1994-042 Legal Services Agrmt - Cable TV1 RESOLUTION No. 42-94 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND VILLAGE CLERK TO ENTER INTO A LETTER AGREEMENT WITH LEIBOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, P.A. DATED JUNE 16, 1994, ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A" FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING LEGAL REPRESENTATION IN THE AREA OF CABLE TELEVISION RELATED MATTERS; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM 1 BEACH, FLORIDA: Leibowitz & Associates, P.A. set forth in Exhibit "A" for and on authorized and directed to execute the Letter Agreement with Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach does hereby approve the Letter Agreement with Leibowitz & Associates, P.A. dated June 16, 1994, attached as Exhibit "A" for the purpose of securing legal representation in the area of Cable Television related matters. Section 2. The Mayor and Village Clerk are hereby behalf of the Village of North Palm Beach. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. 1 PASf.•ED AND ADOPTED THIS 13TH DAY OF OCT06ER 1994. (Village Seal) ~ MA OR ~~~,/~~ VILLAGE CLERK 1 JUy-]5-94 TNU 12'09 LEINOWITZ&RSSOCIATES FAX N0. 3055309417 MATTHEW L. LEIBOWITL JOSEPH A. BEVSLE ILA L. FELD NARET[N AMLIE Of COUNSEL AARON P. SNAIN IS LCC PELTL MANS BAN FOflO L. BOHRER • NOT ADNITTEO TO fLOR10A BAP l.EIBOhTITZ $c .AS$OCIATE$, P.A.. EUITG H30 B UNBANN INTERNATIONAL CENTER ONE EOUTN EAST THIRD AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 971x1-ITIs TELEPNON[ (DOE) 030 -13'L2 TELECOPIER (305) 630-B4P June 16, 1994 Mr. Dennis W. Kelly Village of North Palm Beaoh 501 U3 Highway 1 North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 P. 03 amrE soo IP55 P].o aTgIET, N.W. WAEHMOTON. O.G POO]T Dear Mr. Kelly: This letter is to set forth the Agreement of the Village of North Palm Beaoh to retain the Law Firm of Leibowitz & Associates, P.A. as Special Counsel for the purpose of representing the Village in the area of cable television related matters, on an as needed basis, as determined by the Village. specifically, the Firm will provide services including but not limited to those discussed below. • Advise the Village regarding new federal cable statutes and FCC rules and regulations and implementing the statutes, including but not limited to, rate regulation, customer service and cable technical standards; and assist the Village in implementing these rules and regulations and other legal matters related to the provision of sable television services. • Advise and represent the Village in the process of rate regulation including, but not limited to, evaluation of cable operator rate requests, recommendation in regard to qualified accouritinq firms and the hiring and supervision of same, and representation in any administrative litigation before the FCC. • Review existing cable television franchise agreements and ordinances and, where applicable provide recommendations regarding any modifications thereto anfl drafting of same, including, but not limited to, incorporation of enhanced customer service standards. ' When applicable, assist the Village in negotiating, drafting and implementing new and/or revise cable television franchise agreements. ..,_JUN-1.6-94 TIIU 12 10 LEIUOWITZ&ASSOCIATES Mr. Kelly June 16, 1994 Page - 2 - FAX N0. 3055309417 P. O4 • Advise the Village and review, modify or, where applicable, draft SMATV ordinances. • Presentation and/or attendance at Village meetings and preparation of necessary reports to the Village Commission. Matthew L. Leibowitz will be the attorney primarily responsible for the Village's work for serVioes rendered in aonneation with the scope of work defined by this agreement. We will bill all attorney time at the blended rate of 5175 per hour. in addition to fees, Leibowitz & Associates shall be entitled to payment of out-of-pocket expenses and reimbursements, including without limitation, long distance telephone calls, air express charges, printing, hand delivery, travel, lodging and filing fees. Photocopies are billed at the rate of 25 Dents per copy for the first 1,000 pages and 20 cents thereafter. Facsimile transmissions are billed at the rate of S2.o0 per page. All fees and expenses will be billed monthly and payable within thirty days of billing. Billing statements will identify the individual attorney and the amount of time involved in the work. if the Foregoing meets with your approval, please so indicate by signing this letter where indiaatefl and returning an executed copy to our office for our records. We look forward to working with you and the other Village officials on this very exciting projeot. Sincerely yours, Matthew L. Leibowitz 1 The unders being duly authorized, hereby accepts this. Date: October 13. 1994 T: ~~ Village Clerk