1996-074 ICMA Retirement Corporation Agreement• ' RESOLUTION NO. 74-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN ADOPTION AGREEMENT WITH ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" FOR THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A MONEY PURCHASE RETIREMENT PLAN FOR CERTAIN EMPLOYEES OF THE VILLAGE; AUTHORIZING THS MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ACCEPT AND TO ENTER INTtS~ AN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION RETIREMENT CORPORATION ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "B" AND TO ACCEPT THE PRICING, OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE DOCUMENT ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "C"; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach has employees who have rendered valuable services; and WHEREAS, the Village Council of:the Village of North Palm Beach is,desirous of establishing a.money purchase retirement plan benefitting certain employees by. providing funds for retirement and funds for their beneficiaries in the event of death; ~:: WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach is desirous that its money purchase retirement plan be administered by 'the ICMA Retirement Corporation, and that the funds held under such plan be invested in the ICMA Retirement Trust, a trust established by public employers for the collective investment of funds held under their retirement and deferred compensation plans. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGB COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: • Section i. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the adoption agreement with ICMA Retirement Corporation attached as Exhibit "A" which is for the purpose of establishing a money purchase retirement plan for certain employees of the Village. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said adoption agreement with ICMA Retirement Corporation set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Administrative Services Agreement with the International City Management Association Retirement Corporation attached as Exhibit "B" and to accept and execute the pricing, offer and acceptance document attached a.s Exhibit "C" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. . Section 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. .PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th DAY OF DECEMBER 199 ;1 '(Village Seal) A'T'TEST MAYOR • EXHIBIT "A" PROTOTYPE MONEY PORCH $ PLANN & TRUST • ADOPTION AGREEMENT #001 Account Number 9501 The Employer hereby establishes a Money Purchase Plan and Trust to be known as V i 11 age o f NPB Executive Money Purchase (the "Plan") in the form of the ICMA Retir Corporation Prototype Money Purchase Plan and Trust. ~ _ This Plan is an amendment and restatement of an existing defined contribution money purchase plan, ^ Yes ~ No If yes, please specify the name of the defined contribution money purchase plan which this plan hereby amends and restates: 1• Employer: Village of North Palm Beach, Florida IL Prototype Sponsor. Name: ICMA Retirement Co rporation Address: '777 N. Capitgl Street, N.E. Washington, D:C. 20002-4240 TelephoneNumbet-. (202)962-4600 l! 1. The Effective Date of the Plan shall be the first day cf the Plan Year during which the Employer adopts the Plan, unless an alternate Effective Date is hereby specified: January 01 1997 1~'• Plan Year will mean: ^ The twelve (12) consecutive month peciod which coincides with the limita- ' •tion year. (See Section G.OS(i) of the Plan.) • ~ The twelve (l2) consecutive month period commencing on 1-1- 97 and each anniversary thereof. Mi'd' /adoption ng~eement 12/23/94 nD1-9q V .Normal Retirement Age shall be age B D (nor co exceed age 65). Vl. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: The following group or groups of Employees are eligible to participate in the. Plan: All Employees All Full-Time Employees Salaried Employees Non-union Employees Management Employees Public Safety Employees - General Employees Other (specify below) The group specified must correspond to a group of the same designation that is defined in the statures, ordinances, rules,.regulations, personal manuals or other material in effect in the state or (ocalCty of the Employer. 