1993-022 Alcohol Beverage License' RESOLUTION NO. 22-93 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRRCTING THE VILLAGE MANAGF,R TO EXECUTE AN APPLICATION FOR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE WITH THF. DIVISION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS REGULATION, STATF. OF FLORIDA, FOR USE AT THF NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY C1~UB, WHICH APPLICATION IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING INDEMNIFICATION TO THE VILLAGE MANAGER FOR THE EXECUTION AND SUBMISSION OF THE APPI,ICATTON FOR ALCOHOLIC. BEVERAGE LICENSE; AND, PROVIDING FOR AN F,FFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VIL,L~AGF. COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: ' Section 1. The Village Council of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida, does hereby authorize and direct the Village Manager to execute and submit an application for alcoholic beverage ]i.cense with the Divi.sior, of Alcohol i. r, Beverages and Tobacco, Department of. Business Regulation, State of Florida, fo, use at tt,e North Palm Beach Country Club, which application i.s attached as Exhibit "A". Section 2. The Village Cow~ci] of. the Village of North Palm Bear.h, Florida, does hereby indemnify and save and hold the Village Manager harmless from loss or damage incurred by reason of the execution and submission of. the appli.cat.i.on fvr alcoholic beverage lir.ense. ' Section 3. This Resolution shall. take effect i-mmediately upon its adoption. 1 PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22nd DAY OF APr91 1993. --' (Village Seal) MAYOR ATTEST: ~e~Qa~~~G_¢-~ VILLAGE CLERK EXHIBIT "A' D81t 42-008 Rev. 2/91 Name Dennis Wayne Kelly PERSONAL QUESTIONNAIRE 01/8/4? ~ 46 PLACE OF BIRTH: COLOR COLOR RACE: SEX: HEIGHT: WEIGHT: HAIR EYES Enid, OK Brown Brown Cau Male ~ 6''0" 185 912 Northlake Ct., #5 HOME PHONE NUMBER: 40?/845-917.1 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 BUSINESS PHONE: 4 476 Are you a citizen of the United States) Yes If the answer is no, complete the following: Are you legally in this country? Alien Registration Number From To Jnh Tit1n rM,.i~..e,.~~ u~me e.,.t e.~.t.-e~~ ...t«~, ot., r,,,~„ 389 presen Village Mana er Noef~ig~alm Beach Have you ever been in this state, any other state, by the United States, or by any foreign country: YES NO 1. Arrested or charged with any violation of the law excluding minor traffic violations? .. .................................... ....... ~ ... : • If yes, were you convicted) ............................. ................ 2. Have you in the past or presently, individually or as an officer of a corporation: a. Held, or had an interest in a beverage license or cigarette permit?........ b. IIeen denied a beverage license or cigarette permit?. ........................ X c. 1lad a beverage license or cigarette permit revoked? ...................~..... X d. Held stock or had any interest in, affiliated or. connected with, directly or indirectly, any business which manufactures, distributes, imports, exports or sells at retail any alcoholic beveragesl ........................ X 3. Are you an official with state police powers granted by the Florida Legislature or designated as a law enforcement officer by 33-4.001, Florida Administrative Code? .......:....................................... X If the answer to any of these questions is YES, list full particulars which in clude char ges, date and place of arrests, arresting agencies, whether convicted and give busi ness names, cities, states and dates. (Attach extra sheets if necessary.) STATE OF FLORIDA Department of Dusiness Regulation Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco F F I D A V I T In compliance with Florida Beverage Laws and Regulations, I hereby certify that Dennis Wayne Kelly (Name of Person to be licensed) of Village of North Palm Beach, 501 U.S. #1, N. Palm Beaeh. FL 33908 (Complete Address) was fingerprinted by me for the Florida State Division of Beverage and that the attached fingerprints are his/hers. (Signature ~~ Officer) Public Safety Department (Department) Village of North Palm Beach, FL (Address) Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of 19 (Notary Public) My Commission Expires: PLEASE PRINT NAP1E K 1 LAST FIRST MI DLE ADDRESS 412 Northlake Ct. #5, North Palm ReAeh, Ft, 33408 CITY STATE ZIP U.S. CITIZEN YES X NO - OTHER COUNTRY SEX M RACE W HGT 6'0" WGT 185 EYES Br HAIR Br DATE OF BIRTH 01/08/47 CITY Enid STATE - OK SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 267-?0-6143 NAME AND ADDRESS OF BUSINESS TO BE LICENSED Village of North Palm RPanh aka North Palm Beach Country Club Restaurant. 501 U.S. Hie~hwav #1. North_Palm_BQach__Fi. 43408 PHONE NUMBER WHERE YOU CAN BE CONTACTED (407) '848-3476 oaN.~-oo;6 ' n,.. oleo STATE OF FLORIDA - . Dopanmonl of Buslnou Ropulapon Divlslon of Alcoholic Bovorapoc and Tobacco ELCCTIQN OF SURCHARGE PAYMENT METHOD ": ~. • AND CERTIFIED INVENTORY REPORT This applicollon Is for a:#)NEw LICENSC, ()TRANSFER OF LICL-NSE or a ()t-Day, ()2-Day, ()9-Day PERMIj~PERMIT EXPIRES •:__1_/._ . APPLICANT'S NAME: N Po lm Ro_nnh C_nLnt ry C.1 ub ~'Ihorobypormanonlly olocl to payluluro.aurcharpor ReS tauCant basod on purchatoa. DvslNESSNAME: Village of North Palm-Beach No, f do not pormanondy okct to peyNluro • MAILING ADDRESS: 5 O 1 U . S . Highway # 1 s . NPB ~__ ruroharpos basod on purehpros, 7horoloro, l wit! FL 33408 paybarod on reloa.: ' LOCATION ADDRESS: 9 O 1 U . S . Highway. # 1 ~ ucENSEM - '• ' ' cITY: North Palm Beach ,FL. COUNTY: Palm Beach • zIP:33408 NAME OF CONTACT PERSON: ShaUkat Khfln PHONER (407) 848-3474 ~ ~ • Finance Director II person preparing monthly reports is dillerenl Irom abovo, plsaso Ilsl namo and phono number below: NAME; Alan Sayer PHONEa (4b7) 628'-4345 •' • ~ ~ .o rntr~ 1 ib'MLrr. ,9 19 93 Applicuro •.Tlllo Dato FOR:LICGNSE TRANSFERS ONLY NOT APPLICABJ~E FORMER DUSINC-SS NAME; LICENSE NUMDER: SERIES: This Ic to conily that as loimor ownor of lhlc Ilconca or avlhoflzod roprownlalivo of Ihb Iiconsoo, I uwd lho -PURCHASES _ SALES molhod to dolonnlno lho amount of bovoropo suroharpos duo pnd that paymon] of lhoso SURCHARGES is current ac of Sipnaturo of Formor Owner or Authorized Roproeonlalivo Dato INVENTORY TO BE TRANSFERRED FOR CONSUMPTION ON PREMISES Gallons Dralt Door Gallons Packapod Door Gallonc COOlow Gallons Wlno Gallon: Liquor WE CC-RTIFY THAT THIS INVENTORY IS TRUE AND CORRECT 70 THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. Sipnaturo of Formor Ownor or Authorized Roprocontaliv Sipnaturo of Applicant " NOTICE TO ALL COP APPLICANTS" -. ALCOFfOLIC OEVERAGE SURCHARGET/UCESAREDUf OYTHE lSTNOf fACHMONTH. ITISTHE VENDORS RESPONSIQILITYTO CONTACT THE PLANTAT/ON AUDITING OFFfCE AT(905J y97-a499, fO 00TAlN.THEREOUIRED FORMSdINSTRUCTIONS. ACCO/IOC/CGEVERAGE SURCHARGETAXL'S FOR ONC-,TWO, OR TFfREE DAYPERMITSAREDUf200AYS AFTER THE EVENL. FAILURE TO FIL E S PAY SURCHARGE TAXES WICL RESULT IN PENACTIESOF ! 9G PER DAYOR SL00 PER DAY, WHICHEVER IS GREATER, ANO MAY RESULTIN THE FIEVOCATIONOf YOUR LICENSE, ~•!'~~ "."