Village Manager wants employees' input (Jim Kelly) (PBP) 7-20-14JULIUS WHIGHAM II 1 Google ancf Make magazine. 1 1-115 ravel �) L11 CO, t_Uu1`1-t �` 011F I IV V I Q&A COMMUNITY CONVERSATION: JIM KELLY, NORTH PALM BEACH Village manager wants employees' input Jim Kelly formerly was schools police chief for Palm Beach County. By Bill DiPaolo Palm Beach Post Staff Writer Former Palm Beach Coun- ty School District Police Chief Jim Kelly, 59, recently came out of retirement to take the position as village man- ager. An attorney, Kelly was chief for 23 years and oversaw a staff of about 180 sworn offi- cers with an annual budget of about $18 million. A Rockland County, N.Y., native, Kelly was hired by the school district in 1978 as one of the county's first school - based police officers. He became chief in 1989. When he retired in 2012, the county school district had 175,000 students and 21,000 employees. North Palm Beach has 238 full- and part-time employees. Kelly has a bachelor's de- gree in criminal justice from Florida Atlantic University and a law degree from West- ern New England University School of Law in Springfield, Mass. He and his wife, Vicki, have been married 37 years. They have three grown chil- dren and eight grandchild- ren. Kelly, appointed village manager on June 14, is paid $135,000 annually. Question: How will your job skills as school district police chief help in your current po- sition? Answer: The annual budget in North Palm Beach is about $18 million. That's about the same as the budget I had as police chief with the school board. The police department in North Palm Beach takes up about one-fourth of the bud- get, so dealing with police is- sues will continue to be a big part of my job. Every day, I dealt with a di- verse group of people, from educators to students to par- ents. I had to handle many tasks at the same time. That's a lot like being a city manager. Q: What is your philosophy of leadership? A: My staff is a team. I like to discuss ideas out loud. I like input from all employees. The leader cannot think of every- thing himself or herself. Once I have made a decision, it's :J1 Jim Kelly, the North Palm Beach village manager, likes the small- town atmosphere. CONTRIBUTED made. Q: What issues in North Palm Beach need attention? A: The North Palm Beach Country Club was built in the 1960s. We need to look at if there are renovations needed or if the work has to be redone. We need to consider how to at- tract new businesses, espe-. cially along U.S. 1. Q: The Kolter Group is build- ing Water Club, a gated com- munity of two 19-story res- idential buildings with 20 townhouses on the west side of U.S. 1 across from Benja- :1 :1 min School. What impact will Water Club have when com- plete? A: We have worked with resi- dents to make sure it will not be disruptive. Water Club will increase our tax base. Water Club will not be our tallest building. We have buildings in Old Port Cove that are taller. I think it will be a plus. Q: How will the new $24 mil- lion North Palm Beach Ele- mentary school opening in August impact the village? A: The school will open as an elementary school. In the next two years, it will increase to sixth, seventh and eighth grades. It's a great opportu- nity for North Palm Beach students to stay in the same school until they attend high school. Q: What is it about North Palm Beach that brought you out of retirement? A: I wanted the small com- munity atmosphere. I real- ly enjoyed July Fourth when we had potato sack races on the golf course. There's a real community feeling here. I'm relishing it. . bdipaolo@pbpost.com Twitter: @Billdipaolo 7 p.m. Tuesday, commission chambers. PALM BEACH SHORES Town Commission 7 p.m. Monday, town hall. PALM SPRINGS Budget workshop 5 p.m. Thursday, village hall. Village Council 6:30 p.m. Thursday, village hall. PORT OF PALM BEACH Board of commissioners 4 p.m. Wednesday, Maritime Office Complex. RIVIERA BEACH Planning and Zoning Board 6:30 p.m. Thursday, city hall. ROYAL PALM BEACH Planning and Zoning Commission 7 p.m. Tuesday, village hall. SOUTH PALM BEACH Town Council 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, town hall. WELLINGTON Village Council special meeting 5 p.m. Tuesday, village hall. WEST PALM BEACH City Commission 5 p.m. Monday, city hall. :A FE F