2. The Employer hereby waives or reduces the requirement of a twelve (12) month Period of Service for participation. The required Period of Service shall be N/A (write N/A if an Employee is eligible to participate upon employment). If this waiver or reduction is elected, it shall apply to all Employees within the Covered Employment Classification. 3• A minimum age requirement is hereby specified for eligibility to participate. The minimum age requirement is . N A (not to exceed ago 21. Write N/A if do minimum age is declared.) CONTRIBUTION PROV[S[ONS I. The Employer shall contribute as follows (choose one, if applicable): ~ Fixed Employer Contributions With Or Without Mandatory Participant Contributions. The Employer shall contribute on behalf of each Participant 11.O9y of Earnings or $~. for the Plan Year (subject to the limitations of Article Vl of the Plan). Each Participant is required to contribute -0- 96 of Earnings or $~o -- for the Plan Year as a condition of participation in the Plan. (Write • "0" if no contribution is required.) [f Participant Contributions are requited under this option, a Participant shall not have the right to discontinue or • vary the rate of such contributions after becoming a Plan Participant. MPP Adoption Agreement The Employer hereby elects to "pick up" tl,e Mandatory/Required Participant • Contribution. $f1 Yes ^ No [Note to Employer: Neithec an opinion letter issued by the Intemal Revenue Service with respect to the Prototype Plan, nor a determination letter issued to an adopting Employer is a ruling by the Internal Revenue Service that Participant contributions that are picked up by the Employer are not includable in the Participant's gross income for federal income tax pur- poses. The Employer may seek such a ruling. Picked up contributions are excludable from the Participant's gross income under section 414(h)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 only if they meet the requirements of Rev. Rul. 81-35, 1981-I C.B. 255. Those requirements are (1) that the Employer must specify that the contributions, although designated as employee contributions, are being paid by the Em- ployer in lieu of contributions by the employee; and (2) the employee must not have the option of receiving the contributed amounts directly instead of having them paid by the Employer to the plan.) ^ Fixed Employer Match of Participant Contributions. The Employer shall contribute on behalf o ash Participant _% oEEam- ings for she Plan Year (subject to'the' li nations of Articles V and~V[ of the Plan) for each Plan Year that such rticipant has conaihuted _% of Eamings or $_ Under this ' tion, there is a single, fixed rate of Em- ployercontributions, but a P ticipantmay decline to make the required Participant contributio n any Plan Year, in which case nu Employer contri- bution will be made the Participant's behalf in that PL•ut fear.. ~/~,~. ^ Variable Employer Match Of Participant Contributions. !/ telrmined as follows (object to the limitat o e of Article. \''~u~.l V[ of the Plan): % of the Patticipanc cunt utions made Icy the Participant for the Plan Year (not including Partici nt contribution< exccc.ling __% of Earnings or $ ). _ PLUS % of the retributions made by tltc P:uticiPanr for the ['fare Ycar in excess of rhos included in the above Inrai;ral•h (but rent includ- ing Participant contribu ores exceeding in the aggregate "~,', of Eamings • or $ ). Employe retributions on behalf of a Participan; (ur :~ Plan Ycar shall not; xt • d $ or _% of Earnings, a•hichc,•r/r i/s ^ murc or MPP Adoption Agreement 12/23/94 nn, ... •2• Each Participant may make voluntary (unmatched), after-tax contribution, subject to the (imitations of Section 4.05 and Articles V and V[ of the Plan. ^ Yes ® No 3. Employer contributions and Participant contributions shall be contributed to the Trust in accordance with the following payment schedule: VIII. EARNINGS Earnings, as defined under Section 2.09 of the Plan, shall include: (a) Overtime ^ Yes ® No (b) Bonuses ^ Yes l~ No LIMITATION ON ALLOCATIONS if the Employer (i) maintains or ever maintained another qualified plan in which any Par- ticipant in this Plan is (or was) a participant or could possibly become a participant, and/or (ii) maintains a welfare benefit fund (as defined in section 419(e) o the Code) oran indi- ' vidual medical accouttt (as defined in section 415(!)