08-19-2015 VC B WS-MPresent: ROLL CALL MINUTES OF THE BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 19, 2015 Robert A. Gebbia, Mayor David B. Norris, Vice Mayor Doug Bush, President Pro Tem Darryl C. Aubrey, Sc.D., Councilmember Mark Mullinix, Councilmember James P. Kelly, Village Manager Melissa Teal, Village Clerk Mayor Gebbia called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. All members of Council were present. All members of staff were present, except the Village Attorney. Finance Director Samia Janjua, Chief of Police Rick Jenkins, Fire Chief J.D. Armstrong, and Public Works Director Brian Moree were present. The purpose of the meeting was to review the proposed FY 2016 departmental budgets for Police, Fire Rescue, General Services — Public Safety Building, and Public Works. POLICE AND FIRE — COMBINED • $8,501,998 total expenses; 1.80% or $150,369 increase over FY 2015 • 60 full-time employees; 13 part-time employees; 50 volunteers POLICE Chief Jenkins highlighted police department programs, accomplishments, and new initiatives. Additionally, Mr. Kelly discussed increases in the following operating line items: Contractual Services, Licenses & Fees, Materials & Supplies, Repairs & Maintenance, Travel & Training, and Other Operating Costs. • $65,925 total revenues • $5,027,779 total expenses; -0.91% or $46,089 decrease from FY 2015 • 36 full-time employees; 13 part-time employees; 32 volunteers FIRE RESCUE Mr. Kelly reviewed increases in the following operating line items: Materials & Supplies, Rental; Repairs & Maintenance, Travel & Training, and Other Operating Costs. • $385,800 total revenues • $3,301,269 total expenses; 4.10% or $130,058 increase over FY 2015 • 24 full-time employees; 18 volunteers GENERAL SERVICES — PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Mr. Kelly reported an increase in the Repairs & Maintenance operating line item for the following items: • $25,000 resurface/refinish fire bay floors • $25,000 painting and waterproofing building exterior • $25,000 repair architectural banding • $3,500 redesign Inspectors' office to add storage • $172,950 total expenses; 62.32% or $66,400 increase over FY 2015 Brief discussion ensued regarding what constitutes a capital improvement project. Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 19, 2015 Page 2 of 3 PUBLIC WORKS — COMBINED • $515,500 total revenues • $4,346,060 total expenses; 1.00% or $42,994 increase over FY 2015 • Personnel Changes: reduction of one (1) full-time position • 34 full-time employees Mr. Kelly and Mr. Moree addressed questions about anticipated revenue from commercial dumpster fees now that these services can be provided by the Village. Discussion ensued regarding multi -family refuse and recycling collection services. Mr. Moree stated the Village would begin leasing dumpsters to multi -family locations in FY 2016. Mr. Moree explained the Village's Interlocal Agreement with Solid Waste Authority (SWA), in which the Village receives a share of the revenue the SWA generates from sales of recyclables. Mr. Moree noted the decrease in shared revenue due to a decline in commodity prices. Mr. Moree reported plans to triple the number of dumpsters and pickups for commercial cardboard, which is sold privately. Additional discussion ensued regarding collecting cardboard from condominiums. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION Mr. Kelly reviewed increases in the following operating line items: Contractual Services; and Other Operating Costs. • $270,316 total expenses; 6.76% or $17,111 increase over FY 2015 FACILITY SERVICES • $637,940; -2.30% or $15,038 decrease from FY 2015 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE • $438,066 total expenses; 2.13% or $9,139 increase over FY 2015 SANITATION • $1,440,984; -3.65% or $54,664 decrease from FY 2015 • Personnel changes: reduction of one (1) full-time employee Mr. Kelly discussed SWA fees. He stated that SWA charges $42.00 per ton for household refuse and bulk items, and charges $25.00 per ton for vegetation. Mr. Kelly recommended moving the collection days for bulk items from Tuesday/Thursday to Monday/Wednesday/Friday, in conjunction with regular household collection, and limiting collection on Tuesday/Thursday to vegetation only. Mr. Kelly estimated this change would decrease costs by $12,500 to $25,000. Discussion ensued regarding bulk items and staffing. By consensus, Council determined that it was in the best interest of the Village to change the bulk collection schedule to Monday/Wednesday/Friday. STREETS AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Mr. Kelly provided a detailed justification for increases to the following operating line items: Contractual Services; Equipment Rental, Materials & Supplies, Repairs & Maintenance, and Other Operating Costs. 0 $1,558,754 total expenses; 5.87% or $86,446 increase over FY 2015 Minutes of Village Council Budget Workshop Session held August 19, 2015 Page 3 of 3 Discussion ensued regarding street sign inventory and replacement, and Village banners. By consensus, Council reduced this line item from $25,000 to $15,000. GENERAL FUND BUDGET CHANGES SUMMARY Mr. Kelly reviewed increases in revenues and decreases in expenses resulting in a net budgetary impact of $698,519. Item totals as revised and the budgetary increase/decrease: $25282,098 FDOR — revenue estimates received; $50,855 revenue increase • $12,353 Charge Card Fee Reimbursement (Council consensus); $12,353 revenue increase • TCRPC Planning Services (Council consensus to charge in FY 2015 Budget); $250,000 expense decrease • $14,413,947 Personnel — merit adjustment and changes through July; health and workers' compensation insurance renewal (Council consensus); $211,964 expense decrease • $288,453 property/casualty insurance renewal; $85,521 expense decrease • $87,826 Sanitation: delete one (1) full-time position; $87,826 expense decrease GENERAL FUND MILLAGE Mr. Kelly reviewed millage rates and funds available for transfer to the Capital Improvement Plan, as follows: Proposed Millage Rate 7.5700 Budgetary Savings $698,519 Possible Millage Rate 7.1441 Difference from proposed Millage Rate of $7.57 Mils 0.4259 Difference from current Millage Rate of $7.33 Mils 0.1859 If current milla a rate of $7.33 mils is selected... Budgetary savings available for additional CIP transfer $30406 Total contribution to CIP Fund $960,942 Estimated FY 2015 ending CIP Balance $329,046 Total CIP Available Balance $1,289,988 Proposed FY 2016 CIP $1,351,368 Additional Amount Needed $61,380 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Council, the meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Co /pl' ted by Jessica Green, MMC, Village Clerk