1989-27 Sets Forth Gof Course Rules & Regulations_ .~, RESOLUTION NO. 27_89 I 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, SETTING FORTH NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB GOLF COURSE RULES AND REGULATIONS. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The "North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Course Rules and Regulations" attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, are hereby adopted as the Rules and Regulations for the North Palm Beach Country Club Golf Course. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS p8TH DAY OF $EPTEMBE~ , t989• ~w ///~ ~ 1 ATTEST: ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ Village Clerk l N'1'RODUCI' 1 ON Welcome to the North Palm Beach Country Club. We value your patronage and ask you to take a few minutes to read this booklet and familiarize yourself with the Rules 6t Regulations. The North Palm Beach Country Club is a Village owned and operated recreational facility consisting of an 18-hole golf course and clubhouse feat4ring a dining room, lounge, pro shop and locker rooms. Also on Club grounds are a driving range and putting green. The facilities are under the supervision of the Village staff and the Village Council, assisted by a Council appointed Advisory Board. All VIllage residents are eligible for Advisory Board appointment, subject to Resolution No. 21-77, which sets forth guidelines for participation. Those interested may apply by April 1st each year for a term beginning on May 1st. The land, including the golf course, was purchased in 1961 through a bond issue approved by a Village-wide referendum. These bonds were retired in 1987-88. The clubhouse was constructed in 1962 and opened for operation in 1963. The golf course was renovated in the summer of 1989. The original clubhouse and golf course, called the Palm Beach Winter Club, was constructed in 1926 for Harry Kelsey, financier. At that time, one could travel by boat right up to the clubhouse. In 1935, Slr Harry Oakes purchased the Winter Club and used it as a part-time residence. After his death, the property passed to several owners before it became available to the Village in 1961. In 1988, the Village Council of North Palm Beach undertook to contract for the complete renovation of the golf course which improved many functional problems with the tees, greens, and certain fairways, but which kept the major part of the original, excellent design intact. It is hoped that as a VIllage resident, Country Club member or guest, you will enjoy this wonderful facility and observe the Rules 6c Regulations of the Country Club. i TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE I. LOCAL RULES 1 II. GOLF COURSE ETIQUETTE 2 III. STARTING TIME/RESERVATIONS/ TOURNAMENT PLAY 3, 4 IV. ELECTRIC CARTS 5 90 DEGREE RULE g V. DRIVING RANGE AND PRACTICE AREA 7 VI. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS g VI1. REFUND POLICY g VIII. RAIN CHECK POLICY g IX. GOLF COURSE HOURS OF OPERATION 10 X. CLUBHOUSE RULES 1p NORTIi PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB QOLF COURSE c~IF~TLAT I~13S! I. LOCAL RULES a. All categories of players must register in the Pro Shop. b. Every player is required to be prepared to play, including registering in Pro Shop and the paying of fees at least fifteen (15) minutes in advance of their reserved time or they will lose their time. c. All charity card players must adhere to the restrictions regarding tee-time availability and must abide by all rules of the golf course. d. No player may start without the permission of the Starter. e. No groups larger than four players may tee off or play at a time. f. Only players of the group teeing off shall be permitted on the starting tee. g. All players must abide by the Dress Code: No tank tops No cutoffs, running shorts or swimsuits/trunks No removal of shirts when playing Regular golf shoes, golf teaching shoes, smooth soled shoes or approved rubber spikes are acceptable The Golf Pro, Golf Course Superintendent, or their designees, reserve the right to disallow any attire or shoes worn by players. h. Players will leave the green when play is completed; putting practice is not allowed on the course greens. A putting green is available next to the Pro Shop for putting practice. i. Players will play only one (i) ball at a time in accordance with USGA rules. j. Two or more players may not play from one bag. Each player shall have his own bag or carrier and his own clubs. k. Play will not be permitted at any time when the golf facility is closed. Unscheduled closing due to inclement weather, or refusing to allow use of electric carts if such use might cause damage to the course, will be at the discretion of the Golf Professional or Golf Course Superintendent. 