(2) of the e, under which atriounts are treated as Annual Additions with respect to any Participa to this Plan) the Employer hereby agrees to limit contributions to all such plans as prow' ed herein, ifnecessary in order • to avoid excess contributions (as described in Sections 6. and 6.04 of the Plan). i • If the Participant is covered under another alified •defined contribution plan maintained by the Employer, other than. egional Prototype Plan, the provisions of Section 6.02(a) through (f) of the P n will apply as if the other plan were a Master Prototype Plan, unless anot method has been indicated below. ^ Other Method. (Provi the method under which the plans will limit total Annual Additi to the Maximum Permissible Amount, and will properly reduce a excess amounts, in a manner that precludes Employer discretion.) • MPP Adoption Agreement 12/23/9 Z• If the Participant is or has ever been a participant in a defined benefit plan main- ; • rained by the Employer, and if the limitation in Section 6.04 of ze Plan would be exceeded, then the Participant's Projected Annual Benefit u er the defined be~tefit plan shall be reduced in accordance with the terms thereo o the extent necessary to satisfy such limitation. If such plan does not provide for uch reduction, or if the limitation is still exceeded after the reduction, annu additions shall be reduced to the extent necessary in the manner described in S bons 6.01 through 6.03. The methods of avoiding the limitation described i is paragraph will not apply if the mployer indicates another method below. ~~J ^ Ocher Method. (Note to Emplo r: Provide below language whi~ will satisfy the 1.0 limitation of section 5(e) of the Code. Such language must preclude Employer discreti .See section 1.415-1 of the Regulations for guidance.)- 3• The limitation year is the following nsecutive month period: X. VESTING PROVISIONS ~~ The Employer hereby specifies the following vesting schedule; subject to (1) the minimum vesting requirements as noted and (2) the concurrence of the Plan•AdministraCOC. Years °f Specified Service Percent Minimum Completed Vesting Vestiu Requirements** Zero 100 One ~' No minimum Two % No minimum Three ~' No minimum flour ~' Noc less than 2096 Five ~' Not less than 40% ~' Not less than 60% Six % Seven, or more Not less than l30% --~-~' Must equal 100% (•*Three minimum vesting requirements conform to the Code's three to seven year vesting schedule. [f the employee becomes 100% vested by the completion of five years of service, there is no minimum for years three and four.) (-pans arc permitted under the Plan, as provided in Article XIV: Q Yes ^ No MPP Adoption Al;reement 12/23/94 oar-qa KI1. The Employer hereby attests that it is a unit of state or local government or an agency or .nstrumencalicy of one or more units of state or local government. <lll. The Prototype Sponsor hereby agrees to inform the Employer of any amendments to the Plan made pursuant to Section 15.05 of the Plan or of the discontinuance or abandonment of the Plan. C[V. The Employer hereby appoints the Prototype Sponsor as the Plan Admittistrator pursuant to the terms and conditions of the ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION PROTOTYPE MONEY PURCHASE PLAN 6t TRUST. The Employer hereby agrees to the provisions of the Plan and Trust. :V. The Employer hereby acknowledges it understands that failure to properly fill out this Adoption Agreement may result in disqualification of the Plan. VI. An adopting Employer may not rely on a notification letter issued by the National or District Office of the Intemal Revenue Service as evidence that the Plan is qualified under section 401 of the Intemal Revenue Code. In order to obtain reliance with respect to plan qualification, the Employer must apply to the appropriate key district office for a determination letter. This Adoption Agreement may be used only in conjunction with basic Plan document number 001. Witness WhergAf, the Employer hereby causes this Agreement to be executed on ~ (°~TN day of ~,y6,G.- , 19 9b. ~iPLOYER Accepted: ICMA RETIREMENT CORPORATION ~ ~ D Bye :le: V-A. Marks, M.D.,(1 ayor~ Ttcle:CorporateSecatary t Attest: _ C~-u-.