Group wants library in NPB 1962-1963GROUP WANTS LIBRARY IN NPB S e v e r a l organizations have formed a committee to promote a community library for the Village of North Palm Beach. Dr. Don Bicknell and Mrs. Ralph Huls are co-chairmen. The organization w i 11 s e e k space in the former coun- try club headquarters building. A film "Books for All" on the subject of county libraries was shown to the group at a recent meeting. It was agreed that a County library would probably be an ultimate goal but the immediate aim is to work for a municipal library that would eventually be part of a county system. The new organization is open to everyone interested in a North Palm Beach library. Contact Mrs. Huls at 736 Pelican Way, North Palm Beach, or telephone her at 844-6426. The next meeting of the new organization will be held at the N.P.B. elemen- tar y school February 19.