1991-29 Adopts Purchasing Rules & Regulations' RESOLUTION NO. 29-91 A RESOLUTION OF THS VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING PURCHASING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THS VILLAGE OF NORTH PALM BEACH AND REPEALING ABSOLUTION 24-89. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RSSOLVBD BY THS VILLAGB COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA; section 1. The purchasing rules and regulations for the Village of North Palm Beach, attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, are hereby adopted. Section 2. Resolution 24-89 is hereby repealed effective October 1, 1991. ' Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect October 1, 1991. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 25th DAY OF JULY , 1991. ' OR ATTEST: V1 age C1 rk 1 x U ~ ~ w N ~ ~ z ~ ~ 0 rn ~ H ~ a ~ H a N ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~. x A o c~ o A , ~ w H ~~ ~ H W x A w Z ~ ~ ~ a ~, o s o o H ~ H ~ ~ H ~ x a W z ~ ° w a o p H N A ~ H ~ ~ ~ h W ~ a ~ w ~ o H o '~ a w ~ a ~ a w a a w H w W TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE INTRODUCTION 1.01 Purpose of Manual 1 1.02 Objective of Centralized Purchasing 1 1.03 Responsibilities: Finance Department 1 1.04 Responsibilities: Village Clerk 1 1.05 Responsibilities: Operating Department 1 1.06 Responsibilities: Village Manager 2 PURCHASING POLICY 2.01 Determining Purchasing Methods 3 INITIATING A PURCHASE 3.01 Purchase Requisitions 5 3.02 Requisition Preparation 5 PURCHASING PROCEDURES, BIDS, CONTRACTS VENDOR SELECTION, ETC. 4.01 Formal Bidding 7 4.02 Writing Specifications 7 4.03 Identifying Suppliers 7 4.04 Sealed Bid Opening_ 7 4.05 Sole Source Items 7 PURCHASE ORDERS 5.01 Use of Purchase Orders 8 5.02 Procedure for Issuing a Purchase Order 8 5.03 How Purchase Order are Processed 8 5.04 Cancellation of a Purchase Order 9 5.05 Confirming Purchase Orders 9 5.06 Expediting Orders 9 5.07 Back Orders of Partial Payments 9 5.08 Blanket Purchase Orders 10 5.09 Split Purchases (Pyramiding) 10 EMERGENCY PURCHASES 6.01 General Policy 11 6.02 Procedure 11 MISCELLANEOUS 7.01 Telephone and Utility Biils 12 '~"7.02 Inventoried Supplies 12 RECEIPT OF GOODS AND SERVICES 8.01 Acceptance 13 ,-8.02 Process for Payment 13 PAYMENT 9.01 Invoices 14 9.02 Invoice Retirement 14 SURPLUS AND OBSOLETE MATERIAL AND E4UIPMENT 10.01 Methods of Disposition 15 10.02 Procedure for Sale. of Surplus Items 15 1. INTRODUCTION 1.01 Purpose of Manual The purpose of these Purchasing Regulations is to provide one complete source of purchasing information to assist all Village departments in obtaining needed supplies, materials and services. It is intended to remove doubts about how purchases are to be made under normal circumstances; however, it must be recognized that no manual can cover every possible eventuality. The Finance Department is prepared to offer clarification and assistance on all subjects covered in the manual and to offer suggestions for handling any particular purchasing matter. 1.02 Objective of Centralized Purchasing The primary objective of any purchasing operation is to maximize the value of the dollar spent. All Village departments are responsible for accomplishing this objective by planning for future purchase needs and making them in an economical manner. 1.03 Responsibilities: Finance Department a. Maintain an up-to-date vendor list. b. Process purchase requisitions. c. Prepare and issue purchase orders. d. Pay vendor invoice. 1.04 Responsibilities: Village Clerk a. Maintaining bid files. 1.05 Responsibilities: Operating Departments a. Obtain prices on comparable items. b. Search for new sources of goods and services and provide the names to the Finance Department. c. Provide complete information on items to be purchased on the purchase requisitions and reference budget line item description. d. Provide appropriate documentation with purchase requisitions as required. e. Plan for purchases to minimize emergency purchases. 1 ~.~ f. Prepare technical specifications. g. Determine if sufficient funds are available in the budgeted line item. h. Attempt to use the Finance Department's vendor list as a minimum for all quote requirements. 1.06 Responsibilities: Village Manager a. Advertise for bids. b. Take formal bids. 2 2. PURCHASING POLICY 2.01 Determining Purchasing Methods a. All p hases having an estimated cost in excess of $5 1: ~d~D4D 1. Must be formally advertised in a newspaper of general circulation with the advertisement being no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the opening of bids . 2. Must be awarded on a sealed bid basis by vote of Village Council. 3. The vendors' list will be used as a minimum notification list of available vendors for bidding purposes. b. All purchases having an estimated cost between $1,001 and ,~5 ; 8'0~ /D~ DO / 1. Must be made by written price quotation (minimum three (3) quotations must be obtained). 