NPB Assistant Village Manager Douglas Smith (WD) 9-9-05lrlVt-i< Onv q-a .. Li's Alf 1500 1-�2421 mAea� r�s NPB ASSISTANT VILLAGE MANAGER DOUGLAS SMITH NPB ASSISTANT VILLAGE MANAGER DOUGLAS SMITH is leaving September 16 for a job as Assistant City Manager in Delray Beach. Smith gave his notice to the Village Council in early August, advising of his plans to move further south with his growing family. Instead of replacing Smith's position, Village Manager Mark Bates has asked Council to create a position for a Human Resources Director, to address personnel and pay plan issues. Although the Council agreed by consensus to honor Bates' request during a workshop, the formal vote has yet to take place . at a regular NPB Village Council meeting. V1110W of North Palm V11kK)e History