1996-031 Agreement w/Coburn for CClub Air Conditioning• RESOLUTION NO. 31-96 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING TIlE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH COBURN & ASSOCIATES, INC., CONSULTING ENGINEERS, ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A", WHICH AGREEMENT IS FOR TI1E PURPOSE OF SECURING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR REVISIONS TO THE HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM FOR THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Village of North Palm Beach Is desirous of securing professional design services from a consulting engineer inclusive of preparation of contract documents, plans and specifications for replacement of chillers and air handlers and revisions to the heating, ventilating and air conditioning system for the North Palm Beach Country Club. • BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the agreement with Coburn & Associates, Inc., consulting engineers, attached as Exhibit "A", which agreement provides to the Village professional design services Inclusive of preparation of contract documents, plans and specifications for replacement of chillers and air handlers and necessary revisions to the heating, ventilating and air conditioning system of the North Palm Beach Country Club. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the agreement with Coburn & Associates, Inc. set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. • Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect Immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th DAY OF April 1996. (Village Seal) MAYOR ATT ~/ VILLAGE CLER n ~J b4/1`L/155t+ lb: ltf 4l9lbLbpbb'D v~~~..v... ... ., ...... .. . RFr. i2 19% 3:08?M Pb2 Prld~ No. F rnrn : • I~OSUAN ~L ASSUCIATAS,INC. C:ONC111,T]NG L7Np]NrFR8 Ag11 RC.~ noukv.rA Suila SS1F PNI'a @~ GNacua Piol9dp 3J410 (407) (4f.c77U 1TA7C (~07) oYh22e3 Thn Village of North palm Beach b45 Prosperity Perms Rortd North Pntin Bcnch, l~loridn 33408 Attn.: Mr. Tom Nngnrih tluiiding Inspector Date: April 12, 1996 kct~reace: North Pxlm IIoach County Club Aear Mr. Hogrtrih., • Thank you for tho opportunity to submit a proposal for enuina;ritrg sCrvibcs for the Village. Our proposal is outlined below: The projoct consists of pteparing contract dlrcmnenis for t'eplacement of chillers and air handlers and nccassary revisions In the heating, ventilating and air cpndiUOning system for tho North Palm County Club facility. S~p~-Qr ctw.ltyrC.F.s_ Prepnro contract documaus, plans and speciflcaGons to bid the project described above. Basic services .include design documents, specifications ctwrdinatlon of bids and rccommatdation of conuaetor. Revicw of pay requoats and periodic site visits ere included. F.S.Tti: ~ p"y~ ~ • ~i-f S 4,500.00. Our t?,e for the basin servicos pprlion of the wntracl will be Cn...~.ZG~+~- 04/12/1956 15:18 4076265865 From PFNNE tJo. ' • Proposal for Village North Palm Beach Country Club ADAIT.IQNAL SERVICES PAGE 03 Apr. 12 1996 3~09P11 P0? Page 2 Slx+uld ndditi~c+~ services ba required tltCSe would bo pcrfonnod on an hourly rata bavie Gased on rho tale aeltCdUlC boIOW.AS .Ab TNT^~+"'° !lY ?NF r/cca tl. Qf1~ r Principal $75.00 Registeryd Professional Gngineet 860.00 &nglneer $SO.Ob ttield Technician 540.00 nreRaman 530,00 Clerical S2S'00 arty Icgal testimony shall be invoiced of 5125.00 pot Hour or at the name rate as charged by the depo<ing counsel's highest hmtrly biking taro fur principals of that firm, whichever is higher and be a minimum of four (4) hom•s wlilalt shall include travel time. Any subpoenaed testimony arising from an action of llte client against'snother aha11 be invoice to the client regardless of the source of the subpoena. ~NSI~ The following itente in conjunction with the bidding process era reimbursable cxpensea. (:opies of specs 50.1 Ulea. ~Pri+o~fdrawings ~~5~0/e~~ „ ,,~ e ~'x ~~ ~l~IiA,I~PB(2Y.IS.[QAI.S I . The project will proceed in a continuous mama so as to eliminate intermittent termination of services. 2, A11 printing and capy'n>i; shall be done by the architect. a. The engineer shall rely on information trx++emitted to him by the owner as being accurate, and shall not be liable fir decisions based bn those assumptions. • 4. It is understood that this 1s a contract for professiotutl design sorvioes only and Utru the 1ingineer is not. a oonstntotion company and will be installing no ntatorial, 5. Advertisement for construction bids and advertisements arc not included in this contract. VILLAGE.OF N P BCH 64/12/1996 15:18 4076265869 VILLAGE OF N P 13CH PAGE 04 From F7ipJE hb. • Proposal for Village Norlh Pnlm Beach Country Club :C,&BDAS Rpr. 12 1936 3: 30r'f4 P04 Yage 3 Payment fat servicce shall be as stated on page 1 to bo invoiocd in eooordanco with that schedule based on tlta wark performe<i. lnvoicoe ehnll 60 due and ppyablc upon receipt. of invoice. ]nvoices past due 30 doys will be surohargcd 1-1/2% per ,nonlh on the unpaid balance. ).. Work will oease m, any project with invoices 3U days post duo. L'ngincor will not bo held liable fa,• any dwnagos resulting from She delay of rho project due to work which Is stopped due to delinquent payment. 3. A proper legal description of the pnrptrty must ba raeeived prior to beginning the • •pmjact along with the corre<;t name and address of the owglu. 4. A standard "Notice to owner" is filed on cvary project as a matter of standard policy. nn~A,~ rr l~ Q~'~ ,S',F~~y~ !f the final proieet is an inspection report the entire fee will be due upon ~c:ampletion and delivery of the project. ~ ~ ' ~ ° Respectfully subttltted, I'G ' ;f ~ ~~ ayor, , ; R shard R, Cobum, PR ~ G5"T.• President n.~ ~~ V' 1. • •'`VVYFI GYM N~.J ~~+~.--NN] A:lprop\7~YBCIub ~_~