2. Must be budgeted items. 3. Must be authorized by Village Manager. c. All purchases having an estimated cost between $501 and $1,000: 1. Require three (3) quotations ~ ,,~ ~ ~ ~. 2. Must be budgeted items. 3. Shall be authorized by Department Head or Village Manager. d. Purchases having an estimated cost of up to $500, unless otherwise described in this manual: 1. Do not require bids or three (3) quotes; Department Heads are encouraged to obtain the most cost effective price. 2. Must be budgeted items. 3. Shall be authorized by Department Heads. ..~. 3 ~1 e. Exceptions: In certain instances exceptions to the above may exist. Purchases may be accomplished: 1. Through the use of the emergency purchase provisions as provided for in Section 6 (Emergency Purchases) of this manual. 2. When annual contracts exist, i. e. gas, oil, .tires, office supplies, etc. 3. When requirements imposed by federal, state, or county grants provide different regulations. 4. When the Village Manager deems it appropriate to use procedures of more formality than set out above. f. The Village Manager shall also comply with Resolution No. 44-98 of the Village when authorizing purchases that involve written contracts. A copy of Resolution No. 44-98 is attached as Appendix 1. 4 3. INITIATING A PURCHASE 3.01 Purchase Requisition Purchase Requisition is to be filled out and submitted to the Finance Department with the appropriate documentation attached. Where equipment is covered by maintenance contracts, requests for service may be made directly by the respective department. 3.02 Requisition Preparation Procedure to Process Regular Requisitions: a. Print each requisition in duplicate and give the following: 1. Sequential requisition number. 2. Department account number. 3. Date of requisition. 4. Suggested vendor name and address. 5. Village delivery location. 6. Quantity 7. Complete, detailed description and purpose of items to be purchased, and reference budget line item description. 8. Estimated net cost of line items of goods and services. 9. Estimated cost of shipping and handling. 10. Signature of department head which indicates department head's approval of purchase. b. When necessary, bid documentation, i.e. telephone bids, request for quotations, etc. should be attached to purchase requisition. c. The original is sent to the Finance Department (up to $1,000) or Village Manager (for approval over $1,000). d. Second copy is kept in the requesting department's file. e. Upon receiving the requisition, Finance will determine the availability of funds in the department account. If `, 5 the funds are available, preparation and processing of the purchase order will proceed. f. Requisitions over $5,001 will be subject to process. Upon award of bid by the Village Finance Department will prepare and issue order. the bidding Council, the a purchase 6 4. PURCHASING PROCEDURES, BIDS, CONTRACTS, VENDOR SELECTION, ETC. 4.01 Formal Bidding Formal bids are required for purchases in excess of $5,001. 4.02 Writing Specifications Upon submitting a request for formal bidding, departments should also transmit desired specifications to be included as a part of the bidding process. Care should be taken to design specifications so that they are not so narrow as to limit competition unnecessarily. Department heads have the responsibility for complying with this guideline. 4.03 Identifying Suppliers Operating departments are responsible for maintaining a comprehensive, updated list of suppliers of various products frequently purchased by that department. It is the Village's policy to award to the lowest qualified bidder offering merchandise conforming to pre-defined specifications. 4.04 Sealed Bid Opening All sealed bids are to be opened at the exact time, date and place specified in the bid package. A bid package contains: (1) notice to bidders; (2) complete bid specifications and (3) contract documents, if appropriate. All bids are to be opened publicly with a tabulation being made available to all vendors participating. Formal bids are to be checked for proper submission of any required bid deposits, bonds, etc. All sealed bids will be opened by a bid board consisting of the Village Manager, the Department Head concerned, and the Village Clerk. After evaluation, a recommendation will be made by the Village Manager for transmittal to the Village Council. 4.05 Sole Source Items Sole Source items must be designated as such when requisitions or specifications are submitted. Every reasonable effort must be made to locate competitive suppliers. Only the Village Manager may certify an item as sole source. Approval of sole source purchases over $5,001 are to be made by the Village Council. 7 5. PURCHASE ORDERS 5.01 Use of Purchase Orders For all regular purchases of $200 or more, the purchase order will be used. Exceptions are enumerated in Number 5.05 and Sections 6 and 7. 