~ i ' r..i' ;). • ' ti,,;• UEYARTMENT OF BUSINESS REGULATIONS ~:; ` U1VISION OF ALgOHOLIC BEVERAGES AND TOBACCO . i,: LICENSE/PERMIT APPLICATION WAIVER . ,.s; ['r. . ,:. Chapters 120 and SG1 of the Florida Statutes require your application be ` processed within ( ) 7U days ( ) 180 days. The Division of Alcoholic beverages and 1'obaccu is unable. to meet the time requirements in your case. Therefore, the Mvis.l.ou requests you waive the time •requirements for processing your ul~l~li.cation. Your application will be processed as expeditiously as possible. If you wish to waa.vc the above limitations, please complete the following: business Name:_ North Palm Beach Country Club 'Restaurant Applicant's Name: Village of North Palm Beach 1 Business Address: 5.0.1 U.S. Highway #1 Street Number North Palm Eeach Palm Beach, FL 33408 Cl.ty County Zip Phone No.: Area code (40?) 848-3476 I do hereby waive :i'L1 time restrictions surrounding the processing of the above referenced application. I do so knowingly and voluntarily. ` } ~"!~ ~ i . ,.., ., 04/19/93 ~ - ', Date Signature o "Applicant DBR 42-001 Rev. 7/91 aF T1IE ~~ ', , ~!, M1. Ci STATE OF FLORIDA Department of Business Regulation Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco APPLICATION FOR•ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE AND CIGARETTE PERMIT SECTION I BUSINESS TELEPHONE i4 407/848-476 TYPE OF LICENSE/PERMIT DESIRED: Check Appropriate Boxes (){) Alcoholic Beverage License (X) New ( ) Change of Location ( ) New - Temporary .. Temporary ( ) Transfer ( ) Change in Series ( ) Transfer - Temporary ( ) Decrease in Series ( ) Change of Location ( ) Increase in Series TYPE OF APPLICATION: Check Appropriate Boxes ( ) Cigarette Permit ( ) Change of Business Name ( ) Change of Officers/Stockholders ( ) Correction ( ) Other TYPE OF APPLICANT: Check Appropriate Bo% and List CharteC Number, If Applicable ( ) Individual ( ) Partnership • (}{) Corporation ( ) Limited Partnership ( ) Chartec Number (MuniciQality) 1. Applicant's Full Name: Nnrth Palm Beach COUntCV C1Ub RestauCant 2. Business Name: Villa of Nor h Palm Beach 3. Location Address: 901 U.S. #1. North Palm Beach FL 33408 Street City State Zip 9. Mailing Address: Street FL ate z If application is for a NEW license/permit, questions 5-6 are not applicable. 5. Current owner's Name: N/A 6. Current Business Name: 7. Current Location Address: N/A Street City State Zip 8 Current License/Permit Number: N/A Current Series: 9. Series of Licenses/Permits Desired: ( 4COPSR.X ) AND 10. Complete the following if you are an applicant for a quota, special or club alcoholic beverage license. The license is issued pursuant to , Florida Statutes or Special Acts, and as such we acknowledge the following minimum requirements must be met and maintained: (1) Counirv Club Administrative Board Members TITLE/POSITION NA M Chairman M. C. Love Vice Chairman Chuck Weston Board Members: Arnold Ness Leonard Pellegren Frank shone Lucia Traugott Dick Voss SECTION III 1. snces TAX: Owners Name: Vi11aQe of North Palm Beach Business Name:North Palm Beach Country Club Restaurant A. Disclosure Authorization. Section A is to be Completed By Owner Only if Transfer of Alcoholic Beverage License. N/A I hereby authorize the Department of Revenue to release to the aforementioned applicant and to the Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco the current status of my account Sworn to and Subscribed before me this day of 19 /' Owner or uthocized Corpora Officer Must be Notarized Notary public My Commission Expires: B. Disclosure. Section B is to be Completed by Department of Revenue. 