08-23-2017 VC BWS-MPresent: ROLL CALL MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 23, 2017 Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Mayor Robert A. Gebbia, Vice Mayor Mark Mullinix, President Pro Tem Susan Bickel, Councilmember David B. Norris, Councilmember Andrew D. Lukasik, Village Manager Melissa Teal, Village Clerk Mayor Aubrey called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Public Works Director Steven Hallock was present. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING Mr. Lukasik explained the purpose of the workshop was to review the Public Works budget. He shared a chart of General Fund expenses, noting Public Works was responsible for 22.33 percent. He discussed the catch-up work required to move the department forward. PUBLIC WORKS ORGANIZATION CHART Mr. Lukasik reviewed the Public Works organization chart, noting the addition of one (1) full-term person to serve under the Director of Public Works as Public Works Manager and the reclassification of two (2) Fleet and Facilities Division employees as Vehicle Mechanic. He discussed the purchasing and risk functions of the employee moved into the Public Works Manger position from another department. He explained the department would go from 36 full-time employees to 37 full-time employees, but it would balance with another department having one (1) less employee. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GOALS Mr. Lukasik reviewed the Public Works Department Goals, including: • Review stormwater funding practices and possible impact of implementation in the Village. • Complete the Earman River Pump Station reconstruction. • Complete all needed repairs to the Lighthouse Bridge. • Restart an asphalt paving program. • Begin stormwater collection system improvements. • LED street, pedestrian, and area lighting. • Finalize the Anchorage Park Master Plan and complete grant funded improvements. • Maintain all athletic fields, parks, and facilities in good condition. • Assist Village Manager, council, other departments and the Community with the Master Plan implementation. • Identify opportunities to engage consultants to supplement Village staff. Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 23, 2017 Page 2 of 4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT GOALS continued • Obtain and maintain Public Works Department American Public Works Association (APWA) accreditation. • Review all Departments of Public Works job descriptions and performance evaluation forms. • Assist Village Manager, Council, other departments and the Community with the development of a long-term Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). • Build teamwork and trust within the Department of Public Works. Mr. Lukasik explained that there had not been a lot of investment in the past into storm water, so the process would start with a review to get a good accounting for what the Village has and what work is required. Discussion ensued regarding the storm water system. Public Works Director Steven Hallock answered questions regarding bridge repairs and the difference between ongoing maintenance and long-term work that needed to be done. He reviewed the annual FDOT engineering reports and stated that there was minimum repair required. Discussion ensued regarding the state of the bridge, strategies, and resources. Mr. Hallock provided additional detail on park maintenance and potential projects. PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY BUDGET — ALL DEPARTMENTS Mr. Lukasik reviewed highlights of the operating budget increase, including: • Storm water system cleaning and video inspection - $75,000 • Lighthouse concept study - $75,000 • Replace lower -level Library windows with impact glass - $16,500 • Community Center stucco repair - $15,000 • Two (2) 10 -ton air conditioning units for Anchorage Park - $33,000 • Two (2) carry cans and engine work - $30,000 • Sod replacement after events and sports - $55,000 • Total - $299,500 • Total increase - $298,636 Mr. Lukasik answered Council questions regarding one-time and repeating expenditures. He reviewed a breakdown of items listed within contractual services. Discussion ensued regarding controlling increases in the departments' budget and paring back as possible. Mr. Lukasik explained funds for a study of US 1 had been removed because the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) was conducting a conceptual study of the entire corridor. He discussed his thoughts on prioritizing a complete street strategy and improving the Code. FY 2018 Budget FY 2017 Budget % increase/ $ increase/ decrease decrease Personnel $2,783,099 $2,597,618 7.14% $185,481 Operating $2,403,681 $2,105,045 14.19% $298,636 Total Expenses $5,186,780 $4,702,663 10.29% $484,117 Mr. Lukasik reviewed highlights of the operating budget increase, including: • Storm water system cleaning