Chapter 11-Capital Improvements11 .0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 11.1 INTRODUCTION The Capital Improvements element is required to be included wn the Comprehensive Plan per requirements of State planning law and rule criteria. Specifically, Chapter 163.3177(6)(f), Florida Statutes, establishes the Capital Improvements requirement and Chapter 9J-5.016 Florida Administrative Code, establishes minimum criteria to guide its preparation. A summary of the data, analysis and support documentation necessary to form the basis for Capital Improvements Element goal, objectives and policies is presented in Chapter 11 of the Village of North Palm Beach, Florida Comprehensive Plan Support Documentation report dated QGtebeF, 1999, Village of North Palm Beach Evaluation and Appraisal Report dated 2007, the U.S. Highway 1 Corridor Study, dated 2008,and the EAR -Based Amendment Support Documentation dated 2009, including the Capital Improvements Element Update. 11.2 VILLAGE GOAL STATEMENT The Village shall undertake actions necessary to efficiently provide needed pubic facilities to all residents within North Palm Beach in a timely manner which protects investments, maximizes the. use of existing facilities, and promotes orderly compact municipal growth. Further decisions to finance public facilities improvements shall be based upon the use of sound fiscal policy oriented to minimizing Village debt service liabilities. 11.3 OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES: OBJECTIVE 1: Capital improvements will b'e provided to: (1) correct existing deficiencies; (2) accommodate desired future growth; and/or k replace worn-out or obsolete facilities, as indicated in Table 11-5 of this element. Policy 1.1: The Village shall include all projects identified in the policies of the various elements of this Comprehensive Plan that are the responsibility of North Palm Beach and determined to be of relatively large scale and high cost ($10,000 or greater), as capital improvements projects for inclusion within the 5 -Year Schedule of Improvements. Normal maintenance activities, with the exception of the annual street resurfacing program, are not included. Provision of Capital Improvements so defined shall be implemented through procedures outlined in Policies 1.2 - 1.4 and 4.1 - 4.4 of this element. 114 A capital improvements project is further defined to include land and/or improvements, plus any planning, engineering, feasibility or appraisal studies related thereto. This shall include any studies oriented to defining the initial need for land and/or facilities so defined. Policy 1.2: The Village shall, as a matter of priority, schedule for funding any capital improvement projects in the 5 -Year Schedule of Improvements which are designed to correct existing public facility deficiencies. Policy 1.3: A Capital Improvements Coordinating Committee is hereby created, composed of the Village Manager, Finance Director and operating department heads, for the purpose of evaluating and ranking in order of priority, projects proposed for inclusion in the 5 -Year Schedule of Improvements. Policy 1.4: Proposed capital improvements projects shall be evaluated and ranked in order of priority according to the following guidelines: a) Whether the proposed project is financially feasible, in terms of its impact upon Village budge potential; b) Whether the project is needed to protect public health and safety, to fulfill the Village's legal commitment to provide facilities and services, or to preserve, achieve full use of, or increase the efficiency of existing facilities; c) Whether the project prevents or reduces future improvement costs, provides service to developed areas lacking full service, or promotes in -fill development; d) Whether the project represents a logical extension of facilities and services withiH a designated Village Planning Area; and e) Whether or not the proposed project is consistent with plans of State agencies and the South Florida Water Management District. OBJECTIVE 2: Village expenditures in the Coastal High Hazard Area shall be limited to 100% of those post disaster improvements costs for facilities over which North Palm Beach has operational responsibility. Policy 2.1: In the event of a natural disaster, the Village shall retain its role in terms of the maintenance of the building stock. The definitions of "Standard Condition", "Substandard Condition" and "In Need of Replacement", established in the HOUSING element, shall be applied to all structures in the Village as a means of determining immediate repair and clean-up actions and the need for removal, relocation, redevelopment or modification of damaged or unsafe structures. Further, the need to limit redevelopment of infrastructure services within damaged areas shall be considered prior to the time that such activities