1. This is to verify that the current owner as named in this application has filed all returns and that all outstanding billings and returns have been paid through the period ending N/A or the liability has been acknowledged and agreed to be paid by the applicant'. This verification does not constitute a certificate as contained in Section 212.10(1), F.S. (Not applicable if no transfer involved). 2. Furthermore, the named applicant for an Alcoholic Beverage License has complied with Florida Statutes concerning registration for Sales and Use Tax, and has paid any applicable taxes due. (Signed) (Title) 09/19/93 (Date) (3) (YES) (NO) D. Is the proposed premises MOVABLE or ABLE TO BE MOVED?. ............... X E. is the proposed premises located in a shopping center, mall or off ice building? .................................................... X F. Is there any access through the premises to any area over which you do not have dominion and control? ............................. X G. is the premises occupied by anyone not listed on this application?.. X SECTION V FEDERAL EMPLOYER'S IDENTIFICATION NUMBER A. Federal Employer's identification Number: 59-6017984 B. Not Required ( ) C. Not Available ( ) I will submit to your agency as soon as possible. SECTION VI these questions must be answered about this business for every person or entity listed. copies of agreements and documentation to support the financial arrangements must be submitted with this application. NOT APPLICABLE YES NO 1. Is there a management contract or service agreement in connection with this business? .......................................................( ) ( ) 2. Are there any agreements which require a payment of a percentage of gross or net receipts from the business operationl ........................( )' ( ) 3. Does anyone hold a mortgage or security agreement for this business?......( ) ( ) 4. Nave you or anyone listed on this application borrowed money from or accepted money, equipment, fixtures, or anything of value from an owner or representative of a distiller, rectifier, blender, bottler, manu- facturer, brewer, distributor, exporter, importer or retailer oz secured a loan from any source connected with the alcoholic beverage- industry7 .................................................................( ) ( ) 5. if purchasing the business, what is the purchase price? ..............~ N/A 6. List the total investment :...........................................~ N/A A. Total CASH invested .................... ............................~ N/A B. Total LOANS invested ..............................................~ N/A (5) SKETCH OF LICENSED PREMISES Sketches should be drawn in ink and include all walls, doors, counters, sales area's, storage areas, reatroome, bar locations and any other specific areas which are part of the premises sought to be licensed. A multi-story building where the entire building is to be licensed must show each floor. Floor Plan Attached (7) EAVE BLANK APPLICANT 412 Northlake Ct., #5 N. Palm Beaeh, FL 33408 Village of N. Palm Bch. 501 U. S. Highway #1 North Pa lm_Bch. . FL 33408 pFATON RNGERPRINTfO Liquor License application c/o Village of N. Palm Bch. .~i~~l ~ /, / L p. (NUMB ~ ] R. INOfY - 6 l 1NUMR - TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION IN BLACK IATf NAMf NAM FIRTI NAMF MIDDIF NAM[ Kelly "Dennis Wayne ALIATFT ~ ^ O none R I ~~.. ~7~7Cf ctl` rl1l+ c'+L.C F3Ei! ?, 717g 1Al...l_f;Mf<SSEE, F'l. :IEIZENSNIP ~ aACE tl~). WGf L U. S. M W Rlnu Toc c f-r_-o ly~_ lU EOVS HO. m~J n~a 'TS ~? ~.,J R~. II ~'~.5,~~ .. CIATT REf. ~' IEAVE BLANK Men1M1 '~` ,~'' '~' ,r t ~C Tn 5 W. W T~x ~e~qi. \~ . f t .~ .. i ~~ ; B ~. h ' Sn ~ ~_ r ~ L' .f..'~.C'~~{ LIHUMR 6, a EHUM6 < .. >e.: ~'~ - ,::.. i 1 R /'Te~f 1. < pivl t ~', • f ~'$ { :' ~. - y . f,-- . J:1 BI,: