1989-19 Bid Awards-Coastal Equipment & Southland Equipment Co.RESOLUTION N0. 19-89 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE BID OF COASTAL FORD, FT. LAUDERDALE, FL, FOR CAB AND CHASSIS IN ' THE AMOUNT OF $24,731.81; AND ACCEPTING THE BIO OF SOUTHLAND EQUIPMENT COMPANY, BARTOW, FL, FOR REFUSE PACKER BODY IN THE AMOUNT OF $20,694.00; THE MONIES FOR BOTH TO BE EXPENDED FROM ACCOUNT N0. 10-534-033-66410 (AUTOMOTIVE). BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF NORTH PALM BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bid of Coastal ford, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, for cab and chassis in the amount of $24,731.81; and the bid of Southland Equipment Company, Bartow, FL, for refuse packer body in the amount of $20,694.00 are hereby accepted by the Village of North Palm Beach 1n accordance with their terms. The appropriate Village officials are hereby directed to advise said bidder of this ' acceptance. The monies are to be expended from Account No. 10-534-033-66410 (Automotive). Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 11th-DAY OF MAY 1989. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ~~- ' Vill e Jerk ~^~ 0