Memo announcing Nancy Moore appointment as Library Director 4-6-84MEMORANDUM ta. MAYOR & VILLAGE COUNCIL date: APRIL 6, 1984 r o RAY HOWLAND, VILLAGE MANAGER m sub .eCt . LIBRARY DIRECTOR'S POSITZON This a. to advise that I have appointed Nancy Moore as permanent Library Pireator.. ..�done an- excellent' no ques.tlo -fha-t S�h'a Job as Acting Pi`,re c tP x a n,,,d t-h-.e .,r e :!�s n can handle this p0q; on, .,.a.,:.-:pe:,r,,ma.nent bas'2'*s,, h.a s the ability.to h-old th-e -.,L1brarq,,- staff together.. aj 8 well as meet the ppbli.cand kqpp... th.em,,-plea'se'd With`k--­oux!! programs. RH: sh cc: Department Heads Village of North Palm Beach Villoge History