~ '~~ • MPP Adoption Agreement 7 2/23/94 • Type: 401 fCMA ' RETIREMENT CORPORATION may; Account Number: 9501 I:XIIIBIT °B" ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT • Plan N 9501 icnan .' RET[REMENT CORPORATION; • ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement, made as of the day of 199 , (herein referred to as the "Inception Date"), between The International City Management Association Retirement Corporation ("RC"), a nonprofit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware; and Village of North Palm Beach ("Employer") a Village organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida with an office at 501 U.S. Highway 1, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408. Recitals ~' Employer acts as a public plan sponsor for a retirement plan ("Plan") with responsibility to obtain investment alternatives and services for employees participating in that Plan; The ICMA Retirement Trust (the "Trust"1 is a common law trust governed by an elected Board of Trustees for the commingled investment of retirement funds held by state and local governmental units for their employees; RC acts as investment adviser to the Trust; RC has designed, and the Trust offers, a series of separate funds (the "Funds") for the investment of plan assets as referenced in the Trust's principal disclosure documents, "Making Sound Investment Decisions: A Retirement Investment Guide" and "A Retirement Investment Guide for the Mutual Fund Series." The Funds are available only to •public employers and only through the Trust and RC. In addition to serving as investment adviser to the Trust, RC provides a complete offering of services to .public employers for the operation .of~ernployee retirement plans including, but not limited to, communications concerning investment alternatives, account maintenance, account record-keeping,' investment and tax' reporting, form processing, benefit disbursement and asset management. • -2- ' Plan N 9501 icMn .' RGTIREMBNT • -~ CORPORATION • Agreements 1 • ApnninimPnt of R(` Employer hereby designates RC as Administrator of the Plan to perform all nori-discretionary functions necessary for the administration of the Plan with respect to assets in the Plan deposited with the Trust. The functions to be performed by RC include: (a) allocation in accordance with participant direction of individual accounts to investment Funds offered by the Trust; (b) maintenance of individual accounts for participants reflecting amounts deferred, income, gain, or loss credited, and amounts disbursed as benefits; (c) provision of periodic reports to the Employer and participants of the status of Plan investments and individua(accounts; (d) communication to participants of information regarding their rights and elections under the Plan; and (e) disbursement of benefits as agent for the Employer in accordance with terms of the Plan. 2• Adnntinn of Trust Employer has adopted the Declaration of Trust of the ICMA Retirement Trust and agrees to the commingled investment of assets of the Pian within the Trust. Employer agrees that operation of the Plan and investment, management anii disbursement of amounts deposited in tFie Trust shall be subject to the Declaration of Trust, as it may be amended from time to time and shall also be subject to terms and conditions set forth in disclosure documents (such as the Retiremt:rit'Investment Guide or Employer Bulletins) as those terms and conditions may be adjusted from time to time. It is understood that the term "Employer- Trust" as It is used in the Declaration of Trust shall mean this Administrative Services Agreement. 3• EmnIAVPr nut~+ rn F~~roish~rlfarmation Employer agrees to furnish to RC on a timely basis such information as is necessary for RC to carry out its responsibilities as Administrator of the Plan, including information needed to allocate individual participant accounts to Funds 1n e Trust; and information as to the employment status of participants; and ticipant ages, addresses and other identifying information (including tax -3- Plan ~ 9501 ~cnan RETf R EM ENT CORPORATION ~entification numbers). RC shall be entitled to rely upon the accuracy of any nformation that is furnished to it by a responsible official of the Employer or any information relating to an individual participant or beneficiary that is furnished by such participant or beneficiary, and RC shall not be responsible for any error arising from its reliance on such information. RC will provide account information in reports, statements or accountings. All account discrepancies must be reported to RC within 120 days of