New library started 1962-1963NORTH PALM BEACH New Library Started. Under the leadership of Mrs. Phillip LaHue, a for- mer librarian, the North Palm Beach Branch made a study of the community library possibilities for the north end of Palm Beach County. During 1961-1962, members of the committee attended meetings on the subject, read up on library services, boned up on state and national laws, surveyed' local conditions, and interviewed librarians and politi- cians. A report of the committee's find- ings was made to the membership. Al- though envisioning the possibilities of a larger plan, the committee decided to concentrate on a municipal library in the Village of North Palm Beach, where more than two-thirds of the Branch's membership resides. A mimeographed report on the pos- sibilities, costs, and need for a Village Library was prepared for the public and the local government. Mrs. LaHue's move to California brought a replace- ment for the committee chairmanship in Mrs. Thomas Hart. When a munici- pal -sponsored library did not appear feasible in the immediate future, letters enclosing the report were written to all local organizations asking that a repre- sentative be sent to a Library Study meeting. Forty people, representing several local organizations attended this meeting and voted to organize a Li- brary Society for the purpose of promot- ing a library. One of the co-chaimen elected to start the organization was Mrs. Ralph Huls. The Library Society has embarked on plans to start a private library in the Village of North Palm Beach. While it is still hoped that this library will become part of a larger library system, an excellent start has been made. Tem- porary quarters have been donated by the Village Government. Annual finan- cial support of the library was made an issue in a local election —and its adherents won. The first book collection drive in this Village of 5000 residents yielded 1700 volumes, most of them in proper condition and of appropriate type. The AAUW, Rotary, and Lions are holding benefits for the Library in the near future. The first official meeting of the new Library Society, when it adopted by- laws, was held March 19, 1962. AAUW members are represented on the Board as follows: Mrs. Ralph Huls, President; Mrs. Herbert Gilden, Treas- urer; Mrs. J. Edwin Obert, membership chairman. By no means ready to bow out of its responsibility until truly ade- quate facilities are available to all our members in the North end' of the county, the North Palm Beach Branch is happy to have shared in the estab- lishment of this new facility. Thelma Obert, President