and video inspection - $75,000 • Lighthouse concept study - $75,000 • Replace lower -level Library windows with impact glass - $16,500 • Community Center stucco repair - $15,000 • Two (2) 10 -ton air conditioning units for Anchorage Park - $33,000 • Two (2) carry cans and engine work - $30,000 • Sod replacement after events and sports - $55,000 • Total - $299,500 • Total increase - $298,636 Mr. Lukasik answered Council questions regarding one-time and repeating expenditures. He reviewed a breakdown of items listed within contractual services. Discussion ensued regarding controlling increases in the departments' budget and paring back as possible. Mr. Lukasik explained funds for a study of US 1 had been removed because the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) was conducting a conceptual study of the entire corridor. He discussed his thoughts on prioritizing a complete street strategy and improving the Code. Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 23, 2017 Page 3 of 4 PUBLIC WORKS SUMMARY BUDGET — ALL DEPARTMENTS continued Mayor Aubrey expressed concern that the Village does not get its engineering, design, and consulting work ahead of its ability to get work done. Mr. Lukasik agreed, and stated some of the work was a prelude to seeking funding. Discussion continued regarding the Master Plan. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION BUDGET FY 2018 Budget FY 2017 Budget % increase/ decrease $ increase/ decrease Personnel $316,838 $214,875 47.45% $101,963 Operating $67,493 $128,918 -47.65% ($61,425) Total Expenses $384,331 $343,793 11.79% $40,538 Mr. Lukasik explained the line item for accreditation had been removed because the work would be handled in-house. FACILITY SERVICES BUDGET FY 2018 Budget FY 2017 Budget % increase/ decrease $ increase/ decrease Personnel $340,219 $323,684 5.11% $16,535 Operating $476,850 $430,350 10.81% $2989469 Total Expenses $817,069 $754,034 8.36% $610,972 Mr. Lukasik reviewed changes briefly. Discussion ensued. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE BUDGET FY 2018 Budget FY 2017 Budget % increase/ decrease $ increase/ decrease Personnel $267,441 $230,677 15.94% $36,764 Operating $272,950 $257,450 6.02% $159500 Total Expenses $5409391 $488,127 10.71% $52,264 Mr. Lukasik reviewed changes briefly. Councilmembers asked questions and Mr. Hallock provided additional explanation. SANITATION BUDGET FY 2018 Budget FY 2017 Budget % increase/ decrease $ increase/ decrease Personnel $1,377,545 $1,3625433 1.11% $15,112 Operating $223,950 $192,500 16.34% $315450 Total Expenses $1015495 $15554,933 2.99% $46,562 Mr. Lukasik reviewed changes briefly and discussed a needed review of fees for services. Discussion ensued regarding the rates for multi -family units and commercial sanitation collection, and associated analysis. Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 23, 2017 Page 4 of 4 STREETS & GROUND MAINTENANCE BUDGET FY 2018 Budget FY 2017 Budget % increase/ decrease $ increase/ decrease Personnel $481,056 $465,949 3.240yo $159107 Operating $1,362,438 $19095,827 24.33% $266,611 Total Expenses $1,843,494 $1,561,776 18.04% $281,718 Mr. Lukasik reviewed changes briefly. Discussion ensued regarding needed alley repairs and future funds to study how the alleys integrate with commercial development and how to make best use of the space available. PUBLIC WORKS CIP Mr. Lukasik reviewed the 10 -year CIP and the FY 2018 Public Works Capital Outlay. He explained there was significant money programmed for new vehicles, including a front -load sanitation collection truck, Dodge Ram 2500, Chevrolet Colorado pickup truck, and five (5) satellite collection utility vehicles. Discussion ensued regarding community feedback Councilmembers were receiving on the collection truck and the connection between reducing overtime hours and purchasing an additional truck. Mr. Lukasik discussed the $500,000 line item for asphalt resurfacing, noting that the Village has approximately 30 miles of streets and has postponed major street projects for several years. He noted that a meeting regarding surtax funds was planned for the following week, and this may result in adjustment of the priority. Mr. Hallock answered questions from Councilmembers and shared details of the Village's software regarding the status of streets. Continuing, Mr. Lukasik reviewed items for sidewalks, bridge repairs, maintenance of the storm water drainage system, and reconstruction of the Earman River Irrigation Pump Station. Discussion ensued regarding current sidewalk projects and future needs, as well as on liability for trees that interact with sidewalks. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Lukasik reviewed the remaining meetings in the budget workshop schedule. With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Completed by Jessica Green, MMC, Village Clerk