1997-024 Port Richey Legislation RESOLUTION 24-97 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, OBJECTING TO SPECIAL ACT LEGISLATION TO PERMIT THE ABOLISHMENT OF A MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT WITHOUT STUDY, CONSENT OR CONCURRENCE OF THE MUNICIPALITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Senator Jack Latvala (R), District 19 has sponsored SB1852 and Representative Debra Prewitt (D), District 46 has sponsored HB1295, a Special Act of the Legislature of Florida advocating the abolition of the City of Port Richey and its annexation to the City of New Port Richey without a study by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, either local jurisdiction or any independent study group or organization; and, WHEREAS, this Special Act legislation calla for the abolishment of the City of Port Richey, Florida, and further calls for the City of Port Richey to be annexed into the City of New Port Richey, Florida through the vehicle of a forced referendum to be held in both cities, by a special election to be held in September 1997, and not during the regular election of both cities to be held in April of each year; and, WHEREAS, neither the City of New Port Richey nor the City of • Port Richey have requested this action be taken by the Florida Legislature, and the City of Port Richey has clearly and vigorously voiced it's opposition to the entire forced mandate by the bill • sponsors; and, WHEREAS, the action taken by the bill sponsors is with a complete disregard for the fundamental principles upon which home rule was founded and exists pursuant to Florida law, as well as the constitutional provisions contained in all municipal charters for the electorate to bring a question of this magnitude to a referendum as the community deems proper and necessary, and WHEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, is deeply concerned about the impact similar legislation could have for any city in the state. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, formally voices ite concern regarding this matter of great importance to our local legislative delegation members and to the sponsors of the unprecedented action, Senator Jack Latvala and Representative Debra Prewitt, and requests that an immediate response be forthcoming from the sponsors setting forth with particularity the reasons and necessity for such legislation affecting the ability of the two cities to determine their own destiny at the local level without intrusion by the Legislature. Section 2. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach hereby directs the Village Clerk to furnish a certified copy of this Resolution to the Chairperson of the Florida Constitutional • Revision Commission so that such person will be advised of the concerns of this Council regarding the power of the Florida Legislature to burden any municipality of the state with the need to protect itself from future unilateral legislative action without provocation or justification, and to amend the Florida Constitution to provide for necessary checks and balances, study by appropriate state agencies and a referendum by the people affected before any municipality of the State of Florida may be abolished, merged or otherwise consolidated with another local government. Section 3 This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 10th DAY OF APRIL 1997. • (Village Seal) ~~ \ ~~~ MAYOR ATTEST: •