AAUW taking lead in forming a NPB library study 1962-1963l ne North Palm Beach Branch of the American .Association of' University Women is taking the lead- ership in forming a North Palm Beach Library Study the V i 11 a g e Council and asked that a portion of the recreation budget be as- signed to a future library. The committee also asked for space for a reading room in the old Country Club building. The council has put the reading room request on the list of those purposes for which it is considering room al- locations of the old Country Club building. The Council indicated to the AAUW that it was interested in meas- uring further community support of a reading room or library. Letters have been sent to presidents of local or- ganizations requesting that they name a Village res- ident member to repre- sent them on the Libr- ary Study Committee. Any organization interested in being represented may. contact Mrs. Thomas Hart, 418 Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach. The orgazizational meeting of the North Palm Beach Library Study Com- mittee will be held in the village school cafetorium on Wednesday, January 30, at 8 p.m. The public is invited to attend.