5.02 a. b. c. d. 5.03 a. Procedure for Issuing a Purchase Order All purchase orders will be issued by the Finance Department. All purchase orders will be sequentially numbered. The purchase order is prepared in triplicate. The purchase order is printed giving the following information: 1. Purchase order number 2. Vendor code number 3. Vendor name 4. Vendor address 5. Vendor contact person 6. Vendor telephone number 7. Vendor fax number 8. Department account number 9. Requisition number 10. Date of purchase order 11. Required delivery date 12. Terms 13. F.O.B. point 14. Destination shipping point 15. Quantity ordered 16. Vendor proprietary stock number (if any) 17. Generic description of goods or services ordered 18. Unit price 19. Extension 20. Net total of goods and services ordered 21. Allowable shipping charges 22. A box checking an original or confirming purchase order 23. Signature of responsible Village official How Purchase Orders are Processed The original copy is delivered directly to the vendor. 8 b. The second copy is retained by the Finance Department for account encumbrance and is attached to the requisition original. c. The third copy is sent to the Department Head of the requisitioning department. 5.04 Cancellation of a Purchase Order All cancellations of orders must be made by forwarding to the Finance Department the receiving copy of the purchase order with the word "VOID" printed across the face of said copy. The Department Head should sign and date all voided purchase orders, as well as provide a brief reason for the void. 5.05 Confirmin4 Purchase Orders Maintenance Agreements, equipment repairs, maintenance materials and supplies, or other items purchased at the time of need may be handled as follows: a. When a department needs a purchase order number for an item in this category the Finance Department should be contacted. The Finance Department will assign a purchase order number to that item and record the vendor's name, purchase order number, approximate cost and account number. b. The Finance Department will process the purchase order in the normal fashion except that the "CONFIRMING" box on the purchase order will be checked, the name of the contact person at the vendor with whom the order was placed, and the date and time the order was placed will be written. c. "CONFIRMING" orders will be kept to a minimum and used only when it is not reasonable to use the normal purchasing method. 5.06 Expeditinct Orders Once the Finance Department has issued a purchase order, no follow- up work is done on the order by Finance. It will be the responsibility of the operating department to expedite orders. 5.07 Back Orders of Partial Payments When several items are ordered, the supplier may deliver only a portion of the quantity requested. He may then advise you that the remainder of the order has been back ordered. The department head should retain the copy of the purchase order until all items are delivered. Should the vendor invoice for the partial order 9 delivered, the following partial payment procedure can be implemented: a. When the invoice is received, the department head should forward the invoice to the Finance Department with his or her approval of the partial payment. Notations should be made on the invoice that the order is "INCOMPLETE" and the purchase order number circled, or noted if it is not mentioned on the invoice. The Finance Department will use this as authority for partial payment. Documentation must be sent to the Finance Department indicating which items have been received before the Finance Department makes the payment on such invoice. b. The department copy of the purchase order remains in the department until the entire order is filled, invoiced, or balance canceled. 5.08 Blanket Purchase Orders Blanket purchase orders can be requested from the Finance Department for small, routine daily purchases for each vendor the department intends to use frequently during the year. The blanket purchase order is limited up to $500 as authorized by the department head (up to $1,000 with the Village Manager's approval) for each vendor. 5.09 Split Purchases (Pyramiding) a. Split purchases, or pyramiding, is defined as issuing more than one purchase order on the same product (with the intent of circumventing these regulations and/or budget limitations) within an unreasonably short time period such that the totals of the P.O.'s equal an amount greater than that authorized by these regulations. b. Split purchases are prohibited. 10 6. EMERGENCY PURCHASES 6.01 General Policv True emergencies do occur as a result of parts, supplies, and labor needed to repair equipment and facilities that are needed to provide services for the health, welfare and safety of the public. Anticipating needs in advance, whenever possible, will hold emergency purchases to a minimum and allow the use of standard procedures. 