are permitted by the Village. Policy 2.2: The Village shall continue to assist in the provision of recreational facilities within Coastal High Hazard Area (Ref: Objective 6; Coastal Management element) by cooperating with the State of Florida in developing John D. MacArthur Beach State Park, Policy 2.3: The Village shall continue to expend funds to maintain existing facilities and services under the jurisdiction of North Palm Beach at their existing levels -of -service. OBJECTIVE 3: Future development shall bear a proportionate cost of facility improvements in order to maintain adopted North Palm Beach Level -of -Service Standards. Proportionate costs are defined to mean 100% of that amount necessary to assure that Village Levekof-Service Standards are maintained as a result of development approval for those facilities over which North Palm Beach has operational control. Policy 3.1: The Village shall require local street, drainage, sewage collection and potable water distribution systems improvements, as required by the application of Village Levekof-Service Standards, of any new development necessitated by such development. Policy 3.2: Defined recreational facility needs may be met by one or more of the following means: (1) On-site provision of public or private faces; (2) dedications; and/or (3) fees in lieu thereof. Plant expansion and main extension for potable water and sewer systems shall be accommodated through the Developer's Agreement procedure administered by Seacoast Utilities Authority. Major road improvements shall be accommodated by Village participation in the County's Fair Share Road Impact Fee program. Solid waste collection and disposal shall be accommodated by the fee schedule annually levied by the contractor (i.e. commercial) and by the Village through appropriate updates to the 5 -Year Schedule of Improvements. Policy 3.3: Determination of needed public facility improvements shall be made prior to the time that a building permit is issued. 11-3 Policy 3.4. For capital improvements to be funded by a developer, financial feasibility shall be demonstrated by an enforceable development agreement and be reflected in the Five-year Schedule of Improvements. Policy 3.5. Financial feasibility means that sufficient revenues are currently available or will be available from committed funding sources for the first 3 years or will be available from committed or planned funding sources for years 4 and 5 of the Five -Year Schedule of Improvements. Committed sources of revenue shall include ad valorem taxes, bonds, state and federal funds tax revenues impact fees and developer contributions which are adequate to fund the projected costs of the capital improvements identified in the Comprehensive Plan necessary to ensure that adopted level -of -service standards are achieved and maintained within the five-year period Further, the plan is financially feasibility for transportation and public schools if level -of - service standards are achieved and maintained by the end of the planning period even if in a particular year such standards are not achieved. Policy 3.6, If the Five -Year Schedule of Improvements identifies a planned revenue source that requires a referendum or other action(s) to secure the source the Comprehensive Plan shall identify an alternative existing revenue source(s) in the event that the required actions do not occur. OBJECTIVE 4: The Village shall manage its fiscal resources to ensure the provision of needed capital improvements at a level equal to, or exceeding, the adopted North Palm Beach Level -of -Service Standards. Policy 4.1: Prior to the issuance of certificate of occupancy, the Village shall require that all public facilities are available to serve development for which development orders were previously issued. Development orders for future development shall not be issued unless the Village has demonstrated either of the following: (1) Compliance with the Village Level -of -Service Standards; and (2) one or a combination of the following conditions exists: (a) Necessary facilities and services are in place at the time that a development order or permit, consistent with Section 9J-5.055(2)(e)I Florida Administrative Code is issued; (b) a development order or permit is issued subject to the condition that a certificate of occupancy shall not be issued unless necessary facilities and services are in place; 114 (c) necessary facilities are under construction at the time a development order or permit is issued; (d) for recreation or transportation facilities only, necessary facilities are the subject of a binding executed contract for the construction of the facilities at the time a development order or permit is issued which provides for the commencement of construction within one year of the issuance of the development order or permit and/or; (e) necessary