A New Job...A New Challenge (Sun Press) 8-29-66A New Job ... A New Challenge Joe J. Eassa, Jr., new scribed to the oath of North Palm Beach. office today. Eassa con - Village Manager, sub- siders his new job as a new challenge in his career in public admin- istration. Eassa said ~hat he plans to keep the '­ lblic apprised as to the gr(_-Ix,?v.'- and development of North Palm Beach via a weekly column in the SUN PRESS. He con- siders North Palm Beach an inflammable community and in time predicts it will be the most significant com- munity of Its type in North Palm Beach C ounty. The new Village Man- ager said he is looking forward to working with the various department heads and council mem- bers. He is looking for- ward in particular "to the further development and refinement of the advantages and fiscal policies in the com- munity." Eassa stated that he plans to employ the it open door policy with recognition to thoughts and suggestions of village residents." His major objective will be to formulate a cohesive organization interde- pendent with the efforts of the citizenry and sub- ject to the policy direction of the village council, with a view to- ward further estab- lishing the village in the county and throughout the state. A native of West Palm Beach, Eassa feels in- timately familiar with the needs of this area and will strive to in- spire each citizen of the village to critically an- alyze and evaluate the needs to effect an over- all program which is in the total public interest. He plans to use the .village newsletter to keep the citizens in- formed of completed projects as well as post plans as provided for by the village government. One of the primary plans made by village manager Eassa is to "make a discerning an- alysis of the exiEting re- fuse collection prac- tices as well as the development of plans for short term and long term capital improve- ments! He will make re- commendations for more specific personnel practices, i. e. retire- ment plans, etc. bearing in mind that his first allegiance will be to function managerially under t h e policy guidance of the village council. lgbb�qla �r �a