1993-031 Development of Mutual Aid Agreements1 RESOLUTION N0.31-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADVOCATING A COMPREHENSIVE, COORDINATIVE APPROACH IN RESPONSE TO THF. THREAT OF A HURRICANE THROUGH THE DEVELOPMENT OF MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS AMONG LOCAL GOVERNMENTS WITHIN AND SURROUNDING THE SOUTH FLORIDA REC+I ON; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO SEND COPIES OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE SOUTH FLORIDA REC.IONAI, PLANNING COUNCIL AND ALL MUNICIPALITIES WITHIN PALM BEACH COUNTY; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Chapter 252, Florida Statutes, State Emergency Management Act, authorizes local governments to develop and enter into mutual aid agreements within the State for reciprocal emergency aid and assistance in case of emergencies; and WHEREAS, Regional Goal 7,3 of the Regional Plan for South Florida directs that the time required for hurricane evacuation in the Region be maintained or reduced, and the emergency preparedness capabilities be increased; and WHEREAS, Regional Gold 7.5 of the Regional Pian for South Florida seeks to provide adequate shelter capacity f.or the Region by 1995; and WHEREAS, the existing and continuing possibility of the 7 occurrence of natural disasters, including those that cross jurisdictional lines that would require the evacuation and sheltering of segments of South Flor.ida's population; and ' WHEREAS, Hurricane Andrew demonstrated clearly the need for coordination of resources such as shelters within and surrounding the South Florida region; and WHEREAS, the Governor's Disaster Planning and Response Review Committee and the Governor's Environment. Land Management Study Committee IIi made recommendations for improvements to the coordination of emergency management issues during a natural disaster; and WHEREAS, the 1993 Session of the Florida Legislature took action to adopt. various bills which endorse the enhanced coordination of emergency management issues throughout Florida; and WHEREAS, the development of mutual aid agreament.s among ' local governments within and surrounding the Region wi.l] improve in providing the assistance necessary for the aff.eeted local government to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people; and WHEREAS, the coordination and communication across jurisdictional lines will greatly assist. in protecting the health, ~~afety, and welfare of the population during a natural disaster. BF. IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGF. COUNCiI, OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. T Palm Beach encourages emergency preparedness ' governments within Palm he Village Council of the Village of North and will assist in the enactment of mutual aid agreements among the local Beach County and the South Florida Region ' in response to the threat. of natural disasters that affect. South Florida and for the protection and promotion of the health, safety and welfare of Village residents'and other affected persons within South Florida. Section 2. The Village Clerk is herehy authorized and directed £o furnish certified copies of this Resolution to the South Florida Regional Planning Council and all municipalities within Palm Beach County. Section 3. This Resolution shall take ef.fer.t immediately upon its adoption. ' PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS t th DAY OF _~gust 1993. G~/~ / rn ~O (Village Seal) ATTE ,~ ~ L /i._. ~~C VILLAGE CLERK ~ 1 MAYOR