facilities and services are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement, including but not limited to development agreements pursuant to Section 163.3220 or Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, which guarantee that necessary facilities and services will be in place when the impacts of the development occur. Policy 4.2: In providing capital improvements, the Village shall limit general obligation debt to an amount equal to or less than 5% of the property tax base. Policy 4.3. As part of its budgeting process Tk�e the Village shall adopt and annually update the 5Five -Year Schedule of Improvements, a primary purpose of which is to maintain the Village's adopted Level -of -Service (LOS) standards. The results of this update shall be incorporated within the five-year capital budge plan as part of the annual Village budget process. An amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is required to update the five-year schedule of capital improvements on an annual basis or to eliminate, defer, or delay the construction of any facility in the schedule of improvements. Policy 4.4: Efforts shall be made to secure grants or private funds, whenever available, to finance the provision of capital improvements. OBJECTIVE 5: Decisions regarding the issuance of development orders and permits shall be based upon coordination of the development requirements included in this Plan, the Village land development regulations, and the availability of necessary public facilities needed to support such development at the time needed. Policy 5.1: Prior to issuing a development order or permit, the Village shall use Level - of -Service (LOS) Standards adopted in the various elements of this Comprehensive Plan to review the impacts of new development and redevelopment upon public facility provision. The Village shall not issue a development order or permit which results in a reduction in service for affected facilities below these Level -of -Service Standards. A listing of LOS Standards is exhibited on Table 11-1. 11-5 TABLE 11-1 NORTH PALM BEACH LEVEL OF SERVICE (LOS) STANDARDS Facility A. Traffic Circulation: Level -Of -Service Standard Arterial and Collector Roadways within the corporate limits: Peak -hour Level -of -Service (LOS) "D". with the exception of item #2, below. MUM If MWATTY.MMUTTE 111M � I= IMA MO �Mm MIJZMVA■ _ ■ ■ _ ■ ■ ■ ■ IIIIF .. ■ MUM If MWATTY.MMUTTE 111M � I= IMA �2. Prosperity Farms Road, between Northlake Boulevard and Burns Road is hereby designated as a Constrained Roadway at a Lower Level oIf Service (CRALLS) facility. Its level of service shall be: 20,950 trips on a daily basis; and 1,948 trips on a peak hour basis:, subiect to Transportation Element Policy 1.4. B. Sanitary Sewer: * (Urban Service Area Only) Average Day Generation: Residential - 66 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential** - 1,060 gallons/acre/day Maximum Day Generation: Residential - 104 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential" - 1,721 gallons/acre/day 11-6 MO �Mm MIJZMVA■ _ ■ ■ _ ■ ■ ■ ■ �2. Prosperity Farms Road, between Northlake Boulevard and Burns Road is hereby designated as a Constrained Roadway at a Lower Level oIf Service (CRALLS) facility. Its level of service shall be: 20,950 trips on a daily basis; and 1,948 trips on a peak hour basis:, subiect to Transportation Element Policy 1.4. B. Sanitary Sewer: * (Urban Service Area Only) Average Day Generation: Residential - 66 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential** - 1,060 gallons/acre/day Maximum Day Generation: Residential - 104 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential" - 1,721 gallons/acre/day 11-6 TABLE 11=1 tCont.) C. Potable Water: * (Urban Service Area Only) Average Dav Generation Residential - 99 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential** - 1,874 gallons/acre/day Maximum Dav Generation Residential - 147 gallons/capita/day Nonresidential** - 2,782 gallons/acre/day Storage Capacity: Av. Daily Flow x 0.5 D. Solid Waste: Average Generation Rate: Residential - Single -Family - 0.926 tons/capita/yr. Multiple -Family - 0.588 tons/capita/yr. Non -Residential**: 6.0 tons/acre/year E. Drainage: Design Storm: 3 -Year frequency, 24 hour duration (one -day); Rainfall intensity curve, as established by the South Florida Water Management District. (Interim LOS: Ref: Policy 2.1; Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge element). F. Groundwater Recharge: Impervious Area: Residential: Single-family -Main bldg. first floor area shall not exceed 40% of the total lot area._Multiple-family -Main bldg. first floor area shall not exceed 35% of the total site area. Non-residential**: Main bldg. first floor area shall not exceed a minimum of 35% of the total site area; however, specific district regulations as per the Village Zoning Code