the close of the quarter in which the discrepancy occurs. After that time the report, statement, or accounting shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Employer and the participants 4• amain RP.nfPSAntAtlnnc U! rr ntiPe ~ ' r`n * .. . RC represents and warrants to Employer that: . (a) RC is anon-profit corporation with full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform its obligations under this Agreement: The ability of RC to serve as investment adviser to the Trust is dependent upon the continued willingness of the Trust for RC to serve in that capacity. (b) RC is an investment adviser registered as such with the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, as amended. ICMA-RC Services, Ino, (a wholly owned subsidiary of RC) is registered as a ~broker- .dealer with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and is a member in good standing of the National Association of Securities Dealers, inc: RC covenants with employer that: (c) RC shall maintain and administer the Plan in compliance with the requirements for plans which satisfy the qualification requirements of Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code; provided; however, RC shall not be responsible for fhe qualified status of the Plan in the event that the Employer directs RC to administer the Plan or disburse assets in a manner inconsistent with the requirements of Section 401 or otherwise causes the Plan not to be carried out in accordance with its terms; provided, further, that if the plan document used by the:Employer contains terms that differ from the terms of RC's standardized plan document, RC shall not be responsifle for the qualified status of the Plan to the extent affected by the differing terms in the Employer's plan document. Employer represents and warrants to RC that: (d) Employer is organized in the form and manner recited in the opening graph of this Agreement with full power and authority to enter into and perform bligations under this Agreement and to act for the Plan and participants in the -4- Plan # 9501 Icmrn RETIREMENT CORPORATION ~anner contemplated in this Agreement. Execution, delive Agreement will not conflict with any law, rule, regulation oacontract by which thie Employer is bound or to which it is a party. 5• P_articloatlnn in r`Prtain PrnrpPdinnc The Employer hereby authorizes RC to act as agent, to appear on its behalf, and to join the Employer as a necessary party in all legal proceedings involving the garnishment of benefits or the transfer of benefits pursuant to the divorce or separation of participants in the Employer Plan. The Employer consents to the disbursement by RC of benefits that have been garnished or transferred to a former spouse, spouse or child pursuant to a domestic relations order. 6. Cmm~Pncatinn ^nrt p-#~.>.,~*_ (a) Plan Administration Fee. The amount to be paid for plan administration services under this Agreement shall be 0.90% per annum of the amount of Plan assets invested in the Trust. Such fee shall be computed based oh average daily net Plan assets in the Trust. (b) Account Maintenance Fee. There shall be an annual account maintenance fee of 525.00. The account maintenance fee is payable in full on January 1 of each year on each account in existence on that date. For accounts established after January 1, the fee is payable on the first day of the calendar quarter following establishment and is prorated by reference to the number of calendar quarters remaining on the day of payment. (c) Annual Plan Fee. There shall be an annual Employer fee of $500.00. The annual Plan Fee will be billed evenly on a quarterly basis and is' payable within 30 days of receipt of billing. Plans which are initially established midyear will be billed on a pro-rata basis. (d) Mutual Fund Services Fee. There Is an annual charge of 0.10% of assets under management that are held in the Trust's Mutual Fund Series. (e) Compensation for Advisory Services to the Trust. Employer acknowledges that in addition to amounts payable under this Agreement, RC receives fees from the Trust for investment advisory services furnished to the Trust, except that this fee is not assessed in the Mutual Fund Series. (f) Payment Procedures. (i) All payments to RC pursuant to Section 1, (b) and (d) shall be paid out of the Plan Assets held by the Trust and shall be -5- Pian J/ 9501 (cnTn RET(REME~T CORPORAT(ON~ aid by the Trust. The amount'of Plan Assets held in the Trust shall be adjusted by ~he Trust as required to reflect such payments. (ii) All payments to RC pursuant to Section 6(c) shall be paid directly by Emptoyer, and shall not be deducted from Plan Assets held by the Trust. 