1993-021 Bid Award for Pool Handrails & Ladders RESOLUTION NO. 21-93 A RESOLUTION OF THS VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THS BID OF POMA CORPORATION, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, FOR FURNISHING AND INSTALLING ALUMINUM POOL HANDRAILS AND LADDERS AT THE NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB IN THS AMOUNT OF ;6,364.00, TO BE EXPENDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. L8051-66470 (DIVING TOWER REPAIR). BB IT RESOLVED BY THS VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Poma Corporation, west Palm Beach, Florida, a copy of which is attached to this Resolution, is hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with its terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. L8051-66470 (Diving Tower Repair). section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon J passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 22ND DAY OF APRIL , 1993. ' Mayor 1 ATTEST: Village Clerk THE PALM BEACH POST Published Daily and Sunday West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County. Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLORIDA COUN"IY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeazed Chri6 Bull who on oath says that she/he 1s Class . Sales Mgr. of The Palm Beach Post, a daily and Sunday newspaper published at West Palm Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertising, being a Bids in the matter of diving tower handrails & ladders in the Court, was published in said newspaper in March 19, 26, 1993 the issues of Affiant further says that the said The Post 1s a newspaper published at Wesl Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published Sn said Palm Beach County, Florida, dally and Sundayand hasbeen entered as second class mall matter at the post office in West Palm Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement (or publication Sn the said ne aper. ~ p /~9,ui~f Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26 day of M~are~h ~/J~ A,p, Ig 93 ~, ~ I n~ron .~:~ J r!.u~c-rte ''. ISM?4 Bette D. Cullen, Notary Public i~ m;a. Personally known XX or Produced Identification Type of Identifieatlon Produced ' Gentlemen: ..., Tire undersigned, as bidder, does decleixe that other than the bidder h or in the contract, tv rx~ erein nrurcd t>irs any intcxest in with ~'- taken other trerson ilr{ an other s F'xolx>sal , arm it is irerde without Y Fxs;:on or persons making and is in all r any connection ro e P espects fair posal for the and without collusion Sarre article or fraud. The undersigned further , that tu: has caref tncl is thoroug ly familiar curd with the q~ual t i ully exanunecl y, w th it YPc'- and grade of material call,od for s provisions . The undersigned further declares that he articles called f Proses to or within. s-pecified time set i the follcxaing ri , ' furnish the p « and n this w t listed belay are avail g e bl s ~ ProF~sal for a e hin ervice f ° St .ate of Florid the articles a , to wit; DATE Itan Desoriptio_ , Arrount t Furnish and install handrail and ladders per Altaninum specifications. Ltd Stan $ 6,364.00 2 Alternate; Furnish and install and ladders per Stainless Steel handrail' specifications. ` I,ta~p Sin $ N/A 3 P oarg~lete from Notice to 4~k8 Calendar days -1]- . .. . 1'ROPOSAI 70 THE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA (Con'td.) •?EMARKS/EXCEPTIONS: officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ___ AL PURINO nnvc.r,..».,., FIRM: ADDRESS 9040 BELVEIERE ROAD, WPB, FL 33411 9040 BELVEDERE ROAD, WPB, FL 33411 9040 BELVEDERE ROAD, WPB, FL ,,3411 0 SIGNED BY:°~~w-cs.u, TITLE: SECRETARY TNESSES: )RESSi pOMp CORPORATION 9040 BELVEDERE ROAD WEST PALM BEACH FL 33411 -12- , ~1 v M J d a Q M ~r ~1 m .~ O• O W L.7 • f~ 1 ~ a ,~~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~a~~~ ,~ ~Z W ~ z ~ a ~w ~ ~ I . ~ . \ ~ S ~ ~ ~ ~ W F. ~ ~ f W .- ~ N ti W W J O ~i .. H~ M