shall apply. TABLE 11-1 (Cont.) G. Recreation/Open Space: Unit/Population: Neighborhood Parks - 2 ac/1,000 Community Parks - 1 ac/1,000 a Beaches- 1 mile/31,250 Marinas - 1 slip/2,500 Boating - 1 ramp/6,250 Golf Courses - 9 holes/30,000 Swimming - 1 pool/31,250 Tennis - 1 court/2,500 Basketball - 1 court/6,250 Shuffleboard - 1 court/6,250 Baseball/softball - 1 field/7,200 Football/soccer - 1 field/4,800 Handball/racquetball - 1 court/6,000 Volleyball - 1 court/7,200 Footnotes: * -The above rates are to be used only as a planning guide for the Village. Actual determination OT flow rates used as a basis for plant capacity, main extension and tax charges shall be negotiated by individual property owners and Seacoast Utilities Utility Authority by Developer's Agreement. ** - Non-residential includes the following land use types: Commercial; Public Buildings; Educational; and Other Public Faces. Policy 5.2: The Village shall maintain an adequate facilities ordinance to ensure that, at the time a development order or permit is issued, adequate facy capacity is available, consistent with the criteria established in Policy 4.1 or will be available upon occupancy of the development based upon the application of the North Palm Beach Level -of -Service Standards. Development orders approved prior to the authorization for the commencement of construction or physical activity on the land shall be conditioned to provide that authorization of the final development permit, which shall authorize the commencement of construction or physical activity on the land, shall be contingent upon the availability of public facilities and services necessary to serve the proposed development consistent with the criteria established in Policy 4.1. In all cases, a test for concurrency will occur prior to the approval of an application for a development order or permit which contains a specific plan for development, including densities and intensities of use. Policy 5.3: Proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments and requests for new development or redevelopment shall be evaluated according to the following guidelines as to whether the proposed action would: a) Contribute to any condition of public hazard as described in the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water, and Natural Groundwater Recharge element, and Coastal Management element; b) Exacerbate any existing condition of pubic facility capacity deficits, as described in the Transportation element; Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management Potable Water and Natural Groundwater Recharge element; and Recreation and Open Space element; and c) Conform with future land uses as shown on the Future Land Use Map Series of the Future Land Use element, and public facility availability as described in the Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, and Natural Groundwater Recharge element. If public facilities are developer -provided, they shall accommodate pubic facility demands based upon adopted LOS standards. If public facilities are provided, in part or wholly, by the Village, financial feasibility shall be demonstrated subject to this element. Effects upon appropriate state agency and/or Water Management District facilities plans shall be evaluated. OBJECTIVE 6: The Village shall designate an Urban Implementing future land use designations, as per the limiting potential Village post disaster redevelopment compact urban development and limiting urban sprawl. Service Area as a means of: (1) Future Land Use Map Series; (2) expenditures; and (3) promoting Policy 6.1: Village Planning Areas 2-7 are designated as the North Palm Beach Urban Service Area. Policy 6.2: Village Planning Area 1 shall be designated as Non -Service Area where the level of facilities and services provided by North Palm Beach shall be limited to those currently provided. Notwithstanding the above limitations, individual or package potable water systems may be provided to accommodate allowable development. Further, package wastewater systems may be provided to accommodate allowable development. Policy 6.3: Consideration of the expansion of the Village Urban Service Area shall be made coincident with any annexation actions. OBJECTIVE 7: The Village shall maintain a concurrency management system to ensure that public facilities and services to support development are available concurrent with the impact of development. Policy 7.1: For sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, and potable water facilities, at a minimum, the Village shall meet the following standards to satisfy the concurrency requirements: 1. A development order or permit shall be issued subject to the condition that, at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, the necessary facilities and services are in place and available to serve the new development or redevelopment. Further, prior to the approval of a building permit or its functional equivalent, the Village shall consult with the applicable supplier to determine whether adequate water supplies will be available to serve a new development no later than the anticipated date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy; or 2. At the time the development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities aH d services are guaranteed (i.e. by an enforceable development agreement, pursuant to Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes, or an, agreement or development order issued pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes) to be in place and available to serve new development at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. {Section 163.180(2)(a), Florida Statutes}. Policy 7.2: For parks and recreation facilities, at a minimum, the Village shall meet the following standards to satisfy the concurrency requirement: 1. At the time a development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services are in place or under construction; or 2. A development order or permit is issued subject to the condition that, at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, the acreage for the necessary facilities and services to serve the new development is dedicated or acquired by the Village, or funds in the amount of the developer's contribution are committed; and a. A development order or permit is issued subject to the conons that the necessary facilities and services needed to serve the new development are scheduled to be in place or under construction not more than one year after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, as provided in the 5 -year schedule of improvements; or b. At the time a development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services are the subject of a binding executed agreement which requires the necessary facilities and services to serve the new development to be in place or under construction not more than one year after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent; or c. At the time a development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services are guaranteed in an enforceable development agreement (i.e. pursuant to Section 163.3220, Florida Statutes, or an agreement or development order issued pursuant to Chapter 380, Florida Statutes) to be in place or under construction not more than one year after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent. Policy 7.3: For transportation facilities (i.e. roads and mass transit designated in the adopted Village Comprehensive Plan), at a minimum, the Village shall meet the F ollowing standards to satisfy the concurrency requirement, except as otherwise provided in subsections (4)-(7) of this section. 1. At the time a development order or permit is issued, the necessary facilities and services are in place or under construction; or 2. A development order or permit is issued subject to the conditions that the necessary facilities and services needed to serve the new development are scheduled to be in place or under actual construction not more than three years after issuance of a certificate of occupancy or its functional equivalent, as provided in the Village's five-year schedule of improvements, or the schedule improvements included in the first three years of: (1) The Transportation Improvement Program of the Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization; or (2) the adopted Florida Department of Transportation five-year work program. 11-11 Policy 7.4: A Comprehensive Plan amendment shall be required to eliminate, defer, or delay construction of any road or mass transit facility which is needed to maintain the adopted level of service standard and which is listed in the five-year schedule of capital improvements. Policy 7.5: For public school facilities, at a minimum, the Village shall require that the concurrency management system detailed in Objective 8, below, and the Public School Concurrency element is implemented. OBJECTIVE 8: the School District of Palm Beach County shall maintain minimum level of service standards for public school facilities, as defined in the Public School Concurrency element. In the case of public school facilities, the issuance of Development Orders, Development Permits or development approvals shall be based upon the School District of Palm Beach County's ability to maintain the minimum level of service standards. Policy 8.1: For public school facilities, the applicant for a Development Order or Development Permit which includes any residential component shall provide a determination of capacity by the School District of Palm Beach County that the proposed development will meet the public school facilities level of service. A determination by the School District is not required for existing single family legal lots of record, in accordance with the Public Schools Concurrency Policy 1.8. Policy 8.2: In determining that the necessary public school facilities shall be in place when the impacts of the development occur, the following procedures shall be used: 1. The construction of the facilities is the subject of a binding and guaranteed contract with the School District of Palm Beach County that is executed and guaranteed for the time the Development Order issued; 2. The phasing and construction of the improvements are made binding conditions of approval of the Development Order or Development Permit; 3. The necessary facilities or services are under construction and bonded at the time a Development Order is issued; or 4. Construction appropriations are specified within the first three years of the most recently approved School District of Palm Beach County Six Year Capital Improvement Schedule, as reflected in Table 11-2 of this element, which shall reflect the addition of FISH capacity for each school, as shown in Appendix A. Concurrency Service Area Table of the Public School Concurrency element support documentation. 1142 5. In accordance with Policy 8.1, and upholding the exceptions detailed therein, prior issuance of a Development Order/Permit, the School District of Palm Beach County shall determine that the level of service for public school facilities can be achieved and maintained. The necessary public school facilities shall be considered to be in place when sufficient capacity exists in the concurrency service area (CSA) in which the proposed development is located, or an immediately adjacent CSA. 11.4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS IMPLEMENTATION 11.4.1 Five -Year Schedule of Improvements The North Palm Beach Five -Year Schedule of Capital Improvements for Fiscal Years 199912-000 2009 through 20n�004 2013 is presented in Table 11 2 Tables 11-2 and 11-3. The School District of Palm Beach County fix Five Year Capital Improvement Schedule for Fiscal Years 2001 2009 through 2006 2013 is presented in Table 11 2 A review of other Comprehensive Plan elements leads to the conclusion that the Capital Improvements element Goal, Objectives and Policies and the 5 Five -Year Schedule of Improvements are internally consistent. 11.4.2 Operational Impacts of Proposed Capital Improvements A review of proposed capital improvements, as presented on Tables 11-2 to 11-4, in relation to projected increases in Village operating expenses (Ref: Table 441 6 6; 2009 CIE Update Support Documentation report) leads to the conclusion that little or no increases in Village staffing levels should result from programmed projects. 11.4.3 Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation The Capital Improvements element, including the a Five -Year Schedule of Improvements, shall be reviewed by the Capital Improvements Coordinating Committee on an annual basis as part of the Village budget procedure. Any revisions and/or amendments to the 5 Five -Year Schedule of Improvements shall be made at that time. Table 11-2 - Summary of Capital Improvements Projects Necessary to Maintain LOS Standards: North Palm Beach Comprehensive Plan Element (1) —Existing Deficiency: Proiect No. and Description Comprehensive Plan Consistency (Objective/Policy Citation) Infrastructure Sanitation 1/Garbage truck replacement (2) Policy 3.1.1, Infrastructure Element Policy 1.4.b, Capital Improvements Element NA (1) — Existing Deficiency: (2) — Replacement Project; (3) — To Meet Future Need Infrastructure Sanitation 2/Lightning Loader (2) & Policy 3.1.1, Infrastructure Element Policy 1.4.b, Capital Improvements Element Transportation Streets 1/Road overlay (resurface) (2) Objective 2 and Policies 7.1 and 7.3,Transportation Element, and Policy 1.2 Capital Improvements Element Policy 4.2, Transportation Streets 2/Sidewalk replacement (2) Objectives 4 and 13. Transportation Element Policy 1.2 Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.4, Capital Recreation & Open Space Pool 1/Resurface pool (2) Policy 2.1, Recreation & Open Space Element Policy 1.2, Capital Improvements Element Recreation & Recreation & Open Space Recreation 4/Playground surfacing (1) Policy 2.1. Recreation & Open Space Element, Policy 1.2, Capital Improvements Element Policy 2.1, (2) —Replacement Project; (3) — To Meet Future Need B. -Improvements Necessary to Maintain LOS Standards: Private Parties Comprehensive Plan Element Project No. and Description Comprehensive Plan Consistency (Objective/Policy Citation) NA NA NA (1) — Existing Deficiency: (2) — Replacement Project; (3) — To Meet Future Need C. -Non-LOS Comprehensive Plan -Directed Improvements: North Palm Beach Comprehensive (1) —Existing Deficiency; Plan Project No. and Description Comprehensive Plan Consistency I jective/Policy Citation) Element Recreation & Open Space Recreation 1/15 Passenger Van (2) Policy 4.2, Recreation & Open Space Element, Policy 1.4, Capital Improvements Element Recreation & Open Space Parks 1/Reel Mowers (2) Policy 2.1, Recreation & Open Space Element, Policy 1.4, Capital Improvements Element Recreation & Open Space Recreation 2/Anchorage Park Renovation (3) Objective Element, Policy 1.4, 7, Recreation Capital Improvements & Open Space Element Recreation & Open Space Recreation 3/Playground equipment (3) Policy 4.2, Recreation & Open Space Element, Policy 1.4, Capital Improvements Element Recreation & Open Space Tennis 1/Outside equipment (2) Policy 4.2, Recreation & Open Space Element Recreation & Open Space Library 1/Carpet Replacement/Library (2) Policy 2.1 Recreation & Open Space EI Policy 1.2, Capital Improvements Element Recreation & Open Space Library 2/New Library & Furnishings/Library Policy 4.2, Recreation & Open Space Element. 2/3 (2) —Replacement Project; (3) — To Meet Future Need Table 11-2 - Summary of Capital Improvements Projects (continued) D. -Other Required Improvements: Other Aaencies Public Agency * - Village of North Palm Beach Capital Improvements Element Comprehensive Plan Amendments 2009 Support Fiscal Year Cost Total Cost Project No. and Description Comprehensive Plan Consistency (Amount/Year) Palm Beach 2011/12 County School 0 169,400 School 204,974 204.974 District 5 -Year Capital Budget (Ref: Statutory Requirement (Ref: Appendix A; 2009 Support Documentation*) District Appendix A; 2009 Support Documentation*) (2/3) 0 Metropolitan 200.000 Streets -1 300,000 Planning 363.000 — 1 ** 399.300 Parker Bridge Repair/Rehab MPO #4124921.U2 Statutory Requirement ($9,200,179/FY 2010) Organization (MPO) 132,768 Metropolitan Organization Planning (MPO) — 2** Recreation Anchorage Park Wildlife Overpass MPO #4221751 (1) Statutory Requirement ($500,000 match/FY2010) Metropolitan Organization Planning (MPO) — 3** 0 Northlake Blvd. Safety Project (1) MPO #4230151 Statutory Reauirement ($840,046/FY 2010) Metropolitan Organization Planning (MPO) — 4** Northlake Blvd. Landscaping (1) MPO #4180371 Statutory Requirement ($589,500/FY 2010) Documentation ** - Project included in the FY 2009 — 2013 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) of the MPO. (1) — Existing Deficiencv ;(2) — Replacement Project: (3) — To Meet Future Need Table 11-3 —Schedule and Cost of Capital Improvements Projects Project Fiscal Year Cost Total Cost Number 1 2008/09 1 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13Dollars SanitationA 0 169,400 183.340 204,974 204.974 765.688 Sanitation -2 0 2009000 0 0 0 200.000 Streets -1 300,000 330.000 363.000 363,000 399.300 1,755,300 Streets -2 40,000 120,697 132,768 146,044 146,044 585,553 Recreation -1 0 30,000 0 0 0 30.000 Recreation -2 0 500,000 500.000 500,000 500,000 2,000.000 Recreation -3 0 309000 30,000 30.000 30.000 120.000 Recreation4 15,000 30.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 135.000 ParksA 0 0 0 15.000 15,000 30,000 Pool -1 75,000 0 0 0 0 75.000 Tennis -1 13.500 0 0 0 0 13.500 LibrarvA 0 25.000 0 0 0 25.000 Library -2 0 0 0 5,760,000 0 5,760,000 Totals 443,500 16435,097 11239,108 7,049,018 11325,318 11,492.041 * - Refer to Table 11-2A - 11-2D Revised: 3/09 Table 11-4 — Revenue Sources for Capital Improvements Projects Project Number* Revenue Sources: GF —General Fund; GT —Gas Tax; Impact Fees — IF: G — Grant: Revenue Source Fiscal Year Budget ($) Total Cost 2008/09 2009/10 L 2010/11 1 2011/12 2012/13Dollars Sanitation -1 GF(1) 0 169.400 183.340 204.974 204,974 765,688 Tax: Sanitation Sewer Fund SF — -2 GF(1) 0 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 StreetsA GF(1) 300,000 330.000 363.000 363,000 399.300 11755,300 Streets -2 GF(1) 40,000 120,697 132,768 146.044 146,044 5851553 Recreation -1 GF(1) 0 30.000 0 0 0 30,000 Recreation -2 GF/G (1)(3) 0 500.000 500,000 500.000 5009000 21000.000 Recreation -3 GF(1) 0 30,000 30,000 30.000 30.000 120,000 Recreation4 GF(1) 15,000 30.000 30,000 30,000 30.000 135,000 ParksA GF(1) 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 30,000 Pool -1 GF(1) 75,000 0 0 0 0 75,000 TennisA GF(1) 13,500 0 0 0 0 13.500 LibrarVA GF(1) 0 25.000 0 0 0 25,000 Library -2 LN (3) 0 0 0 51760.000 0 5.760.000 Totals 443,500 1 1,435,097 F 1,239.108 7.049.018 1,325.318 11,492,041 (1) —Committed Revenue Source: (2) —Planned Revenue Source; (3) — To be determined * - Refer to Table 11-2A —11-2D Source: Village of North Palm Beach 2009 Budget (FY 2009 — FY 2013 5 -Year Capital Plan); LRM Inc 12/08 ST — % Cent Sales Tax: WS — Water and Sewer Fund SF — Stormwater Fund; SA — Special Assessment: LN - Loan (1) —Committed Revenue Source: (2) —Planned Revenue Source; (3) — To be determined * - Refer to Table 11-2A —11-2D Source: Village of North Palm Beach 2009 Budget (FY 2009 — FY 2013 5 -Year Capital Plan); LRM Inc 12/08