6.02 Procedure a. Emergency purchases between $0 to $1,000, mark invoice "EMERGENCY PURCHASE." The invoice must be submitted to and approved by the department head, subject to confirmation by Village Manager. /O~$~ b. Emergency purchases from $1,001 to $~@8~, mark invoice "EMERGENCY PURCHASE" and contact the Village Manager for approval. ~j-D ~ pUC~ /~ c. Emergency purchases ~"~`" are not to be made without prior approval by the Village Manager, subject to confirmation by the Village Council. 11 7. MISCELLANEOUS 7.01 Telephone and Utility Bills All Village telephone and utility bills ar Finance Department to verify proper billing for long distance service. Any bills departments should be forwarded to th Telephone bills must be verified by th forwarded to Finance. 7.02 Inventoried Supplies e processed through the for each department and received in another e Finance Department. e department head and In order to obtain a cost savings on those items used frequently by all departments for normal office operations, the Village will bid those items on an annual basis in October of each fiscal year. All departments will estimate their respective needs for items required on a frequent basis. Ali orders will be processed by the General Services Department. Those items will be inventoried and charged back to each department as they draw down on supplies. General Services "Inventory Requisitions" will be used to account for all "drawn" items. 12 8. RECEIPT OF GOODS AND SERVICES 8.01 Acceptance a. Upon receipt of goods a physical inspection, under the responsibility of the department head, will be made to determine quantity and quality of merchandise received. b. If there is a discrepancy, inform the vendor and the Finance Department immediately and confirm conversation in writing. c. If quantity and quality conform to purchase order specifications, the department head signs off on the vendor packing list or bill of lading or enclosed invoice. 8.02 Process for Payment a. If the shipment does not complete the purchase order, the department head has the responsibility of making a duplicate of the receiving (third copy) of the purchase order and mark the receiving copies "PARTIAL SHIPMENT. RECEIVED" and forward one of the copies to the Finance Department. b. If the shipment completes the purchase order, mark the receiving copy "SHIPMENT COMPLETE. RECEIVED" and forward it to the Finance Department. c. Forward the vendor packing slip or bill of lading (if any) with the receiving copy to the Finance Department. d. Services, as distinct from commodities, rendered must be certified by the department head that the quality meets the specifications of the purchase order before the invoice is paid. 13 9. PAYMENT 9.01 Invoices a. Original vendor invoices will be sent directly to the Finance Department. b. The Finance Department will pay the invoice only if: 1. The receiving copy and vendor packing slip or bill of lading or enclosed invoice has been received by the Finance Department. 2. Signature approval by the department head on the receiving copy certifies that there has been a satisfactory delivery of goods or services. 3. Total quantity received per line item is equal or less than quantity ordered. 4. Unit price on invoice is the same as unit price on the purchase order. 5. Extension per line item is correct. 6. Total of line item extensions is reflected by the net total on the invoice. 7. Advantage is taken of all allowable discounts. 8. Funds are available in the department account. 9.02 Invoice Retirement a. Check is issued to vendor, signed by the appropriate authorized individual(s). b. Original invoice is marked "PAID." c. The "PAID" invoice, the receiving copy, the vending packing slip or bill of lading, and the remittance copy of the check are attached to the original purchase order and filed. If the purchase order is not complete, the attachment is made by paper clasp. If the purchase order is complete, the attachment is made by staple. 14 10. SURPLUS AND OBSOLETE MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT 10.01 Methods of Disposition a. Surplus, worn out or obsolete material and equipment may be disposed of in any of the following ways: 1. By transferring to other departments 2. By returning to the manufacturer or supplier 3. By trading in on new equipment 4. By junking 5. By advertising for sale b. Each department shall report its surplus or obsolete stock, equipment or materials to the Finance Department. c. All Capital equipment shall be declared surplus by Village Council before processing as surplus. 10.02 Procedure for Sale of Surplus Items a. If surplus material is sold, it shall be accomplished by the affected department in conformance with competitive practices. b. Surplus property may be disposed of by auction. Final approval for sales will be made by the Village Manager or his designee. Advertisement for such sales will be made in a local newspaper at least one time, no less than five (5) days prior to sale or auction. 15