Temp job turns permanent (HN) 5-4-07HOMETOWN NEWS DATE: .s 4 -007 Temp..job turns permanent rune start for former public safety director BY SA.RAH STOVER Staff writer NORTH PALM BEACH The search is over, a manager has been found. North Palen Beach councilors voted unani- mously, with Mayor Ed Eissey absent, to approve a contract awarding the position. of Village manag- er to North Palen Beach Police Chief Jimmy Knight at its April 26 meeting. "I'm one of the most Y,%._n1'*ght From page Al blessed h u m a n beings. I'm G humbled °t L ° by the fact that the elected offi- cials askedr', a 1. me (to sta ° in the posi- tt Lion)," said ... C h i e f 1���y Knight, who Knight has been serving as interim Village manager since former Vil- lage manager Mark Bates resigned in January. The council previously asked headhunter Colin Baenziger to conduct a country -wide search for managerial candidates, but at the April 12 council meeting Vice Mayor Bill Manuel asked Chief Knight to reconsider taking the position permanently. After all the council mem- bers voiced support for the motion, Chief Knight agreed to meet with presi- dent pro tem David Norris and Village attorney Len Rubin to negotiate a con- Initially, he didn't intend to become the Village manager, but changed his mind after four months of serving as both public safety director and interim manager. "Coming in as an interim (Village manager), I real- ized a lot of good was being done in the Village," said Chief Knight. And, he has contributed to that collaborative spirit by; bringing Village staff together,. they said. Community develop- ment director and chief building official Charles Cangianelli spoke on behalf of Village staff at the April 26 council meeting about Chief Knight's efforts. The chief had got- ten all the department directors together to dis- cuss the 2007-06 budget and future goals on April 25. "Everyone was encour- aged (by the chief) to par- ticipate in the process_ of identifying possible chal- lenges and brainstorming solutions. We were very much a team working toward. a common goal, (arid) we enthusiastically look forward to his contin- ued leadership and opti- mistic spirit in years to come," said Mr. Cangianel- li, with all of the depart- ment directors and the Vil- lage manager's secretary, Janet St. Clair, standing behind him. Chief Knight's "new" job comes with an annual salary of approximately $135,000, an annual cost of living adjustment and a possible 5 percent raise pending a successful annual evaluation, accord- ing to his contract. r ACCESSION # 7,�.��19� Although he has enjoyed his reign as police chief over the past two and a half years, Chief Knight now has to select someone to take his place according to the Village charter, he said. However, he feels he has an advantage that will make the selection process a little easier. "I'm in a very unique position. Having been in (public) service for 30 plus years, I know a tremen- dous amount of great lead- ers that I can tap on," said Chief Knight. . "I definitely want to bring (in) someone who shares the same passion I had for that department," he said. A selection should be made within the next few weeks, he said. Until then, he will continue to fill both roles. His contract calls for Chief Knight to become full-time Village manager by June l . Stover@hometownnew- .5,01.com tract.