7. f:"a___~ t~ Emptoyer understands that amounts invested in the Trust are to be remitted directly to the Trust in accordance with instructions provided to Employer by RC and are not to be remitted to RC. In the event that any check or wire transfer is incorrectly labeled or transferred to RC, RC is authorized, acting on behalf of the transferor, to transfer such check or wire transfer to the Trust. $• QP.CnnnClhlll RC shall not be responsible for any acts or .omissions of any person other than RC in connection with the administration or operation of the Plan. 9. Tarm This Agreement may be terminated without penalty by either party on sixty days advance notice in writing to the other. ~0• Ampnrimrnts ^nd Arliuct - t (a) This Agreement may not be amended except by written instrument signed by the parties. (b) The parties agree that compensation for services under this Agreement and administrative and operational arrangements may be adjusted as follows: RC may propose an adjustment by written notice to the Employer given at least 60 days before the effective date of the adjustment and the notice may appear in disclosure documents such as Employer Bulletins and the Retirement Investment Guide. Such adjustment shall become effective unless, within the 60 day period before the effective date the Employer notifies RC in writing that it does not accept such adjustment, in which event the parties will negotiate with respect to the adjustment. .. (c) No failure to exercise and no delay in exercising any right, remedy, wer or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver of such right, remedy, power ~rivilege. ~ -6- ~_ •11. fJntirac Plan N 9501 ~cntn RET[RElv1ENT CORPORAT[ON All notices required to be delivered under Section 10 of this Agreement shall be delivered personally or by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to (i) Legal Department, ICMA Retirement Corporation, 777 North Capitol Street, N.E., Suite 600, Washington, D.C, 20002-4240; (ii) Employer at the office set forth in the first paragraph hereof, or to any other address designated by the party to receive the same by written notice similarly given. 12. ~mm~lPtP AnrP m r This Agreement shall constitute the sole agreement between RC and Employer relating to the object of this Agreement and correctly sets forth the complete rights, duties and obligations of each party to the other as of its date. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations or representations, verbal or otherwise, not expressly'set forth in this Agreement are of no force and effect. 13. f;nvar_~ ni ~ I a~ This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida applicable to contracts made in that jurisdiction without reference to its conflicts of laws provisions. In Witness Whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the Inception Date first above written. VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH Signature/Date ~ V.A. Marks, M.D. (Mayor) Name and Title (Please Print) INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION RETIREMENT •• CORPORATION by: • Stephen Wm. Nordholt/Date Corporate Secretary 7- EC-15-9~. THU 11:34 PM P . C+2 401 EMPLOYEE ENROLLMENT FORM a " Vr< thla term w cocoa in the RC Pcr(u<.nmee Plan. Plua<prine Irp'blt In >nls. .. .. • w • R<ad tnatcu<tio,u on the back b<focc eon.plerlop aN. fnau t4tt • Make ehaMes to edstina employ«rccordr on lOl Emplorce Lhctse<Porm avaWNe from RCxyeur xmployxr• wtnacwu.~• faaaOMifOH ', Emplpycr Plan Number Employer Plan Name Stale ParUNpaM 1 0 O K _ P t. N F /J' C/ R C .. Information dal Security N~unt~bcr ~ON/Zle ~~~ Persmal ? 7 - L-CJJ - / '/ 3 ®ex Hom~ e Numb ~ Date ~f OIrO Marital Status M Area Code Monl Oay ear Marcied Sin le A.:1..... •AA.^.. S -~~ s ° - Saa 27p Code tti ak I lob Title 2 9eneficiary Designation If monied, Special rules apply. See InflNeli0r15 Oft reverse side. 3 Amoun[ of 4 Allocalian of Cont•ibutions 5 Rehiredi Work Phone Number s6 -~- 3 9 Check tax If yes Area e Name Relationship to yrou Social Setvrily Number °!. of benefit Primary Beneficiaries: (if available) SNA2LyN /KELLY fX•NffF .r~~•S8'SPPI /G0 Contingent Beneficiaries, if any: 7^ENNlFCa'a- /Kf[Ly DA4rrN~~'+- S?o'Y8-cT78?' $"p ~Ji ~AC<2fN K6LL DAu GNTfa2 S9o-E/g. ~ft9o $'O~ I autlar)ze myemplo)xrto dcduttawluntuy mntrbution oft~MOrf n~._kom ntypay per pay period. Myarccntannual ,glaryb f7~edA !or Employer Usr. the employer stall con(r(6ure~% or S .The employee sW/! eortuibute ~ A - 7G or S «6 Allocate in percmtaea among fund choices. Alloatlon percentages tntut ttxa1100 percent. If the alloutlon total tlpea not add up co 100 percent thrn the reroatnder wQl be alkxatcd to the PLUS Food. If eto aelcction U eivm, your cgneribution will be allocated M the default fund aeleoted by your cmpk>ya. Uu wllb(e perccnagea tee., SD pactnt, oa 73 1/3 percent). DO afoc ttx llxed dollar amotfnu- Fill in the boxer ac eight wtth coder of the fund(s) y04 want tO lnveK lm A 1(st of funds And coda arc nn ehe bark of the form. SEE BACK OF FORM OR INVESTMENT OPTIONS SHEET FOR FUND CODES Gb0¢ 3S EMPLOYER at:couNr GOdY eteerx ~o EMPLOYEE accouNi Cods Perowtl a PNClN }O O yo So TOTgC.100X TOTAL.l00X Stste taw, locol law, a your ettspkal~t may plact raaittlem on investment (n that funds. 1 have mJ Part/ IJ<nnCicauas m I afvxc dut ncid actbtC up.m ani PaniNpanl Signature d rtaJ theaxrcnr IQdA RetlrarwnrTrtael I unlcrNUU1 d.rt th<Rat4emem Cwxronhv Employer flag Number IMPORTANT ^ PLEASE RETURN 7FII5 COPY TO RC br modtl laves Ikt 1 atan..ledxr that rduKSC uanJrr. thar In:ludt pctfunal ckvw< to trmr(er (unJs hr ulcpMaw, Ibbk kw ant logo, erue, m aarstuc rp IUv1A Rcliremcm Corporation . P. O. (bx 96220 • Washington, l7C 20090if220 • Toll Free I-B00-66Y-i100 raver AOCCf.tee.J • yrrrm THE VILLAGE OF North Palm Beach 501 U.S. HIGHWAY 1 ~ NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33400 ~ 407-84&3474 Department of Flnanc December 20, 1996 Ms. Veta Dunston " " Employee's Services ICMA Retirement Corporation 7,77 North Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20002-4240 e Dear Ms. Dunston: Per instructions from Jonathan Epstein, enclosed are the following documents to establish 401 (a) plan for ow Village Manager effective 1-1-97: 1. Pricing Offer and Acceptance 2. Trust Adoption Resolution 3. Adoption Agrcerrient 4. Administrative Services Agreement 5. 401 Employee Enrollment Form from Dennis Kelly, Village Manger. Please sign and return a copy of the Administrative Services Agreement and Trust Adoption Agreement for ow records. Thanks. Sincerely, /~ Shaukat Khan Director of Finance Attachments ce: Jonathan Epstein • 3475 Pinewalk Drive North #106 Margate, FL 33063 EXHIBIT ^C" Village d: North Palm Beach Money Purchase (Executive) "ICMq Retirement ~[ 14, 1996 rporation The ICMA Retirement Corporation proposes the following fees and terms: Fees • Plan Administration Fee; Investment returns are repotted net of the annual plan adminishatioa fro of 0.75% of assets under management. Mutual Fund Services Fce: Investment returns of the Mutual Fund Series are reported net of the annual mutual fund services foe of 0.25% of assets under managemwt. Model Portfolio Fund Fee: Investment mfirms of Model Portfolio Funds are reported net of the annual model portfolio fund fce of 0.10% of assns under management. Participant Fee: 525 per participant will be deducted from individual account balances each January. Employer Annual Fce: 5500 annual employer fee will be billed quarterly on a pro-rated basis, nvestmeat management fee and fund expenses ere detailed is the enclosed disclostme documents, 7~faktogSound lovutmrnt DeMslonr; A Retlremrnt lrrvertment Guide" end "ARetlrrmrnt lrrvumrnt Gu(de jor theA~futual FWrd Setfp", Cerms Ezpiration: This offer of pricing expires January 12, 1997. ly dgaing this page, I at5rm that I understand, and am authorized to accept on behalf of the ~wveemployer, the IQv1A Retirement btporation's offer. I understand that rho ICMA Retirement Corporation will 3ssve as AdminisuativE SetvIas filch will describe their duties and those of the employer. The terms of this offer will be effective once tits ASAmgafd~. ignalure of pees//on signing on behalf of employer ~7 tinted name of ~ ~~~~~ ~J• r/ person signing on behalf of employer V.A. Marks, M. D. itie of person signing on behalf of employer Mayor lllage of North Palm Beach Il U.S. ILghway I orth Palen Beach, Fi. 33408 07) 848-3474 • Date ,~ ~~