Thank you letter to Pratt & Whitney for Time Capsule 4-22-82Ik . L4 0.i�X.5,7 -2 P-j r) V I L L,,'� GE- 1--I A L- L 501 U.S. HIGHVIJAY 1 NORTH PAUVI BEACH, FL0Rjr1. )A 3'40S 305--848-3474 k 0 AL t140ORE V; "".71 a Cr: Vi. H. "bil-L UhUVW41 Pres'idlent Pro Tern: F iA r-kRIRIET NOLAN Council Members: V. A. P,,WHKS, INJI.D. TOM VALENTE: Village M-3na-ger: RAYM0jNjD J. HOWLAND VdIage Clerk- DOLORES R. WALKER, CIVIC Yin 14"rw, i1r, W. McAbee,, Jr. D-ivis ion President Pratt & Whitney Ai-rcraft P. 0. Bm: 2691 1 O'qbs-L'-. Palm Beach-, Florida 33/4 0� Dear I� . McAbee: April 22, 1932 The Villagre Council w-ouild 1LT\--e to express theier sincere apprec-Lat--ion to Pra'-L '--�-' k- C"�� iWhitney for desimingr and building -L---he Time Capsule for the Village ®� Nor -Ca Palm Beach n cormemoration of the Village's 25th knniversary-, 1,7e are extrmely gra-L"---eI--'u7-L to P & VT for Crie ti'me and mmey experid.end on this project , As you are aware, the TIme Capsule ivas buried --*L-n the grotrid at North Palm BeacIri Library on Sat--urday, April 17, 1982, wille� bopened t-we-nty-.-Eiva years frcm now, We v2oti1d lile-ce to express oiu.- speca-al thanT,?,-s to Mr. Bob Tracy, Capsule Design Engineer, 1, I�f 10 , we� -understand, postponed his u-n-LI:1",1 capsule -w�-7is caiTpfli--t-ed; and to �Ir. S,-m Hunt, General Surpervisor, !-IES, wno toOK thr-,e fr(--,D.- his busy zsc"L Sat m--clay to give us the full details on &,e- ca-psule. Agam', tliank you for your ccmrn-irLity ]-'D-Lerest and, hopefully, a, of Pratt & Whitney va*11 be present m' tb..,n year 2006 uben the "IFILTrIe Capsule-, -,Is SlIncerely, Al Moore Mayor C Br- ovin Vice' Mayor / V-1 r T Harriet Nblan President Pro Tc--,Yn V. A. Marks., M. D. Coumcilman Tom Valente Counc-ilm- an