1. The Golf~`Pro will make every effort to reschedule starting times that are cancelled by inclement weather. -~- I1. GOLF COURSE ETIQUETTE a. All players are asked to observe the rules of good golf eti- quette as recommended by the USGA and to abide by USGA rules. b. Players looking for a lost ball shall, within a reasonable length of time, allow other players following to pass through. A signal must be given to pass, and having given such signal, players must step aside until those players .have passed and are out of range. c. Anytime there is one clear hole ahead, players must close the gap through faster play, or pick up their ball and move forward to proper position. Rangers will help players keep pace with the group in front of them at all times. d. All players must repair ball marks on the greens, apply sand on tees and in divots on fairways, smooth over footprints and club marks in sand traps. Sand buckets are provided on carts; walkers must carry sand to adequately repair any grass or turf damage just described. e. Players shall not be verbally or physically abusive. f. Players shall not trespass on private property bordering the Club. They may retrieve their ball but must do so on foot. Players are asked to exercise additional courtesies and etiquette when entering any private yard or playing next to the residences bordering the course. g. Hunting for golf balls not in play is strictly prohibited. h. If players are unable to maintain a normal speed of play on the golf course and, following three (3) warnings, fall to close gaps created by their slow play, they will be removed from the course. THERE WILL BE NO REFUND OF GREEN FEES OR CART RENTAL FEES. i. If players Intentionally or flagrantly violate course rules or golf etiquette (e.g. obnoxious behavior, intoxication, damage to the course, violating order of hole to hole play, etc.) they will be removed from the course. THERE WILL BE NO REFUND OF GREEN FEES OR CART RENTAL FEES. j. Players dropping out after nine holes, for any reason, lose their priority when ready to tee off on the first tee of their next nine and may only resume play at the discretion of the Starter. k. Intentional hitting into another group is forbidden and will result In removal from the course, WITH NO REFUND OF GREENS FEE OR CART RENTAL FEES. -2- III. 5'I'Alt'1'IN(; 'I'IMIiS/It1iSliItVA'PIONS /'I'OUIINAMI'.N'I' I'I.AY a. Preference for advance reservation of tee times will be given as follows: Resident Member Non-Resident Member Resident Non-Member Employed Resident Member Employed Resident Non-Member All Others 72 Hours in Advance 120 Hours in Advance Saturday Times Only 24 Hours in Advance b. Any reserved tee-time that must be cancelled should be cancelled in the morning of the day of play or sooner, if possible. Cancellations are not always planned but player's cooperation will be appreciated. c. Two (2) tee times per hour will be reserved as "open times". These times will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis on the dsy of play. d. Allocation of tee times will be every seven (7) minutes: e. Only one (1) reserved tee time will be given per telephone call and only one (1) reserved tee time will be allotted per player, per day. Allocation of tee times via telephone calls ~- will be taken between 8:00 e.m. and 12 noon through the Pro Shop. Tee times will be taken in person after 12 noon, at the Pro Shop. f. Reserved tee times will be for twosomes and foursomes only. Twosomes will be paired with other twosomes whenever possible. Each tee time will be filled with four players; single players and threesomes may fill an "open time" at the discretion of the Pro Shop. g. Permanent tee times will be allowed only: 1. For Saturday morning tee-times. 2. For employed residents and/or members. 3. As scheduled by the Pro or his designee. h. Tuesday will be dedicated as MGA Day at the Club. Tournaments arranged by the Pro and the MGA will ba scheduled as an 8:00 a.m. shotgun. i. Wednesday will be dedicated as WGA Day at the Club. Tournaments arranged by the Pro and the WGA will be scheduled as an B:OO.a.m. shotgun. j. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays there will be an afternoon shotgun starting at 1:00 p.m. This will be open to all players except respective MGA and WGA players just completing their morning -2- tournaments (unless tee times are still available at start time); players can reserve a spot in the shotgun under normal starting time procedures. k. Tournament schedules and course closings will be posted monthly in the Pro Shop. The Golf Pro will be in charge of scheduling tournaments and events. He may schedule up to five (5), one-day tournaments/events per year, to be approved by the Village Manager. These events will be scheduled and announced thirty (30) days ih advance. m. All other requests for special events must be submitted a minimum (90) days in advance to the Country Club Advisory Board and the Village Council, for their recorcmendation and approval, respectively. n. Two days, one in the spring and one in the fall, will be reserved as Village Open Days for residents. Scheduling of these two days will be at the discretion of the Golf Pro. -4- IV. ELECTRIC CARTS a. Itosidents or members may walk the course while playing; all others must use an electric cart. b. All electric carts must be returned to the designated cart area immediately upon completion of play. e. No vehicle other than golf carts shall be permitted on the course without the permission of the Golf Course Superintendent. d. Operators of electric carts must operate carts per posted instructions. e. No more than two persons and/or bags are allowed on one cart at any one time. f. Anyone purchasing a nine-hole cart fee must pay for an additional nine hole cart fee before playing any additional holes. g. It is prohibited to use an electric cart before paying for it. h. THE PLAYER SIGNING FOR ELECTRIC CART RENTAL IS LIABLE FOR DAMAGES TO THE CART. Anyone who damages a cart and who, after being sent a repair bill, refuses to pay for the damages, will be denied course use until the bill Is paid. i. All players using an electric cart must follow all directional •_ signs and ropings on the course. Carts will follow the 90 degree rule unless notified otherwise by the Starter (see following page for definition of 90 degree rule). j. All riding and hand carts will be prohibited a minimum of 30 feet from the slopes of the greens and tees; however, where cart paths are provided, players are required to use the paths. Under no circumstances are riding or hand carts allowed on greens or tees. k. Operation of a golf cart in an unsafe manner will be cause for removal from the golf facility; THERE WILL BE NO REFUND OF GREEN FEES OR CART RENTAL FEES, IF REMOVED. 1. All carts will have tagged keys. Any player found using an untagged key will be subieet to immediate removal from the golf facility. In addition, use of carts with untagged keys and no receipt will be viewed as an Illegal use and dealt with accordingly. m. All carts must be returned to the cart staging area by the posted closing time. -5- BE A 9° DRIVER HELP PROTECT OUR fA1RWAYS -6- wuru Sava ro.~czwi~um.aa/uaw 'mawfm V. DRIVING RANGE AND PRACTICE AREA a. Persons using the facility shall remain clearly within the designated hitting area, at all times, so as to avoid interfering with the hitting area or adjacent players and to insure safe practice conditions for everyone. Anyone violating this safety rule will be inmediately removed from the range. b. Persons using the facility shall not proceed beyond the designated hitting area, at any time, to retrieve balls or for any other reason. c. Electric carts are not permitted on any part of the tee area of the driving range. d. Only one person at a time may hit balls from the sand trap. Non-members must use range balls; residents/members may use their own balls. e. ABSOLUTELY NO RANGE BALLS ARE ALLOWED ON THE GOLF COURSE. Anyone found using any range balls on the golf course will be told to leave the course with no refund of cart or green fee. Use of range balls on putting green is strictly prohibited. f. Anyone removing range balls from range area or the perimeter of the range will be reported to the driving range attendant, the Golf Pro and/or the Village staff. -7- V1. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIPS At the time an application for membership is submitted, it will be incumbent upon the Applicant to show proof of resi- dency in order to receive resident rates. Acceptable documents are: 1. New Deed or Tax Bill 2. Utility Bill 3. Voter's Registration Card 4. Lease Agreement or other appropriate legal document adequate to prove residency in the Village of North Palm Beach. Memberships may be paid in full at time of application or, if desired, Installment payments are available. Installment payments will be paid in accordance with the golf membership rate installment schedule. It will be the responsibility of each applicant to read and understand the Rules ~ Regulations of the golf course prior to purchasing a membership. Each applicant must sign an Acknowledgement of Agreement to abide by the Rules ~ Regulations of the golf course. If the Acknowledgement of Agreement is not signed, the membership application will not be processed. d. Members are allowed to charge fees and purchases on their '- Country Club charge. The Country Club office bills monthly for charges on members' accounts, from the first to the end of each month. Late charges are computed on the member's previous balance, less payments and credits, at the rate of 1-1/2% per month (annual percentage of 18%). Monthly state- ments reflect billing date as well as the date when payments are due. e. Any members(s) whose account(s) become delinquent (60 days and over) shall be refused starting times and all golf and .club privileges until the account is satisfied. f. All delinquent accounts must be satisfied before purchasing a membership. -R_ VII. MEM6ERSHIP REFUND POLICY a. Displeasure with the Rules ~ Regulations is not an acceptable reason for a refund. b. All disability/death refunds will be refunded based on the reverse of the installment schedule and will be based on the date of notification with proper documentation. c. Following are the accepted reasons for a refund: ... Death ... Loss of Limb ... Loss of Vision ... Permanent Disability d. It is strongly recommended that if a golfer feels his health is questionable, or that he may change residence in the coming year, that the golfer not purchase a membership as no other requests for refunds will be considered. VIII. RAIN CHECK POLICY e. "If in doubt, don't go out". No refunds will be .given, under any circumstances, for rainy, cold, hot or windy weather. b. If a player has purchased a greens fee or cart fee and does '- not get to tee off, he will be issued a rain check, no refund. c. If the course is closed by staff during the hours of operation, rain checks w111 be issued as follows: One to four holes completed -Rain check for 9 and 18 hole play (as appli- cable) Five to nine holes completed - 9 hole rain check for 18 hole play Any player(s) on the back nine of their round will not receive a rain cheek -9- IX. GOLF COURSE HOURS OF OPERATION a. The hours of operation will vary, with seasonal changes, by number of daylight hours available; the hours will be posted. b. THE USE OF THE GOLF FACILITY BEFORE OR AFTER THE ASSIGNED TIME IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. X. CLUBHOUSE RULES a. All categories of players shall enjoy all privileges of the golf course, including food and beverage services, consistent with all applicable rules, ordinances and general law. b. Golf clubs and bags may not be stored in the dining room or locker rooms. c. All players are required to observe the "no smoking" signs that are posted in designated areas. ' d. Emergency messages for anyone on the golf course can be relayed to the rangers from the starter's booth or to the restaurant staff from the starter's booth or Pro Shop. e. In accordance with State law, gambling, games of chance, betting or any other form of wagering are prohibited. ALL RULES AND REGULATIONS MAY BE AMENDED, AS NECESSARY, DURING THE YEAR IN ORDER TO ACCOMPLISH GOLF COURSE GOALS. _10_ V 1 LLAGE OF NOlt7'H PALM BL'ACI1 NORTH PALM BEACH COUNTRY CLUB 951 U.S. HIGHWAY 1, NORTH PALM BEACH, FL 33908 TELEPHONE NUMBERS GOLF SHOP 626r4344 STARTER 6264343 DRIVING RANGE 626.0732 RESTAURANT 775-3460 ' ADMINISTRATION OFC. 626-4345 POOL 626-4346 TENNIS 626-6515 • t s - t JUDY M. PIERMAN, MAYOR JERRY GARDNER, VICE MAYOR V.A. MARKS, M.D., PRES. PRO TEM AL MOORE, COUNCILMAN TOM VALENTE, COUNCILMAN (All of the above may receive messages at 848-3475) ~ s ~ r r ROBERT SOUTHALL CHAIRMAN, N.P.B.C.C. ADVISORY BOARD RICHARD VOSS, VICE CHAIRMAN LUCIA TRAUGOTT, SECRETARY NORMAN McCASKILL, MEMBER FRANK SHONE, MEMBER (All of the above may receive messages at 848-3475) w • « • ~ DENNIS W. KELLY, VILLAGE MANAGER r s • s • JAMES TULLER WILLIAM J. LANTHIER GOLF PROFESSIONAL GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT