1993-018 Bid Award for Golf Course Equipment~ ~ • I 1 i ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO. 1R_9~ A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BIDS OF LBSCO, INC., ROCKY RIVER, OHIO, IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,900.00 FORA TRIPLEX GRSSNSMOWER AND $9,665.00 FOR SEVEN GANG ROUGH UNIT; NUCRANE CORPORATION, CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,224.00 FOR TWO WALK BEHIND GREENSMOWERS; AND RSI HOLDINGS OF FLORIDA, FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $591.00 FOR TRIPLEX BRUSH ATTACHMENT; FUNDS TO BE EXPENDED FROM ACCOUNT NO. L8045-66490 (MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bids of Lesco, Inc., Rocky River, Ohio, 1 Nucrane Corporation, Coral Gables, Florida, and RSI Holdings of Florida, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, copies of which are attached to this Resolution, are hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach in accordance with their terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidders of this acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. L8045- 66490 Machinery & Equipment). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS gth DAY OF parr 1993. ,/y, 'Mayor PROPOSAL '1'O "I'HE V I LLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA Gentlemen: The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest In this proposal or in the contract. to be taken, and .that it is made without any connection with airy other person or persons making proposal for the same article, arrci is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifications arm is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida, to wit: DATE: M~~-~-I'~ ~n ~ °1 q3 BID PRICES SHOULD BE LISTED FOR EACH PIECE OF EQUIPMENT THAT BIDDER CAN SUPPLY. VILLAGE WILL SELECT EQUIPMENT BASED ON INDIVIDUAL PRICE OF EACH PIECE OR ON PACKAGE PRICE. BIDDER CAN CREATE AN EQUIPMENT PACKAGE PRICE BY LISTING PIECES AVAILABLE iN THE PACKAGE AND A TOTAL PRICE. 7'O7'AL ITEM DESCf2IPTION PRICF. 'P~idci~n (,~5~ Sc Vc*1 G~rJU m°~^'<^~ w~+h k bla~<,t 1 Sever ~n~ Pull Behind Rough Unit 3.S•ror<<~<. gl,CrS,°° n ! ^ ,ri M/-pnQVn.,~~'~ fig.... Jro¢c> AM wµ...~ 2 Two (2) Walk Behind Greensmowers ea. ts0 U'10 3 Triplex Greensmowerutol0....g(~S~~pp-Gns ~ OD.oo 4 Optional Brush Attachment for triplex 1J0 61D 5 Combination Package Option: ,_ Items included: -6- PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF-NORTH-PALM•BEACH~ FLORIDA (Continued) REMARKS /EXCEPTIONS : /~ (1 ~ , (Q,p, c(~~~Z~~ J ~J y/~, ~, ~.( - . - .. . Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS _~I~MCc LFIiZC>~fSfio.~ ~9i(~NAtR.MA.~ .. ~~~5iPk~./L~'~4,~ Qti~~52=C"(~ }~. P~~)I-k>~1ARr~l~ V Icz C~tIAiR-MA,.l . Ybc~(.k~.( R-i./~~2- t~t+. . ~n~,%L ~JrJ Si Pr~ ~FLRk.~"AP~.1..... .. .. .. Cl~} I l b ..... .. . k=~a_It-~=T11 `D,7~o.) -~-r-tas.~A-cR- .. FIRM: SIGNED BY: TITLE: WITNESSES: ~tii ,~~ 4~ :D~~ ~ ADDRESS: ~OooS (.Alm RJ` A-i~ ~~cl-~' ~-, VAR-. ~/ E~~IN~ -7- . .•,~ PROPOSAL 7'O "1'HE VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH FLORIDA Gentlemen: The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the bidder Herein named has any interest !n this proposal or in the contract to be taken, and that It is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he has carefully examined the specifications and is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned iuriher declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida, to wit: DATE: ~-_~' ~~~ BID PRICES SHOULD BE LISTED FOR EACH PIECE OF EQUIPMENT THAT BIDDER CAN SUPPLY. VILLAGE W1LL SELl1C"1' EQUIPMENT BASED ON INDIVIDUAL PRICE OF EACH PIECE OR ON PACKAGE PRICE. BIDDER CAN CREATE AN EQUIPMENT PACKAGE PRICE BY LISTING PIECES AVAILABLE IN THE PACKAGE AND A TOTAL PRICE. ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 DESCRIPTION Seven Gang Pull Behind Rough Unit Two (2) Walk Behind Greensmowers Triplex Greensmower TOTA1, PRICF. Optional Brush Attachment for triplex Rrre Rai/.c ~3~a:ti Combination Package Option: Items included: ate` `/oa, ct. ~- -6- "~ .,.1 PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE-0F-NORTH~PALM•BEACH~ FLORIDA (Continued) REMAI{KS /EXCEPTIONS : ~~y~xd ` ~.®~ ~ ~,~ ~aen2-~ ~r~-/ ..,~ ~' Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: f%~~`~~r/~'~~-C NAME TITLE /ADDRESS( EEG. VsCEr ~R6i. x4Ll.~./s F/ SuSa~~~Rzmaa."C .. .. SF.GRf_~'I4RJ ... ,Sp,,,,.o: ... ..... FIRM: . Nu-~_R.AA~ E. I"~ AG~rn"~ A1~.~~I . ADDRESS: 1Juc~~b~Ne ~'l~ci-~~NE2u ~~ 12rvs~rc~3~~cN, Fc>:334~{ . -~- PROPOSAL _7_O 1'FIE V I LLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH . FLORIDA Gentlemen: The undersigned, as bidder, does declare that no other person other than the bidder herein named has any interest !n this proposal or in the contract io be taken, and that it Is made without any connection with any other person or persons making proposal for the same article, arrd is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. The undersigned further declares that he tras carefully examined the specifications anrJ is thoroughly familiar with its provisions and with the quality, type and grade of material called for. The undersigned further declares that he proposes to furnish the articles called for within specified time set in this proposal for the following price, and guarantees that parts and service for the articles listed below are available within the State of Florida, to wit: DATE: March 10 1993 BID PRICES SHOULD BE LISTED FOR EACH PIECE OF EQUIPMENT THAT BIDDER CAN SUPPLY. VILLAGE WILL SELEC7' EQUIPMENT BASED ON INDIVIDUAL PRICE OF EACH PIECE OR ON PACKAGE PRICE. BIDDER CAN CREATE AN EQUIPMENT PACKAGE PRICE BY LISTING PIECES AVAILABLE IN THE PACKAGE AND A TOTAL PRICE. ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL PRICE 1 Seven Gang Pull Behind Rough Unit ~ 15 000.00 ITEM BID: JACOBSEN 7-GANG ROUGH MOWER 2 Two (2) Walk Behind Greensmowers x,16 ea. 5 6.338.00 ITEM BZD: JACOBSEN MODEL 62240 22" PGM 3 Triplex Creensmower f~11.900.00 ITEM BID: JACOBSEN GREENS KING IV MODEL 62228 4 Optional Brush Attachment for triplex ~ s9i.nD ITEM BID: JACOBSEN MODEL 68547 5 Combination Package Option: Items included:l, ~ ~ ~ R S $~3- 870.00 -6- ` PROPOSAL TO THE VILLAGE OF-NORTH-PALM-BEACH, FLORIDA (Continued) REMARKS/EXCEPTIONS : Item 2: 4.0 h.p. Bonda engine on Jacobsen.22" PGM , Item 3: Jacobsen Greens King IV - 9-Blade. rigid cutting. units Officers of Corporation or Members of Partnership: NAME TITLE ADDRESS Richard A. Dillon; Jr, President/CEO --901 N W 31st Avenue -Ft Laud -FL 33311 _Garrv Callahan V.P: Sales - 901 N W 3lst-Ave Ft Lauderdale, FL _Billy Cox -- ---~~ ~ ~ ~~Secv/Treas~--~-901 N W~31st Ave Ft ~ Lauderdale, FL FIRM: SIGNED BYi TITLE: dNC,- .. -. WIN-i Garry Gal-lahan -Vice Presi ent-, Sales - - - .. - . .... - W I'II' S ' >~ . ADllRESS: 901 N.W. 31st Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 -7-