23 10 11 8 2 2 72 Total Pay 592,236 956,892 382,742 505,083 463,571 120,499 135,492 3,156,515 Avg Pay 37,015 41,604 38,274 45,917 57,946 60,250 67,746 43,840 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 33 NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL INACTIVE PARTICIPANTS RECEIVING THE COLA AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2007 Retirees and Terminated Vested Disabled Beneficiaries Annual Annual Annual Age No. Benefits No. Benefits No. Benefits Under 45 2 $9,189 0 $0 0 $0 45-49 3 14, 343 0 0 0 0 50-54 2 11, 819 0 0 1 10,191 55-59 5 65,180 0 0 0 0 60-64 1 2,812 0 0 0 0 65-69 2 1,082 0 0 2 7,240 70-74 0 0 0 0 0 0 75-79 0 0 0 0 1 2,034 80-84 0 0 0 0 1 994 85-89 0 0 0 0 0 0 90&Up 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 15 $104,425 0 $0 5 $20,459 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 34 NORTH PALM BEACH GENERAL INACTIVE PARTICIPANTS NOT RECEIVING THE COLA AS OF OCTOBER 1, 2007 Retirees and Terminated Vested Disabled Beneficiaries Annual Annual Annual Age No. Benefits No. Benefits No. Benefits Under 45 10 $58,908 0 $0 0 $0 45-49 11 54,159 0 0 0 0 50-54 7 47,482 0 0 0 0 55-59 3 5,898 0 0 0 0 60-64 3 14,619 0 0 0 0 65-69 0 0 0 0 0 0 70-74 0 0 0 0 1 1,274 75-79 0 0 0 0 2 8,359 80-84 0 0 0 0 0 0 85-89 0 0 0 0 2 13,836 90&Up 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 34 $181,066 0 $0 5 $23,469 Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company SECTION F SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 35 SUMMARY OF PLAN PROVISIONS Effective Date September 1, 1967 Eligibility Full-time general employees are eligible for membership on the October 1st following completion of 12 months of employment. Earnings Gross salary including overtime but excluding bonuses or any other nonregular payments such as unused sick leave and vacation pay. Average Monthly Earnings (AME) Average of earnings during the five years within the last ten years of employment which produces the highest average. Credited Service Total number of years and fractional parts of years of actual service. Normal Retirement Eligibility - Either age 60 with nine years Credited Service or age 65 (depending on employee contribution rate). Benefit - Either 2%, 2.25% or 2.50% (depending on employee contribution rate) of AME multiplied by Credited Service up to 20 years plus 1 % of AME multiplied by Credited Service over 20 years. Form of Benefit -Life annuity, with other options available. Early Retirement Eligibility - Age 55. Benefit - Calculated in same manner as Normal Retirement Benefit and payable at Normal Retirement Date; or payable immediately after reduction by 5% for each year by which the benefit commencement date precedes the Normal Retirement Date. Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company 36 Delayed Retirement Eligibility - Any time after the Normal Retirement Date. Benefit - Calculated in the same manner as the Normal Retirement Benefit but using the AME and Credited Service as of the actual retirement date. Preretirement Death Benefits For a member who is age 55 and has at least five years of service but who dies before commencement of retirement benefits, a monthly benefit is payable to the designated beneficiary; the benefit is calculated as though the member had retired on his date of death and payable according to option elected by the employee. For an active member who has at least five years of Credited Service and dies prior to reaching Normal Retirement Date, a benefit equal to his vested accrued benefit will be paid to his beneficiary for ten years. Termination Benefits For a member with less than five years of Credited Service when he terminates, no benefit is payable. For a member with five or more years of Credited Service when he terminates, his vested accrued benefit is payable at his Normal Retirement Date, or at any time after age 55 is attained, with the benefit being subject to the same reduction as for Early Retirement Benefits. The vesting schedule is as follows: Years of Vested Credited Service Under 5 0% 5 or 6 50 7or8 75 9 or more 100 COLA For those retired before February 1, 1982, those hired after 9/30/00, or those hired before 10/1/00 who elect to contribute an extra 2%, a 3% Cost of Living increase is paid annually from the Plan. Contributions From Members - 6%, 4%, 2% or 0% of Earnings as elected by the employee. From the City -The amount necessary to fund the Plan properly according to the Plan's actuary. Chances Since Last Valuation None. Gabriel, Roeder, Smith and Company